kingoleer wrote:Hey, I saw this anime, Crest of the Hidden Stars, wonder if anyone else had seen it? IT looks pretty good but I'm not sure what episode I saw or what, it was on Tek TV and of course next time I went to watch it Boogie Pop Phantom was on instead.
Don't know anything about this anime but I would love to see it again....IF anyone has seen it tell me about it, what you liked about it, a little of the background on the story if you could.....seems to me like it was about this planet and these aliens who came to it from another planet they had destroyed....I'm not real sure.
Anyway, any help in this would be appreciated. Thanks!!
First off, it's "Crest of the Stars" if you're going by the NA (canadian) title... I saw CotS, Lain, Boogiepop, Dual, Most of silent mobius, Gatekeepers 21, and like 3 eps of betterman (eew) and must say that TechTV has a nice selection for people who aren't into the same stuff that CN shovels as the examples of ALL anime...
CotS, the first anime they showed, was decent. The dub was horrible, but not the worst one around. The story was slow, quite a change from the anime many TV anime fans were used to from CN. It was a nice series but not the best. It wasn't about any planet, it was a broad-narrow scope of
1. Broad: The war between the Abh and a certain group of humans.
2. Narrow: Lafiel and Jinhto and their part in the much bigger happenings... It balanced the broad and narrow quite well because if it would have focused too much on the broad part of the story, I would have stopped watching it.
There is nothing spectacular or particularly climactic about the show. It had a plot and a danger, but it was pretty casual the whole way through. It doesn't require too much thought, but I'd venture to say the story is way too subdued for many people. Not as subdued as, say, My Neighbor Totoro, but pretty subdued nonetheless.
Lain showed after that, and was also subdued but unlike CotS had QUITE a climactic point... That's another thread, though.