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Venture Bros

Postby Momo-P » Mon Mar 30, 2009 9:59 pm

Anybody else on CAA love this show, or am I just the pitiful lone ranger on this one? Considering how good it is, it kind of depresses me how most people just ignore it or group it in as another "dumb adult swim show". I mean at least it has some sort of character development and on-going story...

Also, I won't lie, although there was a joke said by the creators at a recent comicon (somebody asked if Brock could beat up God. God won, but then there was a joke of "well He's loving, so Brock would sneak around Him and kick His ***" which I definitely did not like and felt was wrong), for the most part? Their Christian jokes really don't get to me. Heck, even in that case I just mentioned, although just hearing that joke makes me just...hate it with every bit of my being, about four minutes following it, Doc had to make a promise to girl about something. Instead of just saying he swore to do it though, he chose to say "I will do it. As God as my witness, as He kicks Brock's ***" and I gotta admit...I totally laughed. I mean, to me it was kind of a redeeming factor because it came off like "Ya, Brock did something to God...but now He's getting him back" and I'd rather it end that way then on some sour note. Granted the original joke is still blasphemous in my eyes, What one person considers blasphemy, another considers ok. I'm sure somebody here has heard much worse from a Christian person themself. ^^;

But still, most of the jokes I've actually found cute or acceptable...which is nice compared to most adult swim shows. The series still has it's fair share of wrong stuff, but a lot of it is just hilarious and fun. Even the uncensored dvd's...I really don't think there's a point in seeing so much penis, but if anything I almost just laugh based on "...I can't believe two grown men wasted their time trying to draw this so realistically".
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Postby Cognitive Gear » Mon Mar 30, 2009 11:42 pm

I love this this show. Brock Sampson is the man. Monarch's "I have lots of extensions" joke will never get old.

I've been thinking about getting the DVDs, but I had not heard of the "uncensored" DVDs. Are they all uncensored, or is that something to look out for? (I'd like as little animated nudity on my shelf for my niece to accidentally stumble upon as possible.)
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Postby Maledicte » Tue Mar 31, 2009 8:32 am

Bahaha I love this show. mechana2015 brought the second season over one time and I fell in love from the first minute watching it.

I want Doctor Orpheus' music popping up whenever I enter a room. Or as my ringtone.
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Postby Momo-P » Tue Mar 31, 2009 1:01 pm

I've been thinking about getting the DVDs, but I had not heard of the "uncensored" DVDs. Are they all uncensored, or is that something to look out for? (I'd like as little animated nudity on my shelf for my niece to accidentally stumble upon as possible.)

Seasons 1 and 2 are censored (whether by silly black bars or pixelation). Season 3 is the only one released with everything uncovered. You can actually buy season 3 off itunes with the censorship intact, but sadly "The Doctor is Sin" has some sort of error that itunes won't correct. So you wouldn't be able to get that episode (which sucks since it's one of the best).
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Tue Mar 31, 2009 5:18 pm

XD. Not really, Its not my favorite ^^; But there are some funny parts to it, I'll admit.
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Postby mechana2015 » Tue Mar 31, 2009 10:21 pm

I like it quite a bit, as noted above. Always enjoy when it's on or when I'm watching the DVD's.

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