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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:55 pm

AngelicTotoro (post: 1501335) wrote:Reading a few of these recommendations reminds me that I had been meaning to ask the content of these...

Legend of the Galactic Heroes
The Wings of Honneamise
The Sky Crawlers

LOGH is a really long series in which there is no objectionable content for LONG periods of time, but in a select few of the 110 episodes there are full nudity and rather graphically detailed scenes of gore shown to illustrate the horrors of war.

Honneamise has an attempted-rape scene that contains some nudity.

Sky Crawlers has a couple of scenes with bloody violence. Someone gets shot in the head and blood splatters in the cockpit of a plane. Also, there's a sex scene, but IIRC it is implied rather than shown. If there is nudity in it, it is not full-frontal but from the back.
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:04 pm

AngelicTotoro (post: 1501335) wrote:Terra e...

I admit to only reading the manga for this, but there was some brief violence that does include a few non-graphic death scenes because the Mu are being systematically exterminated by the regular humans. The Mu are humans with slight genetic mutations that give them psychic powers. Other than that, there's nothing to really be worried about- it's a brilliant manga, at the very least. I would label it PG-13.
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Postby AngelicTotoro » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:48 pm

Detailed violence, huh? Well, gore is a major turn off for me... and if I add the full nudity, that kinda places it in the do not watch part of my mental list... But we'll see... >>
As for TWoH, anything thing that even implies rape bothers me muchly...
so since it has a scene, I guess that means no Honneamise for me.
And as long as the sex scene in Sky Crawlers is just implied, well then thats okay.
I've seen pg13 movies with way worse. dX (Not that it justifies it, just sayin'.)

@Atria: Sounds pretty awesome actually, not that I like death or anything... I don't! 0_0
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Postby Lockon Stratos » Thu Sep 08, 2011 1:20 pm

Ah, so this is the land of recommendations of which you spoke.
I wish to make a formal plea for assistance.
I am a lover of the house of anime Sunrise and enjoy the works of the great Miyazaki.
The subjects that I wish to avoid is garb and language most foul.
(So Atria, hows my Old English?)
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Postby A_Yellow_Dress » Thu Sep 08, 2011 8:55 pm

Post moved 'cause I was stupid and posted in the wrong thread... How do I delete this post???
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Postby Smileloviene » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:09 pm

Alright, so here's the deal. I want to watch an anime (series, preferably) with my younger sister... and I'm looking for something CLEAN. As you probably know, this can be exceedingly difficult. I've already watched a few series with her... and I'm totally shot on ideas.

Requirements: #1: NO FANSERVICE, SEXUAL CONTENT, OR ANYTHING IN THAT AREA. A few bad jokes will prolly go over her head - so I might be open to something that has a LITTLE bit of that (even though that sort of stuff still annoys me) #2: No gore, please. She's about twelve, and I don't want her to see something like a person's head being ripping off or guts flying - ya know? She can handle action violence, and she's really not a wimp in that area at all. She can handle darker things pretty well too, but nothing totally creepy. #3: A MINIMAL AMOUNT OF LANGUAGE - she knows some bad words, but not all of them, and I want to preserve her innocence, kay? Hahaha, I think that's pretty self explanatory, right? #4: And in case you were thinking of it... any horror anime are totally a no go - for her sake AND mine I watched a scary anime once and was TOTALLY scarred for life... so as long as its not that - i'll be okay...

Okay, so so far we have watched...
*D.N. Angel
*Area 88
*Pandora Hearts
*She's also seen anime movies like: Ponyo , Castle in the Sky, Tales of EarthSea, and Orgin: Spirits of the Past

We both like fantasy - so that's a plus
Also... it would be nice if it wasn't TOTALLY cheesy, so I'm not bored to death, you know hahaha

Anyway, I'll appreciate any input - and possibly a really quick rundown of bad content a series has if your suggesting it Thanks so much, and I'm really open to options
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Postby Atria35 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:19 pm

Okay, first and most obvious reccomendation:

FMA/FMA Brotherhood. If she can handle Pandora Hearts, she can handle these. What to watch out for: Well, the main character states he's an agnostic at the beginning. This turns out to not be true- he clearly states there are some things that are truly God's territory, and to watch out for false priests (okay, not directly, but it's the gist of it). It also does turn into a show that acknowledges the divine. However! The original only adapts the first few volumes. I'd say watch until episode....oh, jeez, where did they go off from the storyline? Someone else will know. But then watch from the beginning of Brotherhood, since they rushed through the storyline that was covered in the first adaptation, and there are definite differences between them.

Princess Tutu- Very little gore or outright violence. Pretty much no language. Typical transformation scene- barbie-doll sparkle-color nudity, with no sexual content. Starts out a typical magical girl, gets good on the 4th episode. This is dark because it goes to the root stories of the ballet, which were very grim when you know the original versions. But also has great humor, and is an overall excelent show.

Romeo x Juliet - not the version you might be familiar with! No nudity/fanservice/sexual content (one scene may give the idea that it's going in that direction, but it doesn't), very little language, and set in a fantasy world. Yes, it has some violence, but pointless gore- or gore at all- is in short supply. It's mostly 'red color spreads on shirt'. And I think the romance is better than in the original.
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Postby Smileloviene » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:30 pm

Atria35 (post: 1504477) wrote:Okay, first and most obvious reccomendation:

FMA/FMA Brotherhood. If she can handle Pandora Hearts, she can handle these. What to watch out for: Well, the main character states he's an agnostic at the beginning. This turns out to not be true- he clearly states there are some things that are truly God's territory, and to watch out for false priests (okay, not directly, but it's the gist of it). It also does turn into a show that acknowledges the divine. However! The original only adapts the first few volumes. I'd say watch until episode....oh, jeez, where did they go off from the storyline? Someone else will know. But then watch from the beginning of Brotherhood, since they rushed through the storyline that was covered in the first adaptation, and there are definite differences between them.

Princess Tutu- Very little gore or outright violence. Pretty much no language. Typical transformation scene- barbie-doll sparkle-color nudity, with no sexual content. Starts out a typical magical girl, gets good on the 4th episode. This is dark because it goes to the root stories of the ballet, which were very grim when you know the original versions. But also has great humor, and is an overall excelent show.

Romeo x Juliet - not the version you might be familiar with! No nudity/fanservice/sexual content (one scene may give the idea that it's going in that direction, but it doesn't), very little language, and set in a fantasy world. Yes, it has some violence, but pointless gore- or gore at all- is in short supply. It's mostly 'red color spreads on shirt'. And I think the romance is better than in the original.

Let's see... I've watch FMA, but never the brotherhood... Yeah... she can prolly handle it, so I'll think about that one. Is the brotherhood a done series now?

Let's see... I've never watched Princess Tutu - I'm not much for the whole "power girl" genre... haha, but since it's for her sake I'll ask her if she's interested :)

Romeo and Juliet- Yes, I LOVE that series, and have thought about it too, but we aren't watching it yet for complicated reasons ;)

And yeah, I know Pandora Hearts has some violence, that's why I said she can handle quite a bit :thumb: I was mostly referring to thinks excessively violent, which I consider the definition of gore, sorry I wasn't clear.

But yeah, thank you for the recommendations :)
[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"][color="DarkOrchid"]The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. ~ Habakkuk 3:19[/color][/SIZE][/font][PHP][/PHP]


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Postby Atria35 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:39 pm

[quote="Smileloviene (post: 1504484)"]Let's see... I've watch FMA, but never the brotherhood... Yeah... she can prolly handle it, so I'll think about that one. Is the brotherhood a done series now?

Let's see... I've never watched Princess Tutu - I'm not much for the whole "power girl" genre... haha, but since it's for her sake I'll ask her if she's interested :)

Romeo and Juliet- Yes, I LOVE that series, and have thought about it too, but we aren't watching it yet for complicated reasons ]

Brotherhood has finished airing, thank goodness. Princess Tutu tends to be liked be people that don't generally care for the genre, so definitely give it a shot. Hope you can get around to Romeo x Juliet soon.

Seirei no Moribito- low on violence. No language that I can recall. Two sentences that reference sex at the end of the series (the boy is asking why two people haven't gotten pregnant and married, and is immediately cut off). There's an almost-arranged-marriage between a 12 year old girl and an older man- this is set back in the day, so it's a cultural thing. They are dealing with a legend about a water spirit that can cast their country into drought.

Kemono no Souja Erin- very low on violence, very low on language, and while it is considered a children's show, it has depth and incredible characterization. It's a show everyone can enjoy- like a really long Ghibli film.
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Postby Smileloviene » Wed Sep 14, 2011 8:48 pm

Atria35 (post: 1504490) wrote:Brotherhood has finished airing, thank goodness. Princess Tutu tends to be liked be people that don't generally care for the genre, so definitely give it a shot. Hope you can get around to Romeo x Juliet soon.

Seirei no Moribito- low on violence. No language that I can recall. Two sentences that reference sex at the end of the series (the boy is asking why two people haven't gotten pregnant and married, and is immediately cut off). There's an almost-arranged-marriage between a 12 year old girl and an older man- this is set back in the day, so it's a cultural thing. They are dealing with a legend about a water spirit that can cast their country into drought.

Kemono no Souja Erin- very low on violence, very low on language, and while it is considered a children's show, it has depth and incredible characterization. It's a show everyone can enjoy- like a really long Ghibli film.

Yes, Romeo and Juliet will happen soon... just not yet ;)
Well, I'll prolly be watching FMA brotherhood soon anyway, then, cause I loved FMA :cool: whether or not I'll watch it with her is still on the shelf.

I'll definitely look into the other recommendations though, including princess tutu, so thanks again :)
[font="Book Antiqua"][SIZE="4"][color="DarkOrchid"]The LORD God is my strength, and he will make my feet like hinds' feet, and he will make me to walk upon mine high places. ~ Habakkuk 3:19[/color][/SIZE][/font][PHP][/PHP]


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Postby mysngoeshere56 » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:37 pm

Atria35 (post: 1504477) wrote:Princess Tutu- Very little gore or outright violence. Pretty much no language. Typical transformation scene- barbie-doll sparkle-color nudity, with no sexual content. Starts out a typical magical girl, gets good on the 4th episode. This is dark because it goes to the root stories of the ballet, which were very grim when you know the original versions. But also has great humor, and is an overall excelent show.

I second this. It's relatively clean (though it does get pretty dark in the second half of the show). Language is pretty minimal - I think the worst I've heard was a d-word every now and again, but it's been a few years since I've watched it so my memory's a little fuzzy. And yes, there's nudity, but it's very undetailed. Barbie dolls are worse. It is very bizarre at times, but if you can handle the "out there" kind of moments, I think you're good to go. :) Good idea for a recommendation, Atria!

If you want a family-friendly type of anime, Angelic Layer might be a good one. It's not necessarily "fantasy" in the traditional sense, but it's sci-fi, if you can consider that "fantasy" (the genres are commonly paired together). Basically, imagine pre-teens (mostly girls) fighting battles with super-cool Barbie dolls and action figures. It's kind of like Pokemon from a more feminine perspective (it's considered shonen but definitely has more aspects of shojo), but it also focuses on friendships and love just as much as it focuses on training your "angel" (what they call the dolls). It's really clean, and from what I can remember only had a minimal amount of language and subtle innuendo. It'd be among my top recommendations to those with young children and/or siblings they want to watch clean anime with.
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Postby Crossfire » Wed Sep 14, 2011 10:45 pm

Well, my first post in this thread got deleted, so I'm going to try this again.

I'm looking for a good anime that's aviation based that isn't Area 88, Skycrawlers, or Stratos 4.
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Postby Maokun » Thu Sep 15, 2011 12:03 am

Two words: Last Exile.

Also, Porco Rosso, even though it's only a movie.

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Postby rocklobster » Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:09 am

I also recommend the ones mysngoeshere recommended. And I'll add My Neighbor Totoro, an anime so sugary, it'll give you cavities.
Oh, and Haibane Renmei if you can find it. Can't go wrong with pretty scenery and angels learning redemption.
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:15 am

Crossfire (post: 1504526) wrote:Well, my first post in this thread got deleted, so I'm going to try this again.

I'm looking for a good anime that's aviation based that isn't Area 88, Skycrawlers, or Stratos 4.

THe Cockpit.

Seconding Last Exile.
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Postby Juliannesan » Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:39 am

Crossfire (post: 1504526) wrote:Well, my first post in this thread got deleted, so I'm going to try this again.

I'm looking for a good anime that's aviation based that isn't Area 88, Skycrawlers, or Stratos 4.

Yukikaze! It's basically a 4 part OVA series, but I really enjoyed it! :)
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Postby Smileloviene » Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:35 am

rocklobster (post: 1504564) wrote:I also recommend the ones mysngoeshere recommended. And I'll add My Neighbor Totoro, an anime so sugary, it'll give you cavities.
Oh, and Haibane Renmei if you can find it. Can't go wrong with pretty scenery and angels learning redemption.

Hahaha, yeah, we've watched my Neighbor Totoro :) it's really cute

Thanks to all of you for the recommendations :thumb: I think we'll be busy for a while now
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Postby mysngoeshere56 » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:59 pm

So after getting through most of Mermaid Melody, I've decided that I'd definitely prefer something different... The premise was cute, and the graphics were adorable, but the characters were really annoying. So shallow and one-dimensional, and not even in a cute way (because most of them were pretty irritating). Hanon was definitely the most guilty, by far.

Plus, the fact that it was a "magical girl" anime (as in, Sailor Moon-style "magical girl") was what pretty much ruined it most. It'd be cool if they could actually transform and fight, but they just sing and their songs hurt their enemies ears? I found that just bizarre, even if the songs are cute/catchy. I say give them actual battling powers, or just leave that out entirely and focus on the love story... But even if they did that, it wouldn't have taken care of the poor characterization and development.

So, does anybody have any other anime featuring mermaids that I might be interested in? Oh, and no worries if it's about mermen - I actually like it better if there are both (but one or the other is still fine, so recommend it even if it's just one or the other). Here's my MAL, if you all would like to take a look at it:

As you can see, I'm usually into darker and more gothic stuff, but even I enjoy the occasional shojo romantic comedy (like Fruits Basket and Ouran High School Host Club). So, if it's a "dark fantasy", that's just fine with me. :) Likewise, if it's something "cute", that's fine... just as long as it's not... well, like Mermaid Melody.

Oh and also, I already know about Mermaid Forest/Mermaid's Scar. The premise was interesting, I will give it that. I watched part of the first episode. The parts I watched weren't all that bad, and I was kinda interested in how things were going to develop between the characters, but it did freak me out a bit. And if you read my MAL, you probably noticed that I'm not easily freaked out.

So, does anybody have any recommendations?
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Postby Juliannesan » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:11 pm

Did you try watching My Bride is a Mermaid? I couldn't make it past the first episode. But that doesn't mean others won't/don't enjoy it. It's mostly a comedy/romance show.
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Postby Atria35 » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:45 pm

Juliannesan (post: 1504769) wrote:Did you try watching My Bride is a Mermaid? I couldn't make it past the first episode. But that doesn't mean others won't/don't enjoy it. It's mostly a comedy/romance show.

I'll second this one. It's pretty popular, and has enough fans that I'm really curious to watch it myself. Ponyo is also technically a mermaid anime... But there really aren't that many that are good and have mermaids.
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Postby Maokun » Thu Sep 15, 2011 8:58 pm

Yes, if you want to see mermaids and are into dark stuff, Mermaid Forest is what you are looking for. Also, the first episode of Petshop of Horrors. *grin*

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Postby Crossfire » Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:05 pm

Thanks for the suggestions everyone! I looked into Last Exile, but I'm generally not a fan of steam-punk. The Cockpit looks good despite it's age, and Yukekaze looks interesting as well. Guess I'll watch that first.

Edit: Just remembered another series I watched several years ago. I think "Alison to Lilia" was the name. I'd have to give it another watch to be sure, but I remember loving it due to the WWI/IIish setting.
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Postby Neane » Thu Sep 15, 2011 11:12 pm

For Mermaid Anime, You Should Check Out The Japanese Anime of Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid. (Japanese Title: Andersen Dōwa - Ningyo Hime) It's Good to watch. (Word of Advice: Have a Tissue Box Ready when watching this anime. You might need it.)
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Postby mysngoeshere56 » Fri Sep 16, 2011 8:30 am

Thanks everyone. I'll be sure to check these out, and I also decided to at least watch a few episodes of Mermaid Forest.

[quote="Neane (post: 1504814)"]For Mermaid Anime, You Should Check Out The Japanese Anime of Hans Christian Andersen's The Little Mermaid. (Japanese Title: Andersen Dō]

[spoiler]Oh... I'm guessing they use the classic ending, then? Because the original tale had a sad ending.[/spoiler]
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Postby Lockon Stratos » Fri Sep 16, 2011 2:23 pm

Okay I'll speak normally. What I'm looking for is a relatively clean anime that my mom won't jump on me about. She hates the fanservice, even though I'm almost completely unnaffected by that.(I'm not a normal teenager in that regard.) She jumps on me for any language above darn. (And she sometimes complains about that.) Anyway I prefer science fiction especially mecha anime. It's what got me interested in the genre in the first place. I've seen Heroic Age and loved it, so something like that would be cool.
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:28 pm

how about Galaxy Express 999. The whole thing's on Crunchy Roll, and it's one of the earliest space opera-themed anime.
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Postby Atria35 » Fri Sep 16, 2011 3:59 pm

Lockon Stratos (post: 1504986) wrote:Okay I'll speak normally. What I'm looking for is a relatively clean anime that my mom won't jump on me about. She hates the fanservice, even though I'm almost completely unnaffected by that.(I'm not a normal teenager in that regard.) She jumps on me for any language above darn. (And she sometimes complains about that.) Anyway I prefer science fiction especially mecha anime. It's what got me interested in the genre in the first place. I've seen Heroic Age and loved it, so something like that would be cool.

Steins] just finished airing. Very clean in terms of fanservice, I don't recall any language. There is violence- they're trying to stop a murder from happening. So some blood, thankfully it isn't really graphic.

[B]Night on the Galactic Railroad
is an older movie, but clean.

[B]Eve no Jikan[/B] is also a good choice. One swear, but clean clean clean!

Rideback is fabulous. Clean in pretty much every respect.
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Postby TheSubtleDoctor » Fri Sep 16, 2011 10:26 pm

Lockon Stratos (post: 1504986) wrote:Okay I'll speak normally. What I'm looking for is a relatively clean anime that my mom won't jump on me about. She hates the fanservice, even though I'm almost completely unnaffected by that.(I'm not a normal teenager in that regard.) She jumps on me for any language above darn. (And she sometimes complains about that.) Anyway I prefer science fiction especially mecha anime. It's what got me interested in the genre in the first place. I've seen Heroic Age and loved it, so something like that would be cool.
Now this I can do.

Here is a short list of some stellar mecha titles that contain no fan service and very little, if any language.

Giant Robo
Tetsujin 28-no go
Patlabor TV
The Big O
After War: Gundam X
Voltes V
The Vision of Escaflowne
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Postby Lockon Stratos » Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:29 pm

Thanks. But I have to mention something else.
I prefer Dubbed. Now before you all get on me about how subbed is better, I realize that dubs can be lousy. I favor them more because of my siblings who watch with me sometimes. My sister is 6 going on 7, and can't read that fast or well. Also, I'm trying to minimize the odd stares from my mom. Watching a show in a foreign language that I don't speak would only make it more awkward.
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Postby Atria35 » Sat Sep 17, 2011 6:40 pm

^ Eve no Jikan, Night on the Galactic Railroad, and Steins;Gate have no dub as of this moment. Rideback CAN be watched in dub on Funi's website. I think Escaflowne is the same way (seconding. oh, my gosh I love that series).

If you want clean series, you're just going to have to deal with a good solid half of them not having dubs. At all.
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