I Just Realized I'm a Tsundere Fan

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I Just Realized I'm a Tsundere Fan

Postby TheCynicalIdealist » Fri Nov 06, 2015 6:21 pm

I chose Vash as my avatar because I find myself very similar to his character(lotta inner turmoil, puts on a façade for most people). I've hit a dry spell lately in watching anime, I thought at first it was because I ran out of things I liked(late 90s scifi Trigun, Outlaw Star, etc...) but lately ive been thinking about what makes me love not just those shows but the others I've grown to love(Ghost in the Shell SAC, Black Lagoon, Spice & Wolf, among others). Especially I am fond of Spice & Wolf, but I could never put my finger on why I liked it; until now. It sounds insane but GiTS, Black Lagoon, and S&W all have one thing in common: A female lead backed up by a Guy who probably loves her and puts up with all her drama. Its not very pronounced in GiTS Stand Alone Complex but in the rest of the franchise it is more hinted that Batou deeply cares for the Major. Black Lagoon NEEDS a third season to resolve all the tension.

Anyway I'm not saying I enjoy purely Tsundere genre anime, but I guess more like 2 Adult lead characters who are mature but really should just be together. PLANETES anyone?
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Re: I Just Realized I'm a Tsundere Fan

Postby Kraavdran » Sun Nov 08, 2015 5:08 am

That is a really interesting insight. The concept of Tsundere really fascinates me (both because it is interesting to see why people like that character... but also why it makes it appealing in a show... but less so in real life).

I'm curious, have you watched any of the new series of Fate/Stay Night? Granted, the main characters are high school students and not adults.

So, I'm really curious. Do you know why the Tsundere genre appeals to you?
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Re: I Just Realized I'm a Tsundere Fan

Postby TheCynicalIdealist » Mon Nov 09, 2015 5:38 pm

The character interactions I suppose. One very annoying factor is that in many shows there is a lack of resolution. A lot of shows just end, but there are exceptions. Outlaw Star and Planetes have happy endings. I guess its not so much Tsundere aspects which are more typical in high school set stories, but how the lead characters end up where they are and how they resolve each others feelings.
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Re: I Just Realized I'm a Tsundere Fan

Postby Kraavdran » Mon Nov 09, 2015 7:40 pm

Ah, interesting. So the character interactions you find entertaining? Is that because they change and slowly become kind and you like the change in character?

I've found that I like Tsundere characters, but only if they are that way for a reason and slowly become a kinder character over time. Otherwise, they tend to get old real quick for me. That one guy from The Pilots Love Song, for example. Or maybe that one character from Fate/Stay Night. Or, perhaps, the character in Shakugan no Shana where SPOILER: Highlight text to read: the main female character actually goes from tsundere-ish to becoming a kind/compassionate lead character/protagonist :/ Sorry, I haven't watched Outlaw Star or Planetes. So I'm uncertain of the characters that you have in mind. But I imagine that we have some common ground there. There is nothing better than seeing a Tsundere character turn into a team player in a show.
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Re: I Just Realized I'm a Tsundere Fan

Postby TheCynicalIdealist » Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:10 pm

Well Outlaw Star is a sci-fi/fantasy that is often written off as a Cowboy Bebop clone(even though its' manga was years older), but there is a nice little romance/character development side plot
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Re: I Just Realized I'm a Tsundere Fan

Postby Kraavdran » Tue Nov 10, 2015 7:21 pm

Ah, very good. I've heard good things about Cowboy Bebop.... but still have yet to watch it...
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Re: I Just Realized I'm a Tsundere Fan

Postby Jhackler » Mon May 23, 2016 10:50 am

zero no tsukaima is my all time favorite tsundere, it could do without some content early on but softens up. Glad to see a fellow spice and wolf fan ;) though not sure that was quite a tsundere as that term refers to a character that is turns someone away but also becomes dripping with affection. It comes from combining Tsun Tsun (To turn away/ shun) and Dere Dere (dripping with affection.) zero no tsukaima is on the exaggerated end of that spectrum but is entertaining, the story is eventually a very heartwarming love tale with an interesting plot that slowly picks up.
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Re: I Just Realized I'm a Tsundere Fan

Postby Tenchi_Starwind » Sun Oct 30, 2016 2:20 pm

Hi, nice to meet ya!...

I too love Outlaw Star, ever since I first saw it as a kid, it will always be a permanent all-time favorite for me. Along with Cowboy Bebop and Tri-gun as well...

"Tsundere" huh?... Nice! I never knew there was an actual term for that kind of character developement, guess I'm a fan too lol... and Fate/stay night was really good...
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