Cognitive Gear (post: 1294025) wrote:This thread is a failed opportunity to be both pun filled and pseudo-intellectual.
xblack_x_rosesx (post: 1294029) wrote:... I don't know how insulted I should be by that?
If you're meaning I'm pseudo-intellectual.
I won't make a thing of it, I guess, and I really don't feel I need to defend myself... But yes, clarification on your intentions of that would be nice, thanks?
Tarnish (post: 1294041) wrote:I'll be honest, my hopes aren't high. They never were, but they are even less so now that the reviews are in. From what I've seen of the director, he seems way too immature to make a good Watchmen adaptation.
The reviews make it sound like he decided to forego decent story-telling in favor of SPLOWSHINS N BEWBIES WOOOO
Cognitive Gear (post: 1294052) wrote:I wasn't certain about Zack Snyder either, until I started reading and listening to interviews with him. He really does seem to "get" Watchmen. Honestly, he may be one of the few people that could deliver a proper ending. One of the first things he fought for was:
[spoiler]Ozy being kept alive at the end. The script that the studio handed to him contained a battle between Night Owl and Ozy in which an owl-rang killed Ozy. [/spoiler]
He's also responsible for keeping it in 1985 and for preventing it from being a PG-13 movie. All of these are pretty good things, in my book. You have to give him credit, he has put forth an astounding effort.
For the record, the comic had plenty of SPLOWSHINS AND BEWBS! XD
Tarnish (post: 1294870) wrote:I think what irritates me the most about the movie is that they can afford to include an overly-long sex scene...
[spoiler]And yet they left out the death of Hollis Mason AND Rorshach's inteviews with Malcolm Long. Seriously, those are the bits of the comic I remember best.
I won't whine about bombs or sugar cubes, but c'mon, would it hurt to just kill Hollis a little?[/spoiler]
Kkun (post: 1294871) wrote:[spoiler]This isn't REALLY a spoiler, but not to mention the ENTIRE thread with the normal citizens like the psychiatrist and his wife and a couple of others. I thought those were really important and added some much needed humanity to the brutality, but those got cut, as well, in favor of an uncomfortably long version of Laurie and Dan getting it on SET TO LEONARD COHEN. GOOD GOD. *shudder*[/spoiler]
Robin Firedrake (post: 1294966) wrote:If I may... WHAT IS WATCHMEN?!
Kkun (post: 1294866) wrote:I saw it at midnight last night. I don't have any freaking clue how I should feel about this movie. I'm going to write like a twelve page blog just to work out my feelings on it. There are parts I thought were brilliant and parts that I thought were just awful. The third sex scene (which was in the novel, albeit not nearly as long or graphic) that x_br_x mentioned where it went on forever, all to the tune of Leonard Cohen's "Hallelujah," was just utterly absurd. I'm thinking slow-motion, stylish mating will be a staple in Zack Snyder's movies based on source material where there is even an inkling of sexuality. The action looked nice for the most part, although I thought the gore was overblown as well. The opening credits sequence was amazing and probably one of the best credits scenes I've EVER seen in a movie. It might be the sleep deprivation, but I don't know how I should feel about this film. They stayed as true to the comic as they could, but I just don't know. Most of what made the comic special was lost to an especially thick coat of Hollywood gloss. I'm going to see it again with a friend when I'm less exhausted. I just don't know.
Radical Dreamer (post: 1294969) wrote:Watchmen is a graphic novel by Alan Moore that now has a movie adaptation that you may or may not have been seeing commercials for on TV in the past few days. It's pretty mature in its content though, so I don't recommend you run out and read it or watch it right now, just to clarify. XD
xblack_x_rosesx (post: 1294873) wrote:Yeahh...
I just don't know either.
[spoiler] I wish there had been more parts that were emphasized, but not drawn out. Like, the newsstand guy and the kid reading the comic book. If they'd done ONE shot of dialogue, just something simple, but strong, I would have been more pleased- just because UNLESS you had read the book, you wouldn't get it. It'd be like an inside joke that I'd consider... respectful to the people who can truly appreciate it. Although the scene when they blew up, holding each other, was really well done. [/spoiler]
xblack_x_rosesx wrote:My verdict for the movie before I went in was "if the movie isn't good, at least it'll be shot well", because the camera angles, the editing, all of it, was just fabulous.
Oh, and did any of the theaters you guys went to give the movie a standing O? Or applause?
Because USUALLY, when I go to premier movies, like the Dark Knight (lame, I know...), when the credits start to roll, people will stand up and applaud, but when I saw it in Imax- die hard fans, completely dressed up and such, me and my boyfriend were the only ones who stood and applauded...
It felt unusual.
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
immaturity dealing with a certain character's piece of anatomy...the first time fine but after an hour of the movie? Come on people...
Peanut (post: 1294972) wrote:-immaturity dealing with a certain character's piece of anatomy...the first time fine but after an hour of the movie? Come on people...
Etoh*the*Greato (post: 1294989) wrote:If I may, how did they handle it immaturely? I presume you're talking about Manhattan.
Roy Mustang (post: 1294986) wrote:Just want to point out, if that part bugs you. Then you may not want to see the director's cut, because there is going to be more of it.
[color="Red"][font="Book Antiqua"]Col. Roy Mustang[/font][/color]
goldenspines wrote:Its only stealing if you don't get caught.
Peanut wrote:Not the movie itself (gosh I read the graphic novel, I knew what to expect) the people watching the movie were acting immature whenever Dr. Manhattan was on screen and we got a full frontal nude shot. I had no problem with what Snyder did with displaying Dr. Manhattan visually, he stuck to the graphic novel and I applaud him for it.
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