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Question about "New Posts"

PostPosted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 10:09 pm
by Nate
This one isn't really a problem, it's just...a bit strange.

I frequently use the "Quick Reply" box when I post in threads. I don't know if it has any bearing on why this thing I'm about to describe happens. But I thought I'd mention it.

Usually, when I post in a thread, then click "New Posts," the thread I just posted in shows no new posts. It isn't in bold, and the "Go to first new post" button isn't there.

But sometimes, I will post in a thread, click "New Posts," and the thread I just posted in will be in bold, and there will be a "Go to first new post" button beside it, which takes me post.

It doesn't always do this, just sometimes. It can't be TOO related to the Quick Reply box, because normally it doesn't happen. Just sometimes. Any idea why in the world this would only happen like 2% of the time?

PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 12:51 pm
by uc pseudonym
I don't actually know. However, I have noted a similar thing that occurs with my subscribed threads, where sometimes threads that I have read entirely go back to being listed as unread (without any new posts). That might have nothing to do with your issue, but it's similar.

In any case, the only pattern that I've noticed is that it seems to have something to do with the page loading. I usually open multiple tabs at once, and if my internet flickers out while they're loading, all those tabs will be unread. So I've concluded that whatever part of the page records that it has been read doesn't get sent properly by coincidence. It may not be right, but it's what I have.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 30, 2010 6:19 pm
by MomentOfInertia
It's been happening to me too..

It usually happens when I post a comment, close the tab, and refresh the new posts list, all in rapid succession.

Or, when I post/close tab on multiple threads and then refresh the new post list.

If I were to guess, I'd say it was an update issue, caused by me closing tabs before the site can recognize that I've read my posts.

I don't know much about this sort of stuff tough, so that's just my best guess.