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Why hello there...

If you're new to CAA, we invite you to tell us about yourself here. This is the place to post your own bio or read up on other members. Be as in depth as you like!

Why hello there...

Postby Aibou » Sat Nov 19, 2005 12:00 pm

So I have returned.... Another long absence of 6 months followed right after another, and now I am here to STAY XD;;;; If I do not just kick me a pm if you like.

I was one of the first members to register here (Member #22! w00t!) and I think I was pretty active in 2003 and 2004, I don't remember much of that time, unfortunately... and I will not be surprised if you don't know me at all anymore.

Well, I am a Christian. I like anime/manga (duh) and in progress of drawing a manga series. My real name is Laura and I am 18-year old. I live in the Netherlands, so my English grammar may contain mistakes. XD

I own a website: HeavenBound.NU, which is pretty useless right now. I also own a couple of fanlistings. I'm also known as Creation or MidnightReverie at other websites/forums. Actually, Aibou (means companion) is one of the old nicks I rarely use nowadays.

Anyways, I hope to be posting here more often than I had done in the years that had gone by. ;)

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Postby c_hunter » Sat Nov 19, 2005 12:29 pm

omedeto gozaimasu!
congratulations, welcome again!
(even though you were first here ^_^)
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Postby shooraijin » Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:10 pm

O-kaeri nasai. :)
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Postby Puguni » Sat Nov 19, 2005 1:55 pm

I remember you...I think you popped in once. But anyway, welcome again. :3
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Postby teen4truth » Sun Nov 20, 2005 5:19 pm

Welcome back! I am teen4truth, you can call me t4t. I am not on that much anymore, but if you ever wanna send me a pm then go ahead. I will also be available on YIM from time to time.

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Postby termyt » Mon Nov 21, 2005 8:13 am

Welcome back. It's good to read you again.
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Postby Mr. Rogers » Mon Nov 21, 2005 9:12 am

welcome back ^O^d
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Postby mitsuki lover » Mon Nov 21, 2005 2:09 pm

*Cues up the theme from Welcome Back Kotter*
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A previous member, eh? Welcome!...

Postby KojiroMusashi » Tue Nov 22, 2005 4:09 am

*Lights darken around the forum, and suspense-filled music begins. It builds as spotlights illuminate KojiroMusashi, a villain with a three-way split personality which may manifest itself as three seperate bodied individuals.*

*Kojiro and Musashi strike poses to either side of an oversized red "R". Cue Roketto Dan intro music.*

Musashi: Prepare for trouble, she's both old and new!

Kojiro: And make it double, as we welcome Aibou!

*Musashi and Kojiro step further away from the "R" as a chair rises from the ground, cloaked in shadows. A figure dressed in an expensive looking business suit sits in the chair, petting a large Persian seated by him. His face is masked by the shadows, making most details impossible to see. He begins to speak, his deep voice distorted by some form of vocal identity distorter.*

Figure: Welcome, Aibou. Allow Roketto Dan to extend a personal greeting to a member with such history. Please accept this gift as a token of my esteem.

*The figure grins, and motions to Kojiro. He and Musashi rush forward with gifts for Aibou. Musashi hands her a chibi Cloud Strife doll holding a "#22" sign, and Kojiro hands her a gift bag filled with Pocky. They rush back to stand at attention to either side of the mysterious figure.*

Figure: Perhaps one day, Roketto Dan may formally issue an invitation to you to join our Organization. I encourage you to carefully consider this, for if the offer is given, it would be . . . unwise of you to refuse.

Kojiro: But Jess...I mean Boss, Roketto Dan is recruiting again? I heard from Shin in Reaquisition that we were only hiring short, two-legged talking mascot Pokemon.

Musashi: Preferably Nyasu, since Nyarth left us for that Manx.

Boss: Silence!!! :mutter:

*Kojiro flinches and carefully edges away from the Boss. Musashi rolls her eyes, evidently both disgusted and not surprised at Kojiro's outburst, and frustrated that she takes heat for him again. The platform that Musashi, Kojiro and the Boss entered the Forums on sinks into the ground as the lights go dark again. As they disappear, a voice calls out of the pit.*

Kojiro: Enjoy your time back at the CAA Forums Aibou!

Musashi: And if you see Pikachu and the Twerps, let us know!

Boss: You're both taking a pay cut this month.

*The hole in the ground disappears as a cover slides back in place. When the lights return, there is no sign of Roketto Dan, or their secret tunnel.*
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Postby Aibou » Wed Nov 23, 2005 4:00 am

Ahahaha, thanks for the welcomes :D XD
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