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Ghost in the Shell

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Ghost in the Shell

Postby GreyRauken » Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:47 am

havent seen it. Want to. Your opinions on storyline, characters, content...Please

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Postby Roy Mustang » Fri Nov 19, 2004 10:58 am

Well, are you talking about the Movie or the tv one?

The TV one is on AS right now on Cartoon Network.

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Postby GreyRauken » Fri Nov 19, 2004 11:04 am

Anyone of them

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Postby mechana2015 » Fri Nov 19, 2004 12:48 pm

Wow... kinda a tall order. I have seen one of the mangas, the first movie and as much of the TV series as has been released in the US on DVD.

As far as I know there are: 2 mangas, the original and Man Machine Interface; 2 movies, Ghost in the Shell and Innocence; and a TV show with two seasons. There are also at least 2 video games.

All of these have different ratings. I will review Man Machine Interface, the first movie, and the first three discs of the TV series.

Man Machine Interface first. This is the second manga series. I have not read the first one. The female costumes in this are skimpy at best and skin tight/non existant at worst. There are a lot of opportunity shots as well. There wasn't a lot of cursing in this series as far as could see. The plot is odd cyberpunk as is usual for the series, I wasn't able to get beyond that due to clothing problems with the charachters. There is drug use but it seems to be portrayed in a negative sense.
I cannot recommend this on a good conscience due to the large problems with nudity.

The first movie is known as a classic... i have not seen it in a while but it does face the same issues as MMI, since the main charachter must be nude to use their "cloaking" device, and it is used quite a bit. There is blood and gore in this series, due to several gunbattles. There are also some strange scenes with some odd ascending beyond normal humanity conversations and metaphysical connotations through out. Charachters arn't very deep. Storyline is odd and apparently follows the first manga. I can only reccommend this to mature individuals due to the content. Also look here for more opinions>>>

The TV series is much cleaner. For reviews I will reference you to several other threads. and since they cover eveddrything I could say except for the next note.

I will make the note that there are some very disturbing scenes (severe torture/pain) in one of the episodes on the third disc... along the lines of Saving Private Ryan D-Day/most disturbing ep of CSI you could think of/Full Metal Jacket/Clockwork Orange. the first 2 DVD's were 13 and up...3rd is 16 and up, specifically for that episode. I reccommend PMing me for details if you are curious, since I will not post them, and, if you are sensitive to that kind of thing, not watching ep 10, since it is a stand alone episode on Batou's background.

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Postby Yojimbo » Fri Nov 19, 2004 3:29 pm

There is a review on it and you should check that out first. I'll write something when I have the time though.
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Postby aule1701 » Sun Nov 21, 2004 8:19 pm

First of all the animetion is great in all of series and Both movies all were great in the mind and what is a human? as well as great action and cool tech stuff from the whole mature themes yew there was many intances but if you think of it as art which the dictore did it is ok still if you are offended by it i would not watch
i personal liked it and consider it a essential anime to watch
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Postby KOBUSHInoTENSHU » Sat Dec 11, 2004 3:27 pm

i thought the movie was great! I havent seen 'Innocence' But my favorite part in the first one when they we're creating Motoko into a cyborg and the song 2!
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Postby mitsuki lover » Sun Dec 12, 2004 1:37 pm

I've only seen the tv series Stand Alone Complex.I think it's one of the best
futuristic detective series I've ever seen.Aside from the cybernetics and the
use of the robots it tends to be realistic enough.Even though it's something like
20 or 30 years down the road in its setting people still drive cars,etc.
In the last two epsiodes the Major's dress uniform wouldn't be out of place
in a modern police force.
Of course you do need to get used to the fact that except for one detective most of the characters have some sort of cyber implant.
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Postby FadedOne » Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:34 pm

lol....I haven't alot to add since I've only seen Stand Alone Complex so far, on cartoon net. I will say, it's rather beautiful and intriguing...doesn't really appeal to the emotions htough. lol, not a drawback...just that I like to get emotionall involved with a plot, and SAC is more...intellectual. To me anyways.

On the other hand, the opening theme is just glorious! :D
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Postby termyt » Mon Dec 13, 2004 5:29 am

mechana did an excellent job in covering what I know. I've really enjoyed the Stand Alone Complex TV series and episode ten appears to be the exception, not the rule. The age ratings seem appropriate.

The movie is also enjoyable, but it is much more intense / hardcore from a sci-fi perspective and not nearly as interesting or as well written as the TV series. Pretty much, it's only for die-hard fans of both sci-fi and anime who are interested in the "old school" roots of anime and can handle graphic violence, nudity, and watching things that just ought not happen.
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