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to be a better desinger

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to be a better desinger

Postby Zar » Wed Mar 02, 2005 1:19 pm

How do I become a better designer. I know I can draw pretty good but Its making good designs is what drives me crazy. So what is it do you have to be born design oriented or can you devlop that skill over time. Cause every project there are always things my instructiors says taht I can do better it really gets to me after awhile. But I know I do not put enough time into my stuff, because I'm horrible at time managment, Oh how I pray there were more hours in a day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Any graphic design people wanna help me out, drop a line.
thanx :bang:
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Postby Ashley » Wed Mar 02, 2005 3:11 pm

I'm a graphic design major, so I understand your struggle. As for whether your born with it or's kind of both. I think some people are naturally gifted with a creative eye/mind; but good composition and craft CAN be learned. One of my mentors told me once that talent is 2% of being a good artist, your hard work and determination is 98%.

And of course, the more you do it the better you get.

I would say the best thing to do right now is start making yourself more aware of good compositions: look at magazine ads. Cut out the ones you like (if you own it ^^;; ), make yourself think what works in this? What am I responding to? Pay close attention to things like type, spacing, and compositional skills like tension and continuity. Don't be afraid to keep practicing. Be bold! If you think it's too "safe" or too "racy", try it anyway. Your teachers will be impressed you were courageous enough to do it and will point you along. Read art books, familiarize yourself with the design world and the techniques that make successful designs work.

Time management is something I can't help you with, though. I'd say set aside a set amount of time to do your homework in, and after that work on art in your free time. And get a planner, so you can better juggle things. Mine is indispensible.
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Postby CreatureArt » Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:01 am

Awesome advice, Ashley - it's helped me, too - even though I didn't orignally bring up the question. (Thank you, Zar :thumb: ).

I'm not heavily into design but just off the top of my head I can remember seeing a lot of design magazines at book stores. If you flick through them perhaps they might have some good ideas.
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Postby Ashley » Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:08 am

Ah, now there's something I forgot. Get a sketchbook, and take it with you to a bookstore. Flop down and look through some magazines or books; sketch ideas you like. The design magazines get expensive, though. Even with a student discount, one year of How (proffessional design mag) is around 30 bucks! :wow!:
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