It's been ages...

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It's been ages...

Postby Sammy Boy » Mon Sep 30, 2019 5:49 am

It's been years ... I kept thinking about this forum but with work and family duties it gets hard.

I hope everyone's been well. I think last time I was here my kid was not yet born or still very young, now she's in school ... how time flies (and how quickly I get old).

Take care all. :)
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Sammy Boy
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Re: It's been ages...

Postby Furen » Fri Oct 04, 2019 7:36 pm

It's usually fairly quiet around here, but it's good to see you again, Sammy. I hope things have been going well.
Your kid is already in school. Time does fly. How has that been?
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Re: It's been ages...

Postby Sammy Boy » Tue Oct 08, 2019 5:22 am

Thanks Furen, hope you have been well too.

Time does fly, and now I feel old(er). Like whenever I have to stoop down to pull out weeds in the yard, my back complains to me the next day. It's possibly a side effect of not doing enough / any exercise. LOL.

There was a time when I'd go to the gym regularly, but man, after my daughter was born, it was work, housework, school stuff, etc. I am fortunate my wife and I can tag team the school drop offs and pick ups, so that on the days she does the pick ups I stay back late at work to make up for extra hours (which also partially explains why I have no time for the gym).

And to be truthful, I've just been kinda lazy. Like after doing all of the admin tasks and errands for the day, I realised the time was close to 11pm already.

I am hoping to make some small but important changes - like doing 5 - 10 minutes of intensive exercise a day and seeing if that makes any difference (I do spend around 30-40 minutes a day walking as part of my commute to and from work, but walking isn't "intensive" enough for me).

Then whenever I get some spare time I go online and read about toys and action figures (it helps me "de-stress"). :D
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Re: It's been ages...

Postby Kaori » Mon Oct 14, 2019 7:15 pm

Good to see you again; glad to hear things are (mostly) well with you and your family.
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