Perilous Waltz

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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:33 pm

"I'm not sparing you," Christina said quietly, trying to assess this. " instinct. My brothers taught me to fight with a knife. Its not in strength, its in skill. Its how you move, not the strength in the movement. said you were going to test me. What's the point if I win within a moment? What have you learned, really, except that I can take an opportunity, just like the common fighter?"
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby silvanis2.0 » Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:37 pm

"It is incredibly important, given the things that you will have to face for my master," said Brier, stretching her arms wider, "now, please, attack me."
Her eyes darted to the surrounding foliage. The others would have come by now. If she let Christina escape, she would be punished again. If Christina attacked and legitimately did her harm, she could pretend that it was enough to render her unconscious and give Christina a chance to run. Tears began to sting the corners of her eyes.
"Please," she whispered.
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:44 pm

Christina was quiet a long moment, then nodded. "I...I understand. I'm sorry Brier," she said quietly. Instantly, like a shot she dove forward, smashing a fist into Brier's stomach to knock the wind out of her, and then did a quick slash across her arm, making a cut that was deep enough to draw blood but not enough to kill. She stumbled back, wincing at the blood that lay warm on her hand. What...what in the world was she doing?
"What is this...madness?" she breathed. "What...." Her hand tightened on the knife, and she looked up quickly to see how Brier was.
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby silvanis2.0 » Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:54 pm

Brier let herself fall backward. It had been a good blow. Hopefully it was convincing enough. She let her eyes fall shut and her limbs fall limp.Get away from here! she pleaded with her mind. She knew that the others were preparing to spring. It was too late. A cloaked woman with a crossbow stepped from a hedge and trained her weapon on Christina.
"We have seen enough. Take her, lads, she is fit for the master's work."
Four larger cloaked figures came to collect Christina. The woman with the crossbow dropped her weapon to target Brier.
"As for you, traitor, the master will know of your treachery. Get up."
Brier remained motionless. Perhaps if she played the part well enough the woman would leave her alone. The woman went up to her with a quick, militant stride and kicked her hard in the side.
"Do you hear me, Brier?" she snarled, removing a bolt from her crossbow.
When Brier refused to respond, she stabbed the bolt into the palm of her hand. Brier screamed. The other woman jerked the bolt free and motioned for more cloaked figures to take her, too.
"Put her in her own cell. Take the other one and put her with our other guests."
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Sep 24, 2013 4:57 pm

OOC- I hope this isn't wrong, but...

Christina stared at her a long moment, feeling her anger burn. This unnecessary battle, it rankled her gentle spirit. A rage built in her, causing her to suddenly lunge forward, smashing into the woman with the crossbow. "Run, Brier!" she shouted, trying to swing her knife for a better blow.
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby silvanis2.0 » Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:05 pm

OOC: Go for it!

Brier pulled herself up shakily and scrambled for her sword. There was no way she could engage in a fistfight with some of the master's finest. She managed to get halfway to her weapon before being slammed into the ground by one of the larger cloaked men. She clawed at his face to try and get him to loosen his grip, and finally managed to break free.
"I got you into this mess," she called, clumsily sidestepping another cloaked man, "if anyone should run, 'tis you!"
She grabbed hold of her sword and managed to lift it, though the pain in her hand and the blood that flowed from it made it difficult. She swung at a cloaked figure who was attempting to pull Christina off of the woman with the crossbow.
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Ally-Ann » Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:17 pm

Josephine had no time to run or strategize, as the man was already back on his feet. Everything is happening so fast! The noble narrowly dodged the man's jabs, feeling the blade slice just below her right shoulder and vertically across her collar bone. She would be lying if she said it didn't hurt that bad-- she had never shed blood in this manner before-- but she had no time to sulk in her wounds. She had at least ducked low enough to sweep her leg out under the man's feet, at the same time slashing her sword with lightning speed across his torso, just enough to give him a mild gash. Though this all happened in the course of a few seconds, one sentence repeated over and over in the nobles mind. When will this end, when will this end, when will this end?! Until one of us is dead?!


Orion's confident and joyous demeanor vanished, replaced with one of calm, slightly shocked fury; he sensed that tonight was indeed a bad night. "Is that so?" He replied in a low, strangely-calm voice. One could describe it as subtly frightening. He bowed stiffly at the waist. "Pardon me, then, good sir. I'm afraid I have some business to take care of." And with that, Orion briskly walked away from the eating man, heading towards the west-side's hallway that led to the gardens. He gently opened the door, walked through, closed said door gently, and suddenly burst into a sprint down the long corridor, having a sinking feeling of what that fellow of Josephine's might be doing to her, or what had already done. Whoever this man is, whatever he's done, I will find out who the devil he is. Josey has never shown such fear that I know of around strangers.
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby silvanis2.0 » Tue Sep 24, 2013 5:31 pm

The man touched his fingers to the now-bleeding gash and nodded, as if his blood had said something to him. He glanced around at the hedges and made a dismissive gesture with his bloodied hand.
"Very, very good!" he said, almost conversationally, "You have honed defense and offense, both. Now, you have the choice to come quietly with me, or keep fighting until one of us cannot fight any longer. What say you?"
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Ally-Ann » Tue Sep 24, 2013 6:31 pm

Josephine stood up on quivering legs, stumbling backwards slightly. Just like that
..? He acts as if we just had a casual job interview!!
Her brow furrowed as she tried to steady her breath. Remembering the man's "offer" and threat, the noble thought some more. Deny his offer and keep fighting until the death...? I do not wish to kill tonight, nor do I wish to be killed, but he does not come across to me as a noble person. Clearing her throat, Josephine started to speak. "I do not--"


She was cut off by the sound of doors slamming open and heavy footsteps getting rapidly louder. Before she could say a word,a familiar knight dashed around a nearby corner behind the blade-wielding man, wrapping one arm around his neck and using his other hand to grab the man's wrist. Orion tilted the strange man's head upwaeds quite a bit and snarled. "And who might you be?" He hissed in the man's ear. "You've got some nerve, running off with a noblewoman."

Josephine looked on in slight horror, making sure Orion would not see her injuries by turning her right side away from him. Surely he would go completely mad.

OOC: I'm sorry if Orion seems Gary-Stuish here, silv. D;
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby silvanis2.0 » Tue Sep 24, 2013 9:41 pm

OOC: No worries! I'm really enjoying him >w<

The man barked a wheezing laugh, "Why, hello! You must be the cousin! 'Tis a joy to have you join us. It has been a while since I have faced two opponents at once."
He drew his leg forward and landed his foot hard against the knight's knee.
"Pity I happen to be short on time, otherwise I would give you the proper attention you deserve. I am afraid that your dear noble cousin gets preferential treatment this go 'round."
The bladed man managed a whistle and five cloaked figures emerged from the hedges.
"Do take good care of him, friends. He is a useful sort."
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Ally-Ann » Fri Sep 27, 2013 2:59 pm

Orion grunted, gritting his teeth when his knee was given a good kick. He reflexively let the bladed man go, sinking half-way to the ground. Breathing slightly hard, he stood up straight again. He placed his hand on his sheathed sword, glaring at the figures emerging from the hedges. Looking back at Josephine, a dark look crossed his eyes as he smirked. "So, Josephine, you're with this guy?" His voice should have been teasing, but instead it was a low rumble. Josephine scoffed, looking away from her pathetic excuse for a cousin.

"As if I had a choice. It was go with him or die." She prayed the slowly-growing red stains on her dress were concealed by the darkness of knight. For now, adrenaline kept her feeling numb.

"You value your life over the royal family?" The knight's smirk vanished, and he was in slight disbelief that even Josephine would join forces with someone she did not know, someone who may have ill-will. "Think about what you are doing!"

"I have!" The noble shouted, fully facing her cousin. "I made a deal with him, and I'm keeping my word. Survival of the fittest, Orion, is the game that is being played here. That much I can tell, and I don't plan on losing."

"You sound like a wayward renegade."

"The label is exciting, at least." Her cousin exploded into a short fit of strong laughter, but soon quieted.

"I suppose, then, that this will strengthen our rivalry? Not my way of choice, but whatever works, no?"

The noble quirked an eyebrow slightly, sheathing her sword. She knew Orion would not attack her now. "There was never a rivalry between us. I stole your thunder the day I was born."
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Wolfsong » Fri Sep 27, 2013 4:06 pm

OOC- random question. I know this as likely as a snowball's chance in Hades, but is escape an option? Considering the odds we're facing...but I like looking at the chances. So fun.

"Unless I'm very much mistaken, you sound like you didn't enjoy it." Christina, mad as she was, refrained from killing the woman, instead hitting her hard on the back of the head, knocking her out. She glanced back as Brier took off the guy trying to pull her away, and was horrified to see more coming. "Um, Brier?" she said. "You...wouldn't happen to know any good hiding places, would you?" As she spoke, she grabbed Brier by the arm and yanked her into the hedges, running as though the thorns and branches poking at them didn't exist.

Maxwell tilted his head back. "I don't hear the music anymore," he said. "Do you suppose its over, or just a break between dances?"
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby DecooPunk » Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:49 am

OOC: Oh my goodness! So much has happened! Auugh. My family has moved and my parents don't want to get wifi for a while so that is why I have been gone so long. I can always to the library though so I could RP some every week. Would that be enough or should I quit? I don't want to hold everyone up. TT_TT
This is so annoying :comp:
Oh well...
Bertram was supposed to go with Christina too. I'll make him see them running through the garden or something, would that be okay?
EDIT: Pfft I thought I was posting in the OOC thread. *Facepalm* :sweat:
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Wolfsong » Sat Sep 28, 2013 10:53 am

OOC- It sounds alright by me, Decoo. I hope Silvanis'll even the odds out, I think.
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby silvanis2.0 » Mon Sep 30, 2013 10:24 am

OOC: No worries, Decoo! Keeping Bertram with Christina is a fine idea. I've been wifi-less lately, too. And Wolfsong, let's see how far this goes. ^w^

The bladed man wiped one of his blades clean on his shirt.
"I do love watching family squabbles, but we do have some things to attend to. If you please, m'lady, we must finish this."
He gave a dismissive gesture to the cloaked men and they began to drag Orion away. The man engaged both blades.
"Now, if you please, do try to kill me. I need to be sure that you would be able to take a life if the situation asked for it."
Brier kept up with Christina until the hedges locked them into a dead end. She kicked at a hedge and found that the branches had woven thickly together over many years of growth.
"Can you climb, m'lady?" she asked, bracing her legs and shoulder so as to lift Christina, "perhaps with a better view we can find our way out."
The rustling of the cloaked people was not far behind them.
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Wolfsong » Mon Sep 30, 2013 4:27 pm

OOC- the only thing is... I don't know what I'm looking at, so I'm gonna just fling something out there. XD here goes. So when do you guys have wi-fi, and at what time, if you don't mind my asking.

"Yes," Christina answered quickly, using Brier's boost and her hands to move branches aside and try to see better. Just ahead was the courtyard, and she thought she could see the stables. But better yet....
"Bertram!" she shouted, waving frantically. "Bertram, help us!" She scrambled down and grabbed Brier's hand. "Come on! Maybe he can help us!" She launched herself at the hedges, slashing with her stiletto and trying to carve herself a way. "Help me!" she gasped, glancing frantically back. She could hear the cloaked men coming, and fear was beginning to clog her mind.
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby DecooPunk » Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:22 pm

OOC: For me it's whenever I can go to the library. Gak! Sorry for being so vague, probably tomorrow I will be able to RP some maybe after school hours.
Bertram walked out of the ball and into the gardens, he was bored with dancing and most everyone had left anyway. He stood admiring the flowers when he heard a rustle behind him. Turning he saw Lady Christina poking her head over a shrub. "Help!" she cried.
"Lady Christina?" He said concernedly rushing towards her and grabbing her hands, pulling her over the shrub, "What is wrong?"
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Wolfsong » Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:28 pm

Christina grabbed Brier and scrambled over to Bertram. "We're in trouble!" she said. "There's some strange people chasing us, and...well, I'm not sure what they intend! Please, we need your help. I'm....I'm not sure what to do..."
The strain was finally catching up with her. Tears were forming in her eyes, and her fists clenched and unclenched. How much more of this could she take? It was a nightmare...
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby DecooPunk » Mon Sep 30, 2013 6:34 pm

Bertram hesitated "Um... Oh dear, Maybe we should find your Knight friends?"
OOC: I'm off for the night!
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby silvanis2.0 » Mon Sep 30, 2013 11:56 pm

"I am afraid that they have already been taken," Brier panted, urging her companions forward, "we are on our own."
Brier felt woozy from blood loss and running was only making matters worse. She would only slow them down if she tried to accompany her friends to the stables.
"Christina, I told you that I would love to be your friend," she said hurriedly, "please allow me to at least fulfill that. You and Bertram get out of here. Get out of the kingdom, if you can. I will buy you as much time as possible. Do not argue, just go."
She turned and vanished into another wall of hedges.
"Brier, help me!" she screamed with Christina's voice, "I'm stuck! Please, hurry!"

OOC: My wifi is now functional, so I'll be on as often as I can. :)
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:41 am

OOC- oh chase after her or not.

Christina stared in horror as Brier fled. "Brier," she whispered, feeling the tears finally fall. "May the angels shelter you and carry you through to safety," she prayed, then grabbed Bertram's hand and ran for the stables, hating herself the whole way through for abandoning Brier.
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby silvanis2.0 » Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:32 am

Brier was touched by Christina's prayer. She dearly hoped that God would grant it. It did not take long for the cloaked ones to find her, but it took them a little longer to figure out that she was not Christina. A surge of people began to pour out of the castle. The ball had ended. Brier let out a relieved sigh. The Sneaks would never find Christina and Bertram amid the sea of guests. Suddenly, a familiar voice parted the Sneaks. Brier's heart dropped. The Overseer's expression was stony and cold. She had lost her only ally.
"I will deal with her," he said shortly, "the master has ordered you to report to him at once."
A Sneak handed Brier off to the Overseer and he pulled a small dagger from his robes to hold to her neck. When the last Sneak was out of earshot he lowered the knife.
Brier''s head swam.
"What are you doing?" she whispered.
"I want you to hit me and then run away into that crowd," he muttered, "you and I both know what the master will do if he finds that you disobeyed his direct orders."
"I could never-"
"You must hit me, and you must do it with force. You know how I will be punished if the master finds that I let you go without a fight."
"I am sorry, my friend. Please forgive me, and if you are a praying man, ask that God blesses you for protecting me."
She swung a right hook that probably hurt her a lot more than it hurt the Overseer. When he stumbled and clutched his face, she ran. The world was growing dim and seemed to be rocking madly with each step she took. She leaned against the stable wall after what felt like an eternity of running and used it to steady herself until she reached her horse's stall. She didn't bother with putting on a saddle, but slipped on a bridle before she mounted and left through the gates. Her horse didn't break stride when she slumped over its neck, unconscious.
The Overseer made his way into the dungeons, careful to keep his hood far enough over his face to hide the bruising. He motioned to the guards to unlock the cells before addressing his guests.
"The ball has concluded, and it is finally time for you to have some answers. Heaven knows you deserve it. Please do not try to run, there have been special precautions taken to lock each of the castle's doors from the outside and every window is guarded. If you will follow me, my master would like to meet all of you and explain your mission."
Forrester unlocked the cell when the guard couldn't find his key.
"Had there been an opportunity," he muttered, flinging the key at the guard.
The Overseer led the group into the main hall, where the clicks of several dozen crossbows and the scrape of uncountable arrows echoed when they entered.
"Nice to have such a warm welcome," spat Lachlan, straightening his posture but clutching Stephania's bag tighter.
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby DecooPunk » Tue Oct 01, 2013 11:54 am

Bertram ran with Christina, thoroughly confused. 'What's going on? Who was that lady? What happened to Erin and Forester?' Multiple thoughts raced through his mind. He glanced at Christina, she looked very distraught, but that was hardly surprising.
"Perhaps we should get our horses and head to the village, it might be safer there."
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Ally-Ann » Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:34 pm

Orion tried to unsheathe his swords, but was grabbed roughly by the men that emerged from the shadows. He put up a good fight for a few seconds, but the men, surprisingly, were stronger, and had his hands tied behind his back. "Josephine Arnette, have you lost your mind?! You don't know who this vile man is!" Orion shouted, struggling against his captors. His protests went unheard, however, as Josephine looked away from him, turning her attention back to the bladed man. Orion soon disappeared out of sight, and Josephine felt a slight twinge of guilt that she soon pushed to the back of her mind.

She had barely registered the man's order when she pulled out her sword once more, but she slowed herself. He wants me to try to... kill him? She thought with disbelief, giving into the urge to swallow hard as she focused her angered gaze upon the man's face. She had no questions for the man anymore. And as she set her mouth in a hard line, she glared daggers into the man, charging as fast as she could towards him with her sword aimed for his chest.
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby silvanis2.0 » Tue Oct 01, 2013 1:47 pm

The man nimbly sidestepped, but was given a nasty gash to his arm. He pressed a hand to the wound and gave a pained chuckle.
"Well played, wildcat."
He glanced around and his smile dropped when he saw something in the shadows.
"Pity, playtime's over. You will be a fine addition to the master's work, and lucky you, you get to meet him right now!"
The man disengaged his blades and threw Josephine over his shoulder as if she were nothing more than a sack of feathers. He slipped through the hedges and through an open grate at the base of the castle. The way was dark and slippery, but he knew where he was going. It was not long before he slid aside a panel of wood and dropped Josephine to her feet just outside of the main hall. Someone swore from deeper along the passage.
"It seems your cousin can put up a good fight," commented the man as he steered Josephine into the main hall where the others waited.
The cloaked men dumped Orion unceremoniously on the floor when they entered just moments later.
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Wolfsong » Tue Oct 01, 2013 4:59 pm

Christina nodded at Bertram. "Yes, lets, before they close the gates," she said. Then she heard noises, and realized that the ball was over. People were leaving! She grabbed his arm and pulled him back, till they merged into the crowd of people. "We'll try to slip out with them," she whispered. "Be careful, there may be more of them in the crowd."
Eventually, they got to their horses and rode out through the castle gates. Christina released all the breath she'd been holding, and was feeling so relieved she started laughing. "We're safe!" she said. "I can't believe it, we're safe!" However, her laughter died as, when they had rode a little farther, they saw a figure fallen in the ditch, still.
"Brier?!" Christina scrambled off her horse with less than ladylike haste and dropped down beside her, trembling but scared to touch her. "What do we do?" she asked Bertram.

Maxwell remained silent, watching the Overseer. Underneath the hood, he could have sworn he detected a dark coloration, a bruise? Who had struck this man? He felt a little envious, for he was longing to do so. But he kept his hands clenched at his sides and smiled through clenched teeth. "Well," he remarked quietly to Forrester. "I guess I can take comfort in the fact that Christina's most likely safe, though I'm sure everyone's gonna throw a fit back home when they realize I'm gone." He smiled softly for real, thinking of Stephen, Christina, and their father.
When he heard the crossbows, his hand dropped automatically to where his rapier should be, then cursed under his breath when he remembered it wasn't there. "So what are the answers?" he demanded of the Overseer. "Why the bloody heck are we mixed up in this?"
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby DecooPunk » Tue Oct 01, 2013 7:10 pm

Bertram tried to remember the various inns around the city he saw traveling to the ball early in the day, "I think we should stay in the city, your friend does not appear to be well, do you know of any reputable doctors? I am afraid this is the first time I have been to this city."
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby silvanis2.0 » Tue Oct 01, 2013 9:46 pm

Brier moved feebly but did not wake. Her horse, curious and nearby, whickered nervously when they got too close.
Before the Overseer could respond, the doors at the opposite end of the main hall swung closed and a tall, thin man approached. He was dressed in rich clothes of black and crimson and wore his hair in well-groomed black curls that fell around his shoulders.
"My champions!" he called, smiling widely, "It is indeed an honor to stand before such skilled and talented guests. I am Brann, or 'master' as my capable Sneaks prefer. I have called you here tonight in a state of urgency and desperation. This kingdom is on the brink of war, though good King Alastair would never admit it. You see, he is lamentably inept at keeping to treaties and trade agreements. That is why I have taken it upon myself to steer this kingdom back into safer waters. Now, do not be alarmed, my friends. I have personally seen to it that his highness and his daughter are safe and comfortable and very far away from here. I simply could not have them here where they could hinder my plans.
You see, I have come upon a very valuable map that leads to a weapon of the highest caliber. With it no nation could stand against us, now or ever. I would send my entirely capable Sneaks to fetch it, but it cannot be taken through trickery or stealth. No, indeed it must be won. All of you have proven that you have the potential to do just that. Think of it, friends! If you succeed, you will ensure the eternal safety of your family, your homes, and your land for innumerable generations to come! Better still, you will go down in the annals of history as heroes and legends. Who of you could deny such an opportunity?"
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby sarahleinaar » Tue Oct 01, 2013 10:06 pm

Serephine looked up as a man came in. She listened carefully and looked at Will in the cell across from them.
He shrugged. "Sir, will we be allowed to go back home afterwards," she asked.
Then thought for a moment before adding, "And how far away is this weapon you want us to retrieve for you?"
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Re: Perilous Waltz

Postby Davidizer13 » Wed Oct 02, 2013 8:59 pm

Stephania was silent as their procession marched towards the Overseer's hall. For some reason, she believed something like this would happen, borrowing some naive onlookers for a party trick for some corrupted noble's entertainment, but never expected what form it would take, with knives, barroom-style rumbles, kidnappings... And now the promise of the nation's security. A promise of change, and one for heroism and fame, but at what cost, and to what end? She cautiously shuffled over to Lachlan. "My lord," she muttered, "what can a single weapon, even the mightiest in the world, do for a nation?" She glanced around for any possible way out - something was definitely off about the meeting, and everything she saw told her she would not want to be around when that was revealed in its fullness.
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