The Black Throne

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Re: The Black Throne

Postby ClaecElric4God » Mon May 26, 2014 6:50 pm

OOC: Thanks, peeps, good to be...backish? Life. I know the feel, Odd.

Kiani didn't have time to react to anything. At first the orcs had started following her, but the next thing she knew, some elf was directing everyone the other way. Kiani's instincts told her to just run and ignore the elf, one of her enemies (not that the orcs weren't her enemy, come to think of it). But her brains told her that letting herself get singled out was a really good way to die. Knowing that staying with the group was her best chance, Kiani threw aside her mistrust and followed the others. Kiani noticed the younger orc take some sort of potion out of his belt. Now, Kiani had been around quite awhile, and seen quite a few battles, and she knew orcs. And she was intrigued to notice that this particular orc had an over abundance of potions. And while she wasn't particularly familiar with the different kinds of potions, she knew a stamina potion when she saw one, and she knew that the orc had more than one.
And so it was that, in the shuffle, Kiani managed to knock into the orc from behind, snatching a potion out of his belt before he noticed. She mumbled a gruff apology, but he was already running again. Downing the potion, Kiani could feel the energy running through her. She was able to pick up her pace and match her short-legged pace to the others', keeping up for the incredibly long sprint. Finally the others stopped, and Kiani almost collapsed, the effects of the potion having worn off quickly due to her inconvenient dwarfiness. Being sturdy and resistant wasn't always a good thing.
When the orc yelled to get down, Kiani complied, more for the sake of her aching limbs than anything. As if on cue, a giant cat-like monster appeared, reminding Kiani of the moster cries from earlier. Finally, things were starting to come together.
"Lovely," she grumbled under her breath. These newcomers were causing serious problems. She had half a mind to beat them all over the head. But alas, being a dwarf, she didn't have need of a cane, even at the age of 83, and so all she could do was wait to see what would happen.
At the orc's discretion, Kiani rose, for whatever reason deciding to follow him. He had this commanding presence that just made it natural to follow his orders.
Out of the corner of her eye, Kiani saw the younger orc trying to sneak off. With a yelp of surprise, Kiani grabbed the orc by the arm, her strong dwarf grip like a vice.
"What are you thinking, child?!" She exclaimed, in as low a voice as she could. "You'll get yourself killed! Even an orc should have the sense not to go off feeding himself to monsters. Are you trying to be brave or something? Is that it? Well, we all think you're very brave, but you really shouldn't try to do things on your own, my boy. It's dangerous and orc-brained."
And with that, Kiani patted him on the head kindly, dragging him after the other orc. Motioning for the others to follow, in case they also decided to have a moment of heroics, Kiani set off after the orc, the smaller one in tow.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Diamond Dragon » Tue May 27, 2014 6:42 pm

If Gale had been told all this was going to happen to her in one day, she would not have believed it. After all, even on a bad day she didn't get exposed to this much excitement. But first there was the steal from the dwarf and elven battle; then the situation with the monster, the conversation with the strangest orc she had ever met, stopping a potential killing, being chased by savages up the steep rocks, and to top it all off, narrowly missing being noticed by an even larger monster that had apparently been the other one's mother. It made her wonder how any of them could still be alive.

As she she picked herself up from the rocky floor battered, tired, and generally not in the best shape, she looked around at the the group. apparently the skinny orc had been attempting to leave, but the dwarf had stopped him, scolding him. Both halves of her blood in one place, as well as two of the race who were supposed to hate her doubly because of her half blood. Again she marveled at the fact that none were trying to kill her, nor each other. At least for now. she started forwards after the bigger orc, but then she stopped, realizing something. Her cloak was gone. She put her hands to her head, her fingers entangling in her long dark dreads, and looked around for her cloak. But it wasn't anywhere in sight. nor as her staff, which she quickly realized was gone also. She must have lost both somewhere in the wild dash, or the climbing. maybe both. "Oh great..." she murmured, slowly turning back towards the group. maybe now her luck had finally run out...
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Wolfsong » Wed May 28, 2014 5:48 pm

OOC - Claec OMGOSH is this for real? I'm ecstatic!!!, sorry about disappearing for so long folks. Life took an unexpected turn for the busy, so I was unable for the longest time to return. I'm not even fully returned yet, but I found a clear moment so I'm trying to fix what I can while I have the chance.
I'm really very sorry guys. I'll try and do better this time.
Anyways, seems a heck of a lot suddenly happened at once. Lets see...

Hikiera glanced back, noticing the monster engage the savages. The orcs, half blood and dwarf were not only distracted but relatively far behind. Smiling softly, strangely grateful, she broke into a run, widening the distance between them, till they were long out of sight.
Sitting down, she started doing some serious thinking.
She felt so confused. She had been built to fight, that was all she knew. Everything else, family, tribe, emotion, everything was useless unless she could use it to better her odds. This was her world, this was what she knew, All these new feelings, this strange curiosity that had prompted her to actually spare that confounded her. It frightened her, this new emotion. Was it a weakness she needed to root out? Or was it actually alright?
Drawing her knife, she stared at the winking edge grimly, her thoughts dark and brooding. What should she do? She could go back, but what then? To see what the mad orc intended or to kill him? That half blood needed to die, but what to do about the others? She just didn't know.
They would reach her eventually, if they continued straight up the path. If they didn't show, she would rejoin her tribe and just forget. If they reached her...well, she'd figure that out then. Stabbing the knife into the dirt, she waited.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Oddood198 » Sun Jun 01, 2014 7:39 pm

OOC: So... Um...I'm leaving for camp tomorrow (Monday) morning... Back in a week... Just occurred to me I should mention it...

When they had finally gotten enough distance from the one-sided battle between the savages and the feline beast, Durek simply couldn't run anymore, and he collapsed into a heap on the ground. He took in large gasps of breath, and didn't bother to wipe way the sweat beading down his face. I'm too old for this... He thought.
He lifted his head to look at his circumstantial companions. The Dwarf and young Orc looked almost as exhausted as him, but relatively unharmed. The Elf hunter was gone, Durek thought he had caught a glimpse of her dashing off into the distance, but he wasn't sure where or why. The Elf child seemed to have lost her cloak, and Durek could now tell she was no Elf, but undoubtedly a half-blood. Durek cocked an eyebrow at the realization, but otherwise gave no sign of surprise.
"Well, that... Wasn't so bad." Said the old Orc, once he had caught his breath.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Cheetah » Tue Jun 03, 2014 4:06 pm

It had been a horrible day for Sendre. He was tired, not only from the mad chase just now, but from this entire exhausting day.
Sendre dropped to his knees as the group finally came to a halt. He recounted the events of the day while struggling to adequately fill his starved lungs with air. Just as he was getting his heart and breathing back under control, Sendre heard the older orc make a joke that Sendre didn't find funny at all.
He'd hidden from elves, been hunted by a monster, threatened by a crazed elf, caught up in a strange mix of all three races and finally chased by savages.
His last attempt to break free of this situation had been ruined by the dwarf who'd randomly shown up. Sendre could only assume she was a friend of the older orc, seeing that she was so quick to join in with them and had been willing to "help" an orc like him. Her attention to him had served to make him more agitated.
Even after all that, he still wasn't out of danger. He was with a group of people he considered his enemies in a place he was unfamiliar with. It would be a difficult and dangerous task finding his way back to the main army. The crazy elf was gone, which would have made him uneasy earlier on, but now he just felt annoyed by everyhing.
Over all of that was the lingering feeling of loss for those who had been his closest friends. The ones who had died that same day.
The orc's statement was the last straw that put Sendre in an incredibly foul mood.
Sendre growled, a deep sound in his chest that only an angry orc could make. He shot a heated glare at the other orc, and completely ignored the others. He'd had enough of this. He stood to his feet and gave a quick look around, trying to assess which direction to go. He ignored the throbbing in his head as he stood and the momentary blur in his vision.
"If anyone wants to try and kill me," Sendre said in a low voice, "now's the time to do it. Otherwise, I'm leaving."
Without waiting for an answer, Sendre turned away from the others and started back home.
At this point he didn't care if he ran into the savages again or a monster. And he was angry enough that he almost welcomed a fight from one of the others. He placed his hands on the hilts of his knives as he thought of that. Perhaps that stupid elf would jump him along the way and he would have another chance to kill her.
It didn't matter.
Normally Sendre was the last to want to go home after a scouting trip. But now...
Sendre's vision blurred slightly once again and he heard a pulsing buzz in his ears. It occured to him that he might have taken too many potions in such a short space of time.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Wolfsong » Wed Jun 04, 2014 7:07 pm

Hikiera lay back, staring at the cloudy sky, for once just feeling instead of thinking about the kill. Surprisingly, despite the death and destruction she enjoyed, this peace was very pleasant.
A shift, sudden movement to the side, and she leapt to her feet, snarling. Then her nose caught the scent and she relaxed.
"Hikiera. We've been looking for you." He appeared from behind the rocks, walking slowly toward her. His was a rolling sort of gait, not to fast but not too slow, and ready to strike. "There's savages and a bunch of other things here."
"I know," she replied sharply. "How many looking?"
"Only me, the rest went back when the savages appeared. I knew you were fine, but I wanted to make sure."
She nodded. "Well thanks a lot. You can't begin to imagine what I've been going through." She straightened abruptly, snarling again. "Orcs, dwarves, a half-blood, beasts....where were you?"
"Sorry. Where did you leave them? I can help you loot them before we go back."
She gulped, suddenly very uncomfortable. Actually, with Oslon's help, she could pull it off, but...she hesitated.
Oslon noticed how very quiet she was being. "Everything...okay?" He took a step closer, watching her.
"They were...together. I couldn't take them out without dying," she said finally.
He watched her, his dark eyes assessing her. Slowly, unconsciously, she slipped into a feral crouch, watching him with equal assessment. She knew weakness in a tribal leader was not tolerable, and he was watching, waiting to see her fall. She realized that now, he was waiting for her moment of weakness.
Suddenly, she didn't feel weak at all.
Shrieking, she lunged at him, her knife suddenly in her hand. Just as fast he dove aside, clawing at her face and successfully scoring her check. She jerked back, snarling at him.
"Seems you've finally lost your edge," he said softly. "You could take on a whole tribe, never hesitate. Suddenly, a small band of...what, misfits? comes before you, and you can't handle it!" He shook his head, grinning; his teeth were quite sharp. "I think its time the leadership passed on."
"Only if you can take it, tracker," she said, spitting at his feet. Roaring, he charged her.
She grabbed his wrist and moved alongside him, hooking the knife at his ear, cutting the top part off. Hissing, he flung his side into her, and they crashed onto the dirt. Shortly they were wrestling and wrestling hard. This was a death match, and only one would come out alive.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Oddood198 » Tue Jun 10, 2014 7:29 pm

Durek looked up at the young Orc, who was rather angrily talking about fighting and dying, and then promptly turned and started walking away from the rest of the group, putting his hands on his weapons as if preparing for a fight.
Durek let out a deep sigh, sitting up and looking after his angry kinsman. "Before you go, let me ask you something, boy." He said, raising his voice to be heard, "Why are you so obsessed with death? You simply assume someone wants to kill you here, and after witnessing all this death and pain already, you can only think of going back to the Firemountain. And for what? So you can be sent out again and repeat this whole thing. And do it again and again, until you eventually die yourself."
Ignoring his limbs screaming in protest, Durek forced himself up onto his feet, planting his feet firmly in the ground and crossing his arms, using all his concentration to keep from swaying in exhaustion. "What do you hope to accomplish, boy? Were you born to fight and die? If all you want is to revel in the death and destruction of your enemies, then by all means, go back to your people and keep fighting." Durek paused here, letting his words sink in.
"However, you don't seem like that kind of Orc to me." He continued, "You fight because you want to save your people and make a difference in the war, right? To stop the death and suffering. If that's the case, I may have an alternative for you."
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Cheetah » Wed Jun 11, 2014 10:46 am

Sendre paused as the orc began reprimanding him for what had been his way of life since the day he was born.
It was as the older orc said. Every waking moment the need to fight and die for the people of the Firemountain had been ingrained into his being, and he wasn't the only one. But it had never occurred to Sendre there might be a way to end all of this death, or to save a life without giving his own.
Sendre's curiosity rose, but it was rivaled by his suspicion. What his kinsman said would have made sense to him and had more of an impact but for the wall of anger that drowned it out. What plan did this orc have that he was willing to talk about it in front of an elf and a dwarf? Now that Sendre thought about it, he wondered if all three of them were in this together. The other two had been perfectly willing to follow him without question. The elf had been with the big orc from the beginning and it had appeared to Sendre that the dwarf had been waiting for them.
Sendre suddenly felt a jolt of alarm. He stiffened as he considered what had just occurred to him. Were the elves and dwarves joining forces? And were there rogue orcs throwing in with them, sharing the secrets of the Firemountain? Were his people facing a mass invasion without knowing it? Were these three that were with him now just a hint of something much more sinister?
Sendre's first instinct was to leave immediately; to run far from here. He had to warn the army. But... Even if he'd had the strength to run away, and no threat of an elven archer at his back, he might have still hesitated. He saw an opportunity he wouldn't get again. He should stay and find out more. He'd never tried his hand at spying before and the thought of it actually excited him. Besides, he was a bit annoyed by the orc's lecture and felt a need to have his say.
He gave a low chuckle and turned to face the orc.
"After almost dying as often as I have, it's hard to imagine I can survive this war much longer. ...What alternative could you possibly...?"
As Sendre's rage disappeared, the last remnants of his strength went along with it. Before he could finish speaking he suddenly swayed on his feet. All at once, his vision darkened, his legs gave out from under him, and whatever sounds he might have heard faded into nothing. He was unconscious before he hit the ground.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby ClaecElric4God » Thu Jun 12, 2014 3:33 pm

Kiani blinked in surprise when the young orc suddenly passed out without warning. Though she imagined the sprint had taken its toll on him as much as any of them, it was still surprising considering the youth's enthusiasm. Kiani herself had collapsed as soon as the other orc had decided to come to a stop, unable to move another step. If an enemy had attacked her she wouldn't have made very good prey, because she intended to sit and rest, and if anyone wanted to interrupt that, they would have to do it over her dead body, which would be equally refreshing to her at the moment.
"Children these days have no stamina," she managed to huff between ragged breaths, gesturing at the young orc. Looking up, Kiani observed the other two. She raised an eyebrow at the half blood, but didn't bother to say anything, mostly because she couldn't think of anything witty to say. But her attention turned quickly to the conscious orc. He was definitely an interesting one, and undoubtedly had some hidden motive to pit the different races against each other and overthrow the world. Now that was an intriguing idea. All the evidence pointed to that as the only explanation. Why else would he have managed to randomly gather a group from all races that hated each other? If he was hoping to bring them together and somehow bring peace, he would have undoubtedly brought them together one by one and earned their trust so they wouldn't instantly be at each other's throats.
After a moment of assessing, Kiani decided she liked this orc. Anyone who could make someone of his own race hate him without even knowing him was exciting in her book. Though she really should be getting back to the camp at this point. People would be worried about her.
Kiani cocked her head, listening. She was certain she'd heard something...Kiani sat upright quickly, digging in her pouch. Pulling out an old, leathery potato, she held it to her ear for a moment, nodding and grunting.
"You're right. I've completely forgotten my manners. I shall heed your advice." Replacing the potato in her pouch, Kiani pushed herself up and stepped toward the orc, grasping his hand before he could escape.
"The name's Kiani Chipfinder, nice to meet you. You're quite strange, aren't you? What are you hoping to accomplish, young orc?" But Kiani didn't wait for him to reply. Instead, she turned to the young orc on the ground. "I apologize for the boy there. He really has no manners at all. Being only his foster mother, I haven't had much involvement in his upbringing, but I assure you, he won't be talking back like that again. You can call him Bhric."
Kiani smiled strangely, showing her creepy old person personality, which didn't go well with her features at all.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Oddood198 » Mon Jun 16, 2014 2:12 pm

OOC: You realize, don't you, that I'm going to have to put them in a life-or-death situation where they have to choose between starving to death or eating that potato?

Durek was already formulating a reply to the young Orc when he collapsed, passed out. Durek sighed, he had probably had too many potions, and with the run wearing him out, the poor boy couldn't keep up any longer. Before he said or did anything, the bearded Dwarf woman was talking to a potato and then to him. Her opening the conversation by talking to a vegetable was, honestly, a tad unnerving to Durek, but he had seen stranger... barely.
Durek cocked an eyebrow when she finished, so the Dwarf woman was the Bhric's foster mother? That was certainly a thought, he wondered how the two even remained in contact if the latter lived at the Firemountain, where Dwarves and Elves were forbidden, but again, stranger things had happened.
Durek glaced at the half-blood to make sure she was still conscious, then he let out a long sigh. "My name is Durek. Durek... Shameblade. Exile of the Orcs. I'm on a mission that I think can end the war between the three races and bring peace to Kargeth" Durek stopped there and braced himself, whenever he had gotten the opportunity to tell someone that, they would always laugh or throw stones at him, calling him a madman, so he waited for the inevitable ridicule from this lot.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Jun 17, 2014 4:52 pm

OOC - I must say, I'm looking forward to when you do XD think she'll do it?

They circled slowly, taking a moment to recover their breath. Oslon had long wet furrows in his face, and Hikiera had deep gashes in her arms. Blood stained her side, and she was limping slightly.
Her anger had dwindled to smoldering embers, just like her strength. It had been a long day, and her body was paying for it now. Oslon, though tired, was no where near as exhausted as she was. She realized that she could not continue on like this, she was almost at her end.
"I knew it," he said softly.
She hissed, and he snorted. "You're not fooling me. You're grown soft."
She crouched slightly, eyes narrowing. She lunged forward, stopping just as he tried moving to the side, and plunged her knife into his stomach. He gasped, coughing out blood, but recovered quickly. He struck her in the face again and again, as she repeatedly drove the knife into him. Finally, they broke away from each other, her reeling and he bleeding heavily in multiple spots. He stared at her with wide, crazed eyes, his lips curled back in a snarl, then he fell over the side of the cliff.
Hikiera collapsed, struggling for air. Spots swam in front of her eyes, and soon gave way to darkness.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby ClaecElric4God » Wed Jun 18, 2014 3:19 pm

OOC: Haha, yeah. If you want your little group to be reduced to a pile of ashes. If they so much as look at that potato Kiani's gonna start threatening their lives.

Kiani hardly waited for the orc to finish talking before she burst out laughing.
"You're mad!" She exclaimed between bouts of laughter. But when she finally settled down, she looked at Durek sharply, a light in her eyes.
"And if you pull it off, I'll still think you're mad. But don't give yourself too much credit. Don't think you're the first who's thought of a plan to reconcile the three races. I've been around for quite some time, and even I haven't found a way. However..."
Kiani put a hand to her mouth pensively. After a moment, she reached back into her pouch and pulled out the potato, holding it out in front of her.
"What do you think, Erik?" She asked it. " may just be right. But look at it this way. If he's wrong and fails miserably, the only thing that will come out of this is one less scatter-brained orc in the world. There isn't really much to lose." Kiani stared at the potato a bit longer.
"Yes, yes, I understand that. But I really think you're overreacting. I highly doubt that would truly be the case. You worry too much. I'm the decision-maker here, so I say we do it. Unless you have a better idea?"
After a moment's silence, Kiani smirked at the potato. "I thought not."
Replacing the potato in its home, Kiani stepped forward again, holding out her hand.
"Durek Shameblade. I can't say I have much faith in you or your mission, but I respect your stupidity, and I think between the three of us," here Kiani gestured to the unconscious orc on the floor, "we'll make a fine team." Kiani wasn't going to speak for the half blood, since she really knew nothing about her and couldn't make up an outrageous story for a conscious person who might argue with it.
"My son and I will support your efforts, no matter how ridiculous and fool-hardy. I truly hope you can bring peace to this world."
Kiani turned her gaze to look down the tunnel.
"By the way, what happened to that elf who was with you? Is she a friend of yours?"
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Oddood198 » Mon Jun 23, 2014 8:04 pm

Well, unexpectedly enough, after the inevitable ridicule, that Durek had expected, the old Dwarf woman had declared that she and her son would aid him in his endeavor. That was certainly a surprise, but between Kiani's tendency to talk to a vegetable and Bhric's obsession with war and death, Durek couldn't quite decide if it was a pleasant one.
At the mention of the Elf, Durek took a look around and realized that she wasn't there. Must not have noticed her leave... He thought. He shook his head, "No, no friend of mine. Never seen her before." He answered, then remembered the final member of their group, who had remained quiet so far. He turned to the half-blood, "And what about you, girl? Will you accompany an old Orc on his quest,or just go back to wandering on you own?" He asked her.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby ClaecElric4God » Thu Jul 03, 2014 4:17 pm

OOC: So...uh, geography, anyone? I honestly have no idea where anyone is, because I managed to somehow get it in my head that they were in a tunnel, but now I realize that, as far as I can tell, that's not the case, and never was, and I have no idea where I got that. So I'm just winging it.

Her curiosity piqued, Kiani ignored the orc and the half-blood. Instead, she grabbed ahold of the younger orc and hefted him over her shoulder like a sack of potatoes, trudging off down the path.
"I'm going to find that elf and see if we can't get her to join us," Kiani called back over her shoulder, not bothering to wait for a response.
After a bit of a trek that reminded Kiani just how tired she was, especially now carrying a bulky orc, Kiani finally found what she was looking for. Dangerously close to the edge of a steep cliff, the elf lay unconscious, battered and wounded from some sort of encounter. Whatever the case, she was in a considerably worse state than when Kiani had last seen her.
Letting the newly christened Bhric slide to the ground, Kiani walked over and knelt next to the elf, gently putting a hand on her shoulder.
"The poor child," she said softly. Glancing back at the young orc, her eyes were suddenly filled with sorrow. "This this the sort of thing we put our children through? How can we claim to care for them? There must be a way to put an end to this and let them live in peace..."
Kiani sighed, setting to work tending the elf's wounds as best she could with her meager resources. As she worked, Kiani pondered over Durek and his ambition. To think that the hope of the world might come from an orc, of all the races. It was astounding. But if he could truly do it...
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Diamond Dragon » Sat Jul 05, 2014 4:14 pm

Ooc: Ah, I'm so sorry I haven't replied! D:


Gale couldn't help but stare at the dwarf as she kept on conversing with the potato she carried as if it was a talking pet. Huh, and to think she was calling the Durek mad! to Gale, Durek made more sense to her than anyone else she had ever encountered. Ever since her mother, the only other being who accepted her who she she was died, Gale thought she would never again have companionship. So she had tried to make herself enjoy being the lone wolf. But now that she got caught up with this strange group, she realized more than ever that she missed being with others...peacefully, not when they were trying to kill her. She looked at Durek thoughtfully when he asked if she would stay. "Even though despite your story you still could kill me..." she started slowly. "I think I stopped being a wanderer when I first saw you."

She looked at Kiani again as she left with the smaller orc, talking about recruiting the elf that had been there earlier. Gale frowned a little at this. "Do we have to ask her?" she muttered, knowing very well that wild elf wanted to kill her. She could see it in her eyes whenever they looked at each other.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Jul 06, 2014 12:43 pm

Gentle hands tended the painful injuries, and her eyes opened slowly. For a second, she thought she saw a face she remembered well, a woman's face like her own, but with sharper edges. Bright eyes, vibrant and violent so often, but soft as they tened to the pain.
"Mother," she whispered, trying to reach up, but the face faded, and with a sudden sharpness the reality was returned to her. She saw the dwarf, who was tending her. The orc she'd tried to kill earlier was lying unconscious nearby.
For a moment, she only stared. Why...was this dwarf taking care of hed? What on earth posessed her? Why would she even care whether Hikiera lived or...actually, it would have made more sense if the dwarf had finished the job Oslon had begun. Strugglimg to rise, she stared the dwarf full in the face. "Why," was all she said.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby ClaecElric4God » Sun Jul 06, 2014 1:48 pm

"Why, what?" Kiani asked commandingly. "Why are you laying on the ground unconscious? I was wondering the same thing, but if you don't even know yourself, then there's no point in asking. Regardless, whoever it was that tried to kill you appears to have done a poor job of it. Not that I mind. If you'd been much deader, there wasn't anything to do but dig a hole. And I really do loathe digging holes."
Kiani returned to tending to the elf's wounds, but she wasn't so naive she didn't pay special attention to the actions and movements of the elf. This was the perfect opportunity to get herself killed if she wasn't careful. After all, the elf hadn't proven to be anything other than a typical, bloodthirsty enemy.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Jul 06, 2014 2:34 pm

"Why, what? Why are you laying on the ground unconscious? I was wondering the same thing, but if you don't even know yourself, then there's no point in asking. Regardless, whoever it was that tried to kill you appears to have done a poor job of it. Not that I mind. If you'd been much deader, there wasn't anything to do but dig a hole. And I really do loathe digging holes."
She stared at her quietly, not saying anything and letting her go about her work. It felt weird, just lying there, while someone of another race entirely helped her, after a member of her own race had put her in this position.
She reached up suddenly, grabbing Kiani's arm. She opened her mouth, and nothing came out. She seemed to struggle a moment, then her gaze sharpened and she spoke in a clear, strong voice. "Just hours ago, I slew a band of dwarves in the mountains. It was right, as I'd been taught by my parents. Anything not elfin must be destroyed, for the strength and security of the clans. A short while ago, it would have been you, the orcs, and the half-blood I would have killed, or wounded and left for the savages. And minutes would have been one of my own clan." She was silent a moment, then continued, "I would have killed, but my odds were against me. And then, I would have killed, but my mind was against me. I heard strange things, from an orc of all people, about things called peace and mercy, and my heart accepted them though I did not understand. Even now, I do not. Yet a member of my own clan chose to try me, and it is one not of mine who cares for me. It is a member of a race I despised...or was taught to despise. But my mind is in shambles, worse than my body. I am...lost." She seemed to struggle again, and when she spoke next, it was barely a whisper. "I'm sorry, for the blood of your people rests on my hands. I'm sorry."
As if all her strength had fled, she slumped, her grip weakening and her hand falling back to her side. Her eyes lost their sharpness, and seemed almost to glaze over. She stared almost stupidly at Kiani, with perhaps the smallest bit of moisture building in her eyes.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby ClaecElric4God » Sun Jul 06, 2014 6:09 pm

A deep, deep sorrow filled Kiani's heart. Her family...her people... So that was what that commotion had been. If she hadn't been out wandering in the hills, that would have been her. And they were all gone, killed by the war that had raged on so long, killed by the very elf lying before her. Such foolishness.
"Well..." Kiani began, her voice cracking. Tears threatened to come, but she held them back viciously. She released her grip on her sword, which she'd reached for instinctively when the elf grabbed her. Looking away, Kiani glanced back in the direction of the mining camp. The only thing that had ever held her to the loyalty of her people. And even that had been shaky at best. But even so...the only thing that had kept her from abandoning her people and wandering in search of a new life...was gone. She had nothing left...
Nothing left to lose.
"That was foolish and senseless of you," Kiani said harshly, turning back to the elf. She'd done all that she could for her, now time was the only thing that would heal her. But Kiani was sure this elf was strong enough to survive. She sensed an intense, warrior's strength in this young girl. "There are much more productive things to do with ones' self than going around killing other people's families. If you weren't so damaged already, I would most certainly take you over my knee. I thought this orc child had bad manners, but it would seem that dwarves are simply the only one's capable of raising their children with any sense of respect and maturity. I suppose I'll have to teach the both of you a few lessons."
Kiani looked the elf in the eye sternly. Standing to her feet, Kiani crossed her arms, looking every bit the stocky, stubborn dwarf she was.
"Now that you've caused the trouble that you have, you have a lot of making up to do. From here on, you will accompany myself and my companions on our journey. I'm not entirely sure what we're hoping to accomplish, but I'm sure a good strong elf would come in handy along the way. And don't you argue with me! There's no talking your way out of this one. You'll have to get my permission before you're allowed to go off killing people without any sort of supervision. In fact, you're not to leave my sight unless I give you permission."
Gesturing to the unconscious orc, Kiani continued.
"And this here is one of my companions. Until today we've had a long and brutal rivalry, but I finally got him to see things my way and follow me as my apprentice. His name is Tiernan. He should be waking up soon."
And with that, Kiani turned back the way they'd come.
"Those two are taking their fine time," she mumbled. Reaching down, Kiani dragged the orc to a small tree. Pulling a short rope out of her pouch, she tied his hands behind the trunk. He didn't look too comfortable, his legs twisted at an awkward angle and his head hanging limply, but she couldn't risk him waking up and running off.
"If he wakes, tell him I'll be back shortly," Kiani said, without any further explanation. "And don't think of going anywhere yourself."
And with that, Kiani headed back down the path to see why the orc and half-blood felt the need to take so long with whatever conversation they were having.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Cheetah » Wed Jul 09, 2014 10:14 am

Sendre's body ached from head to toe. Once he was conscious enough to think clearly he wondered why he was still alive at all. He tried to stretch his muscles and work out the pain and was alarmed to discover he was tied up... again. He struggled against the ropes while assessing the situation. He remembered some of the conversation he'd had with the other orc but none of it seemed important enough to worry about for the moment. What had happened afterwards? Why had they felt the need to bind him? And where had they gone?
Despite his foggy memory, Sendre was certain this wasn't where he'd been when he passed out. At first glance, Sendre thought he was alone, then he noticed with horror the elf nearby. The same one from before if he wasn't mistaken. She was wounded and he immediately assumed that she had fought and probably killed the other three. If that was the case, then why was he still alive? Was she so angry that simply killing him wasn't enough to satisfy her?
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Oddood198 » Fri Jul 11, 2014 8:33 pm

Durek nodded, pleased with the half-blood's response. "Good. I will be good having one of your kind, especially." He said. A half-blood like her would be seen as an abomination, neither Elf nor Dwarf, but perhaps, one day, she could be seen as a symbol of the unity that could one day exist between the races.
At Gale's remark about the Elf, Durek frowned, thinking. "She would be a powerful ally, if we can convince her to join us." He said, "Though, of course, she would be a dangerous enemy otherwise..." He shrugged, "We will see what the future holds when it shows it to us. Now, we've tarried long enough, let us go and join the others." With that, he stood up against the cry of his aching muscles and set off in the direction Kiani and the others had gone.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby ClaecElric4God » Sat Jul 12, 2014 2:32 pm

Kiani stopped short when she saw movement down the path. Finally, they were here. And she'd barely walked a few paces from where she'd left the others. What luck.
Waving a hand in the air, Kiani smiled brightly.
"Oh, there you are. I was beginning to wonder if you two killed each other. Hurry along now, we haven't any time to lose." And with that, Kiani turned back the other way and kept walking.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:47 pm

Cheetah wrote:At first glance, Sendre thought he was alone, then he noticed with horror the elf nearby. The same one from before if he wasn't mistaken. She was wounded and he immediately assumed that she had fought and probably killed the other three. If that was the case, then why was he still alive? Was she so angry that simply killing him wasn't enough to satisfy her?

OOC - does no one trust Hikiera? :eyeroll:

"Now that you've caused the trouble that you have, you have a lot of making up to do. From here on, you will accompany myself and my companions on our journey. I'm not entirely sure what we're hoping to accomplish, but I'm sure a good strong elf would come in handy along the way. And don't you argue with me! There's no talking your way out of this one. You'll have to get my permission before you're allowed to go off killing people without any sort of supervision. In fact, you're not to leave my sight unless I give you permission."
Hikiera opened her mouth, eyes wide in shock, but nothing came out. She didn't have a chance, as Kiani was still barging through. Much to her shock she found herself placed in the position of babysitter to the orc when Kiani left to find the others...the orc and the half-blood.
She sat there, staring after her, a long time, just dazed. was she even still here? Why was she taking orders from a bloody dwarf?!
Incensed, she leapt up, the stumbled back to her knees, head spinning. She cursed under her breath. The loss of blood was heavy. She was lucky to be alive, damaged as she was. Slowly, she raised her head, glanced at the orc, then in the direction the dwarf had gone. Slowly, she sat back down, pulled out her knife, and started sharpening it, thinking.
Hearing a noise, she glanced up. The orc was awake, and was staring at her in horror. She stared at him a long time, then slowly smiled, letting her sharp teeth show. Slowly, leisurely, like she wasn't as injured as she appeared, she strolled over, continuing to sharpen her knife.
"Well good afternoon," she said with a smile. "Did we have a nice nap?" Leaning forward so she was directly in his face, she tapped his chest with her knife. "Good. You're gonna need all the sleep you got, when you get what's coming to you." Smiling sweetly, she straightened, backed a few paces, then sat down on a large rock. "You're at the mercy of a dwarf with a villainous sense of humor that surpasses even my own cruel instincts. I myself could not last against her evil wit. And you-" she pointed her knife at him. "Are her next victim. As soon as she returns, anyway. And guess who gets the pleasure of guarding you." She smiled crookedly. "We're going to have so much fun."
This felt...really fun. In that split second, she decided she'd go ahead with Kiani, whatever happened. Her clan probably wouldn't take her, even if she'd beaten Oslon, because generally stuff like that only happened if the whole clan was grumbling. She would have been removed at any time by someone or another. A dwarf was...relatively close to an elf, probably more so than an orc anyway. That and, Kiani interested her. She'd shattered her tribe, the dwarf should have been decimated or murderous. Instead...this happened. Hikiera wanted to see where this ended, even if she was trapped with another race.
She felt....light.
Hearing footsteps, she leapt to a crouch, then saw Kiani and the other two coming. Relaxing her pose, she stared right at Kiani. "The prisoner is secure, ma'am," she said, using a word she'd heard someone use once. "We've been getting to know each other." Slowly, she tried a tentative smile.
Suddenly, she was very curious to see where this would go.

OOC - hi guys I'm back.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Cheetah » Sat Jul 19, 2014 9:42 am

Sendre had been scared so many times in the last day that the elf's behavior now hardly affected him more than her presence initially had. It seemed almost normal in fact. He found it unnerving when she tapped him with her blade, but he determined not to show it.
While the elf talked, Sendre inconspicuously tested the ropes that held him.
He was surprised when the elf revealed that the dwarf was not only alive but the leader of the two. Sendre had all but ignored her, assuming she wasn't very important. Annoying, yes, but not particularly dangerous. He wondered if the others were alive too. He found it difficult to believe that the elf would kill an adolescent of her own race only to join forces with a dwarf.
When the dwarf returned, Sendre eyed her curiously. He thought nothing else would surprise him at this point. That is, until the elf called the dwarf ma'am. With his thoughts flying wildly Sendre momentarily entertained the idea that the dwarf possessed some sort of mind control that she'd used on the elf. Or perhaps the elf was just playing games with him. Sendre decided that was far more likely. He shot the elf an annoyed glare. Her smile was all the confirmation he needed.
"Don't you people have anything better to do?" Sendre finally asked. "Those savages are probably still looking for us, you know. Not that I care. I doubt my situation could get much worse. But you two must be insane to stick around like this."
If only they would leave him alone for the savages to finish off, Sendre felt he could eventually work himself free, perhaps in time to escape back to his people.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby ClaecElric4God » Sat Jul 19, 2014 11:37 am

"Insane, you say?" Kiani gave the young orc a wild look, gazing into the very depths of his soul. "You are a very strange child."
Kiani came up behind the orc, slowly untying him. But as she worked, she spoke in a sinister, almost menacing tone.
"Now, don't think this means you're free to go. Make one wrong move and you won't know what hit you."
And with that, Kiani turned around to where Durek and Gale were coming up the path, a few paces behind.
"Will you hurry up already?" She called. "Take too much longer and you'll be digging a grave, you know. I'm not getting any younger."
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Oddood198 » Sat Jul 19, 2014 3:12 pm

"No graves today. not for us, at least." Durek said as he and Gale joined the rest of them, crossing his arms as he surveyed the group, "The savages are all dead. That beast will have torn them all to ribbons by now and be feeding on its prey. We won't have to worry about either of them."
Durek counted off all the new members of his company. An old, perhaps senile Dwarf, a young, confused Orc soldier, an angry Elf with no kin to speak of, and, perhaps best of all, a young half-blood who longed for peace. Durek nodded to himself; this was... Perfect. With this group, it may just be possible.
Soon, Rishal. He thought, giving a quick glance skyward. "All right, we don't have time to lose; night's falling and there are worse things to run into when it's dark." He reached down and gave a slight tap on his pocket, where he held the old, wrinkled paper that brought him so much hope. "We're heading northeast, to the heart of Kargeth. To the Black Throne."
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Jul 20, 2014 2:42 pm

Hikiera skipped back slightly as the mad orc and the half-blood came to join them; just because she was going ahead with Kiani didn't mean she accepted them yet! Particularly the half-blood, who she snarled slightly at while Kiani was busy with the orc she'd tied up.
She sat down next to the orc, watching Kiani quietly. She'd heard of the Black Throne, though she wasn't sure of the particulars. She didn't really care. She'd follow Kiani, and if Kiani chose to follow the mad orc, then she would do so. She'd not be happy about it, but she'd do so.
Taking out her knife, she was surprised to note a nick in the blade. Sighing to herself, she started sharpening it again. Come to think of it, she did have that other knife she'd picked up in that earlier raid. She really should take a look at it soon...
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Cheetah » Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:24 am

Sendre was surprised when the other two showed up. If there hadn't been a fight then why was the elf wounded so badly? He decided it didn't matter. The next thing he knew, he had been thrown into this group like it was just expected of him. A very annoying situation.
The elf sat next to him and started sharpening her blade. Sendre wondered if that was a subtle warning for him. If so, what did it mean? Elven threats were so vague. He decided to ignore it. The elf was certainly dangerous, but at the moment she wasn't in charge. Apparently he'd been right the first time. It was the other orc leading this group and he and the elf were their newest recruits.
Sendre stood to his feet and looked to the northeast, where the orc said they were going next. The Black Throne sounded vaguely familiar. It was probably something in a lesson he'd learned or a fable he'd heard as a child. He couldn't remember, but at least now he knew something of their destination. He considered making a break for it now, but he still didn't know what the orc was up to. He'd sound foolish to his people if he didn't even know what he was warning them about.
Anyway, he realized it would be unwise to travel at night, alone. As a scout, he was well aware of the dangers the orc spoke of and had no desire to encounter them tonight.
Sendre decided that it would be easiest to allow a fellow orc to lead him. He wanted it clear that he wasn't going along because of the dwarf or the elves. Sendre walked up to the other orc.
"It would be less cumbersome if we knew each other's name," Sendre said to the orc. "If we're going to be traveling together anyway. I'm Sendre Ember. Who will I be following?"
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Oddood198 » Fri Jul 25, 2014 2:37 pm

Durek sighed, letting his shoulders sag in clear disappointment. That was much more anti-climactic than he was hoping for. A swell of dramatic music would have been good there, or the rest of the group looking on in awe, even a wise crack from the old Dwarf lady would have been acceptable.
But, instead, they kept pushing questions and it was business as usual. "Durek." The old Orc answered, "I am Durek, formerly a warrior of the Firemountain, now exiled."
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Re: The Black Throne

Postby Wolfsong » Fri Jul 25, 2014 6:57 pm

Hikiera studied him a moment, then spoke promptly from her place on the ground.
"Durek? I don't trust you, and I don't even like you. You can do whatever you want with the bloody Black Throne, I don't see you making it anyway." She held up her knife, studying the edge, then sheathed it and glared at him. "I'm just along for the ride. Don't expect me to help you."
With that surly remark, she leaned back against the tree, next to Sendre, and watched Kiani, Durek and the half-elf.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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