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PostPosted: Sat Dec 08, 2007 9:22 am
by Bap
While needing something to tide me over during the week of no Pushing Daisies (and possibly a premature season of waiting? ;~;!) I was just looking around when I saw this one show also written by Bryan Fuller called Wonderfalls. Apparently it aired in 2004 on Fox, and got cancelled after four episodes. xD;

But luckily enough, the four episodes + nine unreleased episodes were released on DVDs. 8D

So having just bought them yesterday, and though having only watched two episodes, I can say this show's pretty awesome. <3

Basically, it's about this girl named Jaye who graduated from college and everything, but she works at a gift shop on Niagara Falls. She works in a trailer park, and is just the underachiever in her family. But one day, this deformed wax lion starts... talking to her. xD And telling her to do things that, in the end, help people.

BASICALLY. xD; Has anyone seen / enjoyed / didn't enjoy / wants to comment and make the show feel loved? :D