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PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 10:59 am
by silver_wolf454
Earth. A simple planet and the only apparent life in the universe. For generations people have wondered what is out there. Who is out there? Well now, those answers will be revealed. Connected by a worm hole, Zanthon inhabits Earth's solar rotation around the sun.

Inhabited by creatures that humans only dream of, Zanthon has thrived for thousands on years. However, with advancements of science on earth, humans have discovered the existence of Zanthon and quickly set out to explore, dominate and inhabit the "new" planet.

Some humans have managed to cross the worm hole safely into Zanthon and ultimately proved hostile, resulting in war and distrust. The humans were quickly exterminated though it is unclear if some escaped into the vast landscape of Zanthon.

More humans soon followed. Some military co-ops sent to defend and destroy, other wealthy humans with enough money to pay their way into seeing the new world.

The inhabitants of Zanthon set out to close the worm hole through the use of the fabled elemental gems. Eight powerful gemstones housing the pure essence of the elements and when brought together, generate enough power to close the worm hole and sever the tie between Earth and Zanthon.

However, not all the gemstones are on Zanthon, just as not all are on Earth. To close the worm hole, the inhabitants of Zanthon must travel to earth and locate four of the eight gemstones at the price of never returning home. For once you cross the wormhole, there is no going back.

Who shall rise to the quest? Who shall succeed in saving the two warring planets and creating a new generation of life?

Enter the worm hole. Enter Earth. And enter Zanthon!


Beaumont- A race bipedal(walks with two legs) wolves with a hunger for war and a deep hatred for humans. Never one to trust a Chetaren, they'll jump at any excuse to slice ones throat open. Males reach hights of 6 foot five, Females rach hights of at most five feet.

Chetarens- A race of bipedal cats and experts at war. At constant war with the Beaumont. Taller than the Beaumonts. Males reach about six nine females about six two.

Centaurs- A cross between human and horse. With the torso, head, arms and hands of a human and the body and legs of a horse, a centaur is a formidable foe in any fight. Word to the wise, don't try to ride one. Towers to almost seven feet tall.

Shades- Humanoid mages with the ability to manipulate the darkness. Easily recognizable by their pale skin and golden eyes. Average human size.

Elemental Foxies- A race of humanoid foxes with enhanced senses and the ability to control an element.

Drac- Humanoid creatures with the ability to shift into massive dragons or change their anatomy while in their humanoid form to grow or change dragon qualities. Standing at am impressive six and half feet tall in their human form and towering over thirty while as a dragon.

Elves- Human in almost every appearance save their large ears and silver eyes. Able to control one or two of the elements. Fewer still are blessed with the ability to heal any wound and repair any scar.

Nymphs- Human in appearance. They are very beautiful people and are very in-tune to their element. Able to communicate with beings of their element. Most stand only in the four foot area of height and it is rare to the point of impossible to stand even five feet tall.

Morphin- A race of shape shifters. The can take any form they have seen or touched. Average human height.

Animagi- Also a race of shap shifters. Unlike their cousains the Morphin they can only take animal forms. Average human height.

Merpeople- Able to change their fin into legs and feet to walk on land vice versa. Beautiful in appearance, the must return to the water once a month else they die. Average height.

Celrstials- A race of bird like elves that have great feathered wings and can fly and take the shape of said bird. Clears six feet in height.

Humans- Just look a mirror. (Story typed from the kindness of Kiba ^^)

Kiba_Kun is my co GM.

No post limit if you guys don't go crazy.

Three charactors tops.











If Centar:

Type of Horse-

If Merperson:

Fin and tail discription-

If Drac:


If Nymph or Elimental Fox:


If Celrstial:

Type of bird-

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:19 am
by silver_wolf454



Weapons- blades on his hooves

History-one of the stronger males in his herd he was choosen to go and help save Zanthon


Eyes- forest green

Hair- black

Hight- 7'8

Clothes- none O-O XD XD

Type of Horse- Gypsy Vanner

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:21 am
by Kiba-kun
Name- Anser

Gender- Male

Race- Beaumont

Weapons- Claws and teeth though handy with a bow

History- <Coming later>


Eyes- Bright, almost neon, green

Hair- Silver fur with spiraling black swirls dyed into it.

Hight- 5'10"

Clothes- Adopted the clothing style from earth. Tight blue jeans and a skin tight black T-shirt. Yellow tinted sunglasses. Barefoot

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:24 am
by silver_wolf454
Name- Vella



Weapons- Hand daggers



Hair- White


Clothes- a billowy white robe

Type of bird- white hawk

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:29 am
by silver_wolf454
I will post the teritorys soon. So we can get a better idea of Zanthon's land shape.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:43 am
by Althaia
Name- dawn



Weapons-one sword something that would be like for fencing

History-shes a loner and a wanderer she wanderers from town to town fighting the good fighting and basically anyone who tries to stop her and try rubbing her the wrong way will see why she likes to be called "the storm" exceptional fighter one of the best


Eyes- blue

Hair- blue (long almost down to her knees keeps it in a pony tail)

Hight- 6'6"

Clothes- white flowing dress with dark blue belt at the waist with a sleeveless navy blue trench coat wears light blue sandals

Dragon: a blue/white dragon

by the way silver do you want us to include their ages too?

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:46 am
by silver_wolf454
it's nt comming up Ray...........>.>

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 11:48 am
by Althaia
oh sorry just realized that sorry

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 12:00 pm
by Kiba-kun
Name- Karin

Gender- Female

Race- Nymph

Weapons- Her element

History- <Coming later>


Eyes- Bright blue

Hair- blonde

Hight- 4'3"


Eliment- Water

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 2:54 pm
by Nami
OOO!! Sounds cool!! *signs up*

Name- Celest

Gender- Female

Race- Chetaren

Weapons-Her Sword (one of them) She also carries another sword on her back, (I will be drawing that one) Also carries a variety of daggers and poisons

History- In Game

Appearace: Black tiger ears with silver stripes, she also has a long tiger tail, for balance, it is also black with silver stripes.

Eyes- Sharp Icy blue with gold flecks

Hair- Long Black silky hair that waves down to her waist. Keeps it up a lot.

Height- 5'8

Clothes- Wears a variety of clothes, but mostly leather for when she is fighting, or getting ready to battle. Sometimes even wears them around town. Wears protective armor underneath her normal clothes (when she wears them) Black leather boots that are reinforced with steal toes, and strap up to her mid thigh. Okay, she wears guantlets and stuff too okay? XD I will draw a picture of her.


Name- Azure (goes by Phantom)

Gender- Male

Race- Shade

Weapons- Two long black sword with a wicked curl at the end, and strange spikes coming from the blade near the hilt. Being a shade he carries around a pouch of poison that he uses when he needs. Also has several small throwing daggers that are already poison covered. Also has many darkness spells. DArk element spells and such (hope this is okay)

History- In GAme


Eyes- One is Gold and One is Azure blue (hope thats okay)

Hair- Shoulder length black hair that has blue streaks in it.

Height- 6'5

Clothes- Wears black clothing, (a variety of types.. mostly leather) and a long black floor length cloak that covers his whole body and keeps you from seeing his face.

Name- Blaze

Gender- Female

Race- Celrstials

Weapons- Short swords and a long sword.

History- In Game


Eyes- A bright Yellow with green.

Hair- Short Shoulder length Black and Light brown colored hair.

Hight- 5'7

Clothes- Wears baggy clothes and a variety of tight clothes when she is flying.

Type of Bird- Golden Eagle

Hope this checks out!!

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 7:53 pm
by silver_wolf454
Name- Omega

Gender- Male

Race- Shade

Weapons- A rather nasty whip and an asortment of spells


Eyes- Silver

Hair- Jet black little longer than his jaw styled in an emo-like half face cover

Hight- 6'3

Clothes- Anything black.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 15, 2007 8:17 pm
by Kiba-kun
Name- Rajah

Gender- Male

Race- Human

Weapons- Sword

History- <Yet to be made>


Eyes- Brown

Hair- Dirty blonde

Hight- 5'8"

Clothes- In pic

PostPosted: Mon Jun 18, 2007 10:09 am
by silver_wolf454

Beaumont- The Beaumont lived in rock filled valleys. There they mine and create weapons from the metals they find.

Chetarens- The Chetarans live in swamps contrary to their hatred of water. There are huge hollow trees in these swamps that they use for very nice homes.

Centaurs- Centaurs live in lush green valleys. They don't have formal homes but live in herds of fifty or more.

Shades- The shades live in the mountains were they have large villages.

Elemental Foxies- The elimental foxes are scattered throught Zanthon

Elves- The elves live in huge forest areas of Zanthon.

Nymphs- Nymphs live where ever their eliment is strongest

Morphin- Morphins live in the forests in harmony with the elves.

Animagi- mixed in with the Morphins

Merpeople- Thwe large oceans of Zanthon

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 11:47 am
by Nami
WOOT! Can't wait for this to start!!

PostPosted: Tue Jun 19, 2007 3:54 pm
by insanewitapen
Thank you for inviting me silverwolf :3 I will join despite my current number of rps XD *gets to work on her character*

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 6:21 am
by silver_wolf454
I'll submit after I get at least two more people to post characters ^^

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 7:45 pm
by Monkey J. Luffy
Name-Tesnu Tensuki



Weapons-a sword handle used to shape darkness into the form of different shapes

History-a great warrior in a battle in the past, after the war he could have been rich and famous, but he dissappeared and was only seen by a few people from time to time

Appearace:tall, with large golden eyes he has long white hair, and he's extremely thin

Eyes-large and golden

Hair-long and white


Clothes-a black shirt and long black pants with a black cloak

PostPosted: Wed Jun 20, 2007 9:37 pm
by insanewitapen
Name – Delunin
Gender – Female
Race – Merpeople
Weapons – Mostly knives and stealth/speed friendly weapons.
History – Has been for a good part of her like, and still is, a nomad of the oceans, and many continents, of Zanthon. She has been all over the world, in and out of water, and tires of familiar scenery.

Eyes – Aqua
Hair – Stretches to only a couple of strands, down to the middle of her behind. Black with purple-blue highlights.
Height – 5’9 without tail
6’0 with tail
Tail – Longer than most mer-people’s which makes her an unusually fast swimmer. The fish she’ll be based off of will probably be a combination of something pretty looking and fast. I’ll be drawing a picture of her with her fin and then with legs. ^^
Clothes – Doesn’t wear much, especially when she’s in the ocean, but her natural scales and skin give her modesty. (Will be shown in picture) She’ll probably be wearing loose articles of clothing.

I want to make a Morphin character too but if that makes too many characters then I'm good. :]

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2007 8:42 am
by silver_wolf454
No no it's fine go ahead ^^

PostPosted: Fri Jun 22, 2007 9:32 am
by rocklobster
Name- Sumac



Weapons- Crossbow or mace, depending on how close he is to opponent.

History-Sumac is an elf who enjoys adventure. He makes friends easily and is a great fighter and marksman.

Appearace: Has pointy ears and silver eyes. Can control water. (Can I heal and control water?)

Hair- brown

Height- 4' 5"

Clothes- Green tunic and pants. Yellow boots.

its me!

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 1:17 pm
by Veru



Weapons-two soreds apere when he says siri(si ri)and controles Ice and fire
History emo nija sent on this misson freinds with Valf short tempered
Appearace:white hair, half top shirt with a crackt hart with cross bones,black jeans lets of belts a cain raped around his left leg


Hair-over lefet eye,white


PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 1:21 pm
by Veru
can I join?

PostPosted: Sun Jun 24, 2007 2:15 pm
by silver_wolf454
Sound good ^^ I changed the name of the Wargs though lol.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 8:57 am
by silver_wolf454
Great I like them accepted.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 25, 2007 11:46 am
by Veru
? you did ? X(

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 11:46 am
by Veru
Kike Me Off Now!!!!!!!!!!(last Thing I What Is More Kiba!!!)

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 1:46 pm
by uc pseudonym

PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2007 3:59 pm
by insanewitapen
Yay it's up! *waits for Silverwolf*
Oh and forget about my Morphin character, I didn't have time especially after being at church camp last week. :3

PostPosted: Wed Jul 04, 2007 11:36 am
by faithfighter
Name-Firana "Fir" Ibyau



Weapons-long, slender duel blades

History-Firana is a preticularly curious nymph with an innocent heart, though misguided by those seeking to distroy the humans her only goal is to learn more about this different race. Some might call her simple because she is amused by the most ordinary things, but she is really intelligent. Dispite her age Fir is quite naivee and childlike. Still she is an excellent fighter who was trained by a master swordsman. She is somewhat an outcast from her people, so most of her life she spent wandering the woodlines aimlessly back on Zanthon. She gained herself the reputation of a kind wood spirit, because she would help all the travelers she came across.

Appearace: 4,7" in height, she is of the taller few nymphs. Her pale skin is framed by light brown hair that flows down to her waist. Her slender set features are sharp and graceful. Her eyes are crystal blue and seemingly endless. She has prominent cheekbones that only add to the beauty of her features.

Clothes- since she has the appearence of a teenager she dresses like one to blend in on earth. She often wears army boots, a mini skirt with black leggings, t-shirts and arm bands.


PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2007 9:02 am
by silver_wolf454
Accepted ^^