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Feudal Era Ver. 2

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:03 pm
by Nami
This was made a while ago, but he GM left and so did the players, Me and my Friend Sao_Sakura were just the only ones playing, so I decided to re-make it.

Here is the story line(This was re-made too):

The earth is dying, and the kingdom of: Yunoi, knows it, so the king summons people from all around the world, it an open invite. But anyone can come! The point is, they need people to help save the world which will crumble.

A special Sphere needs to be found that can heal the world. But it is just a myth. Can they really find it? At any rate, the king is willing to try, but are his Subjects? Some of them don't believe in the prophecy of the world will fall into utter chaos and the world they once knew will forever be lost in the selfishness and battle hungry people of the earth

BRave warriors, Mages, Knights, Rogues, Etc. will set out to save the world. But is it possible? Can they save the world?

There you go.. I hope that is good, here are the races.

*DArk Elves
*Driads(sp) Dryads?
*DragonKin(Human dragons, have wings, teeth, sharo nails, tail, and can have horns. Human like bodies and sometimes look mostly human)
*Furral(Humans that have Animal Ears, tails, eyes, teeth Etc. But look human with those XD They can be anything except Sea creatures..)
*Mage: Can use the elements, but are fairly weak at hand to hand and swords Combat. 9/20 For Magic they are 20/20
*Illusionist: Can fade into things and make themselves appear like something They can use the elements to, but not as strongly as Mages. For Combat from a 20/20, they are 10/20 So fairly good XD As for Magic they are 17/20(Thats good)
*Warriors: They are used for up close combat and are 20/20 in that, as for magic, they can only use a little. Like healing, but not very good.
*Cleric: They are mostly the healers, they can do good spells on the undead and are about 15/20 in up close combat.
*Rogues: Ah, they are very good and sneaky, they are best at backspabs and are famous for that technique, it is deadly. They are 15/20 at up close combat.
*Rogue Illusionists: These guys are good, they can use their illusions to sneak and then do their attacks, but only few remain in this world, because it takes almost 10 years to learn to train for this and most people don't like taking that long XD, For Combat: 18/20, Magic: 15/20
*Druids: Animal loving people who usually look down on people who hurt nature and kill things they love. They are strong at Combat and Magic. Combat: 16/20, Magic: 17/20
*Bards: Alas! These poor folk are mostly disliked! They sing songs and enjoy telling tales by the fires. They have a magic that is all their own! They sing and cast spells! They are also good at Hand to Hand combat! They love people and enjoy singing(Duh)
Combat: 18/20, Magic: 20/20
*Ranger: Rangers are trackers and are the best at Archery!! They can hit something from 100 yards away! That is if your human, Elves do better XD They are good people, but mostly Loners.
Combat: 17/20, Magic: 14/20
Things to know about the clans:
*Rogue Clan: They are a group of murderers who mostly could care less about the world, but once in a while you will find one that isn't so intent on blood shed. They are trained and not easily!! They are worked very hard to become Rogues, because as a Rogue you must know: Stealth, Not to be seen or Heard. ALso, they are untrustworthy and no one likes them.
*Mage Clan: MAges, they are strict people, they concentrate mostly on magic and enjoy their jobs of being pushy with the rest of the world!! They look down on others, and are rarely nice, Selfish and mostly only care about themselves. But if you actually Befriend one, then they will be your best friend and never turn against you.
*Illusion Clan: These people are almost like mages!! But they are a bit kinder! They actually care about what happens to the world, almost for selfish reasons though! They want to live in the world and be remembered for how great they are! They make good Friends, but some people dislike them.
*Warrior Clan: They are fierce and protective! Always willing to put their lives on the line for allies, but if you are on even a tad bit of a bad level with good, then you will never befriend one of these fierce fighters, they have hot heads, but they will be a good friend. Though they show little to no emotion.
*Cleric Clan: Clerics!! Finally! People who care! They are great people who will protect you until they die! Though they are a lot like warriors they like making fun of Warriors because Clerics can heal and Warriors cannot! They are friendly(most of the time) and enjoy living the way they want!
*Druid Clan: Druids! Tree-huggers! But they know people are more important, though sometimes you have to wonder 0_o They are good friends and would never betray you, though they are a little Niave, they will always try hard to understand others.
*Rogue Illusionist Clan: They are rare, and mostly unheard of, infact some people believe them to be a Myth!! Only the strongest can train, and they can't just walk in and ask! They have to be Chosen!! The other clans you have to find of course!! but this one you are chosen! And only about 5 a year are chosen.
*Bard Clan: Singers!! Woot! Gotta have music somewhere! These song lovers who wont put their lutes done until bedtime, sing and dance for fighting! They are mostly merry people and are good friends maybe a bit goofy but Good!
*Ranger Clan: Though they are sneaky people, they love nature and are true friends! They really don't have places to settle down! They wander and where ever they go, that is their home.

Lay of the land:
*Yunoi: CApital of the kingdoms and run by the Emperor: Luino, and his Wizard(High Class Mage). Unnu. They run it from their castle. The emperor is of age 27 and his Wizard friend 19. This is where any race may live.
*Kuna: The place where the Wood elves live(Mostly Druids)
*Lunai: The place where High Elves live(Mostly Clerics)
*Unai: Human Kingdom(mostly WArriors)
*Munuki: The Dark elf kingdom (VAriety of things XD Except Druids, Dark elves can NOT be druids)
*Luminesent: This the the Dryad Kingdom (Mostly Illusionists)
*Kilnomil: The DRagonkin Kingdom, (mostly Warriors)
*Sunai: Furral Kingdom.

Ok the 'Mostlys' at the top are jsut recommendations, they can be anything XD ok?

I believe I covered all except Character Forums!:
Weight: (don't worry to much about this)
Class: (Class mostly depends on Race)
Hair Color:
Eye Color:
Extra: (For anything like pets XD)

*No more than 2 posts a day! (sorry I have stuff to do during the day)
* NO Playing others characters!
*NO god-moding!
*NO Taking control of the plot! if you have an idea please PM me XD
Other than that, thats all

Well that about sums it up! I will post my characters in a minute!!

PLease Join!

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 5:14 pm
by Nami
Name: Kaida Lushun
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Race: Wood Elf
Height: 5'7
Weight: 120
Class: Ranger
Hair Color: Strawberry Red
Eye Color: Emerald Green
CLothes: Leather.
Background: KAida was raised by her aunt and uncle, her parents had disapeared when she was young and no one had seen or heard of them for 18 years, therefore, Kaida was always angry with them.
Weapons: Duel weilding blades, Bow.
Extra: None
Name: Raidon Kunai
Age: 20
Gender: Male
Race: Dark Elf
Height: 6'5
Weight: Not sure XD
Class: Mage(sorry I decided to change this...)
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Sparkling blue
Clothes: Leather, Black LEather. CLoak
Background: Doesn't have one.
Weapons: A long sword that is curved wickedly at the end(Ack!)
Extra: Has a black horse with flames for mane and Tial, also flaming feathers(only Dark elves have these)

There, I forgot the Class Ranger! I will add that XD

PostPosted: Mon Aug 14, 2006 6:29 pm
by Kiba-kun
Well this is definatly different than the orignal rp. I might actually stick around in this one.

Name: Dante
Age: 18
Gender: Male
Race: Wolf Kindred
Height: 6'5"
Weight: 187
Class: Rouge
Hair Color: Orange. Bangs cover eyes and the back reachs his shoulder blades
Eye Color: Amber
Clothes: His entire body is covered in black fur, Leather pants, Shirtless, Combat boots, Fingerless gloves
Background: Prefers not to talk about it
Weapons: His fist though he does carry an arsenal of knives and daggers
Extra: Black ears comeing from his head and a tail, large canine teeth, A necklace of canine teeth from all the people he has killed.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:03 am
by Nami
Woot! Kiba-kun Joined!! XD

PostPosted: Tue Aug 15, 2006 8:31 am
by Chibi_wolf454
Race:Dark elf
Class: Cleric
Hair Color:white
Eye Color:black
Clothes:dark cloak,black leather armor,black boots
Background:an outcast from her clan she wanders and does as she pleases
Weapons:double bladed sword,and her powers as a cleric
Extra:small black fox with little red wings (named:Omis)

PostPosted: Wed Aug 16, 2006 1:13 pm
by Ranchluva
o0o0o I'm so joining!
But I'm gonna work on my Bio.

PostPosted: Thu Aug 17, 2006 6:20 am
by Nami
Wow! Ok Cool! Thank you!! Thanks for joining all! I promise XD

I just need some more players.. XDXD

PostPosted: Mon Aug 21, 2006 3:37 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Yayas, sorry I'm so late Nami. Hahaha, me and Nami kept the RPG going for a while huh Nami? Here we go ^_^

Name: Miaka
Age: 16 or was she 17 (one of those)
Gender: Female
Race: Elf who hasn't come into her full powers
Height: 5'6
Weight: (don't worry to much about this): 100lbs (same as me) ^_^
Class: (Class mostly depends on Race): Illusionist
Hair Color: Purple
Eye Color:I think they were purple to, but I wanna change then into a pinkish color
Clothes:A white top much like Hinata's inside shirt (top thingi), with spegetti straps and a matching skirt. I forgot what Miaka was wearing before ^_^:
Background: She never knew her parents. She was told her father left before she was born. Her mother pasted away when she was only five. Everything after that is a blurr to her (ooh mystery)! Oh yeah, she also enjoys singing ^_^
Weapons: A dagger made of crystals given to her long ago. She also uses her entertaining utensiles (sp) as a weapon to. Such as; Flute (wack wack), fans (swipe swipe), and her voice (she sings them to their doom) ^_^
Extra: (For anything like pets XD): A forest sprite that's always there when she's in a fix.

Hehehe, I can't wait 'til this starts. Hopefully this will make it and everyone stays (please). If you need any help Nami, I'm here for ya babe (wink).

PostPosted: Tue Aug 22, 2006 9:18 am
by Nami
YAY!! You finally joined!! Yeah this will be better I hope.. XD

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 1:12 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Yeah.. believe it!

Hahaha, I've been watching Naruto ^_^

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:26 pm
by CrimsonRyu17
:O Can I join? I'm still in the Animals RPG, I'm just waiting for something to happen. XD;

Name: Ryuka
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Dragonkin
Height: 6’9
Weight: 127
Class: Warrior
Hair Color: Short black hair.
Eye Color: Gold dragon eyes.
Clothes: Black open shirt, black leather pants, and combat boots. A large silver choker with spikes around his neck.
Background: Unknown.
Weapons: A large double-edged sword.
Extra: Red dragon wings, teeth, eyes, and tail.
Personality: Ryuka rarely ever talks. He uses his eyes and movements to do the talking for him.

Hope that's okay. >.>

PostPosted: Wed Aug 23, 2006 3:54 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Yay, Crimson's joining ^_^

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 7:27 am
by Nami
Woot! Crimmy!! Yeah.. I am sorry.. I needed a break from the compy so I took a day's vacation! XDXD

Lol Naruto Rocks!

PostPosted: Thu Aug 24, 2006 12:48 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Hehehe, that's cool Nami-chan.. believe it ^_^ Hehehe, I just got done posting in the Naruto rpg. I'm so bringing the drama (me and Kakashi...... ahhhhhhhhhhhh )!

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2006 5:01 am
by Nami
Kakashi... wow.. Ok sorry off topic...

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 5:28 am
by Nami
ACK! Come on people!! JOIN! lol

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 2:41 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Hahaha, that was actually my fault.. sorry! Have you contacted any mods yet? You can always contact UC. He's really good at approving rpgs (smile).

PostPosted: Mon Aug 28, 2006 6:35 pm
by Kiba-kun
The best way to approach people about joining a rp is to make them feel bad if they don't (It works on me). Bring it up in conversation, don't just bump the thread with: "JOIN PEOPLE! COME ON!"

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:36 am
by Nami
Kiba-kun wrote:The best way to approach people about joining a rp is to make them feel bad if they don't (It works on me). Bring it up in conversation, don't just bump the thread with: "JOIN PEOPLE! COME ON!"

*stares* Fine.. lol

Ok Sao.. Do I need a specific amount of people though?

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:41 am
by Kiba-kun
It might help if you set an amount. Since this isn't exactly popular yet, I'd set the standard pretty low until the mass's of CAA realize that this is the rp to join.

PostPosted: Tue Aug 29, 2006 5:43 am
by Nami
Kiba-kun wrote:It might help if you set an amount. Since this isn't exactly popular yet, I'd set the standard pretty low until the mass's of CAA realize that this is the rp to join.

Good Idea.. XDXD I will do that.

*ahem* Alrighty people! I have an amount for you! I need 7 people to join! Ok! I have 4 now.. C'mon!!

PostPosted: Wed Aug 30, 2006 12:58 pm
by Tsukuyomi
Yes girl.. guys. Turn on that charm and guilt people into joining (hahaha). Just playing. I have someone I could ask. I think he'll be good for it to.

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:24 pm
by Nami
Ok guys, this would be interesting, but if this doesn't work out.. oh well.. *sigh* I already have one two many anyhow XDD

PostPosted: Wed Sep 27, 2006 7:44 pm
by Nami
Not yet, but i am trying to get it started, I need more people..

PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 12:08 pm
by CrimsonRyu17
Woo! \o.o/ Another player. Only 2 more left! :O

PostPosted: Thu Sep 28, 2006 3:30 pm
by Tsukuyomi
We wanted at least 7 right?

Don't worry Nami, I'll be there to take over when you're not here and you when I'm not here. So, we're covered and all good in the hood ^_^

PostPosted: Mon Oct 02, 2006 12:31 am
by Nami
Yeah, 7 players.. two more!! Alright!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 03, 2006 8:29 pm
by Nami
Ok, there are 5 players, not including myself. I am gunna set one more profile then I will talk to a Mod.

Name: Kenai Jeneth
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Race: Water Dryad
Height: 6'3
Weight: ??
Class: Rogue Illusionist
Hair Color: Sorta a clear almost see-through look BLue.
Eye Color: Green.
Clothes: Kenai likes mostly tight clothes, he can move freely and they don't interfere with his illusions.
Background: Kenai was chosen at 5 to become a Rogue Illusionist, He was strong and determined. He was everything they had wanted in a person. But 4 years ago he left the clan to be on his own. he felt he relied to much on them and wanted to do things his own way.
Weapons: Two short swords, and a dagger.
Extra: None.

Off to go chat to a mod!

PostPosted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:35 am
by Nami
Ok, I pmed a Mod, this should get up in a few days

PostPosted: Sat Oct 21, 2006 10:23 am
by Tsukuyomi
I'm still in. Should we make Miaka and Raidon know eachother already?