Artists Manifest

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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Tue May 28, 2013 9:07 pm

"Who says that's where it end?" Vlad asked with a marshmello in his mouth giving his voice that wierd sound you only hear in said situation, "I just didn't want my stick to burn or my marsmello to fall off. No, this story isn't over yet. Anyway." he swallowed to make talking easier, "The man ran all the way home and was greeted by his wife who, being supersticios, though he would succumb to some great evil or she would never see him again. They went inside and the wife prepared his catch. As she cooked the man told her about the fishing trip and how, just as the other men said, he couldn't catch a thing untill the sun went down and then, again as the men said, he heard the voice from the river. He told her about how he was brave and didn't give into fear and then about the woman with no face. He laughed at the mediculousness of his story right as she was finishing dinner. They sat at the table only lit by small candles and the fireplace that was now at a slow smolder with hardly a flame to speak of. They were about to eat when the woman spoke up. 'So this woman that offered to buy the fish had no face you say?' she asked him sitting right next to him at the small table. 'Yeah, if I hadn't seen it with my own eye's I wouldn't have believed it myself. It's the craziest thing.' he replied picking up his fork to eat. 'Did... she... look... like... this?' she asked slowly, each word seeming to put out a flame till all was dark and at 'this' the fireplace exploded into flames and the faceless woman from before was sitting at the table next to him staring at him only inches away from his face! The man was scared beyond all reasoning and blacked out only to wake up a moment later in the forest where he first met the woman. There was noone around and both the fish and his fishing rod were gone. The man got up and slowly walked back to town, his head low with dissappointment and fear. The townsfolk say he never fished again and eventually lost his mind, his wife having to take care of the man till he died in his sleep, a look of extreme horror and fear written on his face as though the faceless woman scared him to death as her last act of revenge." Vlad said looking into the fire eye's glazed over and than blinked, looking up with a smile, "And that's my story. So, what do you think?"
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Cleanedbyblood » Wed May 29, 2013 12:05 pm

Himeko blinks a few times. "wow..."
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Bio_Plus » Wed May 29, 2013 3:58 pm

"Yeah" Vinyl said. "That must have been some really good fish to cause that much trouble." She laughed and then slapped her hands together. "Anyway, my turn. Are you ready?"
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Cleanedbyblood » Fri May 31, 2013 7:44 am

Himeko nods "sure but it almost looks like it might rain. Or is it just me?"
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Bio_Plus » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:21 pm

"That's perfect." Vinyl said. "Because if it rains we my be able to hear them borrow up from the wet ground before they slither up our legs."
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Sun Jun 02, 2013 6:48 pm

"Heh heh heh, I know what we're cooking tomorrow s I can get my hands on enough. It's a funny the things you learn watching discovery channel." Vlad said with a laugh, "So... continue with your story Vinyl."
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Cleanedbyblood » Mon Jun 03, 2013 10:07 am

Hemiko shuddered a little at the thought of something wet and possibly slimy slithering up her legs.
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Bio_Plus » Mon Jun 03, 2013 4:31 pm

"A few years ago at this lake." Vinyl continued. "Some researchers came to the lake to study the fish for some university project or other, and nobody was allowed to catch any fish whatsoever. They hung around for about a year before they realized that the fish were becoming overpopulated and opened the lake for fishing again." Vinyl widened her eyes. "But it was too late. The fish that took over the lake drove the leeches at the bottom deeper into the mud and they started digging away from the lake, leaving them with no food. The leeches would burrow out of tiny holes in the forest in search for anything to feed off. And when people came back to camp here a few months later, the leeches were waiting for them, coming out at night, crawling up their legs and into their sleeping bags without them knowing." Vinyl took a marshmallow off the stick and popped it in her mouth. "Later." She said through chewing. "Some big shot scientists said that the minerals in the red sand around here most have done something to the leeches." She swallowed. "Because the leeches' color changed to blood red and that's not all that changed. When the leeches touched the campers' skin their bodies went numb and they became completely paralyzed. So it was that campers would be found in the mornings, unable to move, yet completely conscious. Having spend the night covered with leeches, not being able to take them off or even scream, while the leeches crawled over their bodies and sucked at their blood." Vinyl paused and folded her arms as she stared into the fire. "Luckily they discovered that carrot juice acted as a repellent for the leeches and almost all the leeches disappeared when campers started using it." Vinyl stood up slowly. "But ever since, just in case the leeches ever came back, we've kept a whole closet filled with carrot juice in the upstairs hallway." She slowly walked over to Vlad. "Vlad?" She asked him. "Did you drink any of our carrot juice?"
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Sun Jun 09, 2013 10:53 am

Vlad simply looked down, popped himself in the forhead with his open palm and said, "Dang, I shoulda had a V8. So what happeneds if I did?" he asked looking over at Vinyl.

OOC: This is my last post for the week. I need to call a temporary Hiatus untill Saturday morning. I'll be diligently catching up, and getting ahead, in my school work and hope you guys understand. I'll still be checking the forum and rp and If I'm free and such I will post if and when possible but my focus will be on school.
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Bio_Plus » Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:30 pm

"I guess you wouldn't need to worry about the great, big leech crawling up your leg." Vinyl said pointing to a red leech that was stuck on the back of Vlad's leg.
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby sarahleinaar » Fri Jun 14, 2013 1:14 am

OOC: ughhh, I hate leeches!!! :P
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Fri Jun 14, 2013 8:34 am

Vlad looked at the leech and then reached over, pulling a smoldering stick from the fire pit and pressed it lightly against the leech which proceeded to fall of and sizzle a bit. "I think I'm going to want some antiseptic for this." he said with a slight laugh and a broad smile. "I'll be sure to check the rest of me when I shower. We should get to bed. I wanna get an early start tomorrow." he continued, getting up and stretching out by reaching up. Unless Hemiko has a story for us."

OOC: Sorry it's taking so long Sarah, been busy on my end.
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby sarahleinaar » Fri Jun 14, 2013 10:09 am

OOC: Oh it's fineee, I've been rather busy on my end. Went to Disneyland three times last week and SeaWorld last Saturday! Haha, babysitting job tonight. So yeah, is fine, take your time :D
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Cleanedbyblood » Sun Jun 16, 2013 8:41 pm

Himeko glanced at the leech "I never really liked leeches much." Shaking her head "No I don't really know too many stories, sorry"
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Mon Jun 17, 2013 4:04 am

"Well, then I guess we should hit the rack. How do we finish putting out the fire?" Vlad asked, looking at the embers and few flams that flickered before them.
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Bio_Plus » Mon Jun 17, 2013 2:39 pm

Vinyl rolled her eyes in irritation. "Sheesh Vlad! You could have at least played along." She took the earphone out of her one ear and the leech disappeared. "Burning my poor leech and that was my best one yet! You guys head on in I'll put out the fire, just put some coffee on and I'll join you in a minute."
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Mon Jun 17, 2013 8:00 pm

"First, that's exactly how I would have reacted if a real leech latched onto me, and second, I might have believed it if I actually felt a leech, their saliva might have natural painkillers and antigoagulants but you can still feel that slimeyness crawling up your leg. I would know, there's one on my other leg now and this ones real." He said lifting his left short leg and revealing a small black leech to which he gavre the same flaming stick treatment but instead of touching the leech with the stick he held the flame close to it and it fell off on it's own. "his one I'll need antiseptic for." He said once again with a laugh. "I'll start the coffee." He walked inside and into the kitchen where he grabbed the first aid kit under the kitchen sink and applied an antiseptic infused bandage to the small bite on his leg and then moved on to the coffee pot.
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Cleanedbyblood » Tue Jun 18, 2013 9:53 pm

Himeko heads inside as well and helps to get the cups and such ready for coffee
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Bio_Plus » Tue Jun 18, 2013 10:42 pm

Vinyl makes sure that the fire is completely put out before heading inside. She sat down at the kitchen counter and waited for the coffee. "How about flapjacks for breakfast? And what do you guys think about these powers we got? Why did we get them?"
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Cleanedbyblood » Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:10 am

"Flapjacks sound good." Himeko said "I think its amazing to have powers like we do. I imagine once we fully learn how to control them. I already can't imagine ever having to give them up."
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Mon Jun 24, 2013 6:44 pm

"Here here to Flapjacks!" Vlad said then sat down as he waited for the coffee to finish. "I think these powers are great but we were given them because of what we were capable of. I'm more curious of why our powers being discovered will lead to the end of creativity as we know it but she gives people these powers anyway. I would think it safer to not put these powers out there to be discovered. What do you think Vinyl?"
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Bio_Plus » Tue Jun 25, 2013 4:34 pm

"Oh that." Vinyl replied. "Yeah, that girl was very cryptic, I didn't really understand half of what she said. But we should probably try to keep it secret from anyone that would use it against us or lock us away for testing or something."
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Cleanedbyblood » Tue Jun 25, 2013 5:01 pm

Himeko poured the coffee into the cups she had got down and brought it out on a tray she had found along with some cream and sugar. "I think if others found out about us, it would be like how it is on X-men. A lot of people would be afraid of us and try to destroy us...or at least try to exploit us."
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Sat Jun 29, 2013 10:57 am

"I remember her saying that if any of us were found out then some higher being would remove our powers and practically make it like we never had them. Wiping our memories and probably those around us. Seems like only we can benefit from and lose big when using these powers but I will control mine and learn all I can. I won't let my secret out even if I wanted to." He said with a smile and took a sip of coffee before reaching over and adding another spoonfull of sugar and stiring it in.
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Bio_Plus » Tue Jul 02, 2013 6:37 am

"Well I guess it wont be so bad if she just takes it away." Vinyl took her cup and took a sip. "Thanks Himeko. Wasn't there some penalty though." She put her cup next to her and laid back in the chair. "But I guess it doesn't really matter if we don't remember it anyway." A few seconds past and Vinyl was fast asleep on the chair.
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Cleanedbyblood » Tue Jul 02, 2013 9:38 am

Himeko sat at the table and sipped her coffee then added some sugar and cream. "I don't remember there being anything about a penalty." She said around a yawn.
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Fri Jul 05, 2013 5:36 pm

Vlad looked up in thought, "Well if we all loose our powers then all creativity in the world dies and if we loose our powers the world makes it like we never had them... seems like it's an all or nothing system." Vlad said with a smile and continued to drink his coffee tapping his foot in time with a song in his head. "How are we going to get Vivi to her room? I can't carry her, that's just indecent." he said stiffling a laugh.
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Cleanedbyblood » Sat Jul 06, 2013 10:51 pm

Himeko pokes Vinyl a couple of times "Maybe just leave her here?"
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Bio_Plus » Sun Jul 07, 2013 6:36 am

Vinyl stirred at Himeko's poking before turning in her sleep and continuing peacefully.
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Re: Artists Manifest

Postby Broly Ultimatrix » Tue Jul 09, 2013 8:53 am

"Or maybe when we're done here she'll just wake up and walk to her room all by her self." Vlad laughed. He finished his coffee and sat the cup in the sink. I'll clean up, you two can head off to bed whenever you're ready." He grabbed Vinyls cup off the table and started cleaning off the cup and the marshmellow off the roasting sticks.
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