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Fushigi Yuugi question and something else

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Fushigi Yuugi question and something else

Postby Angel Mitsuki » Thu Apr 28, 2005 12:42 pm

Anyone who's seen FY can maybe help me with this one...

Ya see, for years now I've been a fan of FY. I always thought the series was cute, and Miaka reminded me of myself at times. Problem? The nudity is not the problem. Since most of the nudity is female, and well, I'M female, it's not exactly anything that I freak out over. ^^; My problem lies within, you guessed it, Nuriko.

Do I hate Nuriko? No, I love him. He's so nuts and crap, and the way he annoyed Miaka upon meeting her was entertaining. The only thing that worries me is his deal know. x_x; I don't approve of what he does, even though I know why he does it, I's still wrong. Thing is though, I love the rest of the series dearly! Nothing in it aside from that is really wrong. However, I need to ask, do you think I should get rid of it?

I'm a little afraid God's not going to be too pleased with me because of Nuriko's issues, and henceforth, well...we all know the answer there. This problem is REALLY bugging me. I keep thinking "I'll just get rid of it!" But since the problem isn't something gigantic that's always there, I almost feel like I'll be throwing it out for no reason. But that's what annoys me. It's like I love God more than anything, so not wanting to destroy something for him feels like I'm being really bad. T_T So guys...experienced fans of this show, what do you suggest?

Do you think it's really gonna kill anything to still watch it, I mean, and ignore that crap? I mean, that's really what I did anyways...

My second problem in the title doesn't deal with FY though, it deals with another story, Magical Project S, the Tenchi Muyo spin-off with Sasami. Over all, the series is absolutely adorable and squeaky clean. The thing is rated 3Up for crying out loud!! Problem with it? In one episode, for easily less than three min. Sasami is running from a monster and pleas to the Lord for help. She then doesn't receive help and proceeds to make a comment saying that she should have known there was no such thing as God. x_x Aside that ONE scene in that ONE episode that lasts for about 30 seconds, nothing else is wrong! I'd really hate to destroy the entire series for one scene that I could easily jump over...heck...the episode it takes place in isn't even important to the plot! But...getting in trouble with God is a bigger matter.

So suggestions guys? I really do love both of these series, so seeing these problems is really annoying. If I have to, yes, I will dispose of them, I did it with even a "forbidden" title I REALLY loved. Even smashed the DVD's to bits so no one else would possibly get ahold of the thing, but to do that to something that...well....isn't THAT bad seems a little sad. Especially when I know my parents spent money on them for me...

Help would be appreciative! ^^; Thanks.
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Postby Kisa » Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:48 pm

If it bothers you just don't watch it, but I know what you mean. FY is a good story and all and Nuriko can be a bit much, but I try to ignore him....
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Postby Arnobius » Thu Apr 28, 2005 1:53 pm

There is a reason for Noriko's behavior. If you want to know so you can make a moral decision, let me and I'll PM you with the explanation...
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Postby Mithrandir » Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:05 pm

Hmm... The semi-official policy at CAA regarding watching anime with scenes that do not glorify God is: "If it's something you feel the holy spirit convicting you on, you probably ought not watch it." This is also our policy on quite a few things. Something perfectly OK for me to watch may cause my brother to stumble. Does that mean I throw away my stuff? Only if he will stumble if I do not. I don't watch some things around some peoople.

If the part of FY that bugs you (or any other anime for that matter) is something that will cause you to stumble, then by all means get rid of it. If you find it "humorous" then I wouldn't worry too much about it.
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Postby Angel Mitsuki » Thu Apr 28, 2005 2:24 pm

If the part of FY that bugs you (or any other anime for that matter) is something that will cause you to stumble, then by all means get rid of it. If you find it "humorous" then I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Well going by that, then I guess there isn't too much of a problem. I don't approve of what Noriko does, but much of it is indeed humorous, and it's not changing my views at all. The only reason I brought it up was due to it angering the Lord rather than me. I mean, it takes A LOT to annoy me. ^^; Just sometimes, just because it doesn't bother me doesn't mean it's right.

There is a reason for Noriko's behavior. If you want to know so you can make a moral decision, let me and I'll PM you with the explanation...

Well I know why he does it, I just never saw up till that point. All I really wanted to know is if he continued to do it after explaining himself. I mean, I really don't know, so spolier tags would be nice about now. XD

As for the Sasami thing, eh, I'll probably just ignore it. I asked God for a sign with those things, and after that all I saw regarding FY was good, so it's possile he could be outright telling me not to worry (which I hope XD). The Sasami thing is a boring epy anyways, and I rarely watch the series, so I don't think it's much to worry about. Like I said though, I just wanted some direct answers because I didn't want God mad at me. ^^;
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Postby Nate » Thu Apr 28, 2005 3:46 pm

Angel Mitsuki wrote:Well I know why he does it, I just never saw up till that point. All I really wanted to know is if he continued to do it after explaining himself. I mean, I really don't know, so spolier tags would be nice about now. XD

[SPOILER=Nuriko]No, he doesn't ever really stop being gay, but he does cut his hair and starts to dress more like a guy, and even starts acting more like one. Now, as for something about Eikoden, which you may not want to read if you plan to watch that series...[/SPOILER]
[SPOILER=Nuriko in Eikoden]In Eikoden, the four celestial warriors that died are reborn into new bodies that they wanted. Nuriko is reborn as a little girl, so s/he can't be gay after that point. XD[/SPOILER]

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Postby Jasdero » Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:25 pm

Eh... it's just like any other anime series: If you don't think you should watch it, don't watch it.
Angel Mitsuki wrote:If I have to, yes, I will dispose of them, I did it with even a "forbidden" title I REALLY loved. Even smashed the DVD's to bits so no one else would possibly get ahold of the thing, but to do that to something that...well....isn't THAT bad seems a little sad. Especially when I know my parents spent money on them for me...

In -my- opinion, I don't think you should.. go that far with these series. XD;;;; If they're bugging you -that- much, why not just sell it on eBay? Personally, I don't find Fushigi Yugi to be "bad." It isn't my favorite series (it irritates me XD;;; ), but during the time when I read the manga/watched the anime, I never considered it to be inappropriate and such. As for Magical Project S, I've never seen it and don't have much of an opinion. Just, once again, if either of these are making you feel "unclean" or whatever to the point where you're unsure of whether or not they're un-Christianlike, simply discontinue watching them.
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Postby Doubleshadow » Thu Apr 28, 2005 4:30 pm

I decided to stop buying the manga due to that. It's something that convicted me enough that I knew I couldn't support it by buying it.
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