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What Christian Movies have you seen?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 4:04 pm
by ThaKladd
I'll list they I remember, that means most of the christian movies I have seen. My brother has like... over 70(but I haven't seen them all)... :)

Ben Hur
The 10 Commandments
Esther, Samson and Dalilah, Jeremiah, Moses, Noah +++ many other bible movies
Jesus from Nasareth, Jesus + many other Jesus movies
The Visual Bible: Acts
The Visual Bible: Matthew
Left Behind 1 and 2
The Climb
Late one night
The Cross and the switchblade
Lay it down
Anno Domini
Megiddo - the omega code 2
A Vow To Cherish
Christy 1, 2 and 3
Hans Nielsen Hauge
The Prodigal
The Ride
The Prince of Egypt
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe ++ the other Narnia movies
Peter and Paul

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 4:11 pm
by ShiroiHikari
The only one I can remember off the top of my head is The Omega Code. And I think I saw some other one about the end times, but that was a longlong time ago, so I don't remember the name of it.

Is The Cross and the Switchblade a novel by any chance? I think someone told me about it a long time ago...

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 4:32 pm
by Staci
Does "Jesus Christ Super Star" count? *grins and winks* Yes, I'm sure it does - it is both a musical and a movie. However, I've only seen it live.

They may not be movies, persay, but are documentaries instead. The ones done by Chartleton Heston - I watched them in my Bible as Literature class in high school. :thumb: Good historical stuff, if a tad boring during moments.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 6:59 pm
by brantelg
Extreme Days
The Passion Of the Christ
Omega Code 1, 2
Left Behind 1, 2
Prince Of Egypt
Jonah: Veggie Tales Movie
Something To Sing About (EXCELLENT movie)
and probably more

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:50 pm
by MillicentKnight
The Left Behind movies are great! I love them! The first one was the best, I think. I usually watch them when my grandparents are visiting. I always hope that they'll either sit down and watch the whole thing with me or at least see some of it...

I can't really think of any others...I'm going to see the Passion of Christ this weekend...n.n

PostPosted: Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:40 pm
by Bobtheduck
Passion of the Christ (my favorite movie of all time)
To End All Wars (ties with Return of the King as my 2nd fave)
Omega Code (meh)
Left Behind (meh... Buh)
Left Behind 2 (not as bad as 1)
Megiddo (with the exception of the anti-christ's acting, not as bad as the first)
Time Changers (horrid movie)
I saw a few of those Billy Graham TV movies as well...

The only really good ones were To End All Wars and Passion of the Christ. I can't wait until June when To End All Wars finally gets a US DVD release (it's out in the UK and in Aussiland allready, if you happen to live there)

I don't count stuff like "Ten Commandments", "Prince of Egypt" and stuff like that "Christian" movies.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:20 am
by ThaKladd
Ten comandments, Ben hur,(both charlton heston) Prince of egypt is not actually christian movies because they are hollywood movies - but they are still christian(or biblical) in theme.

The Cross and the Switchblade is a biography of Nicky Cruz, and it has come out in book form :)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 6:33 am
by cbwing0
I have seen...

The Passion of the Christ
Jesus of Nazareth
Judas and Jesus
Ten Commandments
The Prince of Egypt
The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe

The Passion was my favorite out of these, and the only one that I truly disliked was Judas and Jesus.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 9:49 am
by DrNic
Lol, just some kiddy ones like The Prince of Egypt and sum Narnias. The next closest thing is The Life Of Brian :lol: .

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:40 am
by cbwing0
Yeah...if you count Life of Brian, then add that to my list. ;)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 1:37 pm
by Fsiphskilm

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 2:41 pm
by ThaKladd
Yea.. I've seen a Joan d'Arc movie too :)

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 3:07 pm
by Bobtheduck
[quote="cbwing0"]Yeah...if you count Life of Brian, then add that to my list. ]

Um... I'm going to guess no.

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 7:20 pm
by CDLviking
The Passion of the Christ
Jesus of Nazareth
The Ten Commandments
Ben Hur
The Mission
Brother Sun, Sister Moon
The Shoes of the Fisherman

PostPosted: Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:46 pm
by Orange Kitten
Then how about the beginning of History of the World Part I ? lol

*Moses comes down holding 3 tablets*

"I have these fifteen.... *drops/breaks one tablet* TEN Commandments!"

Now THAT is classic!

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 1:02 am
by Bobtheduck
I just rented "Extreme Days"

It's pretty funny, and it may actually attract attention from skaters and surfers and snowboarders and so forth. Of course, the outright Christian elements seem a bit cheesy to me (unlike in, say, To End All Wars where Jesus' words were quoted with power, this seemed forced to me) but the road trip and sports aspect could be good for limited evangelism.

(ok, so my self control is lacking... I should be starting my really heavy study for this rainbow student program thing...)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 4:42 am
by ThaKladd
I saw "A walk to remember" - it's not christian produced, but very good with christianity as theme.... and they used christian artist for some of the music tracks...

I have also seen "The Passion of Christ" now :)

PostPosted: Fri Apr 16, 2004 7:42 am
by Inferno
Ben Hur
The 10 Commandments
The prince of Egypt
The Cloth of Many Colors
Judas and Jesus
That's all I can remember, although i might have seen more.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 20, 2004 10:12 am
by ice122985
time changer - liked it
Left Behind1 and 2- books were better
Judgement - blah
Tribulation - see above
Charlie - the guy's a mormon, but acts more like ordinary christians- besides that, great movie, made me cry...
Ten commandments- awesome
Ben-hur - don't remember much

PostPosted: Sat Apr 24, 2004 10:51 pm
by Ingemar
I have seen:

The Ten Commandments
Ben-Hur (Really different from the book, yet the book reads too much like a history book)
The Omega Code (*shudder*)
The Prince of Egypt
The Passion of the Christ
Some 70's end-times flicks
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (a disgrace to the C.S. Lewis book)

My list isn't very large. In my opinion, Christian movies (especially endtimes flics) monolithically suck.

Review for Andrei Rublev

PostPosted: Tue Apr 27, 2004 11:07 am
by bigsleepj
Ben-Hur is my favourite movie of all time...and then there's Mad Mel's "The Passion of the Christ". Other than that, Christian movies that are good are rare. I've seen "The Omega Code" which, despite good intentions, was towards the end rather confusing.

Another movie that comes close to being Christian (although it is definitely spiritual and pro-religion) is "Andrei Rublev". "Andrei Rublev" is something of a remarkable picture. It's pro-religion, religious, spiritual, filled with Christian imagery and reference to the Bible, whole passages are quoted from the Bible and it was made on a budget that, today, would amount to about the budget of pictures like "Black Hawk Down" and such. But what makes it remarkble is that the movie was made, with these factors in place, in Communist Russia (the old Soviet Union). It makes sense that it was shelved for two years by the Communist authorities before being released abroad in 1969, after which it was released in Russia at about 1971 after being cut for length. This is basically (when all is said and done) an arthouse film and if you can't tolerate "Ben-Hur" or even slow-moving movies like "Fargo" then this is not the movie for you. It tells the story of the times in which Andrei Rublev, a real life Icon painter for the Eastern Orthodox Church. If you were to look up Andrei Rublev in "Microsoft Encarta 94" you'd find the rather odd phrase that you don't always expect in Encyclopedias. "Not much is known about this person." So don't expect a bio-pic; Andrei Rublev remains a passive observer of the bloody times that he lives through. The story is about Andrei Rublev, a monk who is basically the toast of the icon painters in Russia. After encountering a group of Pagans during a festival (they catch him and tie him up) he is tempted to partake in their festivities. After escaping and sleeping in the forrest Andrei wakes up to see an old artist friend of his (a monk named Kiril) hunt down and kill the pagans mercilessly. These events scar the faith of Andrei. After the city of Vladimir is sacked by invading Tartars (they destroy the cathedral and kill everyone in the city) Andrei loses a lot of faith in both God and man and takes on a vow of silence, never to speak or paint, until his faith is restored in both. In the end, oddly, his faith is restored not by a miracle or something similar, but by the ringing of a bell.

As a movie it's very good, but very demanding. You must have patience to tackle this movie because it's not a light watch like most epics. As I said this is an art-house movie. The other problem is that the director's faith is very unorthodox. I'm not sure whether he's a Christian or just a theist. At one point, while Andrei is talking about Christ, we suddenly see the Passion scene set not in Judea but in Russia. Christ carries His cross on a snowy hill where He accepts His fate. It's not bloody, but it's odd; it could be that the director wanted to remind Russians that Christ died for them as well...or he was just being funny in the head. Off course, the director (Andrei Tarkovsky) later stated that the world was in such a terrible state because people "lacked spirituality". The movie is pro-religion but it would upset a lot of people because it goes for a personal faith rather than a fundamentalist and dogmatic faith. Also it's rated 15 (no one younger) because it's quite violent and has some naked people (pagans) in it. I'm still making my mind up about the movie, so I can't recommend it. But if you like movies with subtitles then this is your cup of tea.


PostPosted: Thu Apr 29, 2004 12:18 pm
by brantelg
I just watched a couple more...
The Cross And The Switchblade (Excellent Movie!)
Hangman's Curse (A new movie based on Frank Perreti's book. That movie is AWESOME!)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 2:49 pm
by For_Him
The Cross and the Switchblade
The Passion of the Christ
Prince of Egypt
Joseph: King of Dreams
The Ten Commandments
The Greatest Story Ever Told
The Miracle Maker
Left Behind
The Judas Project
Megiddo-The Omega Code 2
Oh Brother, Where Art Thou (Not entirely Christian I know, but there are references of it: Baptising, prayer, music)
Few Adventures in Odyssey
Veggie Tales (Awsome!)
3-2-1 Penguins! (Excellent! *Goes into Wayne's World guitar riff*)

PostPosted: Sun Dec 18, 2005 4:17 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
Hmm lemme think (there's not TOO too many)

Prince of Egypt
Hangman's Curse (funny, cause my friends and I rented it thinking it was actually a horror! But it's Christian and people screamed because of the spiders. Even better^^)
Left Behind
Left Behind 2
will be watching Left Behind 3 maybe tomorrow (missed the viewing of it at the church so downloaded it cause I didn't go >_<)
Watched an Adventures in Oddesy movie at kid's church involving "bigfoot" :/
Oh, and an assortment of Veggie Tales!

PostPosted: Mon Dec 19, 2005 11:13 am
by TurkishMonky
Extreme Days
Narnia- BBC, and Walden versions
Hangman's Curse
Left Behind series
Omega Code
a walk to remember
Prince of Egypt
Jesus film
Somthing to sing about
ben hur
a vow to cherish
ten commandments
all the veggietales / adventues in odessey / Storykeepers movies
what's that christian war movie with the guys who escape from the nazi camp? violent but excellent. i saw that too...

I watched as long as i could stand:
numerous 70's era cheezy christan movies
numerous cheesy end times movies

PostPosted: Tue Dec 20, 2005 1:21 pm
by rocklobster
Okay, I've seen:
The Passion
Because of Winn-Dixie
Hamlet (Mel's)
all LOTR movies

PostPosted: Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:28 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Well, that kinda depends on what you'd call a Christian movie. I mean, I've seen people mentioning the LOTR and Narnia movies, but I wouldn't exactly put those under the explicitly Christian category...I mean, if someone watched LOTR or Narnia with no knowledge of the Gospels or with any previous Christian experience, they'd only see it as a good movie. So anyways, here's my list:

Diary of a Mad Black Woman
Tyler Perry's "Madea's Family Reunion"--That was a play on DVD, but they're bringing it to theaters soon!! :D
Time Changer...and I wish I'd never seen it. HORRIBLE movie. Agh. XD
Ben Hur, a looong time ago
Several versions of the Jesus film
Several of the Veggie Tales movies
Extreme Days (watched it in Bible class. It was like...a Christian version of Grind. XD)
Left Behind 1
The Prince of Egypt
And I'm going to mention The Count of Monte Cristo. It's not EXACTLY a Christian movie, but you can't ignore the fact that the movie's catchphrase is "God will give me justice." Man, I LOVE that movie. :D

I can't think of any more at the moment, but if I do, I'll be sure to post 'em. :D

EDIT: Oh, remembered some. I don't remember the titles, but I watched them on a charter bus on a trip my school took. There was one about a snow storm, and how this family of three survived, and then there was one about these two guys who were climbing a mountain and one of them died. They were both really, really cheesy, though. Bad excuses for movies. XD

PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:08 am
by Tommy
Um Guys you seriously ressurected this thread.
Aparently at this time, the people didn`t even know there was a walden version of narnia coming out. And the Walden version isn`t a disgrace to the book.

There is no such thing as a Christian movie. The movie isn`t saved. Movies have messages. They can be good or bad or on the fence.

The Matrix for example is on the fence.
American Pie has a bad message.
Passion of the Christ has a good message.

Do you see where I`m going?

Movies aren`t Christian. They send messages and some movies usually distributed by Christians sharely good messages mentioning Jesus and stuff.

Anyways, as far as Christ moraled-movies go I`ll share a few of the many i have seen:

Hangman`s Curse (PERRETTI, MAKE A SEQUEL!)
The Preacher`s Wife

And many more...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 8:37 am
by Sephiroth
Left Behind: 1, 2 & 3 (yeah the books were alot better)
The Omega Code: 1 & 2 (ok these were terrible)
Revalation Series: Revalation, Apocalypse, Judgement & Tribulation (Judgement was funny "Ah pity the foo" gott love Mr. T)
Time Changer (was quite a different approach to a Christian movie)
The Cross & the Switchblade (in R.E. Class at school a good while ago)
and a couple i cant remember the name of, 1 with a worship artist playing a boxer, something along the lines of something to dance about & the raul reese (if thats how you spell it) story about how he got saved.

umm oh and many versions of the gospels, umm veggie tales stuff (YAS!!)

PostPosted: Sun Jan 01, 2006 8:56 am
by Yojimbo
Tom Dincht wrote:Um Guys you seriously ressurected this thread.
Aparently at this time, the people didn`t even know there was a walden version of narnia coming out. And the Walden version isn`t a disgrace to the book.

There is no such thing as a Christian movie. The movie isn`t saved. Movies have messages. They can be good or bad or on the fence.

The Matrix for example is on the fence.
American Pie has a bad message.
Passion of the Christ has a good message.

Do you see where I`m going?

Movies aren`t Christian. They send messages and some movies usually distributed by Christians sharely good messages mentioning Jesus and stuff.

Anyways, as far as Christ moraled-movies go I`ll share a few of the many i have seen:

Hangman`s Curse (PERRETTI, MAKE A SEQUEL!)
The Preacher`s Wife

And many more...

So there's no Christian books or music either then? It's all the same just different mediums. It's the people making them and the message with it that determines what it is. The Quran is a Muslim book and the Bible is a Christian book it's just a classification. No one is saying the book itself is saved that's ridiculous...but I don't know where you're trying to go with that anyway. There are not as many true Christian movies as books or music but there ARE Christian movies.

I've seen:
Ben Hur
Passion of the Christ
Ten Commandments
To End All Wars
Jesus of Nazareth
Any numer of Jesus Movies
The Exorcist (This is way more of a Christian movie than half the movies people are listing here)
The Apocalypse

A few others I'm having trouble remembering the names of, but I'll post later. They're good ones.