Altitude: Islands in the Sky

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Postby Seto_Sora » Mon May 02, 2011 10:35 pm

As the night drew on three of the crew; Nia, Adele, and Marshal stood near the entrance to the doctor's home. I silent figure rose out of the Shadows like a stage-play demon. He advanced upon the threesome.
Thomas Quinton marked Nia and Adele as members of the crew of the Tiamat but could not make out the third individual. He wasn't in the roster. Quinton thought to himself it would be unwise to kill the two ladies in the presence of this man or any other. Though emotions seemed want in his heart, he still had an aversion to killing women and tried to avoid it at as often as he was able. Choosing a more subtle approach, he thought to give JP a fighting chance. If the man could pay enough to relinquish his dept to the "boss" perhaps his life might be spared. Or perhaps they'd pay enough for him to kill the "boss". Quinton relished the thought. There hadn't been an official Ronin Contract which thus nullified the client's protection from a merc's changing sides. It was a risky, though not unacceptable, move for any merchant seeking to hire a killer.
If it were that anyone saw in the direction from which Quinton came, they might see his shadow but for a moment before he disappeared. And then out of nowhere he appeared before the ladies and gentlemen seemingly out of nowhere. He spoke to Adele, "Tell Romesco to see me at the tavern. I'll be waiting Adele." With that he walked away but before many steps he added, "He comes alone if you value your lives." He disappeared into the night.

OOC: Romesco is JP's last name. It seemed logical to me that Quinton wold refer to him by his last name. However, I don't know if anyone in the crew knows him for his last name.


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Postby AtmosBreak » Tue May 03, 2011 3:36 am

Taking a deep breath, trying to calm himself down, JP couldn't help but frown as Isabella began to twitch and scrunch her eyes, the worried expression on his face didn't seem like it would be leaving him anytime soon. Trying to keep the bandana firmly against her head as she twitched from left to right, Juan began to panic internally. He had never been in this sort of situation before, the only medical knowledge he had was just that of common sense. Scanning the room quickly searching for the doctor and the man who just introduced himself as Gabriel, spotting them nearby each other.

Whether he should call out to them or go to them or stay there or... just what he should be doing, he had no idea. Unable to decide what to do and deep in his thoughts, JP was surprised and quite taken back by what Marshal seemingly randomly stated before walking away. How does he always just randomly pop up whenever I'm just with Isabella? Does he have like a mental radar?"

Juan found himself just staring wide eyed, watching Marshal as he walked away. He wasn't sure what to make off him though he seemed nice and didn't seem to comment on his scar. Remembering his scar, he placed his hand over it to cover it, trying to make it appear as if he was just scratching his neck, it was a little move he had developed over the years to cover it up and most of the time it proved effective. Turning his attention back to Isabella he figured that what Marshal said made sense, though how to keep her still....

Placing a stronger hold on Isabella with his hand that was holding the bandana, JP hoped that, that would help to keep her still though he didn't want to hurt her, what if he hurt her? Unsure and indecisive, Juan remained like that, hoping that the doctor would come soon. After they got through this, JP figured he would go and buy her a gift but what? That Gabriel guy seemed pretty close, maybe if they aren't dating or something, he would be willing to help. Money wasn't an issue anymore, at least not for awhile, the crew did take care of Donkey right? Juan figured he was safe from him, who would he send, his goons were all basically dead... Ah that's right. Not sure why but for some reason, JP had failed to remember the mercenaries. He had a run in with one some time back and knew that they'd do just about anything for the right price. JP really hoped that Donkey wouldn't send one after him but knowing his luck, there was one more than likely on his tail.

OOC: ooo, Patrick, you're making my character sound all suspicious and shady xD
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Postby rocklobster » Tue May 03, 2011 4:31 am

"Sorry, but they're required. Anyway, let's go see the man in charge of security." Kevin said.
OOC: Davidizer, who would be in charge of security?
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Postby Nami » Tue May 03, 2011 7:39 am

Gabriel cleared his throat, "uh Captain, its not money..." he shifted his feet and looked down, "you were saying something about the ship before Adele came in and interrupted you." He sighed, "look Captain, I'm really sorry for anything I did to damage the Tiamet, I know how much she means to you and... I didn't want to hurt your ship. I knew you'd hang me by my finger-nails if I did. I think I may have hurt her a if you want to hold my wages for repairs, I'm fine with that." He looked at Truce. "I'm sorry, Sir. I just did what I thought was right at the time."


Isabella's dark nightmare smashed to pieces, her ear had been pressed against the wall and outside, despite the noises she'd heard a voice, cold and harsh as the wind in wintertime. Something about Romesco. She knew the voice of a killer when she heard on. Suddenly, as the dream melted away she awoke with a gasp. Isabella turned her head to look at JP. "What happened?" she groaned, and felt the pain in her head.

"Oh, yeah.." she murmured, remembering. What had awakened her, she couldn't remember, but it was important... Fuzzily her brain was starting to come back into focus and she felt JP's hand on her head. "Am I still bleeding?" she put her hand on his and gently moved it down to feel her wound. "Tch." she winced, "its caked over now, how long have you been here?" she said, meaning how long had be been pressing his bandanna against her wound, then her eyes fell on his hand that covered the scar on his neck.

Isabella looked up into his eyes, "where did you get that scar?" she wondered quietly.
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Postby Davidizer13 » Tue May 03, 2011 12:29 pm

Truce sighed forcefully. "Oh, Gabriel... You did what was necessary, and thank goodness for that. If you hadn't, it would have been more than Felix getting shot, I think. But right now, I don't care about whatever it is you did to the plane, I mean, the storm probably did more than that. You have more fortitude than I counted you to have; thank you."

Truce was silent for a moment, thinking about the events of the day. Their escape and ending up here was the best thing that had happened, and Gabe's actions had been a big part of that. "Well!" he said, taking a deep breath, "Speaking of doing something to the plane, is your sister around? I've need to talk to her about what needs to be fixed."


OOC: @Rock: I'd say the captain's in charge of security; it's not like he has enough people to justify someone to manage it.
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Postby rocklobster » Tue May 03, 2011 12:51 pm

OOC@Davidizer: Truce is the captain, right? Just checking my memory banks.
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Tue May 03, 2011 1:41 pm

Denkou sighed in slight frustration. She wondered why she had to pick this particular plane to sneak in. Maybe she should've gone into one of the fancier ones.
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Postby acgifford » Tue May 03, 2011 5:13 pm

Atria35 (post: 1475385) wrote:Nia sighed as Adele came out and joined her. "Of course I know," she said, irritated. "It's crowded in there. Five minutes isn't going to bother anybody." She took a puff and slowly breathed out the smoke, watching it trail up to the sky.

"The magnetic storm wasn't supposed to last this long. It should peter out soon, but...." Nia let the word trail off. The day had been too long, the events too hectic. It was like the worst days on the smuggling ship she'd grown up on. Part of why she'd taken up puffing on a cancer stick. And, Nia had to admit, right now she'd rather have a beer and forget about the day.

"So. You and the captain made up yet?" She figured that Adele had to be pretty ticked at him for doing something that stupid. It had put Adele's life at risk, and at this rate might lose them the pilot. Nia scowled, thinking about it. "Oh, and please don't fret too much over Felix. Anyone who has the stupidity to run headlong into gunfire without regard to his own safety doesn't deserve much pity."

Davidizer13 (post: 1475849) wrote:"Truce, Truce Bashinet from Sukoba," he said proudly to the doctor as he pocketed his wallet. The man wasn't that bad, a guileless fellow whose attitude he found refreshing. Lately, everyone he had met seemed to want to shoot at him or wanted his money. He cautiously stepped forward, trying to peek around the doctor and at his pilot. "Is he going to be all right? How long will he have to stay here?"

Before he could get a response, though, Gabriel tapped him on the shoulder. "Excuse me, doctor." He pulled Gabe to the side. "Do you mind?" he muttered. "If it's about your paycheck, it can wait because I have a...never mind." Truce sighed. "What do you need?"

PatrickEklektos (post: 1476248) wrote:As the night drew on three of the crew]

Silent Seraph (post: 1475790) wrote:"Hey, JP she looks like she's having a rough time of it...try to get her to stop moving, she could tear open the wound again..." Marshal instructed, walking calmly away.

Outside, the eccentric scientist wondered how he was standing there at that moment, on an island roughly a mile in size with so many people he didn't know but somehow felt a strange affinity for. Then, coming back to the real world, he noticed Nia, with a deathstick, speaking with Adele and smirked a bit to himself as he walked over and said hello.


Adele frowned at Nia's words. " How could you say that? After all, he was trying to save you right?" Adele rubbed her right arm and looked down at the ground. " Felix could...die." she whispered. Just then noticed Marshal approaching them. The blue light played on his face and she could see a small shadowy smirk on his face. Just as she was about to speak to him, a dark figure appeared in front them. Adele's heart skipped a few beats. The man adressed Adele specificaly telling her to send Romesco to the Tavern alone and threatened her and the crew. W-Who is Romesco? Why is he threatening us? An why did he adress me? How did he know my name? the her thoughts contemplated fearfully. Just as she attempted to say something he was gone. Just as fast as he came he was gone. Adele was silent for a moment and stared at the place where the man last stood. She looked from Nia to Marshal. "What just happened?" she said quietly in disbelief.

-Richard Pierce-

Richard knelt down beside the spot where the wounded man lay. He listened as Truce stated his entire name proudly. He sounded quite proud of his name. "That's quite the name you got there." he said. Just then the Captain was pulled away by a crew member. No matter. Richard could tend to his work. He took a deep breathe and looked the man over. Felix appeared to have been shot in the shoulder and the bullet had hit a main artery. He also had nasty head wound and most likely a small concussion. The good doctor dissinfected Felix's head wound and dressed it. He then gave Felix an anesthetic and prepared to remove the bullet from his shoulder. Removing the bullet would be a tricky process being how it had severed a main artery. Richard carefully and gingerly sowed up the severed artery. He then proceeded to sow um the wound and bandage the man. At last he was finished. He took a deep breathe and wiped the sweat from his brow after he finished. He left Felix to sleep and returned to the group waiting patiently outside.

" I have managed to patch him up and stop the bleeding for the most part." he said as he wiped his clean hands on the clean white towel. " He may have a have a slight concusion if we're lucky. We are not out of the woods yet." he said with a sigh. " Let's hope his wounds heal without complications."
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Postby Atria35 » Wed May 04, 2011 4:33 am

Nia heard what Adele was saying, and it cut her to the quick. Should she be saying it? Probably not. It was harsh and somewhat uncalled for. Yes, Felix had been trying to have her (sorta- she hadn't been alone in that hallway, so who knew who he was trying to save?). But what really stung was being reminded that Felix could die. Nia knew that very well. She opened her mouth to reply.... and was cut off by the arrival of a strange man.

"I don't know, but we'd better tell the captain," she said, paling a bit as she answered Adele's question. Nia opened the door so they could go in immediately.
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Postby Nami » Wed May 04, 2011 6:23 am

Gabriel nodded, feeling better about the situation but still wondering if the Captain would change his mind when he saw the belly of the plane. "Sure..." he mumbled, not really certain how to reply to that. He rubbed the back of his head. "Oh!" He started, "Isabella's over there, she got a cut on her head. I left JP to take care of her. But I know she needs to see the Doc." He explained, suddenly nervous again.
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Postby Davidizer13 » Thu May 05, 2011 12:50 pm

OOC: @Rock: Indeed, Truce is the captain of our expedition!

"How did that happen? When did it happen?" Truce asked, trying to stay calm. He stepped through the furniture of the living room to where Isabella and...that new fellow, the one with the motorcycle, what was his name? They were sitting together, but the first thing he noticed was the bandana on her head, with a dark red stain at its center. Something seemed to catch him in the chest as he realized what it was. Kneeling down at her side, he tried to get a better look. "Isabella, are you all right? Excuse me!" he called back to the doctor. "I'm sorry to bother you again, and I know we're all tired, but, ah, could you come look at this?"
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Postby acgifford » Thu May 05, 2011 3:01 pm

Atria35 (post: 1476515) wrote:Nia heard what Adele was saying, and it cut her to the quick. Should she be saying it? Probably not. It was harsh and somewhat uncalled for. Yes, Felix had been trying to have her (sorta- she hadn't been alone in that hallway, so who knew who he was trying to save?). But what really stung was being reminded that Felix could die. Nia knew that very well. She opened her mouth to reply.... and was cut off by the arrival of a strange man.

"I don't know, but we'd better tell the captain," she said, paling a bit as she answered Adele's question. Nia opened the door so they could go in immediately.

Davidizer13 (post: 1476873) wrote:OOC: @Rock: Indeed, Truce is the captain of our expedition!

"How did that happen? When did it happen?" Truce asked, trying to stay calm. He stepped through the furniture of the living room to where Isabella and...that new fellow, the one with the motorcycle, what was his name? They were sitting together, but the first thing he noticed was the bandana on her head, with a dark red stain at its center. Something seemed to catch him in the chest as he realized what it was. Kneeling down at her side, he tried to get a better look. "Isabella, are you all right? Excuse me!" he called back to the doctor. "I'm sorry to bother you again, and I know we're all tired, but, ah, could you come look at this?"


Adele swallowed hard as she tried to contain the fear creeping in her mind. "Y-yeah." she said still in shock. "Let's go." Adele lead the others inside to speak to the Captain. This should be fun to explain to the Captain how we were all outside directly disobeying his order. She thought bitterely as her face twist in chagrine. There he was standing beside Izzy who was being held by a man she had not yet met. She was rather surprised by the sight but decided to stick to the task at hand. She marched up to the Captain who seemed to be in a worried state. She quite wondered if this was a good time, but decided the thing she had to say was important enough. Here goes.

"Captain?" she said her heart skipping a couple beats as she knew what she was about to do. "Um...we have a problem." She paused not sure how to explain. "Me and some mates were outside getting some fresh air, and before you say anything, I'm really sorry. A man came out of no where looking for someone with the last name of Romesco. He said he wanted this man to meet him at the Tavern and come alone and threatened to kill us if we followed him." She paused waiting for the explosion.


Richard heard the Captain adress him. "Of course I will Truce." he said with concern edging in his voice. He approached the girl and knelt down beside her and motioned that JP take his hand from her head. Richard slowly removed the bandana from her bloody head. The bandana seemed to stick a little as the blood was caked on her head. He hoped this had not hurt the girl too much. He felt her forehead with his wrist and felt her cheek. He was totaly focused on his work. He turned his head slightly, not dropping focus from the bleeding girl. "Elicia! Please bring me some fresh towels and some warm water. Also bring me something to dress this poor girl's wound." His wife rushed to get these things and brought the items to him. Richard then took one of the towel and dipped in the water. He then proceeded to clean her wound. Gingerly he did so and wrapped her head in a bandage. Once he was finished he got up from his work spot.

"She should be fine as long as infection does not take place. The gash was deep and rather nasty, but she should be fine. Head wounds do tend to bleed quite a bit." He paused. "Take good care of her. I don't doubt you will." He said glancing at JP.
[color="Lime"]"Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda[/color]
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Postby Nami » Fri May 06, 2011 5:29 am

Gabriel shook his head, "I don't know...must've happened while we were landing." he followed the Captain and watched him, it was clear he was worried about his sister, that made Gabriel feel relieved. He knew the Captain was a caring man, but sometimes he seemed so aloof and above them all, it was hard to get on the man's level. He stepped away when the Doctor appeared and gave him room to work.

Isabella of course didn't sit quietly, as soon as Truce came over she opened her mouth to protest his worry, and when the Doctor appeared she frowned. "Really I'm fine!" But her complaints fell on deaf ears as Richard cleansed and bandaged her wound.

"Honestly, that wasn't necessary, I'm not so important." she muttered, her eyes shifted upward as she heard Adele's approached, Gabriel's blood ran cold at the warning that she told the Captain. 'A strange man? What next?' He thought grimly.

Like a shockwave, Isabella felt the memory come back, thats what had awakened her, a voice as cold and as hard as steel, ruthless, pitiless with the edge of a killer. She snapped her head up. He had come for one of the crew members, and there were only three new it was either, Marshal, JP or that girl... Isabella thought hard, she had only met Marshal once, but he'd seemed very passive at her brutish remarks, she elminated him. The Girl and JP were all she could think were left... Isabella turned her head slowly and looked at JP. Was it him? What had happened? Was this how he had received that scar?
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Postby Mister » Fri May 06, 2011 2:20 pm

Marcus Pirce stepped out of his private house on the outskirts of the town, pausing just outside the door he half turned to face the seated figure inside. "You worry too much Quinton, Leave things in my Capable hands for now, ok?" without waiting for a reply Price wheeled and strode briskly away. "Now, where could those meddlers be?" Price thought to himself, then spoke out loud, " Here Trucey! Come out wherever you are Captain Truce!" he suddenly broke into deep sincere laughter that made a few passersby stop to stare.

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Postby Seto_Sora » Sun May 08, 2011 6:37 pm

In the darkest of the night the sky was alight with fire and flame. Sirens sounded from the airfield, something was alite. As the service crews rushed to investigate they discovered all a flame an angel fallen, consumed in flames of damnation. A bird fallen to her death. The glider had fallen to her grave, guided near the airfield with one last effort as like unto a dying animal struggling lastly to her burrow.
While the undermanned ground crew worked to contain the fire, Quinton stood aloft staring into the flames. As he beheld the the carnage, he observed one lone figure, a silhouette of a man emerge from the flames. A battered and wounded Watari approached Quinton.
"You tried to kill me!" Said Watari, spitting blood. One hand clenched an arm and in the other was a pistol. The man's white suit was stained and dirty. His pink shirt was disheveled and discolored. He raised the pistol to Quinton. But in that moment the assassin made his move, swiftly dodging to one side. Watari's wounded body could not respond to the swift movements of his foe. In almost a breath, Quinton was behind Watari with his Katana to his throat.
"Phase two didn't meet my approval. The next time you volunteer any of my friends to sacrifice, worse will become of you."
Watari trembled in fear, "Your payroll won't protect you. Any man to cross me will die..."
"No, my payroll protected you. I merely wounded you. You'll recover." Quinton eased his grip. "Price wants you at the Tavern waiting for JP."
"Wait! Price is here!?" The man looked wild.
"There has been a change of plans, he wants us to stay our hands when it comes to the captain and crew. But JP still owes. Wait for him..."
The two men stood talking, stiff and still as the chill of their hearts. The two noticed a figure running or stumbling rather from the Tiamat. In a second Watari rushed toward him. Quinton leapt as into the darkness itself. In a moment they were on him. He ran frantically as best he could, stumbling with a pack full of dead weight. He looked up to see the flying form of a ninja and with fear doubled his efforts only to face Watari.
"Hello Blund," Watari smiled.


Quinton watched as Price strode away, having told him of Blund's news. "I'm not worried. But Denkou only complicates things." Quinton looked darkly on Price's form as the man muttered something about Truce.


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Postby Davidizer13 » Sun May 08, 2011 11:27 pm

Truce took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to respond to this new twist: Someone was trying to kill someone he didn't know. "Well...ah, I don't know any Romesco, do you? Obviously they have the wrong person, we are of no concern to them and they can leave us to go on our merry way. Speaking of which, once our pilot recovers, we'll be heading off that way and dear heaven, what is that outside?!"

There was a burning heap on the runway, flickering in shades of orange and red. Two figures carrying a roll of hose scrambled to set up a fire line, but two more...what were they doing? Were they running away? Worse still, it appeared their takeoff route was blocked by the flames. Wonderful.

And then, above the clanging bells and the nervous muttering of the people around him, he heard a voice, calling out his name. It wasn't the arrogant, mocking way it was speaking that worried; it was the fact that he knew who it was, or at least he thought he remembered. It hadn't been a pretty run, that one, but he had made a very tidy profit on it at his buyer's expense, enough to bring the de Lucas on board, in fact. That was some of the best money he had for quite some time. But he didn't expect that the guy would take it so personally...

"Come on, we're getting out of here. It looks like the storm's passed, so I guess it's safe. Everyone out! Wake up, everyone!" he called, clapping his hands for emphasis. "That goes for Master Felix here, too... Doctor, you wouldn't happen to have a back door, would you?"

Raven stepped out of the kitchen, a half-eaten orange in her hand. "What's going on? What's happening?"

"We're heading out, dearie. Get your things, and be ready for anything out there. That goes for all of you," he said, gesturing around the room at his crew, "we might have to shoot our way out of this one. Again." Then, to himself as he shouldered his pack, "We'll probably have to sleep in the plane tonight. Brilliant."
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Mon May 09, 2011 2:13 pm

Denkou was only half listening. She was in a corner of the room by herself where no one noticed her. She took out a pyramid shaped puzzle she had stole a long time ago, and started fiddling with it. It looked like it was made of gold, but it wasn't nearly as heavy, so Denkou guessed that it was wooden with a gold covering on it. It had a thin silver chain in the middle of the square face for putting it around her neck, but Denkou never did that, for fear of losing it. It acted like a Rubic's cube in that she could twist different faces to try and reveal the pictures on the sides, but Denkou had never suceeded in doing this.
(Pic made by Bio! <3)

DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby Mister » Mon May 09, 2011 2:48 pm

Price whistled merrily as he approached the house where Truce and his band were hold up. Price heard shouting from inside as Truce ordered everyone awake. Needing a good reason to be at the Physician's house this late he pulled a knife from his belt behind his suit coat and effortlessly thrust it into his own right arm. Instantly blood soaked into the cream cloth of his coat, he grinned to himself and threw himself into the dirt and rolled around.

After completeing his disguise he rushed to the door and pounded on it. "Doctor! Doctor!" he cried, saounding as hurt and scared as he could, "i've been stabbed! please help me!" pressing himself to the door he listened for any sound.

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Postby AtmosBreak » Mon May 09, 2011 7:57 pm

JP's attention returned back to the person in front of him. There was no use being lost in his thoughts, he had to take care of Isabella whilst that Gabriel guy went to get the doctor. He wasn't all that sure what to do except keep the bandanna there to soak in the blood. JP felt disappointed in himself that he could do no more than just what he was doing, a pain slowly growing within him. He probably should have learnt a lot more about medical practices when he was younger, JP was kicking himself mentally.

Though his full attention was on her, JP was still surprised to see her wake up, relief sweeping throughout his body. As his eyes caught hers, he gave her a small smile, unable to bring himself to say anything. "You hurt your head.." JP said softly as Isabella remembered and realized what had happened. Not saying anything else, he watched her hand move his own hand from the wound. His heart thumped as he felt her touch his hand. "She's touching my ha... Gah you evil feelings! Why are you making me seem so unmanly?" JP screamed mentally as she checked her wound.

Upon hearing her wince and that it was caked all over, JP felt a surge of embarrassment and turned away, moving his hand slightly and unconsciously so they exposed his scar to Isabella. How long had he exactly been standing there? He had no idea. He did get lost in his thoughts for awhile though so JP had no idea how much time had passed. As the woman he had fallen head over heels for inquired about his scar, JP's eyes widened in surprise, his cheeks heating up to unbearable degrees.

"Oh.. uh... urm... accident........" He eventually let out ever so softly, just loud enough for Isabella to hear. Whilst that was true to some extend, it wasn't the whole story, just what JP usually told people when they inquired about it though he got the feeling no one ever really believed him though they didn't press the issue further. In an instant, glimpses of the incident flashed by in front of his eyes. A scream, smoke and fire everywhere, panic, that was all that flashed before him and the instant it come, it went, he was back in the doctor's house with Isabella right infront of him and the crew of the plane he was on in the same house. He had never told anyone the full story of how he got his scars and wished he never would though he got the feeling one of these days he just would.

He remained quiet a moment more before he stood back a little as the man he identified as the captain came rushing towards them, kneeling besides Isabella. JP fidgeted slightly at the sight of it, not exactly knowing what to say or do, just remaining silent. Was the captain perhaps also interested in the woman of his dreams? Just how many other guys had also fallen for her? JP felt an unusual sadness creep into him. Why couldn't he have met her so much sooner?

JP watched as the doctor worked on Isabella, cleaning her wound and making her better. "Thank God for doctors..." he thanked mentally as he felt his hand wrap itself over the armband on his right arm, unconsciously remembering his grandma and all the stories she would tell him of this supposedly great Creator.

As his mind focused on the doctor and Isabella, JP failed to realize that a woman had come over to speak to the captain. Hearing his last name being called out though took his attention as he glanced over to the woman who was talking to the captain. JP wondered whether or not she had actually said his last name or not, it wasn't like everyone knew who he was. The only person he had told his real name to was Isabella and JP wasn't all that sure that he had actually told her his last name, he assumed he did though. Turning back to Isabella as the doctor finished up on her, he gave a confused look at the doctor as he glanced at him. Was the doctor intended that last part specifically for him? Did he know that he was in love with her? Was it really that obvious? Not thinking about it anymore, he just gave a smile and nodded slightly.

A couple of moments passed and JP turned to glance at the captain this time. JP was sure he heard his last name this time round. As JP turned around to question them on this, he was interrupted by what took everyone's attention, the sight of what appeared to be the remains of a plane, burning, lighting up the night sky. When exactly had it turned to night? JP watched as the crew did what his captain ordered and search around for all their belongings. He wasn't all that sure what to do himself except attempt to help Isabella, he had left all his belongings back on the plane.

A voice screaming and a pounding on the door froze him however. That voice... JP could recognize that voice anywhere but why on earth was he here, HOW was he here? "That donkey Price, wasn't he dead or something?" JP quickly regained motion as he glared at the front door. "Doctor, don't open that door, no one open that door! It's the friggen donkey..." JP called out in a hushed tone, muttering the last of it.
"'You are the light of this world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house. Let your light so shine before men so that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.'

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Postby Atria35 » Mon May 09, 2011 8:11 pm

Nia watched Adele walk over and talk to the captain. Her eyes wandered over the people in the room. It had quieted down a bit, thankfully, though the place was still crowded. As he eyes caught sight of Kevin and a girl in the corner, she remembered someone saying something about a stowaway. So that was her, huh? A quick glance, and Nia wasn't that impressed. She'd probably run away rather recently.

With a sigh she wandered over, nodding a greeting to Kevin and looking down at the girl, who now had a puzzle of sorts in her hands. It probably was some sort of toy. "Hey, kid. I'm Nia. What's your name?"

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and the JP guy was telling them not to open it. What on earth...?! She waited for the Captain's orders.
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Postby Nami » Tue May 10, 2011 7:28 am

Gabriel looked around instantly, only then did he realize he hadn't brought anything with him off the plane. He sighed and looked over at Isabella, JP helped her stand. The pounding of his heart was matched by the beats on the door that followed soon afterward. He felt his blood freeze and he looked over at JP who had suddenly told them not to open the door.

Gabriel didn't need to be told twice, he rushed over to Felix and grabbed his shoulder, "we need you soldier." He muttered, pulled Felix up into a sitting position. "We can't linger." He didn't know if Felix was conscious, but he had to get him going or else they would be stuck without a pilot, and Truce wouldn't want that. After all, he was the Captain, and half the part of being Captain was being able to do whatever you wanted. He smirked at that, it was hard not to at the image that popped up in his head.

"Hey Doc." He muttered, "got any smelling salts?"


Isabella was startled by the pounding and jumped a little, bumping into JP as her head spun. "Oh..." she mumbled, her stomach flipped uneasily and she felt as if she would puke. This was worse than riding a ship on the ocean. Her legs wobbled under her from her blood loss. Isabella pushed her hand out and found something to steady herself on, it was JP's shoulder, but she didn't much care right now.

When he told everyone not to open the door, Isabella's sharp eyes met his and she narrowed them, she knew it. It was JP, he was Romesco, how had he gotten mixed up in something...that was clearly, very bad. She brushed the thought away, as an unknown feeling kicked her. It was the feeling of worry and wariness. Caution was the first thing in Isabella's mind, she had to be cautious of him, but at the same time, she was worried. Worried for her crew, if these people meant business, just how far would they go to get what they wanted?

Isabella winced, she remembered dealing with thugs before when she and Gabriel owned their small engineering shop. They would have sawed off her fingers to get their money back. If these men were anything like that, then they were in some serious trouble.
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Postby Diamond Dragon » Tue May 10, 2011 9:53 am

Atria35 (post: 1477969) wrote:Nia watched Adele walk over and talk to the captain. Her eyes wandered over the people in the room. It had quieted down a bit, thankfully, though the place was still crowded. As he eyes caught sight of Kevin and a girl in the corner, she remembered someone saying something about a stowaway. So that was her, huh? A quick glance, and Nia wasn't that impressed. She'd probably run away rather recently.

With a sigh she wandered over, nodding a greeting to Kevin and looking down at the girl, who now had a puzzle of sorts in her hands. It probably was some sort of toy. "Hey, kid. I'm Nia. What's your name?"

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door, and the JP guy was telling them not to open it. What on earth...?! She waited for the Captain's orders.

Denkou jumped at the voice and turned around to look at Nia. She was about to answer when there was a knock on the door. That gave her enough time to put the puzzle away so she didn't have to say anything about it. When another guy said no one open the door, she looked at the man strangely. She thought she vaugely recognized the voice too, but she wasn't completely sure....
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Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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Postby acgifford » Tue May 10, 2011 9:12 pm

Davidizer13 (post: 1477750) wrote:Truce took a deep breath, trying to figure out how to respond to this new twist: Someone was trying to kill someone he didn't know. "Well...ah, I don't know any Romesco, do you? Obviously they have the wrong person, we are of no concern to them and they can leave us to go on our merry way. Speaking of which, once our pilot recovers, we'll be heading off that way and dear heaven, what is that outside?!"

There was a burning heap on the runway, flickering in shades of orange and red. Two figures carrying a roll of hose scrambled to set up a fire line, but two more...what were they doing? Were they running away? Worse still, it appeared their takeoff route was blocked by the flames. Wonderful.

And then, above the clanging bells and the nervous muttering of the people around him, he heard a voice, calling out his name. It wasn't the arrogant, mocking way it was speaking that worried]

Mister (post: 1477881) wrote:Price whistled merrily as he approached the house where Truce and his band were hold up. Price heard shouting from inside as Truce ordered everyone awake. Needing a good reason to be at the Physician's house this late he pulled a knife from his belt behind his suit coat and effortlessly thrust it into his own right arm. Instantly blood soaked into the cream cloth of his coat, he grinned to himself and threw himself into the dirt and rolled around.

After completeing his disguise he rushed to the door and pounded on it. "Doctor! Doctor!" he cried, saounding as hurt and scared as he could, "i've been stabbed! please help me!" pressing himself to the door he listened for any sound.

AtmosBreak (post: 1477965) wrote:A voice screaming and a pounding on the door froze him however. That voice... JP could recognize that voice anywhere but why on earth was he here, HOW was he here? "That donkey Price, wasn't he dead or something?" JP quickly regained motion as he glared at the front door. "Doctor, don't open that door, no one open that door! It's the friggen donkey..." JP called out in a hushed tone, muttering the last of it.


Adele listened as Truce told her it was not a problem. Really? I wouldn't think that they would get it wrong. She thought to herself. Just then, the captain noticed a terrifying glow comming from outside. The glow was fire, and a plane had crashed on the runway. Her blood ran cold at the sight. Men were doing their best to tame the blaze, but a fight it was. The flames refused to be tamed. Just then Truce shouted a command to all the crew clapping his hands to make his point. She jumped slightly at the Captain's sudden loudness. He wanted to leave? Why was he suddenly so worried? Just then there was a pounding on the door and a man screaming that he had been stabbed and that he needed a doctor. Adele watched as the doctor moved towards the door. Just as he had almost reached it, JP told him not to open it. Why?Adele wondered. Who this Donkey person he speaks of?

-Richard Pierce-

Richard watched as the crew interacted and mingled. Quite a curious group of people, so he thought. Richard's attention was brought to the blaze that burned furiously outside on the tarmac. The Captain became very worried and asked if he had a back door was.

"Yes I do Truce. Down that hall." He said as he pointed.

As he did so, Gabe asked him for smelling salts. Hearing this he replied, " Just one moment." he went to the cupboard in the kitchen and rummaged around until he emerged with the item he was looking for. Richard then went to where Felix now lay. He opened the bottle of smelling salts and waved it under the pilot's nose.

Just then, he heard a man pounding on the door asking for medical attention. He atempted to open the door but was stopped by the man that had been helping Izzy. What kind of trouble are these people in? And who could possibly be so bad?
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Postby Mister » Wed May 11, 2011 2:21 pm

Price grinned at the sound of JP's voice inside. "What a pleasent surprise Romesco. to meet you here tonight." his vocie was but a whisper, and he pulled the blade from his arm. stepping back from the house Price studied the building before him. He noted the sturdiness of the door and the curtained window to either side of the door. Price gauged his chances of survival if he threw himself through the window and into the midst of them.

Price knew his chances were slim, but with an amused grin and a soft chuckle he knew he'd do it anyways. to Marcus Price the world was grey and dull, it was only the daring, and life threatening that added color to his world.

Taking a deep breath he charged the house with all his might, his momentum carried him through the glass window with a clatter. As he landed on his shoulder he heard and felt it pop out of socket. rolling to his feet in one continuous motion, Price threw his arm around the nearest person.

Price's blade was immediately pressed against the ribs of his victim, he glanced only once at her face and knew he'd been lucky enough to grab the one and only Adele, Truce's Second.

Price grinned evily, he pressed the blade tighter as he backed himself against the wall near the window. "be a peach, my dear and relocate my shoulder would you?" he whispered in her ear. he then looked at Truce and said, "i would like to parley a bit with you, sir."

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Postby Davidizer13 » Wed May 11, 2011 11:04 pm

"Wait a minute," Truce said, pausing mid-step as JP ran to the door as soon as he heard the person's voice from outside. Turning to get a better look at Juan, he put things together and came to a realization. "You're Romesco, aren't you? You must be. Well, that's wonderful. For me! Have fun dealing with our friend out there!" With a smile and a turn of his heel, he continued towards the back door.

The front window next to the door exploded with a shatter; shards of glass skipped across the ground around Truce. He whipped back around just in time to see a man in white put Adele in a headlock, a knife to her chest. He had a crazed smile on his face, and blood spreading across his arm. "I would like to parley a bit with you, sir," the white-suited fellow said, as if that would somehow make this more acceptable.

"Don't do anything stupid, Adele," said Truce, trying to calm himself down before he responded. He recognized the guy, and indeed, it was the man he thought it was. "Li-listen, what's past is past; it was nothing personal... Whatever problems you've got with this Romesco person, leave me and my crew alone and go deal with that instead! All right?"
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Postby Seto_Sora » Thu May 12, 2011 1:16 am


Quinton looked narrowly on his watch as he heard the crash of glass as he watched his post with vigil. His eyes narrowed and closed as he listened carefully to the sound of the falling glass, discerning its collapse within a confined space. The muffle of the sound indicated to him that someone from the outside had burst through the window. Quinton frowned at Price's recklessness. But he said nothing as he continued to watch the back door like a night shade.


Felix was roused by hurried shaking. The effort was strong though not in vain. Felix struggled to understand what was going on. "Owe! Where am I!? Gabe, why are you shaking me? Why do I hurt?" Nothing made sense to him. He looked around the room and saw both familiar and unfamiliar faces. "Who are all these people?" Felix tried to collect his thoughts. Placing his hand on his forehead he felt the tight bandages and remembered a little more of the firefight. He was still dazed by everything and only became more confused when everyone took a serious attitude. He looked to a stranger who was telling everyone not to open the door. What did this mean? Felix tried to understand.
Suddenly there was a crash and through the window sprang yet another strange man seizing Adele. The shock knocked Felix to the floor, stunned into complete silence.

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Postby Mister » Thu May 12, 2011 6:01 am

Price started to chuckle, then outright laugh, the amusement he was getting from all this was nearly unbearable! Price slowly drug the knife across Adele's ribs, just hard enough to cut the outer clothing. "Romesco is nothing to me, worse than dust. what i'm interested in is you Captain Truce, by by taking this.... lucious darling here captive.... again. I have saved your very life. You, Truce, and your crew of vagabonds."

Price hugged Adele closer, his knife still to her ribs, he took a deep breath of her hair and sighed. "you've got yourself a winner here Captain Truce, don't let this vixen from your sights!" Price spoke smoothly over Adele's shoulder.

OOC: i did not intend for Price to be this..... shall we say.... Crazy? Paranoid? Completely off his Rocker? lol

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Postby Nami » Thu May 12, 2011 7:19 am

Gabriel glanced at the door, feeling his panic level rising. "Felix! Thank God you're awake." He went on to reply, but his voice was drowned out by the deafening smash of glass as it spewed across the room, Gabriel ducked his head and looked backward. He stared in bewilderment, at the man who now held Adele, a blade at her chest.

He sucked in a sharp breath, "I can't explain now." he whispered to Felix. "Just be ready to run." he hand gripped Felix's arm as he listened to the man speak, this was insanity! Who was this man? Gabriel's thoughts swirled around, the voice, the laugh, something was so familiar about it. But why?


Isabella jumped again, as the glass exploding inward. A man rolled in and in a fluid movement caught Adele. The first emotion hit Isabella like a bucket of frozen water, fear. Vomit made its way up her throat, but she forced it down. The second emotion hit, annoyance; their Captain knew this man, and this stupid jerk had just called them vagabonds! the third emotion, stronger than the others, hit her like a tidal wave; Fury. Strong, pure, and bodily shaking fury. Her vision turned red as she stared at the man. Her hands shaking from adrenaline, it coursed through her veins, heating her body like a kettle on the stove.

This was too much! Too much. How dare he take Adele captive like that? Isabella wanted to scream and hit the man, but she knew that moving even a little would invite the man to kill Truce's partner. The rage was almost too much for her to bear, and at any moment, she knew would would burst. Slowly, her hand, the one out of view of the maniac, moved into her pocket and grasped the wrench. She no longer needed JP's support. Her anger supported her enough.

'You think you can get away with this!?' she thought, her mind in a spiral of curses and angry retorts. She bit her tongue, somehow, they would get out of this.

OOC: Dude, I'm lovin' Quinton. XD He's cool and Price is totally awesome. Gotta love Psychos.
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Postby Mister » Thu May 12, 2011 12:01 pm

Watari stood upon a hill over looking the town where Price was now holding Adele hostage. A thin dark skinned man approached, his white suit standing out amongst the thick brush of the hillside. "Mr. W, sir, the fighters are ready to intercept Captain Truce if Quinton doesn't stop him from reaching his ship." Watari nodded, his face grim. he lifted a thick cigar to his lips and pinching it with his teeth he said, "Duke, burn them out, i don't care if Price is down there, kill him if he gets in the way."

Duke nodded, his shaved head gleaming in the moonlight. turning he waved a hand and a two dozen soldiers surged from the darkness, their goggles shining brightly with the shine of the moon. Watari watch them pause at the outskirts of the town and dropped the now spent cigar to the ground and crushed it. turning he whispered, "Come to me Romesco, its times we talked," slowly Watari walking into the darkness.

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Postby Diamond Dragon » Thu May 12, 2011 2:41 pm

Instantly Denkou's Katana's were out of thier sheaths and in her hands when she glass exploded, and a strange man with a bleeding arm grabbed one of the people of the crew. She did not like what was going on at all. It seemed that the captain knew this guy, as did the man who said not to let him in. Besides, the man looked crazy anyway. "Psycho." she snarled quietly.
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DiamondDragon - the Sky pokemon
Ruling the skies on its thick wings, this Pokemon is feared by all flying beasts. Its twinkling wings change in the sunlight. Some people believe that this pokemon actually has diamonds that grow on its skin. Despite its intimidating size, it is an extremely friendly ally and a very dangerous enemy.
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