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Ask a Li'l Ninja

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Ask a Li'l Ninja

Postby Lil_Ninja » Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:35 pm

Hey everybody!

I decided to make one of these so y'all can get to know me better, since I'm so mysterious and ninja-y and all ;)


Have you ever wanted to ask Lil Ninja a random question, but never had the opportunity? Well, here's your chance! =D
Have at it!
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Postby Kung_Fu_Master » Tue Jul 07, 2009 8:42 pm


Fav. Food?

Who came up with the Sharpie Sister? Why? And a little of there back story if you please.
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:03 pm

Well, all together, I've had four dogs and countless fish that hardly lasted a day (I think one made it past a week though). The first was a beagle (evil little dog) named Chip, then a black lab named Ashley, then Annabell,a black lab, and Sunny, a white lab. The two awesomest dogs EVER. Sadly, we had to get rid of them because we had to move and whatnot.

Favorite man made food? Ooh that's a toughie.. It really depends on my mood.. But I really like tacos, and eggrolls :D OOH and my brother's potato soup!!

Me and Hana Ryuuzaki (an awesome girlie) came up with the Sharpie Sisters. It started from a random chat we had one night. And why? Just cause it's cool ;) Sharpies pwn!
I'm Mark because of a random sharpie tragedy (a sharpie 'marking' my face), and she's Kram, cause it's Mark backwards, and she is the evil twin ;D
Mark is the leader of bright colors and everything shiny, and Kram is the leader of everything dark and DOOMY! ;] < Mark (on left) and Kram (Picture brilliantly done by Hana ;])
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Postby Sparx00 » Tue Jul 07, 2009 9:52 pm

What is the circumference of a moose?
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:19 am


It depends if it is a NINJA moose :D
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Postby Sparx00 » Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:45 am

A few more questions for you...

Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?

And where did you get your name? 0.0
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Wed Jul 08, 2009 7:55 am

Scarlet, in the broom closet, with a radio! (kudos to anyone that knows what that's from)
And why? Cause she's a craaaaaaazzii!!

Me and my brother were joking around one day, saying I was his Ninja padawan, and then when I asked for a ninja name, he gave me Lil Ninja "'Cause you're little, and you're a Ninja!"

Yep. Das how it aaaallll went down.
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Postby Gelka » Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:11 am


Do you like lolly pops?

Have you ever stolen candy from a little kid on Halloween?

Would you rather dress up in a bird costume or in a cow costume to break dance in public?

He he, would you break dance in public?

How many times do you have to kick a gumball machine for the security guards to assume your a terrorist?

Have you ever set someone's hair on fire?

Do you believe your stuffed animals come to life when you leave your room?

How many dresses do you own?


Yes or No?

In or Out?

Up or Down?
That Dude (post: 1385194) wrote:When God made Gelka, he decided to mix bubbles, rainbows, sharks, cupcakes, chocolate chips, puppies, kitties, and fun all into one bunch.

[color="Pink"]chatbot 01:50 - Wind asks, how does Gelka look Squished???
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:18 am

How do you feel about the use of profane language?

Did you ever have a period in your life where you used such language?
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Postby Robin Firedrake » Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:43 am

What is your stance on dragon slaying?

Ninjas for president?

If you could make the world like any anime, which would it be?

Do you like waffles?

Do you like pancakes?

Do you like french toast?

Can you wait to get a mouthful?
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:03 pm


Do you like lolly pops?
Yesh! Especially the really big round ones, or the unicorn lolipops *Nom*

Have you ever stolen candy from a little kid on Halloween?
No, I don't think so o-o

Would you rather dress up in a bird costume or in a cow costume to break dance in public?
I'd rather dress up as a bird to breakdance if it was a chocobo =)

He he, would you break dance in public?
No, because all I'd be doing was breaking stuff while trying to do the dance. XP

How many times do you have to kick a gumball machine for the security guards to assume your a terrorist?
Pro'lly like.. Twice if you have a CRAAAAAAZI angry face on. Like.. Edwards face when someone calls him short ;]

Have you ever set someone's hair on fire?
Thankfully, no. Not yet, anyway ;]

Do you believe your stuffed animals come to life when you leave your room?
I use to when I was little, haha. I even talked to them like they were real. *Hardly had any friends lol*

How many dresses do you own?
That I actually wear? None.

2837568237561987x23875287365193745x231958694386513 9846x0x93486398639x9348692486x93486729386423984613 047=
A noodle. That is my new number. A noodle.

Yes or No?

In or Out?

Up or Down?
Up (what a great movie ;])


[color="Blue"]Mr. Hat'n'clogs[/color]

How do you feel about the use of profane language?
It's hooooooooorrriiible!~

Did you ever have a period in your life where you used such language?
Nooope ^^



What is your stance on dragon slaying?
I dun' like it! Mean ol' knights! They're in our dungeons, slayin' our dragonz!

Ninjas for president?
Dear Robin, Ninjas already rule the world. No need for them to be president :]

If you could make the world like any anime, which would it be?
Hmm.. Probably... Pokemon, believe it or not. Darn cute li'l guys..
OORRR Avatar: The last air bender. That'd be darn cool. *got dibs on being an air bender* WHooo!

Do you like waffles?
Do you like air??? SHEESH

Do you like pancakes?
On your FACE!
Jk, Yes, I do :3

Do you like french toast?
I'm french, aren't I? :]

Can you wait to get a mouthful?
A mouthful of WHAT, pray tell?
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Postby Makachop^^128 » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:09 pm

fav video games anime and manga?
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Postby Lilac#18 » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:26 pm

Do you have any siblings?
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:37 pm

Fav' videogames?
To name a few:
The final fantasies (especially FF7),
Kingdom hearts 2,
the Mario games (except 64.. bad memories),
Zelda games (except windwaker.. Urghhh),
Tekken games,
Halo games,
Sonic the hedgehog: DX (i think that's the name),
Load Runner,
Soul Caliber,
Intelligent Cube,
World of Illusions,
Command and conquer,
Rainbow 6,
Rocket Knight Adventures,
Fighting force,
Age of Empires,
Marvel vs Capcom
Ninja Gaiden

Fav Anime?
Uhhmm.. Avatar: TLAB, .Hack//sign, Teen Titans, Cowboy Bebop, Hamtarro (sp?), Pokemon (original), and that's all I can think of, but there are more.

Fav Manga?
And I honestly don't know the diff' between Manga and Anime.. >>


Yes! Two older brothers. One has an account on here. Conner999 ^^
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Postby rocklobster » Wed Jul 08, 2009 12:59 pm

If you were in the village hidden in the leaves, who would you want as your sensei?
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:04 pm

A deku tree. =D

(is that from an anime or something?)
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Postby rocklobster » Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:05 pm

You Never Watched Naruto, and you call yourself a ninja?
Do you like the prequels to Star Wars or the originals?
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:09 pm

I have, didn't like it. It's like a mockery to NINJA! :[

I liked the prequels better, actually. Never saw ALL of the old ones though (or I did and forgot.)
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Wed Jul 08, 2009 2:44 pm

Lockjaw. What is it? Hydrophobia? What is it?

You phail if you don't know the second one.

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Postby Robin Firedrake » Wed Jul 08, 2009 3:50 pm

You obviously haven't heard the waffle song.

Dost thou liek kips of the mud?

Dost thou like ye olde butcherede english?

Will your stance on dragon slaying change after I ask you 1001 annoying questions?

Have you ever stuck long things up your nose and said "I'm a walrus!"

Ever used a sword?

Ever fired a medieval style bow?
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Wed Jul 08, 2009 4:01 pm

Lockjaw. What is it?
Lockjaw is a giant bulldog from the Pet Avengers.
And Jabber Jaw is a shark. :]

Hydrophobia? What is it?
Rabies, eh?


Dost thou liek kips of the mud?

Dost thou like ye olde butcherede english?
Not really..

Will your stance on dragon slaying change after I ask you 1001 annoying questions?
Noooope ^^

Have you ever stuck long things up your nose and said "I'm a walrus!"
No, but I've sung the walrus song :D

Ever used a sword?

Ever fired a medieval style bow?

Nope. That'd be cool though!
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Postby Sparx00 » Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:17 am

If a tree falls down in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?

If a ninja falls down in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?

If a mime falls down in the woods, and a tree falls on the mime, does anybody care?
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Thu Jul 09, 2009 9:56 am

If a tree falls down in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?
Yes. Unless it's a REEEEEEEEELY tiny tree. Or unless it falls on a huge pile of pillows. Why there is a huge pile of pillows next to the tree? I... Don't know.

If a Ninja falls down in the woods and nobody is around to hear it, does it still make a sound?
No. The voice of the Ninja is silence. If you hear silence.. Be afraid..

If a mime falls down in the woods, and a tree falls on the mime, does anybody care?
The tree huger organization would be thrilled a mime risked it's life to soften the impact of the tree. That noble mime..
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Postby rocklobster » Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:09 am

Have you ever read the comic strip Over the Hedge is based on?
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Thu Jul 09, 2009 10:46 am

Nope. Never knew it was based on one.
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Postby Sparx00 » Thu Jul 09, 2009 7:10 pm

Have you ever reached 400 posts by posting to answer this question?
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Postby rocklobster » Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:06 am

Have you ever seen It's a Wonderful Life? If so, what's your opinion?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:45 pm

Sparks: No :)

Rock: Yeah, I've seen it. It's pretty great!
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:40 pm

How did I not see this sooner?

1. If your life was a song, which one would it be?
2. Best memory?
3. Favorite holiday?
4. Do you know Shakespeare?
5. Would you ever go to the store dressed as Jack Sparrow?
6. Steal candy from a baby?
7. Go snipe-hunting?
8. Go hit mailboxes with a baseball bat?
9. Argue with a tree in a public park?
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
"All the world's a stage and all the men and women merely players; they have their entrances and their exits and one man in his time plays many parts."-Will Shakespeare
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Postby Lil_Ninja » Wed Jul 15, 2009 7:54 pm

1. If your life was a song, which one would it be?
"Dare you to move" by Switchfoot

2. Best memory?

All the retarded moments me and my brothers have in the car..
And the moments when a BUNCH of the family gets together to swap stories, sing, and do stupid stuff.. Good times..

3. Favorite holiday?
Thanksgiving. Freaking awesome food, and relatives coming to visit <3
OOrrr Christmas. Spending time with relatives singing and stuff.

4. Do you know Shakespeare?
Personally? No. He's dead, you know.

5. Would you ever go to the store dressed as Jack Sparrow?
YES! YES YES YES!!! I'd go anywhere (except somewhere really dressy and stuff, like a business meeting) dressed as Jack Sparrow, and do quotes from him and everything! Yessss...

6. Steal candy from a baby?
Nooo.. I... BORROWED... >>
(Not really, no. lol)

7. Go snipe-hunting?

No. Watched relatives convince this know-it-all kid that they were real, and they said they would go with him snipe hunting. Epicness.

8. Go hit mailboxes with a baseball bat?
Noo! Never.

9. Argue with a tree in a public park?
No, although that sounds fun.... =]
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