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Anime Test Drive DVDs

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Anime Test Drive DVDs

Postby FadedOne » Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:44 pm

hmm...ok, this is a new thing I saw at Borders today. I lurk the anime section, so they apparently just started stalking these. I saw two different DVDs titled 'Anime test drive' for $8 each and they claim to have 2 episodes of a certain anime plus 45minutes of trailers. Has anyone else seen/bought one of these?

I got the one for Now and Then, Here and There b/c i'm certain I saw a couple people raving about that series on the forums here. so yeah...the other was Record of Lodoss War(title?)but I only had enough $$ for one of them lol and I dont know much about that anime.

I still have to watch the actual episodic content, but I watched/skimmed most of the '45 minutes of trailers'. bleh. Other than a few obviously familiar titles (Grave of the Fireflies and a couple others i forget) alot of the trailers seemed rather uninteresting 90's anime. (lol...for the record, that's just a lousy sentence. i'm not saying ALL 90's anime is uninteresting..just that these trailers did not inspire all that much fascination lol) So much for the trailers lol. Granted I didn't expect much so that's aight. Now hopefully the 2 episodes will be good enough to warrant the $8. ^_^

anyways...I was curious if others had seen these DVDs and could tell me if they were worth buying or not.
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Postby eva-boy7985 » Thu Jul 28, 2005 11:32 pm

To my knowledge these were mainly made in the 90s. Hence, the "old" trailers :-) Honestly, I just see them as fancy adverstising for whatever show they're premiering. Unless they offer anything else unique or signifcantly cool, I'd say they're not really worth the money.....
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Postby FadedOne » Fri Jul 29, 2005 9:14 am

^ made in the 90s? o.O The back of the DVD definitely says 2001, unless it was a relicense. hmm.. and yeah, I agree on the worth..but if I hadn't bought it I guess I would have mourned. lol...I'll probably give it to the library or something later
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