Altitude: Islands in the Sky

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Postby Nami » Wed May 25, 2011 6:33 am

Gabriel was handling a small metal plucker, as it looked. He was getting ready to take the bullet out when Denkou asked about his sister. He looked up from under his black bangs. "Well..." he hesitated, "its... annoying. Hard, and she hits me." he frowned, "she's cranky, moody and likes to throw her age around." he shifted around to Denkou's side.

"Plus, she's hard to get along with." He smirked, "I'm sure not all sisters are like that." He focused on the bullet, "just mine." Carefully, he inserted the thin metal sides and grasped the bullet, gingerly, he took it out and set it on a metal tray. Her heel began to bleed and he grabbed a rag, putting it in hot water and then applying it to her heel, before changing to a cold rag to stop the bleeding. He pressed it hard against the wound and was startled by Raven's voice, he hadn't known anyone else was here.

Well, he had heard the Captain tromp by like an angry bull.

Gabriel looked back at Raven, he stared, long and hard before speaking.

"Raven..." he said calmly, "Stowaway or not. She is in need of help." He sighed, "maybe she is tricking us." He looked into Denkou's eyes and then back at Raven. "Regardless, I'm not going to be like that Price guy, he would leave his mother to bleed to death." Gabriel scowled. "Everyone deserves a bit of kindness."

Gabriel took Denkou's hand and pushed it to her heel, "hold that," he murmured. He turned and came over to Raven, standing over her, he put a hand on her shoulder.

"It's Ok, Raven. I know things have been tough." He smiled,"but we'll get through it. We always do." He squeezed her shoulder comfortingly. "Just stay chill."

He glanced down the way and saw Isabella helping JP, all this racket from outside was distracting...he hoped Felix was alright. He also hoped they got the heck out of there. A shudder ran down Gabriel's spine, 'Price, Quinton... their thugs nearly killed my sister. It's been about seven years.' he thought. Bitterness welled up inside him and gave him a bad taste in his mouth, the sooner they got away from the bad news, the better.
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Postby MomentOfInertia » Wed May 25, 2011 12:24 pm

OoC: I'm just going to assume the rest of the crew came abroad with the captain, I hope nobody minds.


The girl was blubbering now, something about a guy named Price; I put my arm around her to try and calm her down.
Then I heard the captain coming, yelling to "get in the air" then the clatter of the rest of the crew charging up the aft ramp. wait-a-minute. Who dropped the ramp? that thing takes forever to close.
I scooped the girl up, ran up the aft ramp, punched the button to close it, and started looking for Adele. I figured Adele was the one most likely to take pity on the poor girl and and the authority to make it stick. I caught up with Adele at the front of the cargo bay.
"um, s'cuse me ma'am, I found this kid banging on the hatch, says she's running from some guy named Price. Can we bring her along on this next hop with us? Get her out of here?
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Wed May 25, 2011 1:03 pm

Denkou stared at Gabriel. Did he really mean what he said? And what about the Price guy letting his mother bleed to death? That sounds horribly familiar she thought to herself bitterly. And it didn't help that her heel still hurt. What the heck did I get into? she wondered again.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby Darth_Kirby » Wed May 25, 2011 5:00 pm

All that Ulairez heard was a man yelling, "get in the air!" When he heard that, Maiz started running to the back of the plane where he had seen most of the people enter the plane, and holstered his gun at the same time.

"Ohhh man! Well, at least I know the voice of the captain now and that I don't have to bribe him for an illegal takeoff."

The plane was longer than Maiz had first thought. He reached the back of the plane just in time to jump onto the closing aft ramp.

"Hope the captain doesn't mind a stowaway or two."

He figured the little girl that had been screaming bloody-mary was on board too. Maiz quickly rumaged through his backpack. If one the crew found him, he wanted his money in hand so they didn't mistake him for one of the guys involved in the shooting nearby...
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[color="Cyan"]True freedom is the ability to do what you know is right without fear of persecution.[/color]

[color="Lime"]I finally understand that justice is not born out of the desire for revenge or hatred, but it is born out of love for one’s fellow man.[/color]

Darth_Kirby (post: 1481540) wrote:Ah, the beast of terminology... how many more arguments will you start... XP
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Postby Mister » Thu May 26, 2011 12:10 pm

Juliana stared wide eyed at the crew as the man she assumed was called Gavin carried her into the Taimat. she clung tightly to the man's chest and arms as he carried her to a woman who seemed to have some authority on the ship.

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Postby Seto_Sora » Thu May 26, 2011 1:50 pm

OOC: Back guys and this is pretty awesome!



Quinton looked into Price's eyes as he spoke to him, his expression unchanging. He thought about his loyalties. In response to Price's question of loyalty, he bowed. But Price was quickly distracted by two children. Quinton looked silently on as the two children were given his jacket. Their gratitude could be clearly seen in their confused eyes. Quinton assumed they were unused to kindness. He was himself taken a bit aback by Price's sudden compassion. But Price wasn't a man to take lightly. Any unwanted surprise could mean certain death. Still Price was kind to the children and cruel to their stalker. The evil child wept at the loss of his finger and blood. But Quinton turned a def ear to it all. He worked for the man, it wasn't good practice to question one's employer.

The two finally walked on where they were to meet yet another of Price's associates. Quinton took his position in the back as bodyguard, waiting orders. At this moment Price turned again to the Ronin and spoke of Watari's misconduct. At this Quinton frowned. He hated that man, a cruel monster. Perhaps were the two were the same; weapons of those who knew to use them. But they were still as different as the right hand is from the left. Quinton's gaze again narrowed as he thought of Watari and his "formality" toward Eliza. This time Quinton bowed and said, "It will be a pleasure to kill him." And with a leap into the air, he was away. He soon fell to the earth like a celestial being cast from its place in heaven, but with a lethal effect upon the captain of the men who began to attack Price. With his katana out at the man's throat he demanded, "Where is Watari?"


Felix was confused and couldn't make things out as he opened his eyes. How was he outside!? What was going on. But before he could make sense of these things, he heard gunfire. He groaned, "Not again." One thing made sense, run. Felix ran as fast as he could to the Tiamat. Running, dodging, jumping then stumbling. "Oh! The pain! Why am I in pain!?" He looked down to see bandages. "Think Felix! Think!" In a rush he could only think to make it to the plane. He started again and ran to the plane. As he rushed he caught a glimps of the man who had attacked them and another beside him as a vehicle approached. "That face! but there is no time! I must hurry!" And he ran again to the plane.
Felix had made his destination. But something wasn't right. Who was that man? Still with no time to think, he heard the captain's orders to take off. Felix was speechless. "Can I fly this thing?"

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Postby Mister » Thu May 26, 2011 2:41 pm

the commander of Watari's men stood like a stone, he was less afraid than he was respectful, he like his comrades were no thugs, but prefessionals. the man grinned slightly and whispered, "Drag your blade Manslayer." his gun shifted ever so slightly so that it was pointed at Quinton's belly. holding his fire the man thought for a second and said, "Master Watari has returned to the Estate, to keep watch over Lady Eliza."



Watari walked briskly down the hall towards his room, his anger had subsided slightly and his mind surged with thoughts of hate. Watari suddenly paused, his room's door was open and a light was on. all his men were in the town now, who could this be?

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Postby Seto_Sora » Thu May 26, 2011 6:56 pm

Quinton looked into the soldiers eyes and listened to his report. After hearing what he needed, he quickly killed the man and with yet another leap bound backwards placing himself before the other four men. Within seconds and with lightning reflexes, he killed every one. Not a single man had a moment to counterstrike. After finishing his work, Quinton looked to Price. "I'll meet you at the estate after I've cleaned up the mess."

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Postby Mister » Thu May 26, 2011 7:38 pm

Price's eyes twinkled as Quinton effeciently dispatched the five ronin. he liked the Assailant, but trusted him not in the least. Price stepped into the car and said, "be silent about it, remember my dear sister. she hates the way we do things. fail me Quinton and the Consequences will be dire indeed." Price closed the door and the driver sped the car off down a narrow alley.

I'll never be the same, after meeting you. I'll never Love the same after Loving you. i'll never breath the same after breathing in your Life. Lord you change me.
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Postby Atria35 » Thu May 26, 2011 8:05 pm

Nia had followed the others onto her ship, not really sure about anything that was happening, but knowing that whatever it was, it was important. And above all, they had to get off the island. As she followed Felix up to the bridge, she called out to Gabriel, "Take care of the kid! I want to talk to her in a bit!"

With that, she raced to the pilot's station, and overheard his excamation. "Yeah, can you fly this thing? After you nearly died?!" she snarled. "The heck do you think you're doing?!"
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Postby Seto_Sora » Thu May 26, 2011 11:29 pm

Felix looked with a stun expression as Nia tried to tell him something he couldn't understand. All he knew is he needed to get to the pilots seat. He clambered his way there but stumbled again. He had lost his footing and fell. As he raised himself, he smiled. "Maybe I should sit this one out." Seeing Gavin run up the way to the cockpit, Felix made his way to his seat. "Nia," Felix turned to Nia while putting one hand to his forehead, "What is going on? And why am I in bandages?" These last things he said as he strapped himself into a seat in preparation for takeoff.

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Postby Nami » Fri May 27, 2011 5:31 am

Everything started to happen at once. Gabriel felt the tension in the air, he turned and went to Denkou. "Why is Nia interested in you?" he asked calmly. Though sweat had broken out on his forehead. This was never going to end was it? He tried not to laugh, it's what he had signed on for. After all, the Captain had told him when they first met;

"If you join my crew, you will be in for a world of fascinating adventure, high-flying chases and most likely death at some point. I can't guarantee safety, but I can gurantee that you'll make more money with me than anywhere else."

Gabriel chuckled, of course that had been an immediate giveaway, Gabriel knew he had to be on that Plane. Because unlike his sister, he sough adventure, craved it even. So this, all this happening around him's what he had asked for.

"That's what I get." he muttered, still grinning.


Isabella felt the plane rock from the stomping feet, things were heating up fast. "Come here." She yanked Juan carefully up and led him to a seat where she strapped him in. She was almost done cleaning his wounds anyway. "Hold on." she commanded and left the passenger area, running down into the engine room.

Her head spun and she made quick work of making sure everything was fine. But something nagged at the back of her head. Something she couldn't quite remember. Oh well, she'd remember it later. Right now, she had to focus.
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Fri May 27, 2011 10:48 am

"How should I know?" Denkou snapped. The tension that was all around him made her both nervous and annoyed for some reason. Then she glanced again at Gabriel, who seemed to be in his own world again. She put her other hand in her pocket to see if the puzzle was still there. To her satisfaction, it was.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby Mister » Fri May 27, 2011 2:28 pm

(OOC: time for my spider web of drama to unfold!!!! muwahhaahhaha!!!! Parental Discression Advised..... ok not realy....)

Watari opened the door further as he stood, pressed against the wall. his pistol was heavey in his hands but it felt good, reassuring. he slid to the door post, then turned into the room his gun at the ready. much to his surprise there was a man sitting in a chair by the window, his face cover in the shadows.

he was a thin man, but there was a measure of power in the way he sat, the way he now turned to look at Watari. Watari stepped further into the room, and the door slammed shut behind him, he was trapped. The man in the chair never stood, but simply sat there looking at him, his face still hidden in the shadows. the light he had seen was from a lamp by his bed, just around the corner from the man, therefor covering most of him in shadow.

the man breatheed deeply of a sudden and said, "Hello Watari, do you have a minute?" Watari lowered his pistol and answered, "maybe, who's asking?" the man tilted his head, he was amused by Watari's rough manner. "A friend, Watari, a friend" the man spoke smoothly and his voice was like water on the rocks, "who wants to be a Benefactor." Now Watari was nervous, this mysterious man knew his name and called him a friend, neither thing spelled for anything else but trouble. "now why would i need a Benefactor?" Watari was slightly confused, unsure of this man's intentions. 'i should just shoot him and be done with it' he thought to himself.

the Man chuckled deeply and replied simply, "because even now Quinton is head this way to take you to the next world." Watari nearly dropped his psitol, Quinton? coming after me!? why!? "YOU LIE!" he nearly shouted the words at the man, now he was more than nervous, he was scared! The man simply chuckled again and shook his head. Watari was paniced now, "what can you do for me?" he blurted suddenly, deciding his chances were better on this man's side than alone, "can you help me get away!?"

The man stood then and stepped into the light, "oh i can do more than that Watari, my friend, much more." with that a hood was shoved over Watari's head and cloraphorme(sp?) was placed over his mouth. Watari struggled but several strong hands held him fact, the cloth to his mouth muffled his shouts of rage and confusion, and caused his mind to dull then fade into unconsciousness. in the last remaining dregs of awareness her felt himself being set down somewhere hard and then heard the roar of an engine, then everything faded.

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Postby Atria35 » Fri May 27, 2011 3:40 pm

Nia couldn't believe the hard-headed pilot's insistance on flying, but she could understand- pilots had things for their ships, special relationships. And not flying? It was like not breathing. She had seen it in a hundred bars and pubs across the world, where old-timers or those that had been forced into retirement drunkenly babbled the stories of their lives, the adventures that they had once upon a time.

It didn't stop her from being irritated, though. Felix was still weak and injured. "You just had to decide to be a hero and throw yourself in front of a buncha bullets, and made a whole lot of trouble for us! That's what happened!" Nia snarled.
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Postby Darth_Kirby » Fri May 27, 2011 6:30 pm

Ulairez was kind of surprised no one had come back to the back of the plane where he was. He figured that they were all frantically trying to prepare for take off. Maiz finished getting out the money that he would try to bribe them with then zipped the hidden pocket in his backpack so no one would see it if they checked his belongings. He just hoped that if they did search his backpack they wouldn't notice that the bag still looked filled when empty. The secret pocket only worked when the bag was full - a very glaring flaw in the design that Maiz found annoying. He waited for awhile in the plane's back hold hoping that someone would come to him. The last thing Ulairez wanted was to surprise one of the crew coming to them and getting a bullet in his head.

"Hah.... Guess no one's coming."

He picked up his money and put his hands into the air, then he walked forward into the plane hoping that the crew wasn't trigger happy...
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[color="Cyan"]True freedom is the ability to do what you know is right without fear of persecution.[/color]

[color="Lime"]I finally understand that justice is not born out of the desire for revenge or hatred, but it is born out of love for one’s fellow man.[/color]

Darth_Kirby (post: 1481540) wrote:Ah, the beast of terminology... how many more arguments will you start... XP
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Postby acgifford » Sat May 28, 2011 3:11 pm

[quote="Davidizer13 (post: 1480969)"]Truce half-stumbled, half-sprinted across the open tarmac, barely seeing anything except silhouettes by the orange fire-glow. Frantically, he waved his arms at Gavin, trying anything to get his attention. He was somewhere around here]

[quote="MomentOfInertia (post: 1481150)"]OoC: I'm just going to assume the rest of the crew came abroad with the captain, I hope nobody minds.



Adele's lungs burned as she sucked the in frigid night air. She stayed as close to Truce as she could as they ran for their lives. After what seemed a many minutes she and the captain finaly reached the plane. Once they finaly stopped, she doubled over gasping for air. Just then she noticed a young girl screaming her and beating on the hatch of the plane not to far off. The girl was screaming something about Price. Adele shivered at the name. That terrible man. What would he have done to her if that Watari person had not showed up. The captain seemed to ignore the poor girl. Adele thought it was wrong to do so but chose to do so as well. As Adele continued to catch her breath, she caught a glimpse of a figure on the other side of the plane. It was only for a split second. She looked again and it was gone. She thought it her imagination. Just then Truce shouted a breathless command to take off. Take off?!! What?! she thought. What is he thinking?! After the announcement, Truce promptly trotted up the ramp into the plane. Adele followed close behind as he walked briskly into the plane annoucing that the crew had some explaining to do and that he was going to change.

Adele stopped just outside of Truce's curtain, a blank stare plastered itself to her face. She could still hear the child screaming outside and Gavin trying to calm the child. Everything around her seemed to fade into the background as she fell into a dazed state. Her mind wondered through everything that had happened. Her memories fell on the face of JP. His face seemed familiar to her. Someone from her past?

"Um, s'cuse me ma'am, I found this kid banging on the hatch, says she's running from some guy named Price. Can we bring her along on this next hop with us? Get her out of here?" Her thoughts were shattered as Gavin approached her with the sobbing girl. Adele starred at the girl. No emotion showed in her face as she looked upon the girl. What is wrong with me? Why don't I feel anything right now? Why do I feel numb? Perhaps I'm in shock? she thought. She forced herself to smile kindly at the girl as she knelt down to the girl's level. Adele looked into the girl's tearful eyes and then to Gavin. "Of course. I will take care of her for the moment." She turned to the girl slowly. Her face had turned dead again. She could not force herself anymore. "What's your name? What happened? Are you hurt?" she asked trying to sound concerned. What's wrong with me? she kept asking herself over and over again.

Just then a dark figure marched up the ramp as if he owned the place. Adele tensed as she glanced over the girl's shoulder at the man. Was he friend or foe? Her eyes moved from the man to Gavin. She watched for Gavin's reaction.
[color="Lime"]"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda[/color]
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Postby Mister » Sat May 28, 2011 7:26 pm


as Adele addressed her, Juliana's mind raced like a predator counting the numbers of her prey. she wiped the tears away and meekly said, "my name is Juliana, is my dad here? do you know where he is?" she fingured her sleeve, which while it seemed an innocent gesture of a frightened girl, it was in fact the process of loosining the strings that held the dagger tied to her arm.

Juliana's eyes stared wide eyed at the others in the plane, as well as Adele, she was searching for her target. suddenly her eyes alighted on Romesco, he heart skipped a beat and her blood ran cold, target aquired. staring at him unbelivingly, she spoke slowly, "Da....Daddy?.......Daddy!?"


the mysterious man who had Watari abducted after conversing with him in his room at Price's Mansion sat comfortably in his limo as it sped away from the scene. he lifted a phone to his ear and spoke after a long moment, "Stacey, get me in contact with Marcus Price, and then separately with one Thomas Quinton. I believe that you can find his contact information in the Archives of the Ronin Reich." the petit voice on the other end was silent for a moment then spoke up, "sir? if i'm not mistaken Thomas Quinton is employed by Marcus Price." the man chuckled and said, "all the more reason to keep our discussion confidential." the voice on the other end sighed and hung up.

the man hung up the phone and pulled out a small computer from a side compartment in the vehicle. he opened the lid and when the screen came on it read, "United World Government. Member Login:" into the space reserved for his name he quickly typed in "Serigi Foxhound."


Price felt the vibration his his cellular ohone a second before it rang, the soft jingle filling the car. Price flipped the phone open and said, "Hello?" the soft voice on the other end spoke quickly and simply, he was to meet one Serigi Foxhound in a reserved locations one mile east of Bristol, in two hours. Price lowered the phone and directed the driver to take him to the location before heading home. inwardly he grimaced, he had heard of Serigi, and he knew the man was poison like he was, though more subtle.

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Postby Darth_Kirby » Sat May 28, 2011 10:42 pm

Ulairez saw a dazed, but good looking gal trying to sooth a little girl who Maiz assumed was the screecher from earlier. He also saw the Crack comedian next to them. The older gal looked like she saw a ghost when she saw him and looked to the comedian, as if to see what he thought of Maiz.

"Um... I want to buy a ticket for a fare on the plane and I heard your captain say we're leaving soon... uh... is 500 drachmae good enough?"...
Join the Darth side... No really! Join! The pension plan is great and they match all your 401K's!! XD

[color="Cyan"]True freedom is the ability to do what you know is right without fear of persecution.[/color]

[color="Lime"]I finally understand that justice is not born out of the desire for revenge or hatred, but it is born out of love for one’s fellow man.[/color]

Darth_Kirby (post: 1481540) wrote:Ah, the beast of terminology... how many more arguments will you start... XP
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Postby AtmosBreak » Sun May 29, 2011 7:04 am

(ooc: im so sorry everyone, i'll try to post more frequently. Im not gonna give any excuses but i just couldn't post. Im going to try my best to do a phone wall post so if i miss anything or its typo ridden, sorry)

JP himself had no idea how he had managed to get to the plane at all. The sounds all around him blurring together, a throbbing headache, pain in two different parts of his body not helping things. They were all running towards the plane, Isabella supporting him and helping him along. Closing his eyes for what he felt to be but jus a second was much more as within a couple of 'blinks' and they had already arrived on the plane.

His vision was hazy, everything seemed to just blur together though everytime he would close his eyes the same mental image of the burning buildings with those deafening screams just constantly flashing before him, the only things he could clearly make out. JP glanced behind him to spot the trail of blood he left behind before he glanced over to Isabella. Whilst he hated that she saw him and was forced to help him in that state, he felt himself falling for her more with every passing second. He had no need for jumpers and jackets, just being near her warmed up his body, especially around the cheeks, and made his heart work overtime, which considering wasn't all the best thing for his wounds.

Amongst the mixture of sounds, Juan could make out but a few portions of converasations, though it was Isabella's voice which brought him back to his senses. She was angry with him, she had the right to be he figured, he was stupid but he couldn't help it, if hadn't moved, Juan just got the feeling that she would have been shot instead. As she scowled him, he found himself staring at her with an almost blank expression though a mixture of remorse, sadness and relief somehow evident. JP didn't know what to say to her and found he couldn't, uttering but a word, for some reason JP couldn't. He felt weak. He felt he was weakening by the moment and just found himself watching as Isabella began to clean his wounds. In between a groan, all that JP could mutter out was a weak "sorry".

His attention turned to the moment to a little girl with the man called Gavin. JP realized he hadn't realized when she had gotten on, maybe between all the commotion and his weakened state. Thinking nothing more of it, Juan turned his attention back to Isabella and found himself lost in her miscoloured eyes. He was intrigued as to why he found them to be so mysteriously beautiful, not that he really cared why, he couldn't help what he liked and what he didn't, could he?

JP remained in silence as suddenly his strength seemed to start returning to himself. Though it was just slow and gradual. Juan felt grateful for Isabella like he was extremely lucky to meet someone like her. To him, it felt nice to have her clean his wounds, he always had to do it himself in the past, it felt to him like she really cared about him as his mind ran wild with assumptions and teen angst.

As she strapped him into a seat, Juan watched her leave the room before he let out a deep sigh. He was smitten over her, head over heels and all those cliches.

Glancing around, the little girl from earlier caught his attention. She seemed so familiar, like he had seen her a few times prior to the whole Tiamat joining. As she started to walk towards him a name clicked in his head though he failed to hear her call him daddy.

He felt strange and curious, he did not recognize her at all once he had a better look at her. Though why exactly was she? He had the distinct feeling she knew who it was. As he was weakened and strapped into the seat, he could not move but watch as the girl got closer to him. Something was off, though he couldn't put his finger on it. Turning his attention towards Adele and Gavin with a sort of confused look on his face, he questioned them.

"Who is she?"
"'You are the light of this world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.'

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Postby Mister » Sun May 29, 2011 6:30 pm

Juliana's mind flashed with sudden alert tension, her muscles were relaxed, but her every nerve was on edge, ready to strike. Juliana ran up to Romesco and cried "DADDY!" she threw her arms around his neck and hugged him sincerely, he hand read to draw the blade behind his back. she was completely in character now, he sole purpose was to blend and then achieve a successful mission.

To Juliana Murder was nonexistent. to take the life of another for the sake of Papa, was obedience, it was the right thing to do. Juliana had been with Papa Price sense she was too young to remember. therefore she could not have remembered the tall dark man standing over her parents corpses, nor the burning house around them. she could not remember him picking her up and walking out of the fire with her in his arms.

To Juliana there was no truth but Price, and no love but his will, and no Life but to serve and love and adore, and obey Papa Price. it was for this reason she would heartlessly take Romesco's life to please Papa Price, and never think another thought about it.

I'll never be the same, after meeting you. I'll never Love the same after Loving you. i'll never breath the same after breathing in your Life. Lord you change me.
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Postby Nami » Tue May 31, 2011 6:26 am

Gabriel was startled by the girls anger and blinked out of his daze. "What a sound." he muttered turning. "Stay here." he whispered, an uneasy feeling clenched at his gut and he stepped silently out of the room, his shoes were noiseless as he slide out of the room. He saw the little girl hug JP, he was so startled by it that he failed to hear anything else. Until a scream erupted from the engine-room.

Gabriel turned and dashed toward the door throwing it open, Isabella stood arm covering her face as steam poured out trying to scald her. He thought fast, it was the cooling pipe, why was there heat coming out of the cooling pipe? He ran tot eh valve and yanked it hard turning it off.

"What happened?" he asked, shouting over the whirring of the large engine. Isabella lowered her arms and scowled.

"Nothing, but its about time you got here." she growled.
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Wed Jun 01, 2011 9:02 am

Denkou stared after Gabriel as he left, wondering where he was going. When she heard the scream, she made up her mind. Despite her wound, she put on her shoe, grabbed a nearby metal pole, she limped out of the room. She was just in time to see a little girl hug another man she didn't know the name of. She just stood there, watching them, and a shadow of emotion passed over her face.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby acgifford » Wed Jun 01, 2011 12:46 pm

Mister (post: 1481732) wrote:Juliana

as Adele addressed her, Juliana's mind raced like a predator counting the numbers of her prey. she wiped the tears away and meekly said, "my name is Juliana, is my dad here? do you know where he is?" she fingured her sleeve, which while it seemed an innocent gesture of a frightened girl, it was in fact the process of loosining the strings that held the dagger tied to her arm.

Juliana's eyes stared wide eyed at the others in the plane, as well as Adele, she was searching for her target. suddenly her eyes alighted on Romesco, he heart skipped a beat and her blood ran cold, target aquired. staring at him unbelivingly, she spoke slowly, "Da....Daddy?.......Daddy!?"


Darth_Kirby (post: 1481762) wrote:Ulairez saw a dazed, but good looking gal trying to sooth a little girl who Maiz assumed was the screecher from earlier. He also saw the Crack comedian next to them. The older gal looked like she saw a ghost when she saw him and looked to the comedian, as if to see what he thought of Maiz.

"Um... I want to buy a ticket for a fare on the plane and I heard your captain say we're leaving soon... uh... is 500 drachmae good enough?"...

AtmosBreak (post: 1481796) wrote:Glancing around, the little girl from earlier caught his attention. She seemed so familiar, like he had seen her a few times prior to the whole Tiamat joining. As she started to walk towards him a name clicked in his head though he failed to hear her call him daddy.

He felt strange and curious, he did not recognize her at all once he had a better look at her. Though why exactly was she? He had the distinct feeling she knew who it was. As he was weakened and strapped into the seat, he could not move but watch as the girl got closer to him. Something was off, though he couldn't put his finger on it. Turning his attention towards Adele and Gavin with a sort of confused look on his face, he questioned them.

"Who is she?"


The girl wiped the tears from her face with sleeve. "My name is Juliana, is my dad here? do you know where he is?" the girl said as she played with her sleeve.

Adele felt uneasy as she watched Juliana. Some thing was wrong with the girl. Something was off. What was it? Adele frowned at these thoughts as she watched the girl.

The girl's eyes wided and she started to scan the room. Adele watched the girl wondering what or who she was looking for. As the girl's eyes fell on her she shivered. She had no idea why. Just then Juliana focused on someone.

"Da....Daddy?.......Daddy!?" she said in disbelief and ran to whoever it was once she confirmed who it was.

Adele turned her head to see who it was that Juliana had run to. JP? she thought. Why him? That was unexpected. She watched for JP's reaction. There was a reaction, but not one of recognition. He looked confused. Adele raised an eye brow at the scene.

Just then she remembered that they had a guest. Her attention returned to the man that had intruded in their plane.

"Um... I want to buy a ticket for a fare on the plane and I heard your captain say we're leaving soon... uh... is 500 drachmae good enough?". The man asked unexpectedly. At this Adele stared at him a moment. All the random people appearing inside the plane was getting too much for her. This is not to mention almost being killed multiple times earlier that night. She closed her eyes a moment and rubbed her temples trying to calm her already overtaxed and raw nerves.

"Y-yes...that would be enough....But why is it that you want to travel with us on this plane? We aren't in any way really passenger ready." she said in fatigue. "Please....speak to the captain about this. He is in the other room and will be comming out soon. If you want a fare on this plane, please understand that this isn't some joy ride. We are doing work here. Work that can be dangerous. If you join us, you must understand we will not be responsible for anything that happens to you." she said coldly. "If you will excuse me, I need a moment." she said rubbing her temples as she briskly left the cargo bay and entered the passenger's area of the plane. She went to the nearest seat to her left and sat down wearily. She very much wanted to cry. This was getting to much for to handle in one day. Rubbing her hand across her forehead, she said a small prayer to God that he would carry her through.
[color="Lime"]"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda[/color]
[color="DarkOrange"]Psalm32: 1 Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered.[/color]
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Postby Darth_Kirby » Wed Jun 01, 2011 1:53 pm

acgifford (post: 1482261) wrote:-Adele-

The girl wiped the tears from her face with sleeve. "My name is Juliana, is my dad here? do you know where he is?" the girl said as she played with her sleeve.

Adele felt uneasy as she watched Juliana. Some thing was wrong with the girl. Something was off. What was it? Adele frowned at these thoughts as she watched the girl.

The girl's eyes wided and she started to scan the room. Adele watched the girl wondering what or who she was looking for. As the girl's eyes fell on her she shivered. She had no idea why. Just then Juliana focused on someone.

"Da....Daddy?.......Daddy!?" she said in disbelief and ran to whoever it was once she confirmed who it was.

Adele turned her head to see who it was that Juliana had run to. JP? she thought. Why him? That was unexpected. She watched for JP's reaction. There was a reaction, but not one of recognition. He looked confused. Adele raised an eye brow at the scene.

Just then she remembered that they had a guest. Her attention returned to the man that had intruded in their plane.

"Um... I want to buy a ticket for a fare on the plane and I heard your captain say we're leaving soon... uh... is 500 drachmae good enough?". The man asked unexpectedly. At this Adele stared at him a moment. All the random people appearing inside the plane was getting too much for her. This is not to mention almost being killed multiple times earlier that night. She closed her eyes a moment and rubbed her temples trying to calm her already overtaxed and raw nerves.

"Y-yes...that would be enough....But why is it that you want to travel with us on this plane? We aren't in any way really passenger ready." she said in fatigue. "Please....speak to the captain about this. He is in the other room and will be comming out soon. If you want a fare on this plane, please understand that this isn't some joy ride. We are doing work here. Work that can be dangerous. If you join us, you must understand we will not be responsible for anything that happens to you." she said coldly. "If you will excuse me, I need a moment." she said rubbing her temples as she briskly left the cargo bay and entered the passenger's area of the plane. She went to the nearest seat to her left and sat down wearily. She very much wanted to cry. This was getting to much for to handle in one day. Rubbing her hand across her forehead, she said a small prayer to God that he would carry her through.

The girl that was with the crack comedian (OOC: i.e. Gavin) threw her arms around some guy who was sitting down calling him "daddy," but it somehow seemed... generic - like it was planned or acted out. The man seemed out of it and Ulairez noticed he had some wounds.

"Oooookay. Now I DEFINITELY have confirmation that these people are involved in the shootings outside."

The pretty dazed gal then responded to Maiz telling him that they weren't passenger ready and did shady/dangerous business.

"Who doesn't these days?" Ulairez quipped to himself.

She had also said it was up to the captain and then left promptly.

"...That was easier than I thought it would be!" Maiz thought to himself. "Well, not that I'm complaining."

He tried to respond to the lady, but she walked out on him way too fast for him to respond properly.

"Well if you don't mind. I'm going to go over and see if your captain is willing to take on an extra body," Maiz said to the comedian, then walked over to where the gal had pointed.

As he did so he began to pass by the screecher girl and her "daddy"...
Join the Darth side... No really! Join! The pension plan is great and they match all your 401K's!! XD

[color="Cyan"]True freedom is the ability to do what you know is right without fear of persecution.[/color]

[color="Lime"]I finally understand that justice is not born out of the desire for revenge or hatred, but it is born out of love for one’s fellow man.[/color]

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Postby Davidizer13 » Wed Jun 01, 2011 3:28 pm

Truce studied the bullet hole in his jacket - a few inches to the side, and it would have ruined his day. More than it had already been ruined, at least. He tossed it aside, slipping out of his suit and into a lighter shirt and shorts, his body tingling with relief. It broke him out of his concentration on what horrible things he would be doing to Mr. Romesco, long enough to hear yet another commotion in the quarters. The engines were running, but they definitely weren't moving. That was unfortunate.

With a sigh, he headed back to the tail section, but before he did, he took a couple steps up the ladder to the bridge. "Chop chop, let's get flying!" he yelled to Felix, rapping on the metal decking to emphasize his point. "Now, what's all this, then?" he called out as he strode into the cargo hold, brushing past Adele with a smile. "Mr. Roshambo, Roberto, whatever, I need to talk to you, sir! Now, what's this?" he said in surprise. Whatever he was expecting to find, he didn't expect to find a new fellow with a stack of bills in his hand, and he really didn't expect that fool Romesco to have a strange girl wrapped around his neck, or that the odd-eyed waif to still be there.

For a long, tense moment, Truce said nothing, but simply blotted out the commotion around him. He found himself busy estimating the weights of all these new people, and the weight he had lost - a couple people had gone missing between Treyard and getting back on the plane. He hadn't paid them, so it was no skin off his back. He grit his teeth, took a deep breath, then raised his hands for silence. "Quiet, all of you! Quiet! You, you, you and you, up against the wall!" he said, pointing to each of the new riders. "Do it now, please? I just want to know what's going on on my airplane, all right?"
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Wed Jun 01, 2011 8:44 pm

Denkou was snapped out of her own thought when the person she assumed was the Captain of the ship ordered everyone to the wall. Denkou didn't move. She really didn't need to, since she was already leaning against the wall for support. But she didn't speak, because she knew that one of the other guys would speak up first, and she needed to think of a good story for being there.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby Darth_Kirby » Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:16 pm

Davidizer13 (post: 1482317) wrote:Truce studied the bullet hole in his jacket - a few inches to the side, and it would have ruined his day. More than it had already been ruined, at least. He tossed it aside, slipping out of his suit and into a lighter shirt and shorts, his body tingling with relief. It broke him out of his concentration on what horrible things he would be doing to Mr. Romesco, long enough to hear yet another commotion in the quarters. The engines were running, but they definitely weren't moving. That was unfortunate.

With a sigh, he headed back to the tail section, but before he did, he took a couple steps up the ladder to the bridge. "Chop chop, let's get flying!" he yelled to Felix, rapping on the metal decking to emphasize his point. "Now, what's all this, then?" he called out as he strode into the cargo hold, brushing past Adele with a smile. "Mr. Roshambo, Roberto, whatever, I need to talk to you, sir! Now, what's this?" he said in surprise. Whatever he was expecting to find, he didn't expect to find a new fellow with a stack of bills in his hand, and he really didn't expect that fool Romesco to have a strange girl wrapped around his neck, or that the odd-eyed waif to still be there.

For a long, tense moment, Truce said nothing, but simply blotted out the commotion around him. He found himself busy estimating the weights of all these new people, and the weight he had lost - a couple people had gone missing between Treyard and getting back on the plane. He hadn't paid them, so it was no skin off his back. He grit his teeth, took a deep breath, then raised his hands for silence. "Quiet, all of you! Quiet! You, you, you and you, up against the wall!" he said, pointing to each of the new riders. "Do it now, please? I just want to know what's going on on my airplane, all right?"

Before Ulairez could reach where the captain supposively was, the captain came out to them. When he did he paused for a moment right in the walkway making Maiz pause as well. Maiz saw that his eyes fixed on all the non-crew member looking passengers. There was a lot of noise coming from the rest of the plane and just as Ulairez tried to speak up and ask if he was the captain the man started yelling at them.

"Quiet, all of you! Quiet! You, you, you and you, up against the wall!" the man said then pointed to Ulairez and the other guys he had been eyeing.

"As you wish! Why is it that everyone's nerves here are completely frayed!" Maiz thought. It made him wonder if the crew had been more directly involved in the shootings than he thought. One girl, which Maiz hadn't noticed before was already leaning against the wall. Maiz, on his way over to the wall, went over to grab the hand of the screecher girl.

"Come on, you heard the... man over there. Come now."...
Join the Darth side... No really! Join! The pension plan is great and they match all your 401K's!! XD

[color="Cyan"]True freedom is the ability to do what you know is right without fear of persecution.[/color]

[color="Lime"]I finally understand that justice is not born out of the desire for revenge or hatred, but it is born out of love for one’s fellow man.[/color]

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Postby Mister » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:14 pm


Juliana heard the shoutings of the Captain but didn't respond, instead she clung tighter to Romesco and said, 'Daddy? would you do me a favor?" as soon as the strange man grabbed her hand she drew the knife with her other hand and raising it above her head shouted, "Die Daddy!"

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Postby Darth_Kirby » Thu Jun 02, 2011 4:56 pm

Mister (post: 1482553) wrote:Juliana

Juliana heard the shoutings of the Captain but didn't respond, instead she clung tighter to Romesco and said, 'Daddy? would you do me a favor?" as soon as the strange man grabbed her hand she drew the knife with her other hand and raising it above her head shouted, "Die Daddy!"

"Die Daddy!"

What had happened to the sweet victimized girl that was screeching earlier?! The girl now held a knife in the hand that Ulairez didn't have a hold of. Maiz could think of nothing else but to grab the knife directly. There wasn't time to grab the girl's wrist. As he slammed his hand into the blade Maiz felt a brief, chilling sting in the palm of his hand followed by the sensation of a warm liquid running down his fingers. He managed to divert the blade in time. Maiz's second hand quickly flew towards the girl's wrist to prevent a dangerous struggle for the knife and he managed to grab her forarm instead. The girl struggled for a moment before realizing that she wasn't going to break Maiz's iron hold on her arm.

Maiz looked the girl in the eyes and said, "You're clearly not his daughter."...
Join the Darth side... No really! Join! The pension plan is great and they match all your 401K's!! XD

[color="Cyan"]True freedom is the ability to do what you know is right without fear of persecution.[/color]

[color="Lime"]I finally understand that justice is not born out of the desire for revenge or hatred, but it is born out of love for one’s fellow man.[/color]

Darth_Kirby (post: 1481540) wrote:Ah, the beast of terminology... how many more arguments will you start... XP
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