Technological Loss.

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Technological Loss.

Postby IStoleYourToast » Mon Jul 22, 2013 5:23 pm

First I want to clarify that I am a beginner at roleplaying so if you join bare that in minde.

This rp is about four friends in highschool, two guys and two girls, that make a bet of who can last the longest without using technology excluding the necessities like light, and all that. Second the bet was made to be girls verses guys with one hundred dollars on the line and whoever wins will get one hundred dollars from the losing team. Let life without technology, for the time being, begin!

#1: Must submit a full character bio.(a picture would also be nice)
#2: be kind. If I do not pick you please don't harass those I do pick.
#3: Only one character submission per person
#4: I am only going to accept 3 other characters as I will be roleplaying as one(as if you didn't know xD)
#5: Respect the rules.
#6: Have fun

Bio that must be submitted:

My character:
Name: Kyoko Spitfire, prefers to be called Kyo.
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Likes: Hiking through a nice forest, the outdoors, being 'commander', spending time with her friends, and playing football.
Dislikes: Getting ignored, being bullied, getting left out of activities, and just plain old getting pranked.
Fears: Getting stuck in a tight place and suffocating to death.
Personality: Spunky, likes to do things her own way, hard worker, sometimes controlling, has a short temper and tends to punch things when she's mad.
history:'s a secret.
Clothing: Usually wears a grey shirt and black culottes with a pair of biker shorts underneath. She also wears a necklace that is the face of a fox looking extremely sad. Her shoes are just regular sneakers.
Appearance: She stands about 5'2'' tall with dark brown hair that is held up in a high ponytail and ends at her shoulders when held up like this. Her eyes are also a dark brown and always have a dangerous look in them. Overall she's pretty average for her age in appearance.
~Currently working on a photo~

Again I am a beginner so please bare with me(also I hate making bio's xD)
I am not short, or small, or any of that. I am merely 'fun sized!' :D
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Re: Technological Loss.

Postby LastLfan » Mon Jul 22, 2013 7:20 pm

Hi, like you I am a beginner rper, I've never done a slice of life style rp only fantasy so bear with me.

Name:Damian Alexander Mason
Likes:Video Games, Researching useless facts online, random indie music, marathoning T'V shows and, recording dubstep
Dislikes: being put down for being a gamer geek and his random knowledge, having people hate on his music for no reason and people disrespecting his sister
Fears: Spiders, storms and crowds
Personality:outgoing, but easily sidetracked and lost within his own little world. Overall kind but can get very mad if his sister is disrespected
History:he grew up with his Mom and sister, his Dad died in a car crash when he was little. Because of this he has a great respect for women unlike other teenage boys. His sister is extremely talented at ballet and very attractive which attracts the attention of the guys, the wrong kind of attention which angers Damian to the point he once broke a guy's nose. He approves of the little eighth grader Matt who likes his sister because Matt likes her for he she is. But vivian(his sister) gets mad at Damian for trying to set the two up (sorry if that was too much info)
Clothing:a dark blue jacket he wears over a black tank top with Blue jeans and sneakers.
Appearance:about 5'9" Caucasian, with dirty blonde hair. Has a little bit of muscle mass and is mostly pretty lean. His hair is usually short but grows pretty quick especially his bangs.

Hope you like
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Re: Technological Loss.

Postby IStoleYourToast » Wed Jul 24, 2013 2:42 pm

LastLfan I accept ! :D thanks for joining now we just have to wait for two more xD
I am not short, or small, or any of that. I am merely 'fun sized!' :D
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Re: Technological Loss.

Postby LastLfan » Wed Jul 24, 2013 5:40 pm

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