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Postby Lady Kenshin » Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:01 pm

All the active (and older) members seem to be doing this...

I probably haven't been on here long enough for anyone to care, but...

Fire away with ye questions anyway!

I shall answer anything. Meh...

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Postby Gelka » Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:05 pm


Do you like lolly pops?

How many shorts would you say you own?

Lasagna or Pizza?

Have you ever danced in the rain.

Would you go roller skating down the streets of New York in a Princess Peach costume?

Do you like gum?

Candy or Candy?

Meat of Vegetables?


Do you snort when you laugh?

When was the lat time you brushed your hair?
That Dude (post: 1385194) wrote:When God made Gelka, he decided to mix bubbles, rainbows, sharks, cupcakes, chocolate chips, puppies, kitties, and fun all into one bunch.

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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:08 pm

Hmm...I am glad you have posted an About Me thread, Miss Kenshin?

1. What are some of your favorite books?
2. Favorite quote?
3. Reason behind your username?
4. What makes you laugh?
5. What angers you the most?
6. Who are the first friends you made when you joined the CAA?
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:17 pm

How do you feel about people who can't spell or use capitalization on the internet?

Have you ever had a period in your life were you cussed frequently?

Dubs or Subs?

Favorite VAs or seiyu?
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Thu Jul 02, 2009 12:42 pm


"Do you like lolly pops?"


"How many shorts would you say you own?"

Two or three?

"Lasagna or Pizza?"

Er... both?

"Have you ever danced in the rain?"

Yes, haha.

"Would you go roller skating down the streets of New York in a Princess Peach costume?"

Heck yes!

"Do you like gum?"


"Candy or Candy?"


"Meat of Vegetables?"

Fresh, juicy, fibrous muscle cells sliding over each other as they shred between my teeth in a burst of flavor, liquid dripping from them... I am a meat person. O_o

"2384756293568235x3294856928356283x0x329587239857+4 ="


"Do you snort when you laugh?"

Not usually.

"When was the lat time you brushed your hair?"

Just after my last bath. My hair is curly and frizzes brushed dry.


1. What are some of your favorite books?

Anything by Lewis or Tolkien, Dracula, Poe, The Phantom of the Opera, Frankenstein, Jekyll and Hyde...

2. Favorite quote?

"Life is so beautiful that death has fallen in love with it, a jealous, possessive love that grabs at what it can. But life leaps over oblivion lightly, losing only a thing or two of no importance, and gloom is but the passing shadow of a cloud..."
— Yann Martel (Life of Pi)

3. Reason behind your username?

I am a lady and I love Kenshin!

4. What makes you laugh?

Um... the usual suspects... and black humor, sometimes. My sense of humor is sarcastic.

5. What angers you the most?

People who wave their fingers in my face. I just wanna bite 'em off... grr.

6. Who are the first friends you made when you joined the CAA?

Hm... I talked to MoonRock Dragon some before he got banned...
And rocklobster is awesome!

"How do you feel about people who can't spell or use capitalization on the internet?"

I want to disable their Internet. They spread absolute stupidity to people who would otherwise be only mildly dumb. Unless they have some kind of learning disability; I mean the lazy ones.

"Have you ever had a period in your life were you cussed frequently?"

Um... how about now? *blush of shame*

"Dubs or Subs?"

Dubs if they're good, subs if the dub sucks.

"Favorite VAs or seiyu?"

Vic Mignogna, Wendy Powell...

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Postby rocklobster » Thu Jul 02, 2009 1:54 pm

What's your favorite type of music?
What's your opinion of Harry Potter?
Have you seen the movies based on Poe's works?
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Postby Makachop^^128 » Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:01 pm

Favorite anime
favorite manga and video games
what would do with 1,000,000 dollars
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Postby Lilac#18 » Thu Jul 02, 2009 2:43 pm

Do you have any siblings?
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Thu Jul 02, 2009 3:38 pm


"What's your favorite type of music?"

You mean I have to choose? *cries*

"What's your opinion of Harry Potter?"

I haven't read it, so I have no opinion. My parents should be that way but hate it.

"Have you seen the movies based on Poe's works?"

There's movies? COOL BEANS!!!


My favorite anime is Fullmetal Alchemist.

My favorite manga would also be Fullmetal Alchemist were it not for the existence of Monster.

I don't play video games, but if I did I guess I'd like FF7.

With a million dollars... I would raid the manga section of the bookstore! ^_^


I have two brothers and a sister, all younger than I.

Thanks for all the questions! Keep 'em coming!

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Postby rocklobster » Fri Jul 03, 2009 5:55 am

1. Do you like Disney? If so, who is your favorite character?
2. Who are your favorite actors/actresses?
3. Who was your favorite character in Final Fantasy Seven?
4. Have you seen Haibane Renmei?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Fri Jul 03, 2009 12:53 pm


1. Yes! I love the Beast! ^_^
2. Actor: Hm... Christian Bale? Orlando Bloom? Actresses: Keira Knightley,,, oh, and Cate Blanchett!
3. Well, Vincent's hot,... but I must say Sephiroth.
4. No. What's it about? I've heard it's good.

So funny... my little brother came up behind me and said your username in what I guess you could call his possessed rabbit voice... startled me. LOL.

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Postby rocklobster » Fri Jul 03, 2009 1:22 pm

Haibane Renmei is about angels in purgatory (or at least I think it's purgatory). It's beautiful!
YOu like Harry Potter?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
--Jeremiah 1:5
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Postby HondaTooru » Fri Jul 03, 2009 2:52 pm

Hi Lady Kenshin, nice to meet you!

Let's see...

- How do you like your steaks/burgers cooked?
- Do you like to cook? If so, do you have a specialty? And if so, when can I come over to eat it? LOL
- Did you ever see the Disney movie "Newsies"? Because Christian Bale is a CUTIE in that one! He seems to be a jerk IRL though, too bad. :(
- Do you speak any other languages?
- What would be scarier, swimming with sharks or jumping out of a plane?
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:20 pm

@Rock: I might have to check that out...
Have never read/watched HP... my parents would kill me. ^_^


-I like my steaks/burgers medium.
-I do. Tom Ka Guy is my specialty, and you can come over whenever you like. ^_~
-There's a movie called "Newsies"? I didn't know that. Christian Bale is hot... but I don't really follow him IRL...
-I took four years of Spanish and have picked up a few Japanese words from anime... XD
-Swimming with Sharks. If I jumped out of a plane, I'd be unconscious before I hit the ground (ouch!), whereas I'd be awake while the sharks were eating me... (ouchier!)

This is fun! Keep it up, fellas!

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Postby rocklobster » Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:46 pm

1. Have you ever read anything by Roald Dahl (he wrote Charlie and the Chocolate Factory)
2) Why do you like Envy?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Mon Jul 06, 2009 1:50 pm

Do you have a lifelong goal?

Do you cosplay? If so, who have you cosplayed as?
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Mon Jul 06, 2009 3:59 pm

1. No, but I've seen both movie versions.
2. You just asked for a dissertation. LOL. Please note that the following applies mostly to Anime!Envy.

I have Asperger's. Therefore, I obsess. Usually over a certain character. Sometimes for years. I'm sure you understand that in some capacity, Rock.

In any case, I have long loved and identified with villainous characters in much greater quantities than I have heroic ones, a fact which has concerned and baffled my parents, frightened my friends, and generally struck the public as odd. It has, however, never bothered me very much, as I think the distinction has much to do with the fact that villainous characters are oddballs, hate or disregard society, and are rarely happy. Please note that this has nothing to do with any innate desire of mine to go out on a mass murdering rampage in the manner that many of these characters, particularly my darling Envy, do.

This has been a fairly common occurrence ever since my early teens. I once had this affinity for the Nazgul in Lord of the Rings, and then again for Harley Quinn from the Batman universe, and now, obviously, for Envy from Fullmetal Alchemist.

Hmm… in order to explain my affinity for/obsession with Envy, it is a good idea to explain why I like homunculi so much in general…

A homunculus is, as all good students of the first FMA anime know, a failed human transmutation. In other words, it is not what it was intended to be, and for that reason the creator often rejects it. It is considered defective, even though it is a being in its own right. Often, when I was younger especially, I have felt like a failure, like something was wrong with me, and for this reason, homunculi have appealed to me more than any other fantasy race I have ever encountered in my readings/viewings. To someone whose very mind has inhibited her from easily pursuing meaningful relationships with peers, this was a windfall. There have been many times I felt barely human, and these characters made my day by feeling much the same: so close to right but missing that last important component.

Now... why did I latch onto Envy instead of Wrath or Sloth or Lust or some other such? That’s actually pretty easy. I’m obviously not JUST like him, but we share several defining... um... personality traits.

The first reason is that Envy’s response to rejection closely parallels my own. You see, Envy does not just sit around being depressed that his father does not want him. He gets MAD… very mad. Not only that, he stays mad for a LONG time afterward. For better or worse, that is how I react when I am rejected and treated poorly by people. I do not, of course, plot the person’s death from that date forward, but it takes me a long time to forgive and I never forget. I try, but it's just very hard for me.

Secondly, Envy puts on a front of superiority in order to appear strong and confident. So do I. He brags about his physical superiority to a human. I brag about my intellectual superiority to most people. The main thing, however, is that neither of us really feel that much better about ourselves for very long. It works for the time being, but we feel like crap under all that and it comes crashing down the moment we let our guard down. Why else would we be so insistent on proving our superiority?

The third point, which is related to the second, is that we both feel inferior, as previously mentioned, but not only that, we have a tendency to envy others their seemingly perfect lives. Never mind that everyone has problems. We see the green grass on the other side and that only. Not only that, we grow to resent and even hate those we envy, especially if they slight us somehow. I cannot even begin to tell you how many times that has happened to me.

The fourth point, which is more metaphorical, is that we change our appearances to fit every situation. He does so literally. I do so emotionally. How to better explain this... I can adapt my very mood to the company I am in. In fact, said mood is more often than not false. I am aware that neurotypicals do this as well, but I have always felt it to be extraordinarily false and deceptive. Not only that… my personality has been said to change from mood to mood. My ex-boyfriend, whom I am still friends with, once said that I am like a different person every day. This has to do with the adaptations I make for the sake of others, I think, but it is still odd. Envy also does this, but maybe not for the same reasons.

His sarcastic and macabre sense of humor is also something I relate to, as well as his overreaction to certain insults.

However… this all boils down, I think, to the fact that we are both extraordinarily insecure. I dislike this as I do many other things about myself, but it is true. I admit it freely.

Yay me and my revelations of introspection, and thanks for reading this overly long explanation.

Does that answer your question, Rock? LOL.

I want to be happy and make others feel so. However, this often feels impossible...

Yes, as Tifa Lockhart (Because my friend made it for me and I couldn't say no... XD).
I do, however, plan to cosplay Lust from FMA someday... Mostly because I like her and have the shape for it... ^_^

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Postby rocklobster » Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:01 pm

Who is your favorite character in Narnia?
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Wed Jul 08, 2009 1:05 pm

Hm... Aslan, obviously... and I always liked Eustace. He made things fun.

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Postby rocklobster » Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:38 pm

Have you ever read any books by S.E. Hinton? She wrote the following: The Outsiders, That Was Then...This is Now,and Tex.
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Thu Jul 09, 2009 3:51 pm

Mm... no. I mostly read/study authors who have been dead a while... ^_^

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Postby rocklobster » Fri Jul 10, 2009 6:03 am

What are you, a goth?
Just joking.
Have you ever seen It's a Wonderful Life? If so, what's your opinion?
"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you were born I consecrated you. I appointed you to be a prophet of all nations."
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:51 am

I'm not a goth, but I do identify with the lifestyle to some degree. I'd probably dress that way if I didn't care about worrying my parental units.... XD

Yes, I have, and it's one of my favorite films. I want to see Mr. Smith Goes to Washington.

Keep 'em coming, loves!
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Postby Mr. Hat'n'Clogs » Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:57 am

How do you feel about the use of profane language and Christianity?

Have you ever been to a con?

Have you ever been a member of an anime club, and if so, what were normal activities(Other than watching anime)?
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Postby Phantom_Sorano » Fri Jul 10, 2009 11:32 am

1. What is the craziest thing you have done on impulse?
2. What are three things on your bucket list?
3. If you could identify with any historical character, who would it be?
4. Why?
Jeremiah 29:11-"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord,"plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:10 pm


Honestly, I think it depends on the word being used. There are some I use, but those that are offensive to God I try to avoid. I have no real respect/fear for Hell, though...

Yes. I loved it!

Yes again. We usually sat around and drew pictures and geeked out... but isn't that what clubs like that are for, anyway? ^_^


1. Um... jumped off a stepladder into a hammock?
2. Skydive, finish and publish a book, and experience marriage.
3. Mother Teresa
4. She loved everybody!

Thanks all! I remain open!

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Postby Kaligraphic » Fri Jul 10, 2009 2:29 pm

Which life would you prefer, from among these three:
1: You get married, have a family, and kids, and barbecues on the weekends, and all that stuff.
2: You become a businesswoman, working long hours for the reward of a fancy desk and vague promises of a windowed office.
3: You end up traveling through time in the company of a Time Lord, and accidentally drop Adolf Hitler on his head as a baby. You then spend the rest of your life in a vastly altered future where RoboStalin and his army of mechanized communists rule the world with a titanium fist.

Without resorting to a list of options, what is your real ideally imagined life?

What is your favorite kind of cheese?
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Fri Jul 10, 2009 10:35 pm

3. Definitely. My biggest gripe with life is that it's boring.

Hm... adventure in a world with all kinds of unique, unusual creatures... and where humans are not the only sentient species.

Muenster cheese.

Thanks for the questions!

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Postby rocklobster » Sat Jul 11, 2009 5:11 am

HAve you read the Diary of Anne Frank?
SAddest book you ever read?
Saddest movie you ever watched?
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Postby Lady Kenshin » Sun Jul 12, 2009 12:15 pm

No, but I am familiar with the tragedy.
Hm... Interview with the Vampire made me cry buckets when I read it.
Movies... hm... Moulin Rouge was very sad.

Keep it up!

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