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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Fri Mar 12, 2004 12:13 pm

Martial can be a sport. Brazilion Jujitsu is almost a type of wrestling. Anyway, so what are you training in?

I'm currently in DanZan Ryu Jujitsu, and my rank is an orange belt. (see Sig)
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Postby supa dupa ninja » Fri Mar 12, 2004 10:52 pm

I did tae kwon do during my elementary school days, I wrestled for my highschool (wresting is real martial arts) and I'm planning on learning eskrima in the near future.
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Postby Saint Kevin » Fri Mar 12, 2004 11:26 pm

HA! Marital that's funny.
I actually knew a few married couples in my Tae Kwon Do school. Those who spar together, stay together it seems.

Anyway, I got to a purple belt in Tae Kwon Do (halfway to black) and then had to stop because it was too expensive and I no longer had a job.
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Postby churchgirl111 » Sat Mar 13, 2004 8:12 am

I take Alea's Shaolin Kempo karate bujjie art system (combo between shoalin kempo, 7-animal kungfu, and japanese jiu jitsu) also take Chen Tai chi and Brazilian jiu-jitsu!

One belt before black on the karate and white with one stripe for jiu-jitsu and almost gold sash for Tai chi!!!
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Postby uc pseudonym » Sat Mar 13, 2004 8:36 am

I'm going to assume this thread should be "Martial Arts."

Choi Kwan Do interests me, but I've never actively pursued it.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Sat Mar 13, 2004 9:58 am

oh crud, i cant beleive i spelled that wrong...
youre cold UC.
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Postby churchgirl111 » Sat Mar 13, 2004 1:01 pm

Brazilian, super duper ninja, jiu-jitsu is much like wrestling in a sense that it is submissive wrestling...both from standing up and grappling.

I forgot to add that I also do Chi-kung which is taught with the tai chi :)
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Postby Locke » Sat Mar 13, 2004 7:29 pm

i realise even though i am half brasilian by birth , i know nuthing of my countrys fighting style.

BTW: the fighting style you are refering to, does someone play a instrument ( stick with hollow ball at the end with a metal string) in the background.

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Postby JediSonic » Sun Mar 14, 2004 5:34 am

I'm a yellow belt in Tai-Kwon-Do. Or an orange belt. Whichever comes second at the school you're used to :sweat:

(seriously, I went white-2-yellow-2-orange, then I switched schools and they're like, umm... you should probably be yellow... it comes after orange :thumb: )
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Postby supa dupa ninja » Mon Mar 15, 2004 6:12 am

brazillian jujistu is a graphling art...
well I'm planning on learning ALL of my country's martial arts, that includes arnis (eskrima), arnis de mano, Harimaw Buno (King tiger style wrestling), and other FMA's...
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Postby uc pseudonym » Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:18 am

Ruroken wrote:youre cold UC.

I had someone else tell me this just now on another thread. Interesting.

But why is that cold? I fixed it for you without a problem, nor did I even make any jests on the subject, which I will remind you several other members did. If such is cold, I'm apathetic about it.

I honestly wish I had something to say on topic, but I do not.
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Postby Six » Mon Mar 15, 2004 10:33 am

i am a black belt in taekwondo and hapkido, i havent formally trained in like 3 years and when i start again i will probably train in Judo

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Postby FireStarter2003 » Mon Mar 15, 2004 11:23 am

Hi y'all's,

I've done some Tae Kwon Do (about 3 yrs.), as well as some Brazilian Jiu-jitsu (my former instructor is a purple belt certified under Rickson Gracie). My interests, however, lean more in the direction of classical bujutsu (warrior arts), specifically kenjutsu (swordsmanship) and ninjutsu. I currently do some solo training in ninjutsu, while I'm seeking out formal training.


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Postby churchgirl111 » Mon Mar 15, 2004 3:57 pm

hey fire starter! My sensei also is a purple belt and is currently training under Carlos Gracie...I think...he is the only one who beat two gracies in one night!...I'm not sure if that is the correct name though...

Ooooo I wanna take kenjutsu....currently I know bow staff and kama's I'm hoping to do three sectional staff too :)

I thought formal ninjitsu was banned in the US or maybe I'm mistaken...that's what I heard anyway...

Also i'm going to start full contact mu thai training soon!!!!! Yea!!!
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Postby Vampi » Mon Mar 15, 2004 6:06 pm

Purple belt? What exactly is that? It doesn't sound impressive to me........
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Postby Lunis » Tue Mar 16, 2004 5:40 am

My eleven year old brother and I did Kempo karate at Mabuhay before we moved about four months ago, and we are trying to find another dojo. Kempo is more of a close range karate. The belts go in this order:

Brown (Sempai)
Black (Sensei)
Red and White (Kiyoshi/Master)
Red (Kiyoshi/Master)

I only got to yellow belt because I just barely started. My brother had been doing it for a year, though, and he is a blue belt. We had a really good sensei. He was funny and taught us a lot. He had a lot of good stories. There was also another sensei there, of lower rank (I don't know about you, but we get stripes before we get belts). He was much younger, in his twenties. Sometimes a third sensei comes. He trains a lot with sticks and such, so when he comes, we practice with sticks. There is also a brown belt who is ready for black belt, but has to wait. The rule in Kempo is that you have to be at least eighteen to be a black belt, for responsibility purposes. One of my best friends, her brother, and sometimes her dad goes there. It was really fun.

Here's a story I thought was pretty cool. We were in karate class, and sensei told us that Kiyoshi Evangelista (my sensei's sensei)(red and white belt) was comming to Mabuhay next Saturday. I was supposed to get my yellow belt that day. I thought that was pretty cool. When he came, a whole bunch of other people came, too. The class was two times as long, too. He did really cool stuff. For most of the time, we did Turitei (I just totally messed up that spelling) which is really fun. Turitei is joind manipulation. For a while, we got the mats out and flipped people *lol*. It was awesomely fun. When class was comming to an end Sensei brought a bunch of yellow belts and orange belts up to the front to get their belts, including me.

Let me take a timeout to describe how we get our belts. Usuasually we are called to the front, and Sensei says something like, "The Chinese have a saying. Something worth having is something worth suffering for." He'll tell you that he'll count to three and then punch you in the stomach (it's a kick fot purple belts and up). You are supposed to kiyai (please tell me I got the spelling right). A kiyai is just a yell to tighten the stomach muscles. It really doesn't hurt. After he does that, you kneel down and take off your old belt. Then you tie it as if your body was in it. That's the tricky part *lol*. It's hard! He'll help the lower belts if they need it. You put the old belt on your left side. That signifies that you are strong in that belt. Then he gives you the new belt and says you are weak in this belt. You put it on and get back to your spot.

Okay, I got to the front and realized that Kiyoshi was going to do the punching. Then I got a little nervous. His punches are probably harsher. Then I saw that he was kicking the orange belts. My friend saw my eyes grow wider. But he didn't kick the yellow belts, to my relief. I found out that he does punch harder, though *lol*. My stomach felt it for a few minutes. I got my yellow belt, and we finished up class. Hope that wasn't too boring. :sweat:
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Postby ThaKladd » Tue Mar 16, 2004 7:00 am

I'm going to try kenjutsu in school for some weeks :) Hope it's going to bee fun... swordfighting... soon I'm a Master ;)

When I was eight I used to train Judo for about a year... yellow belt with two red stripes :)


My brother is very good in Martial Arts... He has trained Combat, Kung Fu, and the brasilian Capoeira. Real cool... have learned something from him too, and by watching movies... (my brother was a Martial Arts - movie collector)

;) don't mess with me :grin: ... eehhhh...
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Postby Solid Ronin » Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:22 am

Once I get a job ill be takin Ninjutsu
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Mar 16, 2004 9:52 am

A question: where are you people taking ninjitsu? I had thought that was a completely dead art. I would like to learn it, solely because I would know ninjitsu.
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Postby Solid Ronin » Tue Mar 16, 2004 10:10 am

uc pseudonym wrote:A question: where are you people taking ninjitsu? I had thought that was a completely dead art. I would like to learn it, solely because I would know ninjitsu.

Dead??? no its not dead at all Master, There is a dojo in providence, Rhode Island (what do ya know something good in Rhode Island) I myself am at Mass. but my home is in Texas

also there is a book on Ninjutsu by a man named Stephen Hayes it shows quite a bit of techinques like hand to hand fighting and Kenjutsu although Hayes is now rejected ny his master (who is the grandmaster of Ninjutsu )
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Postby Gypsy » Tue Mar 16, 2004 11:52 am

The true form of ninjitsu is "dead" to the rest of the world. Anyone that truly knows the ancient arts is not going to hold a class with a discount for anyone under 12, if you catch my meaning.

There are styles that are called ninjitsu, but they are a far, far cry from the actual true form. They may have some elements of the form, but basically, they are just called "ninjitsu" because there were too many "karate" dojos around.
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Postby Solid Ronin » Tue Mar 16, 2004 12:18 pm

Gypsy wrote:The true form of ninjitsu is "dead" to the rest of the world. Anyone that truly knows the ancient arts is not going to hold a class with a discount for anyone under 12, if you catch my meaning.

There are styles that are called ninjitsu, but they are a far, far cry from the actual true form. They may have some elements of the form, but basically, they are just called "ninjitsu" because there were too many "karate" dojos around.

The dojo teachs stealth kenjutsu hand to hand combat ( I forget what its called) and hypnosis(to a VERY select few)...not im sure it isnt pin point the way they fought back then but if that not ninjutsu I dont know what is..Im sorry if I offend you Gypsy-san
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Postby uc pseudonym » Tue Mar 16, 2004 1:14 pm

From the minor research I've done, I'm seeing some very major differences between traditional ninjitsu and what I see these days. But you aren't going to find anything else like ninjitsu.

The traditional art, from what I've read from legitimate sources, was a bit more focused on weapons than from what I've seen elsewhere. But ah well. It would still be amusing just to say "I know ninjitsu."

Though what I really want is ninjitsu of Naruto...
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:16 pm

*sigh* ever hread off the American Judo and Jujitsu Federation ? its some sort of convention in sacramento. And it cant go!

even sensei and a lot of my dojo will be there.
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Postby Gypsy » Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:16 pm

Ronin of Kirai wrote:The dojo teachs stealth kenjutsu hand to hand combat ( I forget what its called) and hypnosis(to a VERY select few)...not im sure it isnt pin point the way they fought back then but if that not ninjutsu I dont know what is..Im sorry if I offend you Gypsy-san

No offense, taken, Ronin of Kirai-chan. However, I'm quite certain that true nijitsu is not just "taught," even to a select few. Perhaps a variation or adaptation of it, but stealth combat was only a part of original ninjitsu. Probably the dojo you're speaking of is the closest to ninjitsu that any of the public will be shown/taught, though.
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Postby mechana2015 » Tue Mar 16, 2004 2:23 pm

I agree with gypsy. The last time i heard of a real ninjitsu dojo, it was in japan, and had a student base of mebbe 30 people. The last american to get in had three blackbelts and hunted the school down on his own. Are there belts in the school you're going to?

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Postby Solid Ronin » Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:19 am

Gypsy wrote:No offense, taken, Ronin of Kirai-chan. However, I'm quite certain that true nijitsu is not just "taught," even to a select few. Perhaps a variation or adaptation of it, but stealth combat was only a part of original ninjitsu. Probably the dojo you're speaking of is the closest to ninjitsu that any of the public will be shown/taught, though.

he he you called me chan he he oh And when I said they teach it to only a select few I was speaking of hypnosis...I'd reply to the other things you said but I dont quite understand exactly what you mean by them however if any of you Admin.s and Mod.s need someone "removed" just PM me and I'll get on it as soon as I can
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Postby Solid Ronin » Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:20 am

mechana2015 wrote:I agree with gypsy. The last time i heard of a real ninjitsu dojo, it was in japan, and had a student base of mebbe 30 people. The last american to get in had three blackbelts and hunted the school down on his own. Are there belts in the school you're going to?

yes I belive there are 7
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Postby mechana2015 » Wed Mar 17, 2004 11:37 am

[font=Times][i]Shidoshi Stephen K. Hayes, is the sole American to be granted teaching credentials by the 34th grandmaster of the Togokure School of Ninjutsu in Japan.
Thats the information that I have been going off of. Hayes has written several books on the subject and the training he went through and how the system is used in the outside world (Ninjutsu, and Mystic art of the Ninja).
I asked about the belts, because it was my impression that there wasn't a belt system in the version I learned about. Maybe it's changed?

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Postby FireStarter2003 » Wed Mar 17, 2004 12:01 pm

Hi y'all's,

Concerning Ninjutsu, there are various questions and issues to be regarded.

Concerning Ninjutsu being a "dead" art, if you're referring to Ninjutsu training as it was in the Sengoku Jidai (Warring States Period), then I'd have to say you're not going to find that caliber of training anymore. Also, if you're referring to studying the arts of stealth, disguise, infiltration, and the like, again, you won't find hardly anybody who will pass those teachings on (except to a handful of trustworthy disciples). Most of the instructors who delve into aspects of stealth nowadays are guys with modern military experience, which needless to say, is a heck of a lot more advanced than old-school Ninjutsu. However, such information is not necessary for most civilians :)

Now, Ninjutsu teachings, techniques and ideals are not dead. The art has very much become open to the public, and it does not carry the stigma that it bore for centuries past. While it is not as popular as Karate or the mainstream arts, it has managed to gain a sense of respectability in the martial arts community.

There are three main organizations that oversee the teaching and training of the Ninja arts worldwide. The largest is the Bujinkan, overseen by Masaaki Hatsumi, the 34th Soke of Togakure-Ryu Ninjutsu, as well as holding sokeship of 8 other ryuha. Soke Hatsumi received the densho of the various ryuha from the 33rd soke of Togakure-Ryu, Toshitsugu Takamatsu, considered by some to be the last real ninja in Japan. Thus, the arts descended from Takamatsu are referred to as Takamatsu-den. Bujinkan training is very varied, from instructor to instructor, some more structured than others. Some info on the Bujinkan may be found here: Warrior Information Network

There is also the Genbukan Ninpo Bugei, overseen by Shoto Tanemura Sensei, who is also based in Japan. The Genbukan arts are based off of the Takamatsu-den arts (Tanemura Sensei was formerly Hatsumi Soke's right-hand man, until a disagreement tore them apart and Tanemura Sensei started the Genbukan). The approach of training in the Genbukan is more structured and curricular in nature than the Bujinkan. Check out Genbukan Ninpo Bugei

The third major, and youngest, of the Takamatsu-den arts, is the Jinenkan, overseen by Fumio Manaka Sensei. Manaka Sensei's emphasis is on developing the basic skills, as taught from the densho scrolls, which will then establish firm foundations for other techniques. Training in the Jinenkan is very traditional (students wear hakama and keikogi). More info is available at the Jissen Kobudo Jinenkan site

There are also various groups and individuals that claim affiliation with the Koga-Ryu Ninjutsu. The main figure which brought forth the Koga-Ryu into the modern times was Soke Seiko Fujita, the 14th master of Koga-Ryu. He also had influence on other martial artists as well. Although he passed away in the 1960's, several of his students passed on the Koga-Ryu teachings secretly. Some known Koga groups include the Nine Shadows of the Koga Ninja, and the Kogakaiden. In the United States, the key figure promoting Koga-Ryu Ninjutsu was Shihan Ronald Duncan, from NY.

Just some clarification concerning Stephen K. Hayes: he still is in good terms with Soke Hatsumi, and his students can still receive Bujinkan certification through him. However, Shihan Hayes has shifted his attention more towards his art of To Shin Do, which is a refined, modernized approach to the Ninja arts. For more information, check out Stephen K. Hayes Quest Centers

I hope I have been able to provide adequate documentation concerning Ninjutsu and its availability today. Please feel free to PM or e-mail me with any questions or inquiries you may have. Blessings!


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