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Kingdom Hearts... the anime!

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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Nov 19, 2005 6:58 am

kaemmerite wrote:Yeah, volume one is out, I saw it at the bookstore about two weeks ago. I flipped through it...I didn't really care for it though. You don't notice it in the video game, but when you see it in print...the art styles are so completely different, it just doesn't look right together to me.

That, and overuse of the whole giant mouth/eyes popping out syndrome. Groan.

My primary problem was how crammed and rushed everything felt. Video games and manga are two very different media, and many don't seem to understand that. Or, more likely, they were merely too focused on being faithful to the videogame in everything.
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Postby Tommy » Sat Nov 19, 2005 9:45 am

The manga is WAY too fast-paced. My firend bough it for 5 dollars and he said it was just to have as a collectible. Lance Bass did a geat Sephiroth. I just would`ve felt a lot more confident if I didn`t know it was Lnace Bass.

Yuffie: Christy Carlson Romano
Aeris (I`m SORRY AERITH!) : Mandy Moore

Mandy Moore matches Aerith but
Imagine if she had to curse like Yuffie did in FF7?!

Cid had no VA....wonder why?
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