Pokemon: The Truth--Redux

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Pokemon: The Truth--Redux

Postby Masquerade1412 » Sun Sep 18, 2011 2:28 pm

Hello, ladies and gentlemen. A very good friend started a RPG called "Pokemon: The Truth" a while back. Unfortunately, due to unknown circumstances, Raider~Joseph had to leave. I have decided to honor his memory with a reboot of one of his biggest (and one of my favorites) RPGs.

Story (As written by RJ, edited by me):

When we played Pokemon, we knew it was fictional. Kids going on journeys to faraway places without guns or worries, we thought it was all fun. But then Event happened.
18 meteors (one for each type and 1 extra) crashed into Earth, causing widespread blackouts. Strangely, the ozone came back. Forests regrew and temperatures were normal again. However, every animal on earth was replaced by Pokemon. Weird, huh?
That was nothing compared to the way WE adapted so quickly. People suddenly feared guns and had them abolished. Wars soon ended, and terrorism became non-existent. Technology also became more advanced, allowing even large Pokemon to be carried in a small, round containers. Eccentric billionaires soon established Pokemon Centers, and Trainer Schools. Now, it is the 5th anniversary of the Event, and to celebrate the First American League Championship will be held in Washington, D.C., in approximately 6 months. In order to participate, trainers must first defeat 8 gym leaders and earn the gym badges. To make it easier, each of the 4 regions of America have their own set of gyms. (Divisions: 1=Northwest, 2=Southwest, 3=South, 4=Northeast.) Soon, the time will come when everyone will know.....Who is the Pokemon Master?

Yeah...I changed it a little...Hopefully it won't be too confusing! :grin:

Now for the characters.

Eye color:

Shiny: (optional but don't make EVERY Pokemon shiny...We need normal ones too!)
Moveset: (Be reasonable. Only use moves that Pokemon can learn. If you need help, click here.)
Ability: (Don't pick a random ability. Pick one that that Pokemon can HAVE!)

Rules for Pokemon:
1. Must be at Basic level. (So no Lucarios everyone....but Riolus are acceptable.
2. No legendaries. (No one needs to have a Celebi. Or Darkrai. Some Pokemon are considered "psuedo-legendaries" just on the sheer aspect on obtaining them, so you'll have to PM me first.)
3. You must use a REASONABLE moveset. I don't want an Ice-type using Fire Punch.

Sound good? Here's an example.

Name: Ezekiel (Zeke) Salvador
Age: 16
Gender: Male
Ethnic: French-American
Clothes: White T-shirt with black jeans.
Eye color: Deep blue
Hair: Black hair in a perpetual bedhead.
Bio: Zeke used to be known in school as the weird kid who sat in the back of the classroom and stared out the window. Even after Event occurred and people started growing closer to Pokemon, Zeke's popularity status remained more or less the same. Why didn't he just get a Pokemon? He couldn't. His father saw Pokemon as merely "Wolves in sheep's clothing", simply waiting for their chance to strike. Little did he know that Zeke had already found a Pokemon...And that Zeke was preparing to escape....

Pokemon: Absol
Nickname: Rune
Gender: Male
Shiny: no, but Rune does have Green eyes instead of Red.
Moveset: Razor Wind, Double Team, Sucker Punch, X-Scissor
Ability: Super Luck
Bio: One year before "Present Day", while Zeke was riding his bike to school, a wild Absol bounded out of the bushes and crashed into him. The Absol's right leg was broken, so Zeke skipped school in order to take the Absol to the Pokemon Center. Soon the Absol was in better condition and was discharged from the PC, but the leg was still broken, so Zeke took him to a small clearing in the woods. Every day before school, Zeke would go to the clearing and bring the Absol some food and water, even after the Pokemon's leg was healed. When the Championship was announced, Zeke asked if the Absol wanted to go. Surprisingly, the Absol spoke. 'I will go with you. But first you must give me a name.' Zeke, astonished, named him Rune, and together they began their plan of escape....

Recruitment is now open. You may begin.
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Sun Sep 18, 2011 3:05 pm

Name: Athena (No last name as far as anyone knows)
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Ethnic: African American/Asian
Clothes: Image
Eye color: bright blue, but only her left eye is visible under her cap.
Hair: black, boyishly short.
Bio: No one knows much about Athena. She wanders from place to place, seemingly without purpose.

Pokemon: Pichu
Nickname: Bolt
Gender: Male
Shiny: No.
Moveset: Thundershock, Charge Beam, Tail Whip, Thunder Wave
Ability: Lightning rod
Bio: Athena found Bolt as a young orphan in the woods around one town. He was extremely young and weak, hardly able to even walk. Athena's heart went out to him, and she nursed him to health, and practically raised him. One day, to her surprise, the Pichu she had named Bolt one day hugged her and said "Thank you!"
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby Masquerade1412 » Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:24 pm

Hmm...that character looks familiar.....:)

Miss Dia, you are approved!

To clarify, Pokemon don't speak English like normal people. However, if a Pokemon grows fond enough of you, a telepathic bond is formed between the two of you. This is not an easy skill to obtain and could take anywhere from a few days to decades.

Glad I got that cleared up.
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:41 pm

I understand that, but because of Athena's special abilities, she is able to understand all Pokemon.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby Masquerade1412 » Sun Sep 18, 2011 5:53 pm

Erm...Actually, I'm trying to make this a little more "Realistic"...but I guess some people could be "Pokemon whisperers"...
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Postby raider~joseph » Tue Sep 20, 2011 12:18 pm

Well my original rule was people can understand pokemon if they bond with them but I still don't know....wait did we decide if we were gonna go with this one?If so I gotta make OOC thread answering all the questions about my original plot unless you wanted to use some stuff from it.
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Postby Masquerade1412 » Tue Sep 20, 2011 1:36 pm


Um...Hi, everybody.

Since RJ is back and the old thread has its old GM back....We're gonna put Redux on hold for a while!
(My evil plans....RUINED!!!!)

Okay everyone...go back to the original game!
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