A New Dawn

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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Oct 29, 2013 3:27 pm

Jadis shook off Arren's hand, bolting under his wings and rushing up the stairs. The upstairs wasn't much different from the down, but he could make out a room thanks to the light off Arren's wings.
"Something here," he said, running to the doorway.

Reveka raised her head, startled to hear a voice outside. Who was there? Slowly, she stood, flaring her Wings out to cast more Light.
"What the heck!?" she heard someone say, a familiar voice, and then Jadis was in the doorway. They stared at each other for a second, then Jadis glanced back. "Hey Arren, its your sister. And she grew wings too."
"Arren?!" Instantly she ran forward, shoved past Jadis, and glanced about wildly for Arren. When she saw him, she leapt into his arms, hugging him and laughing. "Arren! Oh my gosh, it is you!"
Jadis watched a moment, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. Ethinine, though he stood a bit back, didn't seem uncomfortable at all, and just as happy to see her. Jadis shook his head slightly, surprised at the feeling of left-out. Oh well, it wasn't like he was really a part of them anyway. They'd grown up together, he'd shown up like a warden.
"Well," he said finally. "There's the Bearer of White Wings. Now maybe we'll stand a chance."
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby ClaecElric4God » Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:25 pm

Wolfsong wrote:OOC- I can't help but feel that sounded so stupid...

I'm not even gonna...

Shaddoc stumbled backwards when Jadis pushed him away, but quickly regained his balance, sidestepping so he was between Jadis and Callysta. He stood in a hunched position, ready for whatever Jadis did next. He turned when Callysta spoke. Shaddoc offered a half-hearted but polite smile.
"Sorry you had to go through this. But everything's fine now," then he turned back to look at Jadis. "Please forgive this fool. He really does know better."
Shaddoc's heart soared with hope, knowing the real Jadis was right beneath the surface, trying to get control of himself.
"Alright, Jadis," he said firmly. "I'm here to make sure you don't do anything you'll regret. So get your head out of the clouds and get back here where we need you. Don't think that just because we're friends, I won't do what I have to to protect the people of this town. If you threaten them..." Shaddoc held out his dagger, but his hand was shaking. He had to hope Jadis' Darkness wouldn't call his bluff. Then he hardened his expression. No, it wasn't a bluff. But regardless of what he had to do, he wouldn't give up on Jadis.
"Jadis, you once said you wanted to fight alongside me," Shaddoc tried to meet Jadis' eyes. "But we can't do that if you don't get your act together and wake up!"
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Oddood198 » Tue Oct 29, 2013 4:27 pm

Arren could hardly believe his ears when Jadis reported what was ahead, after all this, he couldn't imagine that Reveka was right there, through that door. And yet, his eyes did not lie to him as his twin sister ran out of the room and toward him, jumping into his arms and embracing him, almost knocking him over.
"Reveka!" He exclaimed, smiling wider than he ever had, hugging her tightly, like he had to make sure she was real. "Reveka, we found you! Light, we really found you!" And then he was laughing, laughing with relief and joy, as the stress and exhaustion and the sense of impending doom from their time in the Dark melted away from him. He had Reveka back, now, and nothing could take her again.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Nov 03, 2013 11:10 am

Jadsi grinned dryly at Shaddoc, slowly rising to his feet. "True enough. For now, let me ask a favor." He winced, stumbling as the Dark rocked within him. "If...I seem to tire...hold me up." He extended his arms.
He began to glow, softly increasing in brilliance. He closed his eyes, and began to chant. The designs on the floor began to light up one by one, filling the room with brilliance.
He reached to the deepest recess of his soul, clinging to the deep, ancient Light within him. He needed to awaken his power, to cleanse this half of its Darkness. Once he was entirely Light again, he could safely rejoin his other half.
"Come spirit of Light, come save us from our time of distress," he prayed. "Come fix what is - erg! - broken. This is our prayer."
The whole room lit up. The Darkness in him shrieked, rising up. Jadis stumbled, his form obscured by Light and Dark together. He raised his eyes, seeking Shaddoc's. 'Help' he mouthed.

Jadis watched for a bit, then coughed. "Um, excuse me," he said. "Not to cut in on your reunion, but...well, we did just receive a pretty big hint from Aazarael that the curtain's 'bout to drop, so....can we get back to saving the world please?"
"Did he say that?" Reveka asked worriedly. "But then...come on! If we can get to the top of the Citadel before him, then maybe I can use his stuff to summon the Heart of Light and ask it to awaken your gifts, the Hands of Light, and strength us!"
Reveka, taking Arren by the hand, beckoned to the others and rushed further in. Ethinine started, then ran after them, shouting for them to wait up. Jadis started to follow, then collapsed in sudden pain as the dark rose in him. Something was going on with his other half, something so strong it was affecting him as well. Grimacing, he fought it off, regained his feet and rushed after them. Whatever Reveka was leading them to, it had to be better than here.

Neoman finally found Nigal on the south wall, blowing on an old horn. The lonely sound echoed over the plains. The Grand Sage stood beside the commander of the Band. "They can't possibly hear, out in Fort Neram," he said.
Nigal shook his head. "Most were never in Neram. They hid out in caves and the forests within hearing of the horn. To those who did go to Neram to keep up the ruse, I've already sent a messenger. And my 'sick' are already up and armed, rounding up citizens and soldiers." He turned and used the ladder to get off the wall. Neoman followed.
"Nigal, I can not help but feel they won't be enough," he said quietly. "What can we do?"
"The citizens are being led to the castle for safety. For soldiers, we're taking all the people we can find."
Mattemeo suddenly ran up, leading a troop of boys hardly older than himself. They were all armed, and Neoman's breath caught in his throat.
"Matt!' Nigal said. "Where are you going?"
"My group's up to defend the east ramparts," Matt replied. "We're to hold there until Macus sends us relief. Be in the Light Ni-Sir!" Saluting, the group ran off.
"They're only children," Neoman said quietly.
Nigal sighed, lowering his head. "That they are. We have boys hardly old enough to be away from their mothers and older men who should be in their death beds, much less using weapons. Lily's even recruited some of the girls to administer aid and carry supplies for the soldiers." He met Neoman's gaze, and his age and sorrow were all depicted there in his eyes. "Hell is rising to swallow us all, and all of them, man, woman and child, chose to fight rather than waiting the castle. Who was I to tell them no, to turn them away, when it is their right to fight. It is our home, our world, and if they want to fight against that which threatens to take all we love from us, then who was I to turn them down?"
Neoman stared into his eyes, then sighed. "We're both too old for this, dear friend," he replied softly.
Nigal nodded, smiling sadly. "True enough, though you carry your age better than all of us, ancient one." He sighed. "If only the guardians were with us."
"We will hold friend," the Grand Sage said quietly. "Because of children like them, because this is our home, our hope, our Light." He smiled. "For Mattemeo, for Reveka and Arren, Ethinine and Callysta, Shaddoc and Jadis, for those who passed before, for those who are to come, these are they who we fight for."
Nigal nodded. "Will you join me then, friend, for one last battle?" he drew his sword.
Neoman nodded back, surrounding himself with Light. "Together, one last time, we'll fight," he agreed.
"They're coming!' someone shouted. "They're here!"
Nigal nodded. "Come." They ran for the gate, Nigal blowing his horn, summoning the Band to mount up. The last battle had begun.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby ClaecElric4God » Sun Nov 03, 2013 12:30 pm

Shaddoc stood ready, uncertain of what Jadis had up his sleeve. Until Jadis started glow, then chanting, and Shaddoc realized this really was his friend. Sheathing his dagger, Shaddoc stood back, unsure what to do. Hurting for Jadis, he watched the painful looking process. Then Jadis' eyes met his, seeking his support. Stepping forward quickly, he grabbed Jadis' arm and put it over his shoulder, putting an arm around him and supporting as much of his weight as he could. Shaddoc looked sympathetically at Jadis' pained face, wishing this could be over.
"Of course you couldn't find an easier way," Shaddoc remarked, trying to sound gruff. But then his voice softened. "Sorry for doubting you."
But at this point, he didn't even know if Jadis could understand him.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Nov 03, 2013 3:05 pm

Jadis laughed painfully, as a spasm wracked his whole body. "Seems to me...there's never an easy way...out of anything anymore."
Suddenly, there was a sound like an explosion, and the room was...gone. They were in a whole other realm entirely, Jadis, Shaddoc and Callysta together. It was a realm of pure light, the ground like fluffy clouds. Jadis's Darkness shrieked, stumbling back, staggering away from Jadis. "No..." he moaned. "No!"
Suddenly, a figure strode into view, a woman clothed in a mantle of Light.
"Jadis," she said quietly. "My Hand. What has become of you?" He snarled at her, struggling with his Darkness. She smiled sadly. "Let me heal you, child." And she walked toward him. He shook his head frantically, trying to stumble back even as he leaned toward her. Smiling gently, she reached out her hand and laid it on his head. Pure light flowed between them like a river. He gasped, but it wasn't in pain. No...it was peace. The Darkness shrieked, but it held no more over him, and it died, leaving him in peace.
He raised his eyes, meeting her gentle ones. "My thanks," he said quietly. Then he lowered his gaze slightly, meeting Shaddoc. He grinned, leaping up. "I'm back!' he laughed. "I'm of the Light again!"
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Oddood198 » Wed Nov 06, 2013 10:20 pm

Arren took hold of Reveka's hand and ran closely behind her, holding his wings out ahead. His heart was pounding, and he wasn't sure whether to be overjoyed at reuniting with Reveka, anxious at what lay ahead, or terrified of the entire ordeal. It seemed Reveka had a plan, something about the Heart of Light, gifts, and the Hand of Light. Arren decided to trust Reveka and her plan, she always was more knowledgeable than he with this sort of thing. Still...
"Hey, Reveka." he spoke in a voice so low that only she would be able to hear him, only barely if at all, "You're better at this stuff than I am, I can barely understand just what's going on to begin with, but... Tell me honestly, do you think we really stand a chance at winning?"
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby ClaecElric4God » Thu Nov 07, 2013 4:59 pm

Shaddoc smiled in relief, grasping Jadis' arm.
"It's about time," was all he said. Then he smirked, unable to maintain his tough guy act. "I don't know what we'd do without you."
Then he turned to look at Callysta, remembering everything she'd been through.
"Are you all right?" He asked, concerned. While he waited for her response, he turned back to Jadis. "What now?"
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Koneko-chan » Fri Nov 08, 2013 5:18 pm

Callysta smiled brightly at Shaddoc despite all that had happened "I am now." she glanced between Jadis and Shaddoc, "Do you perhaps know where Arren, Ethinine, and Reveka are, Jadis?" She asked bashfully, her eyes had a glint of concern.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Nov 10, 2013 12:21 pm

Nigal blew the horn again, but again there was no answer. Neoman shook his head, saying, "I believe we have all who will come."
Nigal nodded. A shadow's head appeared over the wall. Nigal casually backhanded it, knocking it down. "How're the lights?"
"Holding up." Neoman glanced at the lights he'd placed around the walls, helping hold the shadows at bay. Scattered all over the town, they helped keep the Darkness out. "But it will soon take much more than these."
Nigal nodded again. "Time to engage then, I suppose, but that's what the Band is for." He leaned back, blowing a different note on the horn, a call to battle.
Neoman turned, gazing out onto the field. Something stood out strangely, and he leaned forward, shading his eyes. Two people, hand in hand, were directing the shadows. Two teens, a golden blonde and vibrant green eyed pair. "They look...almost like Arren and Reveka, but twisted," he murmured. His eyes grew sad. "Children, my children, where are you?"
"Neoman?" Nigal came up beside him. "What do you see?"
Neoman pointed. Nigal turned,w atching the pair. "I know their faces from history," he said quietly. "And I knew them before they became Dark. Azarael's predecessors, Brander and Angeline. If the former Hands and Wings are manifesting, then the real, true battle is beginning."
Nigal closed his eyes, rubbing his forehead. "Will we see our...friends again?"
The Grand Sage smiled sadly. "Perhaps, dear friend. Come, let us ride and engage."
As Nigal led Neoman, he asked, "A question, friend. If the real battle is elsewhere, why are they here?"
"Because they are merely former Wings and Hands. The battle belongs to Azarael, Reveka, Arren and Jadis alone now. Their job is simply to win ground for their side, as it strengthens them. Right now we should do the same."
Nigal nodded. "Understood. Then lets go kick some shadows around."

Jadis grasped Shaddoc's arm in return, feeling more free than he had in a while. When Callysta turned to him, he thought a moment. "I believe....as of the moment, they are alright. They have not begun the fight yet. Reveka..." he turned to the glowing woman, the Heart of Light. "She seeks to summon you...um, what can I call you?"
"You know my name, do you not, Hand of Light?" she prodded gently.
He stared at her a moment, then said softly, "Eae, she is right. Neither Arren nor...nor I am ready."
"You know what must be done," Eae replied. "I can help Arren and Reveka, but until you are once more a single entity, I cannot do anything for you."
He nodded slowly. "Which means I must reach the Citadel within the hour. Azarael is starting now. There is no more time for rest."
"I can transport you there, at least partway. Or, if she calls upon me, I can bring them here, and join you with your other half. However..." she turned, gazing at Shaddoc and Callysta. "Your companions will not be able to follow in this way."
Jadis was quiet, then turned to face Shaddoc and Callysta. "I...I don't want to go without either of you," he said quietly, his eyes fixed on Shaddoc. "Especially you....dang it Shaddoc! I wouldn't feel right if I didn't know you were there to watch my back! What can I do?!" He glared in frustration.

Reveka glanced back at Arren, then smiled softly. "I believe we do," she replied softly. "After all, we have each other. Azarael, though he is powerful, he fights alone. With you by my side, I know I'll be alright." She smiled brightly at him. "I know we can do this. I know we can!"
"Anyone else feeling short of breath?" Jadis asked. "We're getting close now."
Ethinine glanced back, then said, "I wonder...if we really stand a chance of beating him to the top this way? I mean, he is Darkness, we've seen him. He could be up there waiting for us."
"He isn't," Reveka told Arren. "I know. I'd sense him."
The room they eventually entered was fairly large, with arcane runes and designs scattered on the floor. Reveka studied them carefully, then said, "I can use this. Arren, would you help me? We'll need to work together." she took his hand, then offered one to Jadis. He stared at her in surprise, then cautiously took it, as though uncertain if she was pulling a joke on him or not. She smiled at Arren. "Ready?"
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Oddood198 » Sun Nov 10, 2013 3:28 pm

Arren grinned and nodded when Reveka showed her confidence. As Ethinine voiced his doubt, Arren looked back and smiled, "Oh, no worries about that. He isn't there yet, and Reveka says we don't have any chance of losing to that Dark-infested loon." He said.
Arren whistled lowly when they entered the large chamber. He took a look at the runes and symbols all over the floor, but couldn't make sense of any of it. Reveka said she could use it, though, and that was good enough for him. He looked down at his hand in hers, then back up at her. H nodded, "Ready." He said, then looked at Jadis, "Ready?" He asked him on Reveka's behalf.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby ClaecElric4God » Fri Nov 15, 2013 5:12 am

Shaddoc listened intently to Eae, not quite registering who she was or what she was doing there. His eyes met Jadis' as she finished. A deep pain twisted in his gut. After everything he'd gone through to find Jadis and return him to his former self, Shaddoc couldn't bear the thought of them being separated again, with everything going on. He wanted to support Jadis and work together with him. But he also knew how pressed for time they were, and how important the decision was, and he wasn't about to voice his opinions and try to tell Jadis what to do. But even so, he couldn't make himself tell Jadis that they should part ways. Not when he so badly wanted to be able to go with him.
"It's your choice, Jadis," he finally said, forcing the words out. "I'll back your decision, whatever it is." He trusted Jadis to make the right decision, and there was no reason to say what he wanted, since he was sure Jadis knew anyway.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Nov 17, 2013 3:24 pm

Jadis glanced in surprise at Arren, then nodded. "Sure," he said quietly, clasping the hand.
Reveka nodded, smiling, then focused on the first images before her, the sun and the moon. She focused on these first.
"Sol and Luna, the sentinels of the sky." Slowly, her Wings flared out, glowing with such brilliance and beauty. Sun and Moon lit up, as did the many stars that surrounded them.
Ethinine watched, entranced, as one by one all the designs began to light up. Some of them were noticeably changed too. One appeared to be a dead tree, but as the Light reached it, the branches seemed to transform, and next thing he knew it was a live tree covered in leaves. "That's the blessing of the Light," he thought. "It brings us life and peace. The Darkness is chaos and disruption. We can't let it win."
All the images were alight. All the Darkness had fled the room, or been destroyed. Reveka closed his eyes and began to pray. "Blessed Creator who first gave us our life, I ask you to give us the strength in the battle to come..." she shielded her next thoughts from Arren. "Because I'm scared stiff that we're not going to make it." She sighed, then called out, "Heart of Light, angelic Eae come to our aid. Here in the Citadel, I cry to you. Please hear me."
At first, nothing happened. Then there was the sound of a great wind, and they were suddenly transported into the Heart of Light's realm. The floor was a cloudy sort of substance, only solid. The sky was colored in a glorious sunrise, and you could hear birdsong. Reveka smiled wide. "How lovely..."
"Welcome Reveka, Arren. Welcome, the first half of Jadis. Welcome Ethinine."
Reveka now saw the woman standing nearby, and the people with her. Callysta was there, and Shaddoc, and so was Jadis...Jadis? She looked at the Jadis standing next to her, then back to the one standing by Eae. Then she looked back at the Jadis next to her, eyes wide as saucers. "What?"
He looked at her face, then smiled ruefully. "Long story," he said simply.
When Ethinine saw Callysta, he stared for a moment, then gave a cry of joy and rushed forward, throwing his arms around her. Callysta! You're alright! I was so worried!" Then he realized what he just did and quickly dropped his arms and backed away, face flushed in embarrassment. "Um...s-s-sorry."

Before Jadis answered Shaddoc, the others appeared. He glanced back, then met his own self's eyes. He swallowed heavily. "Oh dear..."
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Oddood198 » Sun Nov 17, 2013 8:09 pm

Arren waited quietly, listening as Reveka began to think out her plead for help, and then as her wings flared out and the glyphs all around them began lighting up.
Then, next thing, they were standing on a cloud watching a gentle sunrise. What. Was all he could think, he really should stop being surprised at this point, but these things continued to astound him. Then there was a woman he had never seen before standing there, along Callysta, Jadis, and Jadis' friend form earlier. He looked across from Reveka at Jadis, and then back to the second one. What.

OOC: Poor Arren, he doesn't get any of this.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Koneko-chan » Sun Nov 17, 2013 11:10 pm

Callysta laughed "I was worried about you too! I'm alright, just happy you guys are alright." She beamed at him and threw her arms around him just as he did to her before "It's okay, Etho." she reassured him warmly.
She Reveka and Arren, she waved excitedly at them with a bright smile, one arm still hugging Etho.
"I believe...I want to live my life, carrying my memories with me. Even if those memories are painful, even if those memories do nothing but hurt me...Even those memories I wish I could forget...As long as I keep carrying them with me and don't run away from them. Someday...Someday, I believe I will get to the point where I'm not oppressed by those memories. That's what I want to believe. I'd like to think that there's not a single memory that I have which would be okay to forget." -Momiji Sohma - Fruits Basket

You are forgiven. Always and completely forgiven. - The 11th Doctor
No matter how small the problem is, how small the thing is, it will always effect the people around you. - Yuko Ichihara - XXXHolic
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Nov 24, 2013 12:05 pm

OOC- well, I hope its just Arren and not you too Odd, or it means I haven't explained this well at all. :XD:

Ethinine stiffened, then smiled and hugged her again. "I can't tell you how worried I was," he said quietly.
Jadis saw Arren looking at him now and started laughing. He sighed, then straightened and walked over. The Jadis with Shaddoc started towards him as well, till they stood face to face.
Jadis started at his mirror image for a long time, as though trying to figure out what to make of him. The image held his gaze with a sharp one of his own. "We have a problem," he said finally. The original Jadis nodded.
"You're telling me?"
"I can't leave Shaddoc, or Nigal, but you will need me when Azarael comes. The time is...close."
"Yes." Jadis lowered his head, hands clenched. "But if the kingdom falls, there goes the last of our light. The Tower, being Eae's gate and home, will be safe, but..."
"We'll lose if I don't join with you now," the image said.
Jadis stared hard at it, then said, "No, not if we play our hand right." He turned to face Eae. "You said you could teleport them halfway, correct?" she nodded. "Then this can still work out." He turned, facing Shaddoc. "Listen, you will travel with my mirror half and join us in the Citadel. My image, being of the same ability, will not only be able to sense me out but use that sense and his skill to get you there faster. Why do I want you there?" he smiled softly. "Because, even if I'm forced to fight without you, knowing you're there to watch my back gives me the strength to push onward." Feeling a little awkward, he turned away quickly. "So....you keep an eye on them, okay?" he glared at his mirror image.
"I'll bring them safely," he promised.
Reveka shook her head, not understanding but trusting it would be made right. She turned to Eae. "I need your help, Heart of Light," she said. "Arren needs to awake to his gifts, his position as Hand of Light. Please help us."
Eae nodded. "Give me your hand, Arren," she said, holding hers out to him. "Its your choice to make, to accept this burden or not, to take my hand and accept your destiny to fight the Darkness till the end. No one will force you. But I must warn you, if you make the choice and accept the burden, you may never unmake the choice. Are you willing to carry the burden of Light?"
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby ClaecElric4God » Mon Nov 25, 2013 4:10 pm

Shaddoc watched the scene unfold as the other group arrived. It appeared that he was the least surprised of everyone there, since he already knew the story behind the two separate halves of Jadis. Instead, he was just relieved beyond words that they'd finally managed to get the two together.
But then they started talking about not joining them. What were they thinking? Why would Jadis feel the need to do that, just for Shaddoc's sake? The fate of the kingdom depended on Jadis making the right decision, and he was considering Shaddoc? What was wrong with him?
But deep down, Shaddoc was relieved beyond words that Jadis didn't want to leave Shaddoc behind. Because he didn't want to be left behind. He couldn't bear the thought of Jadis fighting without him there to back him up. Even though Shaddoc didn't consider his abilities to be anything extraordinary, he still wouldn't feel right if he wasn't there doing something, instead of sitting waiting for who knew what.
"Thank you, Jadis," he said, nodding. "We'll get there as soon as we can."
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Oddood198 » Tue Nov 26, 2013 10:57 am

OOC: Nope, I think I understand it. Hopefully. Unless I'm entirely wrong. Arren's just dumb. :)

Arren looked back and forth as he tried to follow the exchange between the two Jadis', he was trying to pay attention and figure out what was going on, but it was all so bizarre that he soon lost track entirely of what was happening with those two. He turned his attention to Reveka as she addressed Eae, and listened to her request.
My whats? And which hand? He wondered. He knew about the Hands and Wings and whatever other body parts of Light and Dark, but it almost sounded like Reveka was saying he was one of them, that was ridiculous, surely.
And yet, after Reveka had finished, Eae turned to him and held her hand out, laying out his choice to him. For once, Arren didn't have some quip or edged comment to make about it, instead, he looked down and thought deeply about it. Hand of Light... if it was him, and he accepted, he would get the power to go with it? Azarael was the Hand of Darkness, then if Arren became the Hand of Light, would he become powerful enough to fight on equal terms with him? But it sounded almost more like a burden than a blessing, he would have to fight the Darkness until either he or it were completely defeated, by the sound of it.
Finally, he looked up at Eae, "So, you're telling me that if I accept this, I'll gain the power of the Hand of Light, and then fight the Darkness until the day I die, at which point someone else will be appointed to continue from my position." He said, "I'll not be able to go home, I won't spend my days in peace, and I'll probably die a painful death on some battlefield before my preferred time. I'll be a servant to light and a slave to war, and I'll spend my life as a warrior watching people die all around me. Sounds like a pretty crumby job, to say the least."
Arren sighed then, Never should have gone through that tunnel... He thought, remembering the day that seemed so long ago now, where he and the others had snuck away from the mountain and gotten swept up in this war. "But, on the other hand, so to speak," He said, taking a deep breath, "If I don't, then we have no chance of winning and the Darkness will kill us all anyway. Hardly my definition of a 'choice'." That said, he reached out and grasped Eae's hand, accepting his destiny, his power, and his burden.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Dec 01, 2013 11:17 am

OOC- Poor Arren. Wish I could at least offer him a lollipop.

Eae laid her other palm over Arren's hand, enclosing his in hers. "Close your eyes," she said.
The world around them glowed brilliantly, but the space around Eae and Arren was brightest. In the blinding light surrounding them it seemed like they had reached a new realm, away from everyone else. But Reveka's hand was still there, clinging to Arren like an anchor.
Deep within him, a fountain of light suddenly burst from his soul, rising until it filled him in every limb, every nerve, every fiber and cell of his being. Strength filled his limbs and knowledge of skills and abilities now available to him filled his mind.
For an instant, the image of Emagene appeared before him. She smiled at him, her warm eyes filled with pride and love. "Arren, my most wonderful son," she said. "Take care of Reveka for me, alright?" She began to fade, but she put her arms around him and embraced him as she whispered, "I love you my son. I'll see you soon."
The light faded. Eae released his hand then turned to Reveka. "You have awakened the memories of the Wings. Through them comes your power. Draw on them." She turned back to Arren. "Remember, above all the duty of the Hand is to protect the Bearer of the Wings. If Azarael succeeds in compromising her, he will use her to strike directly at me, and all will be lost."
"Eae." Jadis stepped forward. His image followed him, standing like a shadow behind him. "Quickly, you must set myself and my friends on their way, or they will not arrive in time."
"You play a huge gamble, Jadis. Are you sure this is best?"
"I don't know!" Jadis said in exasperation. "But I can't think of any other way!"
"Wait a minute!" Ethinine said. "I have an idea! Reconnect Jadis here, and send me back with Shaddoc and Callysta. If you transport us at least partway there, I can use windspells to boost our speed. This way, Jadis will be ready is Azarael shows up, and we'll still be there, if a little late."
"Jadis?" Eae turned. "Is this acceptable?"
Jadis was torn by his indecision. Above all he wanted to stay with Shaddoc, but if he was wrong the whole world would pay for his choice. "Yes," he said finally. "Alright. But you three had better hurry!" He grabbed his half and straightened. "Put me back together, Heart of Light," he said.
Eae bent down, resting a hand on each Jadis' shoulder. Light surrounded them, though not nearly as bright as Arren's. She rose up, carrying them with her. Then, slowly, she began to push her hands , with Jadis between them, together. The two seemed almost to fight a moment, then the second half began to join with the original, melding into him. There was a bright flash, and Jadis stood as a single entity once again.
"Now you must go," Eae said. "I can feel the Darkness rising." and her realm faded away.

Reveka, Arren, and Jadis found themselves once more in the tower room of the Citadel. The Light was gone, and shadows had drifted back into the room.
Jadis drew his swords, once more Light-blessed, saying, "Well....good luck. I think we're going to need all we can get."
Reveka turned slowly, facing the doorway. She could feel him, Azarael. He was coming. "Arren, Can you feel him? He's coming..." She leaned her head on his shoulder, clutching his hand. "Arren, can I ask you something? Do you think...Mother's really...gone?"

Ethinine, Callysta and Shaddoc stood one instant in the North Tower, then found themselves virtually catapulted through a stream of Light, which shot out from the tower and into the Darkness. It carried them a long ways before finally releasing them in a field.
Ethinine glanced around, then said, "Alright, we'd better hurry." He summoned his best wind spells, which instantly lifted them up and carried them deeper into the Darkness, towards the Citadel.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Oddood198 » Tue Dec 03, 2013 1:03 pm

Arren did as instructed and closed his eyes, and soon, even through his eyelids, he could see an intense light in front of him. And then, suddenly, he could feel the light in him, flowing through him, filling up every limb, every thought, every cell was filled and empowered by the Light. New thoughts, knowledge like memories flooded into his mind, telling him of things, ancient powers now awakened in him. His mind was filled almost to overflowing, and an intense throbbing headache sprang up as thoughts, images, and sounds whirled all around him, finding a place to store themselves in his brain. It was chaos to him, a madness that crushed everything else.
And then, it all stopped. In front of him there was a single figure, smiling at him, and that smile warmed his heart. She was the only other person in the world he cared for as much as Reveka, and yet hadn't seen for so long. "Mother..." He breathed, finding himself unable to reach out and touch her, as both his hands were being firmly held already. Her words filled his heart with happiness, it had been so long since he had heard his mother's voice, or felt the embrace he was in now even as she faded from him. "I will, mother." He whispered back, "I will protect Reveka with my life."
Finally, the light faded and everything went back to normal, Arren found himself still standing in the room with Reveka, Eae and the others. It all seemed a little dark now after the burst of light. When Eae told him of his first an foremost duty, Arren couldn't help but smirk, "Right, so, the one most important job of mine is the one I've been doing since the two of us were born? I think I can handle that, thanks."

Soon, they were back in the Citadel, the dark filled place where shadows moved freely. Arren nodded when Reveka pointed out Azarael drawing near, "Yeah, I feel him too." He said, then when Reveka leaned on him and asked about their mother, he lifted his free hand and patted her head, "Don't worry. She's fine, I'm certain. We'll see her again soon, once this is all over." He told her.
He felt different, now. Something had changed, his body felt lighter and responded to his commands more quickly. He felt stronger than ever before, and knew that now he could even stand against the Hand of Darkness as an equal. Or so he hoped, anyways.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Dec 03, 2013 4:56 pm

OOC- he wishes :lol: But my villains are fool-proof! It'll take more than a poor kid who was defeated by a sheep to take him down.
Oh wait, my last villain lost in a truly humiliating way....scrap that. Its me he needs to watch out for. :grin:

Reveka smiled warmly at Arren. "I want to see her again...that would be so wonderful."
"Look out!" Jadis shouted, as a sudden wave of Darkness poured into the room. Reveka flung out her arms, and a vast sphere of Light surrounded them. The Darkness split and flowed around them to avoid her intense Light. Azarael stepped out of the shadows, standing just out of her area of protection.
"Good, you are still awake enough to fight," he said. "I was afraid your performance now would be even worse than before. You children seem to tire so easily."
"Just shut up already. You make yourself sound even more stupid with every word," Jadis taunted, spinning his swords. "Believe me, we're not losing to trash like you."
Azarael studied him a moment, then said, "I see you were able to put yourself together again. And how did you manage that, when your Dark half was on his way to paralyze the Heart of Light?" Jadis grinned knowingly at him. Azarael glanced at Reveka, then nodded softly. "Then, you are all undoubtedly powered up? Good...." He held up his hand, his sword pointed directly at them. "Finally, finally my moment has come! I can only pray you know enough to at least make it fun for me!"

If chaos itself had opened its doors and unleashed its hordes, Nigal certainly wouldn't have been able to tell the difference. But then, maybe it had, and that was where all these monstrosities had come from.
Nigal paused a moment, taking a look around. Everywhere he looked, Band and monster engaged in intense combat. More often than not, the Band member pulled victor, but more and more shadows came, just swamping them with sheer numbers. Everywhere he looked, blood and the face of a friend locked in the stillness of death filled his vision. So much lost, and they were probably going to lose anyway.
A hand rested on his shoulder. Neoman smiled gently at him. "Still a few more miles to go yet," he said gently. "We're going to make it Nigal."
Nigal smiled wanly, but it vanished quickly as he saw the next wave coming directly towards them, driven by the once Hand and Wing. He grimaced. "The Dark's kin is everywhere," he hissed. "Where are our friends?"
Neoman looked troubled. "Are we...too weak?" He cast light, destroying several of the shadows. Nigal charged in, finishing off some more. Suddenly, Brander rose before him.
"Miserable pest!" he snapped, slashing at Nigal with bladed hand. Angeline came up behind him, wielding a dual-bladed scythe. Nigal stumbled back, unable to keep up with both of them. Triumphantly, Brander raised his hand for the killer blow.
Suddenly he stiffened. A blade stuck out between his ribs. With a cry of disbelief, he disintegrated. Nigal found himself face to face with a tired but clearly determined Demetrius. The swordmaster smiled at Nigal who stared open-mouthed. "You've gotten slower. Is age finally catching up with you?"
Before Nigal could form a reply, Angeline rose up, shrieking for revenge. She was instantly engulfed in a sphere of Light, and she too vanished. Emagine stood there. However, there was something insubstantial about her, similar to the dark twins. Nigal felt his heart sink. "You did die."
She shook her head. "No, dear friend, I am just in my full power now, as Priestess of Light. The Bearer of White Wings belongs to my daughter now, but I am still its Priestess. Erasmus is on his way, and another-"
Someone suddenly rushed past Nigal, dressed in red and gold. A tall man engaged a group of shadows, destroying them easily with huge sweeps of his blade, a mane of golden hair flowing out behind him. He turned, black eyes twinkling merrily. "Nigal you old dog!" he roared. "Haven't you seen enough wonders yet to stop being surprised by them? Close your flytrap and get over here, there's work to be done!"
Nigal blinked, closed his mouth, then recovered himself and retorted, "Lyorn Firesoul, old or not, I can still match you blow for blow till you beg for mercy!"
"Then prove it! I'm a ghost and I'm still doing better than you!"
Nigal grinned and rushed past him, tackling another group of shadows. Neoman smiled. "You can almost see the years leave him," he said. "Look at him. He's almost like a young man again."
Demetrius smiled faintly, then rushed ahead to join them, "Find the carrier of this cloud!" he said. "We need to win ground!"
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Oddood198 » Tue Dec 03, 2013 5:07 pm

OOC: Hmm, well, they're indoors now, so it'd be awfully hard to get him to trip on a root. And Arren doesn't even have a knife...

Arren looked steadily on through the Darkness as it split to either side of Reveka's wall, and as the Hand of Darkness strode in, as arrogant and cocky as ever. Azarael mentioned Jadis reforming and Reveka being stronger, but he didn't even acknowledge Arren's presence, and that quite bothered Arren.
You insufferable worm, am I some insect beneath your notice? Don't take me so lightly! He thought, getting himself down into a combat stance like before. If Azarael didn't know about Arren's newfound power, perhaps he could use it to his advantage. Azarael expected him to be weak and easily tossed aside, like before, and now Arren had the element of surprise because of it.
His eyes shifted to the side and he glanced at Jadis and Reveka, making sure they were ready, then he looked back and dashed at Azarael, fists raised in front of him, ready to fight.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby ClaecElric4God » Wed Dec 04, 2013 5:55 am

Shaddoc didn't say anything as Jadis made his decision. He knew as well as Jadis that it was the best choice. This wasn't the time for selfish decisions. They needed to take the plan of action that would benefit them all. He nodded at Jadis.
"Of course we'll hurry. You worry about yourself while you don't have anyone to back you up."
As they arrived in the field, Shaddoc's heart sunk, frustrated to once again be separated from his comrade, and this time when it mattered most. He nodded to Ethinine, showing that he was ready. However, he wasn't ready to lose complete control of his body, and he had to close his eyes and focus on the task at hand as the wind carried them toward their destination, and what Shaddoc guessed to be the biggest battle he would ever engage in.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Dec 08, 2013 2:38 pm

OOC-Well, there's bound to be loose stonework, and maybe a crack in the floor. Knowing me, I'm bound to find something.
By the way, where's Arren's sword again?

Jadis charged the instant Arren did, striking at Azarael's left side. He was overjoyed when Azarael was unable to sidestep fast enough and had to block with his sword. Jadis now had the speed to be at least a level below the Hand, and together with Arren...
Azarael suddenly slipped behind him, ramming his elbow into Jadis' back. Jadis grunted but was able to turn and parry as Azarael struck. At the moment, Jadis was between Arren and Azarael, and he was being forced to the ground by the immense pressure Azarael was forcing down on him. "Wish we'd had time to plan this out better," he thought. "Oh well, roll with the punches."
Reveka, while not joined in the direct fight, was struggling in a conflict of her own. For her, it was almost as though she was on a separate plane, all alone. The Bearer of Black Wings stood opposite her,a smile on his face.
"So the Hands are joined, and only one side claims victor this time." He raised a hand, a sphere of shadow resting in it. "Now, as Bearers of the Wings, it is our turn. So what say you, Reveka? Will you save yourself and your family from oblivion?"
"I will not falter, Azarael," Reveka told him. "I will fight, with my brother and Jadis, and we will win."
He chuckled. "I had hoped...but it matters little. The pleasure of tearing your proud Arren and Jadis apart will appease the Hand, and the sight of your lifeless corpse will rest the bloodlust of the Wings."
"Gross." Light built in her hands, as she gazed steadily at her opponent. "I pity you. You're lost forever in the Darkness that has eaten away at your soul until there's nothing left of you. There isn't Light enough left to loath the monster you've become."
he merely smiled. "We are what we are. Is that such a bad thing?" He suddenly pulsed with Dark energy. Reveka did likewise with Light. "Now come! Give me at least a challenge before you die!"
"I will win!" she replied, casting her Light at him.

OOC- Oh, now I remember where it went. Guess Ethinine and co. can take a detour. :grin:

Their passage was smooth, and Ethinine felt himself relax as they progressed without trial or challenge. But then, suddenly, the Darkness deepened, and it seemed almost to tremble. Ethinine felt a great lurch within him, and knew without being told that the End was happening now.
Before they reached the Citadel, they had to pass through Gol'lath first. As he zipped them through the streets, he noticed a certain gaudy sword laying abandoned in the street. Recognizing it, Ethinine quickly grabbed it and kept going.
The Citadel soon towered above them. Ethinine carried them over the wall and into the tower. Shortly thereafter, they were on the platform and rising to the top. Ethinine took a deep breath, readying himself.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Oddood198 » Mon Dec 09, 2013 8:22 pm

Almost immediately, the battle shifted behind Arren, Azarael had moved back and was pressing Jadis down in a bladelock. Arren reached down and placed one hand on the ground, using it as an anchor as he ran around it and did a full 180 turn, losing no momentum as he now ran toward the dueling pair. Just like before, when they were fighting the huge shadow when they had just come off the mountain, he used Jadis' shoulder as a springboard to leap over the two combatants, landing directly behind Azarael.
Now, Arren had already had a few frustrating instances when fighting Azarael when he had a perfect chance to strike, and his target would easily sidestep. So, this time, when he spun to strike, rather than an accurate punch to the face, Arren instead threw a leg out and executed a wide spinning kick, which while lower, would be virtually impossible to dodge and may even be able to knock Azarael off balance.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Wolfsong » Sun Dec 15, 2013 11:48 am

Jadis could see Azarael, in the five seconds before Arren's kick connected, calculating speed, impact, and force. Jadis wondered if he would take the blow, or evade and let him go.
Azarael chose the latter option, leaping up into the air. Arren's kick made contact with his leg, but it mostly grazed it, causing no real damage. Azarael landed behind Arren, slashing sweepingly toward his left shoulder.
Jadsi, the instant he was freed, ducked around Arren till he was behind Azarael. He rushed in, aiming to incapacitate Azarael from behind.

Reveka struggling to hold her own against the force Azarael used to push against her. They stood almost in the same pace they had started in. Azarael was striding toward her, his hand extended, a mass of darkness being pushed against her light. She stood with her arms outstretched, holding up a dome of light around her.
Slowly, then more strongly, she began to push back till there were two solid walls, one of the Dark and one of the Light, pushing against each other. Azarael laughed. "You've grown strong, little one!"
She just smiled back at him, continuing to push.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Oddood198 » Sun Dec 15, 2013 2:16 pm

Slippery little devil... Arren thought as Azarael dodged his kick by [b]jumping[/i]. The fights with super-human warriors would certainly take some getting used to, even if he was on the same level now.
He heard the slice of his flesh before he felt the pain of Azarael's blade crossing his shoulder. It felt like a shallow wound, but it burned with pain and blood started flowing shortly. After the initial shock, the pain faded slightly, but it was still there, and Arren wondered if the awakening of his gifts had increased his endurance toward wounds. Not taking any time to think about it, Arren joined his hands together and used the combined force to jerk his right elbow backward, aiming to catch Azarael in the moment he was distracted after the attack.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Wolfsong » Sat Dec 21, 2013 3:32 pm

The platform halted. Ethinine glanced around, wracking his memory for the path. He rushed down it then up, higher, higher into the Citadel. A room eventually came into view...a room surrounded by a thick cluster of shadows. Ethinine hardly paused, blasting the whole thing down as he kept running. Ethinine, Callysta and Shaddoc burst into the room, the scene unveiling before them.
Azarael was struck by Arren's elbow in the chest, then Jadis' strike got him in the knee. He collapsed briefly, but as they tried to attack again, he suddenly released twin beams of shadow from his body, knocking them back. He rose, blade in hand, lunging at Arren.
"No you don't!" Ethinine shouted, leaping in his way, shooting a huge fireball at Azarel. "You won't harm them!" Azarael lifted his blade and the fire split, traveling around him, but he did pause. Ethinine grinned and Arren and Jadis. "Hey, we made it. Hope we didn't miss too much."
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby ClaecElric4God » Sun Dec 22, 2013 10:41 am

Shaddoc wasn't much for pleasantries, even though he was more than a bit relieved to see Jadis in one piece (literally). Surveying the area and taking in the situation, Shaddoc considered his options and decided not to wait for someone else to decide when the fighting would continue. He wasn't about to let Azarael set the pace while everyone else was catching up.
Notching an arrow to his bow, Shaddoc pulled it back, aiming right for Azarael.
"Jadis!" He yelled firmly, eyes narrowed in concentration, as he released the arrow, then a handful more in direct sequence, one after the other, without pause. He didn't expect to accomplish much, since Azarael didn't seem like the type to be injured by a couple ordinary arrows. But he could only hope that he and Jadis were in sync enough for Jadis to take the hint and use his opportunity to attack Azarael while he was distracted. Otherwise he wasn't sure where things would go from here.
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Re: A New Dawn

Postby Wolfsong » Mon Jan 06, 2014 6:17 pm

Jadis rushed forward as Shaddoc shouted his name, a wild half-grin on his face as he returned to the fray.
Azarael smiled contemptuously as Ethinine defended Arren, as Callysta rushed straight to Reveka, and as Shaddoc fired upon him the instant he entered. "You think this increases your chances?" he asked incredulously as, with a motion, he stopped Shaddoc's arrows. "Fools, you'll only die together."
He turned, just as something rammed into his side. Jadis smiled, his blade buried up to his hand in Azarael's side. "I've been waiting to do that," he said, smirking. "Idiot. This just means there are more of us for you to trip over. We're used to working as a team. But you're all on your lonesome."
--- --- ---
"Go! Now!" Demetrius yelled, hurling himself against Herath, Hand of Darkness from two centuries ago. Shrieking like a harpy she clawed at him, but with lightning speed he severed her hands down to the elbows. She screamed, stumbling back, and he pressed her as Nigal ran past, Erasmus on his heels.
"None of the shadows are leading a cloud," Erasmus reported as they ran. "We've cleared any shadow who was here from the beginning."
"What is the answer then?" Nigal hissed, running a shadow monster through before whipping its head off. Then he ducked as Erasmus hurled flames overhead, disintegrating fire different monsters. "What is the answer?"
Herath's partner, Amphia once of the Black Wings, leapt to her defense with a flaming spear. Demetrius dodged and danced around her, keeping Amphia between himself and Herath's seeking fangs, waiting for his opening. It came as, growing frustrated, she attempted a lunge to impale him. He turned just enough and went right through her throat. even then he kept pushing till it connected to Herath as well, impaling the two together. In an instant, they disappeared, as did the cloud of darkness overhead.
Emagene, tired and weary, instantly felt rejuvenated as the Darkness fled. She raised her eyes, wide as the beautiful blue sky was visible overhead. Lyorn walked up to her and wordlessly offered his hand. Smiling, she took it, revived physically and spiritually, ready to continue the fight.
--- --- ---
Reveka, Jadis and Arren suddenly began to glow, faint but it was a present shimmer. Jadis found a new lightness in his step as he danced away from Azarael. "We're stronger!" he laughed, almost like a little kid.
"Thanks for stating the obvious," Arren retorted, but without bitterness. He could feel power in his hands, as well as his mind, and now had an inkling of the even deeper powers he had to draw on. Excited in his own way, he came at Azarael who was dodging Jadis' strikes.
"That's impossible," he was saying, clearly agitated. "This world is shrouded in shadows. You have nothing to draw on!"
"Pompous idiot," Arren snapped.
"Arren, here!" Ethinine shouted, tossing Arren his sword. Skillfully Arren caught it out of mid-air and leapt at Azarael. Azarael saw him, but merely stepped aside, his focus still riveted on Jadis. Arren glared.
"Don't turn your back on me!" He lunged forward, drawing on the ability within to strengthen and speeden his blow. Azarael stiffened as the sword went directly through his left shoulder. "Just because I'm not always on top doesn't mean I never am!"
--- --- ---
Neoman and Emagene had an x-Bearer of Wings, Donovan, trapped between them. "I don't know," the Grand Sage said thoughtfully. "I always thought that Markal of the Wings, at the end of the first millennium, was the most impressive."
"Still, this one has some spark of its own," she replied. "The twenty-third century had an interesting flair to it."
"Yes, but the archaic ancestry of the time-"
"Will you cut it out?!" Lyorn said, suddenly appearing behind them. "We're fighting a war, and you're discussing history? Just killt he man already and put him out of his misery!"
"Are you suggesting history has no worth?" Neoman asked with a smile. Lyorn looked like he was about to strangle him.
Nigal rushed past, the Bearer of White Wings of the late first millennium beside him. "Why quibble when he's right here to prove it?" Nigal snorted. Markal smiled faintly but chose to remain silent.
--- --- ---
Ethinine saw their glow increase. While still not brilliant, it was slowly becoming blinding. Arren's sword, still in Azarael's shoulder, glowed as well now, blest from Arren's own deep-set Light, and that clearly hurt Azarael far more than the simple blade itself did.
Ethinine glanced at Shaddoc, who was firing his arrows still, his movements and Jadis' combined forcing the Hand of Darkness to focus on defense. Having Arren going at him like a stinging wasp was no help to him either. All in all, they really had a chance of success.
He looked around for Callysta. She stood beside Reveka, looking puzzled and worried. "Ethinine," she said as he came over. "Reveka isn't responding. Is she alright?"
Ethinine studied her a moment, then said, "She is the Bearer of White Wings. I think she's fighting her own battle right now."
Callysta looked rejected. "We're not much help, are we?" she asked. "Look at Shaddoc, he and Jadis work together so much they both react instinctively to each other's moves, and Arren's covering everywhere they're not. We'd probably get in the way if we tried to jump in."
Something caught Ethinine's eye and he looked to the arched doorway. The shadows were thickening there, and shapes were appearing out of them. His eyes widened as he recognized people from the histories and texts he had studied, past shadowed Hands and Wing bearers returning to life. He remembered something from the texts of one ancient scroll- 'And come the final act, when Light and Shadow meet to determine once and for eternity the destiny of our world, Hand against Hand and Wing versus Wing, so shall the deceased angels of Light and Shadow live once more to aid their chosen brethren against their foes'.
"Come on," Ethinine said as he grabbed Callysta's hand and ran for the door, where some of the murky figures were beginning to notice what occurred exactly in the room. "Maybe we're not so useless after all."
--- --- ---
"Erasmus?" Nigal glanced around, but there was no sign of the master mage. He ducked under an oncoming ax blow from some kind of minotaur-thing and stabbed it under the arm. "Erasmus!" he shouted, ducking around the fallen monster.
"Ni-gal!" Erasmus was dangling off the ground, being choked by some kind of tenticled creature. "A little- help!"
Nigal leapt up, slicing through the thick arm. Erasmus dropped on his rump, gasping for air. Nigal made quick work of the creature, then turned to the mage. "Are you alright?"
"I've been better," he replied. He groaned, climbing to his feet. "I'm exhausted."
"I know what you mean," Nigal agreed ruefully. "Meanwhile Emagene and Demetrius especially seem rejuvenated instead of exhausted the further we go."
The Dark vanished again, and once more clear skies were overhead. Erasmus sighed. "And we gotta keep going."
"Just remember," Nigal said. "We're doing this for our world, for...well, your children."
"Allt he children," Erasmus said softly, smiling. "All the children of our world."
"I can see Gol'lath ahead!" he thought he heard Demetrius shout. "We are close!"
--- --- ---
Ethinine had crafted a shield over the door, capable of keeping the enemy out but allowing himself and Callysta to deal some major damage to the gathering opposition.
Jadis, Arren and Shaddoc formed a triangle around Azarael, circling like a pack of wolves. Azarael stood in the center, calm despite the uneasy position. Besides the wounds to his side and shoulder, he was untouched. Arren had two parallel cuts on his left cheek and the gash from his shoulder to his opposite hip on his back. Jadis had blood caked on the side of his head, the result of an earlier failure to move quickly enough. Shaddoc wasn't visibly harmed, though there were marks on his face that, while they resembled dirt smudges, showed where some dark energy had scored him earlier.
Jadis glanced at Arren, waiting for his strike. Azarael noted the movement but made no reaction. Arren suddenly leapt forward, slashing in a crisscross style. Azarael took one step back, seemingly right into Jadis who had run up behind him. Azarael twisted his body slightly and parried, blocking both Jadis and Arren. Shaddoc's arrows, shot when Jadis moved, sailed toward his shoulders. One sailed just over, but the other landed just below.
Azarael leapt back, and Arren realized he was between them and Reveka. Azarael smiled mockingly as he jumped back, taking tight hold of Reveka, and leapt into the air. "Curses!" Arren shouted, running forward. Azarael lowered his hand, palm open toward them, uttering a harsh sound. Instantly the room plunged into Darkness.
--- --- ---
Something shifted. Reveka realized the tide had turned somewhat, a subtle change in the flow. She thought she heard Arren shout, but was uncertain. All she could be certain of was Azarael directly before her, pushing against her.
Something smashed against her, plunging deep inside her. The Darkness was within her!
Her eyes snapped open, wide in mindless shock. Azarael held her, flying over the heads of her brother and Jadis. She could see Shaddoc firing quickly, trying to bring the Hand of Darkness down. Jadis and Arren were doing something, but she couldn't tell what. It was hard to focus on them anyway, her mind locked on the moving Darkness paralyzing her.
"Its over, Bearer of White Wings," Azarael murmured triumphantly. He raised his hand, fingers centered as if displaying something.
Arren's glow grew as his wings suddenly appeared. Jadis leapt up, and Arren jumped off his shoulders as before, colliding directly with Azarael. "Get away from my sister!" he roared, latching onto Azarael's shoulder while his free hand swung the sword around. At the last moment, Azarael jerked Reveka around so that the sword plunged into her. Reveka screamed and Arren paled, looking so very sick. "Rev...eka? REVEKA!! NOO!"
Azarael contemptuously kicked Arren off, and he fell on top of Jadis, knocking them both to the ground. Azarael moaned quietly, a bloodstain growing on the cloth of his tunic. For Arren's sword has pushed through Reveka and directly into Azarael as well, impaling them both together. Azarael chuckled, resting his hands on Reveka's shoulders. "So in the end, we're locked in death together. I suppose then, the Light wins the battle, but what of the war? If the Wings die, you cannot reach the Heart perfectly. This world will die with us, my precious little fledgling."
"No," she replied in almost a whisper. "Not if I can steal your resilience when I join you to me."
"Come again?"
But she thrust herself backwards into Azarael, directly into Azarael, till her form and his overlapped and was vague.
"Reveka!" Arren shouted.
"Arren, get off me! - Shaddoc, help me!"
--- --- ---
Reveka stood face to face with Azarael. He stared at her, expressionless. She smiled slightly, beaming like a little angel. "I win, you know," she said. "I merged first when you were unprotected. And look, my Light is greater than your Dark." She gestured around, where only a deep pure Light could be seen. No Darkness, no shadows, only light.
Azarael's eyes tightened, his whole body tensed, then he suddenly relaxed, releasing a deep breath. "Yes...you have grown, fledgling. Watch." he raised his hand, causing her to tense, but nothing happened. He smiled sadly. "My powers are gone...you are joined strongly to your brother. You are twins, are you not?" She nodded. He sighed again, suddenly looking more the defeated, forlorn and unknown warrior instead of the proud, haughty lord he was. "I am...beaten."
"I need the Wings, Azarael," she told him. "But...may I ask one question? Who were you, before you became the Bearer of Black Wings?"
He smiled at her, drawing up to his full height. "Reveka," he said grandly. "I am your father!"
OOC-I'm sorry......I couldn't resist......that line is such a cliche anymore...please forgive me... :sweat: I'll get back on track.

He smiled softly. "Who was I?...once I was Winter, brother to Lyorn Firesoul, rivals for our father's praise and his eventual passing-on of the Hand and Wing to the better of us. Lyorn won, of course. He was a wonderful man, a favorite and constant friend to the people. I held no malice to others, but preferred time to myself in solitude. Lyorn was also the more physically attuned of us, always leaving me one step behind. I bore him no malice, we warred in friendly rivalry, never staying angry with each other long.
"Father gave both the Hand of Light and Bearer of White Wings to Lyorn in the end. He was ahead of me, and nothing I did could change that. I was no longer even close to rivaling him."
"So you took on the Darkness so you could continue your rivalry?"
"At first I thought if I centered myself in the Light, then it would never hold me. But its stronger than I thought...and much more powerfully pleasing. Soon I was no longer myself."
"I see...are you ready to make it right?"
He smiled crookedly. "You misunderstand. We are what we choose to be. I cannot say with honesty that I regret my path." He chuckled at Reveka's aghast expression. "End it now, my fledgling, before your grasp weakens and my power returns."
She grit her teeth, her expression set, then called on the Wings. They flared out behind her, white with golden light. Azarael spread his out as well, but even then he could not summon a shadow. Reveka wrapped his tall figure in the folds of her wings, hers over his, and closed her eyes, reaching out with her spirit to his. She took her hands and gently reached into his very soul, cupping it delicately between her palms. The spirit of the Wings pulsed beneath her hands as she pulled it away from Azarel. Then, taking a deep breath, she thrust it into her own chest.
The instant that dark orb entered her, the Darkness attempted to break from her hold. But she pushed it further and further in, deep into her own. A pain filled her as the separate essences of the souls fought with each other, then joined together. Her eyes popped open, wide in shock as the souls combined, becoming one. Azarael laughed, a sound that now echoed and sounded empty.
"Did you not know, little one? We become one, now, one soul, one entity." His form was growing fainter, but his eerily alight eyes focused on Reveka, his mouth turned into a smirk. "We're trapped together for the rest of eternity, my child, impaled together on a spiritually two-edged sword."
"If it must be, then I will live with it," she answered finally.
He smiled bitterly. "That's a good girl." His form faded, leaving only a shimmering remnant. This remnant was drawn directly into Reveka, and she felt a change, a rippling through her being. Feathers of black mixed with the pure white, giving the impression of large shadows. She was certain she'd gained a few inches, and her hair fell past her shoulders, flowing like waves down her back. She smiled slightly, then laughed experimentally. It had a richer sound to it, but that was the extent. Elated, she tilted her head back and closed her eyes.
--- --- ---
"that's the last of 'em!" Jadis said, cleaning his blade off. Ethinine stood in the arched doorway with Callysta leaning against him, exhausted, watching the last x-Hand of Darkness fizzle away. Jadis glanced at Arren, who watched Reveka and Azarael's overlapped forms. When Jadis had opted to help Ethinine and Callysta, Arren remained focused on his sister, not saying a word. He was still standing there, watching, oblivious to anything else.
Suddenly, they began to glow and descend. Jadis' hand tightened on his sword, and Shaddoc raised his bow. Arren strained forward, like an anxious dog on a leash.
Azarael and Reveka's forms blurred a moment, then Reveka solidified. She was different now, being maybe a head taller, equal to Arren now, with longer hair and deeply shadowed wings. "Reveka?" Arren said haltingly. She smiled softly at him.
"Its me, Arren," she said, speaking aloud. Her voice was soft, effeminate, but there was a sort of rich undertone that was reminiscent of Azarael. "We've...won. We defeated him Arren! I now have authority over the Black Wings!" She began to laugh. "And I can talk Arren, I can talk!" and she leapt forward, flinging her arms around his neck.
Jadis turned to Shaddoc, sheathing his sword. "Just the Heart of Darkness to go then," he said cheerfully. "If you'll stay with me, I know I can take it." He grinned enthusiastically.
Ethinine smiled at Callysta. "We did well, I think. We make a pretty good team."
--- --- ---
Having gone completely berserk, Mastedon lunged screaming like an enraged animal, his eyes blazing. Demetrius calmly stepped aside and cut his head off. He bent down, picking it up, as the Darkness dispersed, surrounding only the Citadel now.
"Not bad," Lyorn said, walking up. "Guess that blot on the map is up to the kids now."
"Wonder if we should join them," Nigal said, appearing around the corner. "It is Azarael they're fighting. Perhaps we should help-"
Lyorn gasped, his eyes widening. "Azarael's dead! he gasped as a shock wave suddenly bounced from the Citadel, knocking them to their backs as the Darkness fled screaming, vanishing over the horizon. Nigal was laughing as he rolled back.
"They won! Gosh darn it, I don't believe it!"
Lyorn smiled softly, but sadly. "True. That means my role is finished." Nigal stopped laughing, sitting abruptly to stare at Lyorn. The once king stared long and hard at the Citadel, open regret in his eyes. "I had hoped to see my son, just once, and see the man he had become. I see...it was not to be." He closed his eyes, his form starting to fade around the edges.
Nigal leapt to his feet, his face set in determination. "Not so fast, old friend, Fight it for all you're worth, and you'll see him. Demetrius, help me hold him. NEOMAAANNN!"

OOC- okay, everyone post again. We're almost finished, so keep in mind these are perhaps your final posts.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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