Anyway, It's quite interesting how I found this site...I watching watching some anime, and after watching the series...I wondered, "I wonder if there's any christian anime out there?" So I typed "christian anime" in Google and got your site!
So...I guess I'll just type up a little biograpy...
Name: Kevin, although usually referred to as Kenzo online
Gender: Male (just for bio-completeness)
Age: Undisclosed, for obvious reasons (not that I don't trust you guys...but these boards are public to the world...and who knows who's out there, lol)
Residence: Near Toronto
Strengths: Programming (almost any language), computer knowledge
(dunno...between strong and weak): Drawing manga, although I'm very slow at it
Weaknesses: Procrastination (or maybe that's a strength, as I am quite good at it)
Church: People's Church in Toronto
Belifs: Holy Spirit-filled non-hypocritical bible-beliving evangelical spiritual born-again Christian (inside joke, you have to go to my church to get it)
Languages: Know English, doing well in French at school, learning Japanese (on my own time), know Shorthand well (although I wouldn't consider it a language...), various Internet languages, Various programming languages
Feeling: Like chicken tonight.
Really feeling: Like chicken tonight.
REALLY feeling: Like chicken tonight!!
REALLY feeling without using "Like chicken tonight": Like tonight is a good night for chicken.
Time Zone: Eastern Standard Time (GMT -5:00)
Website: (Note the Z)
Job: Student
Company: Uhh...what?
Birthdate: September 20, 19**
Favorite Website: Right now...
Favorite Font:Papyrus
Favorite Emoticon: BANANAMAN!