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Rorouni Kenshin Returns To CN

The real heart of CAA; discuss specific series, issues, and things related to anime here.

Postby oro! » Mon Oct 25, 2004 5:31 pm

Oro? You have freckles? You have a tan, too I bet!!!!
I just had to say that.
Anyway, I know I've already chimed in, but Rurouni Kenshin is so cool!!! I had to affirm that for those who were undecided!
"I've learned when you throw mud at others, not only do you get your hands dirty, but you also lose a lot of ground." Ravi Zacharias
"Pride grows in the human heart like lard on a pig." Aleksander Solzhenitzen (so call me on it)
"Zeal without knowledge can lead to chaos." - Bob Rohm
"Why don't we love his truth as much as we seem to love his love?"- Cross Movement, in their song "Check us Out"
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