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YES! G4TV is history

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:18 am
by rocklobster
As of next year, G4tv is history! :dance::jump:
Why am I celebrating? Because it's justice! Way back in the day (which was about 10 years ago, I think), there was a network called TechTV that was a good channel and eventually merged with G4TV, a network "designed for gamers". I used to love this channel. They had stuff like X-Play (which is still on), Filter (a top 10 show) and some show that had cut scenes from video games and old school video game commercials. They also had anime. Granted it wasn't as good a block as Toonami, but it was where I discovered such great shows as Serial Experiments Lain, Rahxephon, and Silent Mobius. Then they decided "you know what, people are watching the Internet more. We should start sucking. No one will ever know. They're too busy watching illegal anime sites." With that, they decided to show stupid stuff like COPS reruns.:bang: And now, guess what? They alienated the fans so much, they lost ratings!
My point? This is what could happen to Crappy Network and the Syfy Channel. I hope they are paying attention.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:24 am
by Zeldafan2
rocklobster (post: 1588237) wrote:As of next year, G4tv is history! :dance::jump:
Why am I celebrating? Because it's justice! Way back in the day (which was about 10 years ago, I think), there was a network called TechTV that was a good channel and eventually merged with G4TV, a network "designed for gamers". I used to love this channel. They had stuff like X-Play (which is still on), Filter (a top 10 show) and some show that had cut scenes from video games and old school video game commercials. They also had anime. Granted it wasn't as good a block as Toonami, but it was where I discovered such great shows as Serial Experiments Lain, Rahxephon, and Silent Mobius. Then they decided "you know what, people are watching the Internet more. We should start sucking. No one will ever know. They're too busy watching illegal anime sites." With that, they decided to show stupid stuff like COPS reruns.:bang: And now, guess what? They alienated the fans so much, they lost ratings!
My point? This is what could happen to Crappy Network and the Syfy Channel. I hope they are paying attention.

It COULD happen to Cartoon Network. I personally had no gripe against G4 (although, I do miss it when it was on Cartoon Network because I could watch cons from there). But in terms of it happening to Cartoon Network, that channel's still pretty popular. I don't know about Syfy, but I could really care less.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 5:35 am
by Xeno
Well G4 has been nothing but reruns of COPS anyway for the last couple of years, so really no one is missing out. Siffy (SyFy) could fix their problems if they'd go back to their core market (science fiction). As far as Cartoon Network, it continues to cater to its core market (which despite your many threads and posts, is not us), so I don't see anything happening there.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 6:07 am
by rocklobster
But Siffy will never go back because WWE Smackdown, like it or not, is doing well in the ratings. Look, I like my wrestling, but I'm watching it there under protest.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 7:38 am
by Atria35
So G4 turned into a channel for gamers. I'm not going to begrudge my brother that because he's a gamer and loves to watch it. They dropped the anime for solid financial reasons, which was the same reason Scy-fy did it, and why other channels dropped it.

The reasons why anime isn't financially viable has been explained to you - in detail - in a dozen other threads that you make about these channels. I suggest stopping putting your head in the sand and read them, take it in, and deal with it.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:40 am
by Popyman
Cartoon Network isn't going anywhere. All the shows that they do have are just as good as their old stuff. They just aren't making as many as they used to, that's the real problem. :( But Adventure Time alone will keep them alive for the foreseeable future.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:09 pm
by Psycho Molos
Atria35 (post: 1588251) wrote:So G4 turned into a channel for gamers. I'm not going to begrudge my brother that because he's a gamer and loves to watch it. They dropped the anime for solid financial reasons, which was the same reason Scy-fy did it, and why other channels dropped it.

The reasons why anime isn't financially viable has been explained to you - in detail - in a dozen other threads that you make about these channels. I suggest stopping putting your head in the sand and read them, take it in, and deal with it.

Smart Atria is smart. FTW!!

Quite level headed too

PostPosted: Sat Sep 08, 2012 3:51 pm
by Davidizer13
Atria35 (post: 1588251) wrote:So G4 turned into a channel for gamers. I'm not going to begrudge my brother that because he's a gamer and loves to watch it. They dropped the anime for solid financial reasons, which was the same reason Scy-fy did it, and why other channels dropped it.

Thing is, G4 used to be for gamers, until a few years ago when they realized that most gamers got their info and news online these days. They started adding shows like Cops and shows about cars, ending up more like a "shows for bros" Spike wanna-be network, with a couple holdouts from the gaming era (X-Play, Attack of the Show!). I assume what little anime they showed was an attempt to keep a bit of the otakus who were watching for gaming stuff, and not really meant to become one of their mainstays. It bumped along for a while like that, and now that NBC picked up Ninja Warrior, one of its other big draws, I'm not surprised they're finally going under.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:23 am
by AngelicTotoro
So, no more X-play? My brothers are gonna cry...
And as for all the CN hate rocklobster has, sure CN has a lot of stupid crap on it nowadays, but it also has some good crap, like The Regular Show, The Amazing World of Gumball, Ben10 and now it has a How to Train Your Dragon tv series, so right now CN is a-okay in my book.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 4:53 am
by Zeldafan2

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 6:06 am
by rocklobster
The thing is, I actually did like the non-anime shows on CN, Sci-fi, and G4TV. When they changed their formats, they stopped being entertaining. That's my complaint. TV is supposed to entertain. Cartoon Networks are supposed to play cartoons. Science Fiction Channels are supposed to play science fiction, NOT AUCTIONS!
Oh, and Zeldafan2, enjoy The Hub while you can. I have a feeling a few years from now, it will start sucking too.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:49 am
by Roy Mustang
Man, you don't have a lot of faith in anything do you over networks or so. If you are going to be this much of a downer, then why watch TV at all.

Also, are you happy that some people lost their jobs at this channel, just because you don't like that channel anymore. Rock, you need to really start watching what you say as your getting to the point of being a downer christian on everything around here from network to CAA and christians.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 12:18 pm
by rocklobster
It's just that I'm losing my faith in TV. It's like they figure we're so busy watching stuff on the net, they might as well give up. Folks, that just means you have a bigger challenge! Try harder to entertain us!

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:16 pm
by mechana2015
I think celebrating people losing their jobs and sources of entertainment closing is an inappropriate response for that attitude though. G4 might have been down, but as long as they were still on they had a chance to revamp, readjust or change hands into better management.

Permanent loss on the other hand means a loss for everyone, as we won't see the G4 produced shows ever again unless they're reworked or picked up by other media sources, and there's no chance for the channel to be recovered as a whole.

If you want them to try harder you should be disappointed when someone closes, since that means there's less competition and less reason for that type of programming to be produced, and for the companies who do produce it successfully less reason to try harder since they're losing competitors.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:17 pm
by Davidizer13
rocklobster (post: 1588408) wrote:It's just that I'm losing my faith in TV. It's like they figure we're so busy watching stuff on the net, they might as well give up. Folks, that just means you have a bigger challenge! Try harder to entertain us!

You're missing the big picture here. We're in the middle of a total seismic shift in how people get entertained. It used to be that large broadcasting corporations set the agenda for what people watched and when they watched it. Now that we've got all these channels for watching stuff; it's not just cable, but the Internet, on demand, streaming... And at the same time, content production is doing almost the same thing: instead of those same networks making content, anyone with a camera and some time to kill can make shows and make them available to a huge audience. The rules have changed - anime's going through much the same transition, only doubly so because they haven't made attempts to jump on these new channels like the US networks have with Hulu and other similar initiatives.

All those networks you're used to watching? They're still tied to the old business models, where you pour tons of money into a production, put it on your channel, and hope it sticks, while online I can do much the same thing for hardly any money. At the same time, advertising is no longer the big money draw it used to be because of those factors - income is coming more from other sources, like DVD/on demand sales or ad sharing from said alternate distribution channels, and even those have been struggling. They have to change their business model or die.

My prediction is that eventually, the networks will be less focused on broadcasting, and more on content production, serving as magnets for big-budget productions and names and posting them on the alternate channels for distribution that have cropped up; they'll become more like publishers or brand names instead of distributors.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 1:31 pm
by K. Ayato
If you're so upset about the way TV is going, why not find another venue to channel your interests?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:26 pm
by Shao Feng-Li
rocklobster (post: 1588408) wrote:It's just that I'm losing my faith in TV. It's like they figure we're so busy watching stuff on the net, they might as well give up. Folks, that just means you have a bigger challenge! Try harder to entertain us!

Just cancel your programming and buy what you like on disc. Seriously. That's what I did. Got sick of paying to watch commercials.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:44 pm
by Neane
This makes me feel glad that I have not watched TV for the past 5 years.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 2:49 pm
by Xeno
You know what Rock, I'd like to see where you got your source for this. I'm finding very little on this, and what I did find simply suggests that G4 will go through a massive rebranding next year.

And if they do go under, I have to echo Mech, because he raised a good point. Think about how many people are going to be out of work while we're still trying to get back on track with jobs in this country.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:36 pm
by Yamamaya
Rock, why does it seem like you automatically despise networks because they stop airing anime?

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 8:50 pm
by K. Ayato
We all know you get **** when TV networks fail to meet your expectations and actually entertain you. Do you HAVE to make a new thread with your complaints EVERY TIME it happens??

PostPosted: Sun Sep 09, 2012 11:07 pm
by Mr. SmartyPants
Dude what you smoking? Cartoon Network is the best friggen channel right now because it plays ADVENTURE TIME.

Also I don't really get your happiness. Sure a pretty great channel (TechTV) became a mediocre channel (G4), but then that mediocre channel is now becoming a lame channel. Like... okay? So? This is a great thing? I don't even see how it's a "thing" in the first place...

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 9:31 am
by Zeldafan2
Mr. SmartyPants (post: 1588518) wrote:Dude what you smoking? Cartoon Network is the best friggen channel right now because it plays ADVENTURE TIME.

Also I don't really get your happiness. Sure a pretty great channel (TechTV) became a mediocre channel (G4), but then that mediocre channel is now becoming a lame channel. Like... okay? So? This is a great thing? I don't even see how it's a "thing" in the first place...


PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:32 am
by mechana2015
Please keep this thread focused on G4, not Cartoon network.

PostPosted: Mon Sep 10, 2012 10:33 am
by Peanut
If G4 is closing (like Xeno, I wasn't able to find anything on this though my search wasn't very extensive) I'd be curious to see how much of this is related to Adam Sessler's departure from G4 since he was one of the big reasons X-play was the success it was. I read an article a few years ago about how G4 was basically staying afloat because of its online content so if they are going under, it really wouldn't be that much of a surprise. There is enough competition online for the attention of the same demographic that G4 catered too that I could see them going under. Its unfortunate though for the reasons everyone else has brought up. When G4 aquired TechTv I had high hopes for them but, unfortunately, it seems being a tv station that appeals to gamer's and geeks isn't a good way to make money.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 6:10 pm
by MomentOfInertia
A moment of silence for a network that was once awesome enough to run both Robot Wars and Thunderbirds.

If anyone cares the show that ran cinematics etc. was, IIRC, Cinematech.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 12:43 am
by maeiounj
Popyman (post: 1588260) wrote:Cartoon Network isn't going anywhere. All the shows that they do have are just as good as their old stuff. They just aren't making as many as they used to, that's the real problem. :( But Adventure Time alone will keep them alive for the foreseeable future.

I know its still about G4, but your forgetting that CN is basically running on random and fun shows. You know this guy on DA that is doing Spirit Warriors. They will not allow to air his show because they only allow funny and random shows on there. Times really change for CN's standards.

[quote="Davidizer13 (post: 1588428)"]You're missing the big picture here. We're in the middle of a total seismic shift in how people get entertained. It used to be that large broadcasting corporations set the agenda for what people watched and when they watched it. Now that we've got all these channels for watching stuff]'

Well about distrubting on the hulu network, that isn't fully true they aren't doing that. Funimation uses the hulu as their streaming network. There is also crunchyroll too. I think what you mean is that not every anime has that type of thing. Like alot of notanimation stuff, I can't find unless I google it.

And advertising not mattering? That really depends. For example, Hulu has a ton of ads, and who knows where that comes from.

And I see nothing that G4 is going away. If it was, I would of found it by Wikipedia.

PostPosted: Fri Sep 21, 2012 4:06 am
by rocklobster
actually, maeiounj, what's going on is that G4TV is being rebranded. It's like how we got Spike TV. They were once a country channel, and then they became....whatever they all call it now.