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PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:38 pm
by SorasOathkeeper
Invite-only RP
Do [size=134]NOT
, I repeat, NOT post in this thread unless you are invited. If you have questions you want to ask before asking to join then PM me or Felix!
Those who aren’t invited, but would like to join PM your bio to Felix.[/SIZE]

This is not an action/fighting RP, It’s character development/interaction story. So if you don’t like that type back out of the thread slowly…


Read before joining

Here are my rules:

1. Do NOT, I repeat, NOT post in this thread unless you are invited to join. If you have questions you want to ask before joining then PM me! Be sure to get my ‘OK’ before entering the RP.

2. No god-moding(taking control of another persons character). If you have another character say a line or two that’s fine, just be sure not to take them out of character. If another RPer asks you not to use their character at all then please respect their wishes.

4. No changing the storyline. If you have an idea that you think might add to the story PM me. I LOVE hearing ideas from the RPers. I don’t mind you suggesting stuff at all, but you must understand that I usually plan many things out in the RP’s, so you have to tell me your ideas so I can see if it will fit. Don’t be afraid to PM me, I don’t bite that hard.

5.No cussing. You can say something like <enter name here> cursed under his breath. I don’t care if you say ‘Crap’ or whatnot.

6. Do not apologize for small posts. Do not apologize for long posts. I like them all. Just you posting makes me very happy, no matter what the size.

7. NO JAPANESE NAMES! Seriously, I know we all love anime, and Japanese stuff but this RP takes place in a small town in America, there wouldn’t be any full-blooded Japanese names. (I mean I live in one of the biggest cities in America and I’ve never met a person with a Japanese name)

Rules are subject to change.


Bio sheet: Delete the words in parenthesis when you fill out your bio. You don’t have to put great detail into personality if you want to work out their stuff in the RP, but give us enough to work with. Just more detailed then “Happy but sometimes madâ€

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:40 pm
by SorasOathkeeper

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 5:42 pm
by LostChild
WOOOT! you posted it! i'm excited! you know how long i've been itching to get Dres up here Laura? YAY!!!

Name: Dresden Abhorsen
Gender: Male
Age: 13 (‘lucky’ number! ^^)

Long, thin, soot-black hair which is kept in a neat tie at the base of his neck (he keeps it long to help block out harmful rays). His family thinks Dres is strange for keeping his hair long, and many of his relatives would love to come in the middle of the night to chop his precious hair off. There are those who are lucky to have their hair have that naturally sleek shine in their hair. Not Dres. No matter how much shining shampoo and conditioner he uses, his hair will always have that grungy look and feel. There’s a little mole-wart-type-thing near his hairline on the right side of his forehead, which he tries to cover with his long hair. Doesn’t usually work out. He’s also got that peach-fuzz thing goin’ on. Plus, he’s at that stage where either the boy thinks he’s all bad ‘n tough for having the peach-fuzz or he gets paranoid about it and tries to hide the fuzz or constantly shave it off. He’s the one who shaves it off. So if you’re wondering why he came to school today with a few cuts on his chin, whereas yesterday he didn’t have them (and you know he doesn’t own a cat), this is your reason why.
Eyes: Deep burgundy-brown, which anxiously flitter back and forth beneath his long lashes when he’s worried or fidgety. He had pinkeye sometime last year, and now he’s paranoid of it returning so he usually has eye drops (which he doesn’t let anyone else use), and he’s very careful to not let strange things, sometimes his hands, go near his eyes. This includes: sunglasses (unless they’re his), headbands, goggles, and going swimming; especially not swimming in the lake.
Apparel: The usual long comfortable ‘baggy’ (but not hanging off his knees) jeans. Most of the time he wears black jeans, but once in a while he’ll wear blue or (if he’s extremely daring) white jeans. He always has white-and-black kerchief tucked in his front pocket. When you look closely, you’ll notice that he fidgets with this, his wallet-chain or pulls on his hair when he’s nervous. He sports a white or blue tank top with either a short or long sleeved button-down pinstriped shirt.
Personality: At first glance, you’d think Dresden was born ‘black’, and with his wannabe ‘gansta’ look, you’d assume your suspicions were correct. Dres was born with dark brown skin, and living out in the sun all the time he has developed a coppery-gold-shimery-sheen. It’s actually really pretty (well… at least a girl would think its ‘pretty’) But think about it: we’re out in the middle of nowhere! Who’d be in, or even run a gang out here? No, Dres isn’t part of a gang, and he’s certainly not black. He’s… well… he doesn’t even know what he is! You know that box you fill-in when you’re taking a standardized test at school so they know what race you are? Dres fills in that ‘Other’ box. His family has always had a mix of everything from Caucasian, to African American, to Middle eastern, Irish, Polish, German, Chinese, Australian, Indian, Native American, Canadian and your run-of-the-mill: Beaner! Call anyone in that family racist and they’ll pull out their wallets with the family pictures and everything short of a birth certificate to prove they’re quite the opposite. What language does he speak? Surprisingly, only two: English and “RUN AWAY!!!!â€

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 8:36 pm
by Felix
I'm honored to be Co-GM, Laura ^_^ I'm really excited about this. Once again, another awesome RP!

Oh, and to all you uninvited people out there, there's no telling what Laura might do to you if you bug her about letting you join, so bug me instead, and I promise I won't maim and/or disconfigure you. :D

Anyway, here's my character. I may have left out some things that I'll add later, but I'm awefully tired so I can't think about it now and fix it. Hope it's good! ^^;

Name: Terrence Maxamillian Grace. AKA: Max. He's self-concious about his first and last name. Basically, he hates them, so that's why he goes by just Max.
Sex: Male
Age: 15

Eyes: Deep soft blue. He has long thick eyelashes (for a guy, anyway).

Hair: His hair is a dark blond color, with tinges of red. It's short on the sides around his ears and in the back, but it's longer near the top. He likes to keep it spiked up with a strong-smelling hair gel.

Skin: His skin has an average american kid look to it, but it's slightly darker, and has a bit of an Indian shade to it.

Clothing style: He wears a lot of stripe shirt (or solid colored shirts with a single stripe, or stripes that run down the sleeves or something like that) and many times he wears sleeveless vests over them, sometimes zipped up - sometimes not.
He wears various pants and jeans, and skate shoes (often unlaced).
He has a white fishbone necklace that he wears around his neck. He keeps his hands in his pockets a lot.

Extra information-
Personality: He's kinda laid-back. He strolls around with his hands in his pockets a lot. He can get excited about things, though. And when he does... he does. He also gets hyper when he drinks 7-up... and only when he drinks 7-up. No other soda or candy makes him so hyper.... just 7-up.

History: Max is the new kid in town. Him and his mom just moved from Chicago. So yeah, he's a "big city boy" and isn't used to the ways of a tiny town like Lost-Lake. He's a bit bummed about the move, but is trying his best to stay pleasant about it.... that is, when he isn't going through withdrawls. His father, Francis, died of cancer recently, which is why they moved. The subject is touchy for him, and he tries not to think about it.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 3:44 pm
by SorasOathkeeper
Those look great you two. Your both accepted.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2007 2:26 pm
by ChristianKitsune
I'll post my character soon ^^ Thanks, Laura!

PostPosted: Sun Jul 22, 2007 9:22 am
by Sanctum Angel
Name: Tyson Smith
Sex: Male
Age: 15

Eyes: Brown
Hair: Dark Brown (almost black)
Skin: Dark, Black, Brown (whatever you say)
Clothing style: what ever he feels like wearing

Extra information- Moved into LostLake a few months ago, He lives next to Terrance Grace.
Personality: He's nice, friendly, generous, and sometimes gets really angry, easily annoyed.
History: He loves his family. His grandparents all died years before he died. He has loving parents, a older brother named Henry, and a younger sister named Kendra.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 25, 2007 11:02 pm
by SorasOathkeeper
Ok, that's good Sanctum Angel, but could you at least put what family he has in his history?

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:41 pm
by Danyasaur
Name: "Lola Lane" Peterson
Sex: Female
Age: 17

Eyes: Pale green. Very cold looking, which is only emphasized by the square, thin, white rimmed glasses she wears.
Hair: Natural burgundy. Straight and perfectly even on the ends. Not a hair is ever seen out of place.
Height: 5'5"
Skin: Your basic pale American complexion.
Clothing style: Clean. She doesn't like messy, sloppy, of just plain lazy type clothing. She wears nice, print T-shirts a lot, but doesn't like wrinkles or folds, so they're usually tightly fitted. She doesn't even OWN a pair of jeans, and when wearing pants they're always stream-lined, khakis, or both, but she wears skirts a lot. When it comes to shoes it's always white sneakers, pointed toe high heels (and I mean HIGH HEELS. She's somewhat obsessed about how tall she is.) or wedge sandals.

Extra information-
Personality: Cold and VERY stuborn, she usually comes off completely rude; Whether on purpose or not is unknown. She's extremely particular about everything, and actualy is a slight OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Dissorder) case. (All is subject to change, as most of you well know by now)
History: The only child of a single father, who happens to be the owner of the largest bank around, Lola Lane is sufficiently spoiled, yet independant. Most people in town pass her off as the rich, spoiled girl that's not too bright - but Lola Lane is actually extremely intelligent... even if she is all the other things. She plans on graduating top of her class and going to Harvard.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 15, 2007 1:45 pm
by SorasOathkeeper
She's accepted!

PostPosted: Sun Aug 26, 2007 8:07 pm
by LostChild
No new news on this one yet? Drag... I hope we'll get more people soon...