Hitokiri wrote:I bought this title on a whim at 19 dollars at Best Buy and instantly fall in love with it. I find it a hopeless romance and I guess I just like that. I would of liked to see it a bit longer but it still a great piece of work.
The soundtrack is awesome as well. I perosnally love it.
AnimeHeretic wrote:I guess the original script allowed for more development of the story.
[spoiler]I understand originally, the guy was supposed to join the military at the end of the story too and go off to find her.[/spoiler]
Don't know why that part wasn't made.
AnimeHeretic wrote:Well, the potential for the long range romance was there, but they spent too much time with space battles. I thought they really missed a good twist with the time it takes to send messages. Maybe something along the lines of the girl being the same age for each of the messages, but the guy being a different age with the receipt of each message: like maybe a month out of high school, a year out, the guy finishes college, gets married, has kids and receives her final message shortly before dying. If you really want to add drama, perhaps add something like the ship being destroyed and their hearing of it on earth before some of her messages arrived-- especially if her last message would have been upbeat when he knows she's dead.
That's how I would have directed it anyway...
AnimeHeretic wrote:Well, the potential for the long range romance was there, but they spent too much time with space battles. I thought they really missed a good twist with the time it takes to send messages. Maybe something along the lines of the girl being the same age for each of the messages, but the guy being a different age with the receipt of each message: like maybe a month out of high school, a year out, the guy finishes college, gets married, has kids and receives her final message shortly before dying. If you really want to add drama, perhaps add something like the ship being destroyed and their hearing of it on earth before some of her messages arrived-- especially if her last message would have been upbeat when he knows she's dead.
That's how I would have directed it anyway...
termyt wrote:Um, that is what's happening.
[spoiler]He doesn't get married because he's waiting for her, as if she's going to show up instead of her next message. (It would change the story significantly if he just went on with life with out her. The point is he couldn't go on with out her. After a few years of laying about, he finally joins the military and goes through the academy training and passes like the girl did before him. The whole process takes many years. We know of the time it takes because the girl tells us how long it will take her message to get to him.[/spoiler]
I thought the meaning was perfectly clear. I really didn't need to see it directly to know what was going on.
Well, i didnt see the dubb i saw the original. Come on, one guy made it on his computer alone. Thats pretty amazing. Thats mean to say that the Japanese r obsessed.. well they can be a little to materialistic but everyone can be.Yojimbo wrote:I think this anime is really overated honestly. For one I thought the dubbing was terrible. I had to turn the volume way up to even understand what they were saying half the time. But then when I realized how boring and moapy the dialogue was I wish I kept it down. The characters were likewise boring and one dimensional. Yeah I know it was only 30 minutes and that isn't much time to develop a character for a full movie, but regardless.
The whole cell phone thing was a big gimmick I thought. Because we all know that the Japanese treat their cell phones like a pet and are obsessed with them. I feel it was just an excuse to throw the cell phone text messaging thing in there. Besides you can't tell me that in the future with spacecruisers that travel lightyears, they still use circa late 90's text messaging services... The only good thing was the animation which had a very interesting style, but that didn't save it for me.
YeaJeikobu wrote:I liked it. Pretty impressive for a half-hour film all done on one guy's laptop. I would've liked it to go further, like showing if Mikako and Noboru ever saw each other again. But I guess that's left up to the viewer. ^^
KOBUSHInoTENSHU wrote:Well, i didnt see the dubb i saw the original. Come on, one guy made it on his computer alone. Thats pretty amazing. Thats mean to say that the Japanese r obsessed.. well they can be a little to materialistic but everyone can be.
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