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Midori no Hibi (Midori Days)

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Midori no Hibi (Midori Days)

Postby Momo-P » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:03 pm

Just out of curiosity, does anyone but me like this anime? It's true it does contain some nudity, but if you're not bothered by that sort of thing...well it's actually really good. o_o; I mean, it's not like they get into sex or anything, so it's fairly clean otherwise.

Another interesting note is that the ending theme surprisingly mentions God. From what I can see, it's suppose to be from the main female character, Midori's point of view and pretty much just says, "Please God, help me with this", as in, help her tell Seji she loves him...which I thought was kind of cool to hear for once.

But anywho, does anyone? The manga's pretty good too, but I HIGHLY suggest staying away from it. The nudity is cranked up more on it, and they even try to shove some yaoi into it...thankfully though, the anime version didn't carry any of that over.
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Postby Yeito » Wed Aug 03, 2005 4:49 pm

Lol. I have it! It is pretty good if you over-look the boobshots. Oh my goodness though... I didn't think I was going to live through the third episode! x_X (the one in the bathhouse with his sister.... )
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Postby Momo-P » Wed Aug 03, 2005 6:41 pm

Oi...oh yes. Seiji's sister is just terrible when it comes to nudity. x_x I'm just grateful they didn't go anywhere beyond the breast shots though. *lol* Not to mention the most porn stuff that's ever mentioned is Midori destroying all the "evil". XD
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Postby Yeito » Wed Aug 03, 2005 7:11 pm

Lol. Yah that was funny. Have you seen the third one? Cause I know it was supposed to come out a few weeks ago but the Suncoast here never got it in. :-:

I guess I'll just have to special order it like I did the second one e_e+

o_o and if you have seen it, how did the nudity in it go? Cause I noticed that the second dvd had WAAAAAAY less shots than the first one did.

First one = like five shots
Second = one shot

o_o; So compared to those two how'd it do? :is just wondering:
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Postby Rev. Doc » Wed Aug 03, 2005 8:40 pm

Unfortunately, it was just way over the top for me in regard to nudity and language. It should definately have a 16+ rating. While the premise of the show could have been very cute it seems like they went out of their way to push it beyond a good romantic comedy to border on something much more risque.

I couldn't recommend it to other members here given it's content.
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Postby lostlamb99 » Thu Aug 04, 2005 3:43 am

I just like the closing song and I never really saw teh episodes my cousin just told me about it. Good thing you guys told me or else...... Hehe but it looks nice except for teh you know.
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Postby Momo-P » Thu Aug 04, 2005 6:45 am

Well how many episodes are per DVD Yeito? I haven't got to buy the dub yet, I own a Japanese "box set". Still though, I can't say I remember the nudity getting horribly worse toward the end.
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Postby Yeito » Thu Aug 04, 2005 12:42 pm

I've seen the first... :counts on fingers: nine episodes. Which leaves the last four. o_o

Yah, Rev. Doc. I wouldn't reccomend it to ANYONE x_x I kinda plan on selling it as a box once I get the last dvd cause i got the first dvd with the box not knowing about all the nudity. But I decided to finish it so I can sell it as a boxed set and get good money for it and buy something else o_o+ Like finish one of my various other series that never got finished =_=;

But I close my eyes when stuff like that pops up on the screen. That or just look away.
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Postby Momo-P » Thu Aug 04, 2005 7:33 pm

Last four? Then you're fine. From here on out the show soley focuses on Midori and the "real Midori".

*sigh* It's quite sad they did have to add the nudity in it though. Like I said before, aside from that, the show is really good. Guess it just depends on what you can personally handle though...
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