Beyond the Dawn of Ages

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Re: Beyond the Dawn of Ages

Postby Wolfsong » Fri Jan 29, 2016 6:21 pm

OOC - well...I'm kinda late, aren't I? Sorry guys...I done it again :p

Jadis wryly noticed the one apprentice hanging back, an uncomfortable expression on his face, and the other one seemed uncertain whether to follow his example or not. Being uncertain how to deal with it, he decided to just leave it for now. Light knows they hadn't exactly had the best introduction anyway.
It was irritating. On the one hand he knew Nigal was right, but on the other, he was utterly sick of the games of the nobles, vying for power. The war was BLOODY OVER WHY did they have to start trying to undercut each other? It was difficult enough getting people to actually head out and explore the world; things seemed so strange without the constant threat of the Darkness, even now one was constantly looking over one's shoulder, unable to believe they were actually safe. Well, safe from shadows anyway, as Jadis was so quickly discovering.
Running a kingdom was even harder than he had already anticipated. Honestly he didn't know whether to just accept that it was all his responsibility now or curse his father's line.
No. No he'd never do that. But it still seemed unfair that he'd gone from irresponsible orphan to king's son within seconds and without choice.
"Shaddoc," he said finally. "Take these two to the training grounds - find something for them to do while I finish refusing this petition." Smiling wryly, he added, almost apologetically, "Hope you get over that cold soon."

Nigal, mounted on his aging but still quick horse, was currently racing across the open field before the castle, aiming towards the great mountain overshadowing it. He rode quickly, that unpleasant feeling still prodding at him from the back of his mind. He could not get over it, that strange sense of wrongness that seemed to have settled over this. True, Ethinine could have just been late for once, but something still bothered him, feelings similar to back when the Darkness was still strong. Feelings he'd learned to never ignore.
Worried, he urged his horse faster.
He entered the woods, stray branches reaching as if to hold him back. Many of them snapped at his passing, some whipping back into place while others broke. Soon, he found his way to the base of the mountain, and the hidden passage by which one could enter the mountain, and the home of the Grand Sage.
He left the horse there, making his way up the path hewn in the rock; it was impossible to tell if it was man-made or not. It got steep in some places, forcing him to tred cautiously, but soon he reached a place where the path was more noticeably carved to be like a staircase. Thankful, for he was getting on in years, he followed the winding trail, soon coming upon some corridors that were a little more obviously man-made. Choosing a road further on ahead, he came upon living quarters, the smells of cooking filling his nostrils. Smiling faintly, he ducked under a lowered doorway and entered a space that could only be the kitchen, where a black-haired girl was quietly working away on some sort of lunch. "Hey," he said, his gruff voice softening slightly. "Long time no see. You should come down more often."
She turned, her bright eyes widening in surprise. Her mouth opened, but only a weird gaspy noise came out. He chuckled. "Still getting used to having a voice kid?" Blushing from embarrassment, she nodded.
"Did you...need something?" she asked, her voice finally coming out though it was still quite quiet. "You don't usually come here..." He nodded slowly, mentally crossing his fingers.
"Yes, I just wanted to check on Ethinine, see how he was doing."
"Ethinine?..." she looked confused. "He went to the castle this morning...didn't he?"
And now Nigal could not hide the grim exterior that replaced the hopeful smile on his face.
" he did not."
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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Re: Beyond the Dawn of Ages

Postby ClaecElric4God » Fri Mar 25, 2016 8:46 am

Shaddoc was whipped back to the present when he heard his name. He'd been lost in thought ever since he saw that worried frown of Nigal's. Jadis being Jadis of course hadn't noticed it, but Nigal didn't get a look like that for nothing. Shaddoc was instantly worried for the man who had always been a father figure to him and Jadis. Whatever the case, there was definitely something wrong and it was serious. Did it have something to do with Ethinine's unexplained absence?
Shaddoc bit his tongue to avoid saying what he wanted to. They'd spent years together, but it wasn't until he became king that Jadis' idiocy had maxed out to the point that Shaddoc the lover of silence had to struggle to hold his tongue. And as much as he wanted to speak his mind right now, it was wiser to maintain some sense of respect and reverence for the king in front of his subjects. Shaddoc had to keep reminding himself that this moron actually was king now and not just his old friend. And verbally bashing him upside the head wasn't exactly the best way to nurture a sense of confidence and loyalty in the hearts of these apprentices. So he did the next best thing.
"Your servant, my liege." Shaddoc offered a low and extravagant bow, lifting his head just enough to give Jadis a calm and mannerly yet murderous look.
Same old tricks as always, is it? He said with his expression what he couldn't with words. Waiting till Nigal is gone and shirking your duties off on me.
As if to add injury to insult, Jadis' words of well wishing were timed perfectly with a spike of pain that shot through Shaddoc's head. Wincing, he turned and beckoned to the apprentices.
Find something for them to do? Shaddoc knew following Jadis into this life would have it's challenges, but he hadn't signed up to be a babysitter nor a teacher. Do I look like the Grand Sage to him?
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Re: Beyond the Dawn of Ages

Postby Oddood198 » Mon Apr 11, 2016 9:37 am

Antor gulped with anxiety as the King exchanged custody of himself and Romana over to the... servant? He didn't know what to make of this Shaddoc fellow. The King, and the old an who had beaten the King with a stick, both seemed familiar with this man, but he replied to his orders with a low, formal bow and a response of reverent compliance. Did the King demand that much respect? Well, of course; he was the King.
Antor shifted nervously for a moment, but quickly decided on bowing to the King as well, since it seemed he was leaving, it seemed like a good note to end on. And bowing would also help to hide the deer-in-the-lanternlight expression Antor had been sporting, too.
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Re: Beyond the Dawn of Ages

Postby Wolfsong » Thu Apr 21, 2016 1:54 pm

OOC - For the record....I seem to have misplaced ALL the notes I made for both this rpg AND IH so.....yeah.....I don't remember what I was doing with these. oh boy.
So, same old same old, right XD
Also, loving Antor's reactions. This kid's gonna be fun.

The look on Shaddoc's face, heck his entire manner at that moment, more than conveyed his true meaning clearly. Jadis had to chuckle, albeit quite quietly to himself, as he walked away. Not that he felt all that bad about leaving Shaddoc with this - okay, maybe he felt a little bad but hey, he was the one having to deal with the nobles' whims. It was only fair Shaddoc shared a little of the burden, right?
Sighing, he had almost made it back to his chambers when one of the chamber maids loaded down with laundry quite literally crashed into him, scattering once clean linen to the winds. He staggered, startled though not quite off-balance, and managed to catch her before she hit the ground. "Careful there!" he said, steadying her.
"T-thank you sir-" She lifted her head, eyes widening as she got a good look at him. "M-m-my lord!" Squeaking, she staggered back, bowing profusely. "I'm sorry! I'm so very sorry! I should have been paying more attention!"
"Hey, its alright," Jadis said, mentally facepalming. "No harm done, right?" He bent down, about to pick up the cloth at his feet, but she squeaked again and instantly caught it up.
"M-my lord, please! I can take care of it! Please don't trouble yourself further! B-besides, the Prime Minister is looking for you in a great state! He asked us to tell you to please come quickly."
It took all his self-control to withhold a sigh. He still couldn't get used to this. He didn't think he ever would. Still, he very deliberately picked up a piece while she was scrambling to pick others up elsewhere and held it out to her, neatly folded, once she turned around.
"Thank you," he said, laying it out on top of the others she held. She squeaked, bowing again though carefully so as not to drop her load, and hurried off. Now he sighed aloud, rubbing the back of his neck. he never would get used to this. He started down the hallways again, trying to figure out if the Prime Minister would be in his chambers, in the entrance hall, or perhaps even his own room. It was always difficult to tell with that man...If this were still the age of shadows, Jadis would probably have removed the man a long time ago. And even now, he was still considering terminating him, one way or another.
The shadows may have left, but it was still quite clear there was evil in Man's hearts. He'd try his chambers first.
"Show me thy ways, O Lord; teach me thy paths. Lead me in thy truth, and teach me: for thou art the God of my salvation; on thee do I wait all the day." Psalm 25:4-5

"Turn thee unto me, and have mercy upon me; for I am desolate and afflicted.
The troubles of my heart are enlarged: O bring thou me out of my distresses.
Look upon mine affliction and my pain; and forgive all my sins.
Consider mine enemies; for they are many; and they hate me with cruel hatred.
O keep my soul, and deliver me: let me not be ashamed; for I put my trust in thee.
Let integrity and uprightness preserve me; for I wait on thee.
Redeem Israel, O God, out of all his troubles." Psalm 25: 16-22

Thank you. Have a good day.
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