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i need translation/identification help...

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i need translation/identification help...

Postby soul alive » Tue Oct 26, 2004 9:44 am

yes - i am back with another question :sweat: .

the attached pictures are scans of a mini-pillowcase that was given to me when i was about 5 or 6, by my aunt, who was stationed at the Okinawa naval base at the time. she said the characters on the pillow are from some popular children's show at the time.

if someone could please translate the title (pic on right), that would be great. (i've been wondering for years what the actual name of the show was, and the fact that i speak almost no Japanese, and read none isn't much help.) and if anyone has actually ever seen it... that's even better.

thanks in advance.
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Postby shooraijin » Tue Oct 26, 2004 11:26 am

"Oh my Kosobu" is what I read it as. It doesn't make much sense to me, though.
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Postby Tenshi no Ai » Tue Oct 26, 2004 3:38 pm

I think it's "Oh My Konbu" which I looked up and had a translation of "kelp". :/ Well when I search that up it it finds stuff so I guess it's right. More sites read it as "konbu" than "kosobu" (lousy katakana...) Sounds like a pretty random series!
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Postby shooraijin » Tue Oct 26, 2004 6:55 pm

Yeah, I was puzzling over that one -- I couldn't tell which way the candy, er, stroke was going. :sweat:
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Postby soul alive » Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:14 pm

thanks shooraijin and Tenshi no Ai for your help. those candy letters are rather bizare...

from what i could tell by the pictures on the pillow - it does look like a 'pretty random series'. the characters all seem to be chibi. the three main characters - the boy, girl, and pineapple-head, um, thing - seem to be the 'heroes'. there were other crazy pictures of what seem to be villians and other characters, including a garbage can creature and a fish. the show must involve some different dimension/world where people have fruits or vegetables for heads. besides the pineapple head guy, there were creatures with onions, celery, watermelons, and oranges for heads.

i don't know if i would actually want to see the show - i would be afraid my brain would rot from the utter wierdness of it... :eh:
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Postby soul alive » Wed Oct 27, 2004 12:56 pm

i did some google searching on 'Oh My Konbu.' not much came up, but as far as i could tell, it seems that it was originally a children's manga (which actually had about 12 volumes), and in the very early 90's it was made into an anime, which ran for about half a year, with 44, 12 minute long episodes. according to one site, the original concept behind the manga was to create a menu for children, or to suggest healthy eating habits, and that this manga was created, along with several other series both for adults and children, during a time when Japan was going through a gourmet food craze. the main character (boy in yellow) was the son of a restaurant owner, or something of the sort. the title must come from some type of Japanese sea-weed dish...

lol - still looks wierd to me... ^^
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