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PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 1:17 pm
by Jimmothy
Name: Nathan (My friends gave me the name Jimmothy in grade school it just kind of stuck with me)

Gender: Male
Appearance: Medium hight, Black hair, it is Shaagy(not the singer)style, and Dark brown eyes.
Piercings:none (might get ear)
Socks style: um.. doesn't really matter
Heritage: English,Scottish, Danish,and Spanish
Dream super power: Super speed or heat vision
Voted in Highschool: i'm still in Highschool
Music style: Techno, Punk, some Gospel(my dad listens to it so I got hooked), Ska, and some Video Game and Anime music.
Date of Salvation: 4th Grade at my bed side. Active hobbies: Golf, I was taking tae kwon-doh but it got a little strage, bikking, and Soccer
Lazy hobbies: Video Games, Drawing, Sleeping, going on internet, hangin with friends, and going in the woods to think about life.
Fav food: Spicy things yum!
Food I dislike: some sea food.
Fav bible translation: New Living Translation
Fav Auther: Frank Periti, Tolkien,and C.S.Liews
Quirk: um..oh! I like to play with fire. its fun putting things in a camp fire.
Slightly embarrasing talent: I do a good Chubacka impression.


PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 2:30 pm
by Ashley
*laughs* is there a single guy here who CAN'T do a good Chewbacca impression? Wait, make that is there a single guy ANYWHERE that can't?

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 8:23 pm
by calbhach
LOL! That's funny


PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 8:45 pm
by Shinja
i cant:sniffle: but any way, thats cool.

PostPosted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 8:53 pm
by calbhach
Well I can't either, so don't feel too left out ;)
