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Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 8:54 am
by Kkun

Did anyone else see it at the midnight showing? I have to admit, I'm probably one of the least educated people about Harry Potter. The only other movie I've seen was Goblet of Fire, but I loved that. I went and saw Order of the Phoenix at midnight last night. I thought it was pretty great. I don't have the book to compare it to, but I think I'm going to try and read all of them once Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows comes out.

So, discuss the movie! Luna Lovegood is probably my favorite character in anything now. Harry needs to say goodbye to that Asian girl and go with Luna. She's way more fun. That's all I'll say for now...I'd like to hear what people who have read the books thought of the movie.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:02 am
by Mangafanatic
I'll proudly confess it: At 11:59 on the tenth, I was dressed up in my Harry Potter costume and was waiting patiently for Harry Potter and the Order of the Pheonix, the movie adaption I have been waiting for since I read the book, my favorite in the series, almost four years ago. Granted, going into the movie, I expected that I would be disappointed. I've read the book three times. I adore it, and anytime I love any book as well as I loved this one, I simply assume that no person's 2 hour and 20 minute vision of what that book should look like on film will match upto my expectations for it.

Shockingly, I thought this movie was brilliant. The new screenwriter, who I mourn will not be working on any of the future films, did a superb job of slimming down a massive novel while still maintaining a bulk of the original dialog and the overall mood of the film. Furthermore, I really enjoyed the darker and more subtle mood that the new director David Yates brought to the film, which reminded me very much of the overall atmosphere Alfonso Cuaron brought when he directed Prisoner of Azkaban.

My Pros and Cons for the film:

--The room of prophecy was brilliant. That entire section of the film with the [spoiler] kids running through the shattering prophecies had me on the edge of my seat whispering "This is brilliant! THIS IS BRILLIANT!!"[/spoiler]
--David Yates also brought in a great bit of foreshadowing in the scene right before [spoiler] the infamous Harry and Cho kissing scene. Ginny's hesitation as she leaves the room gave a great little insight to all the people who haven't read the books to exactly where Ginny is coming from, which will be valuable when Jenny become essential to the next movie.[/spoiler]
--Hermione got to say [spoiler]"Just because you have the emotional range of a teaspoon doesn't mean we all do, Ronald," which is probably one of my favorite lines from the whole book.[/spoiler]

--I do wish that they could have maintained more of the [spoiler] dialogue between Dumbledore and Voldemort. It was so good, but I understand that it was a very long book and, sadly, something had to go.[/spoiler]
--I'm hoping this got into a deleted scene, but I was quite sad to see how very short the scene with [spoiler] Harry's parents was. Lily didn't even make it into the flash back, and I want to be Lily Potter when I grow up-- so I was quite sad.[/spoiler] But, again, something had to go.

--I also wish that the [spoiler]death of Sirius had been done a little better. To me, it was just kind of anticlimactic.[/spoiler]

Yeah, so, I really liked it. What did everyone else think?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:06 am
by Kkun
>_> So, Osaka. I posted this um...about six minutes ago, but you were probably writing yours first.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 10:15 am
by ShiroiHikari
I want to see this movie for no other reason than to find out if I'll hate it as much as I hated the book. >_> I'll probably just rent it when it comes out on DVD.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:39 pm
by Maledicte
I saw the midnight showing!

-I wish the Snape scene was longer.
-The movie didn't seem as tightly plotted as the 4th one.
-Luna's my new favorite character.
-Hooray for Neville!
-Ralph Fiennes did a better job as Voldemort this time around.
-The whole part with the new teacher reminded me of Matilda.
-Acting was still great all around.
-Gary Oldman!!! (and I've never read the books either.)

It was fun being with a large group of excited people, we were all clapping and cheering at certain parts. So, yeah.

4th movie's my favorite.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:52 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
Can't wait to see it^^ I literally stopped reading OotP, because Harry was being sooooo whiny and emo in the beginning that it ruined it for me :/ Maybe I'll go back and read it one of these days as it sits on my shelf collecting dust...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 1:58 pm
by jon_jinn
how did this movie compare to the first four?

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:27 pm
by Mangafanatic
jon_jinn wrote:how did this movie compare to the first four?

That, I'm sure, would be a matter of opinion. Having read all of the books, I liked the the Order of the Pheonix movie best. I thought it was the best written and the best directed (SAVE, perhaps, Prisoner of Azkaban). Furthermore, I think all the kids have really grown as actors, so that helped the film out a lot.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 4:34 pm
by DragonSlayer
It was definetly the best harry potter movie out, the director this time was the best one all around I think, But I knew the major points of the story because of my brother.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 12, 2007 6:56 pm
by Felix
I just saw the movie tonight. I loved it! I still haven't read the books, but I've been following the movies, and I think this one is my favorite now, and has me just confused enought o want to start reading the books now :D

Anyway, I think my favorite line for some reason was:
[Spoiler]When Doloras was talking to Snape and she says something like "so you applied for the job of defense against the dark arts teacher?"
"And you failed to get that position?"

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 7:32 am
by Puguni
It was a lot of eye candy for me. Maybe it was because I was sitting in the second row, but I really appreciate how artistic the movie was as well. Those dementors were pretty scary. :O!

Plot-wise...I actually stopped caring too much about Harry Potter, so I forget the teensy details that people nitpick about. I wish they did more with the Order though, Tonks looked cool. :D

Also, I loved Umbridge and Bellatrix because they were so easy to hate. Helena did an awesome job with Bellatrix; I wistfully sat there wishing that she was a good guy, she was so cool.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 1:22 pm
by yukishiro128
Definitely my favorite movie of the five. I saw it twice.^^ I think they needed more of the Order, my favorite characters in the book, and considering that Snape's flashback to school was probably my favorite part out of all the books, I was extremely disappointed in the way that turned out. But otherwise, I was happy.

Bellatrix creeped me out.......O.O

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 6:40 pm
by Adie
Considering I haven't read the books and I've only seen 2 of the other movies, I thought it was really good. A couple of things confused me, but I still liked it. =)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2007 9:25 pm
by Maledicte
Felix wrote:Anyway, I think my favorite line for some reason was:
[Spoiler]When Doloras was talking to Snape and she says something like "so you applied for the job of defense against the dark arts teacher?"
"And you failed to get that position?"

Snape had the best lines. Or even the best non-verbal lines, while you're at it.

[spoiler]Like when Umbridge first came to the school, and she was sitting next to him...those little "looks" he kept giving her were some of the funniest things I'd ever seen.


Umbridge: "Who is 'Padfoot?'"
Snape: ".......I have no idea."[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2007 9:22 pm
by Rocketshipper
I'm actually surprised at the positive feedback, actually. I was expecting a less warm reception(but I guess I shouldn't judge based on my own opinion, and one review from

I saw it opening day at the IMAX. It was awesome to see it on the big screen, and the last 20 minutes of the movie were in 3D, which was amazing with all the action and special effects that went into that last battle. the movie had a lot of great things about it. Luna was awesome, and Umbridge totally owned the movie. The opening attack by the dementor was very tense and scary. I loved the fireworks scene, and of course the last part of the movie rocked. But I wasn't that impressed with other parts of the film. It felt a lot slower than the other films, and I think it may have the least amount of action of any HP film (of course that's not totally the film makers faults). My little brother, who loved all the other movies, thought this one was boring. There were some plot elements from the movie that annoyed me by their absence in the film; I know it's a long movie but some of these seemed pretty important to me. they include...

[spoiler] the movie never mentions that Umbridge was the one who sent the Dementors after Harry [/spoiler]

[spoiler] The OWL exams are mentioned so briefly that I wondered why they even bothered to have them in the movie at all [/spoiler]

[spoiler] The movie completly downplayed Snape's role in the Order of the Phoenix, with only one scene of Harry commenting, with mild surprise, on Snape being a part of it. I was especially annoyed that the film didn't mention that it was Snape who allerted the Order to Harry's danger at the end. Without that factoid, the scene with Snape in Umbridges' office takes on a worse light. [/spoiler]

[spoiler] I think the movie totally flopped with the Cho romance angle. All it had was one kiss and then Harry completly snubs her because of her involvment in the group being caught. I don't recal Harry being that mean in the book [/spoiler]

In the end, I think this may be one of my least favorite of the movies.

PostPosted: Sun Jul 15, 2007 6:33 pm
by Puguni
Mangafanatic wrote:--David Yates also brought in a great bit of foreshadowing in the scene right before [spoiler] the infamous Harry and Cho kissing scene. Jenny's hesitation as she leaves the room gave a great little insight to all the people who haven't read the books to exactly where Jenny is coming from, which will be valuable when Jenny become essential to the next movie.[/spoiler]

DX I know it's probably a typo, but this confused me for a few days, muttering to myself, "Who's JENNY?"

I wish you would change it. ;A; Please?

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 8:58 am
by Aka-chan
Haha, I spazzed a little, too. But we know you're a Harry/Hermione shipper, Osaka, so we'll forgive you and understand the subconscious bitterness. XD <3

Alas, it doesn't come out here until August, or I so would have seen it already.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 16, 2007 9:35 pm
by Mangafanatic
[quote="Puguni"]DX I know it's probably a typo, but this confused me for a few days, muttering to myself, "Who's JENNY?"

I wish you would change it. ]

Ha ha ha. I TOTALLY didn't even recognize that I had changed it. I'm so used to speaking it, I forgot about the alternative spelling.

And, that's right, Aka-chan. It's probably because I have only recently begun to recognized the existence of the aforementioned Weasley. Making any statement alluding to the [spoiler]Ginny/Harry romance[/spoiler] was horrific enough to cause me to forget proper spelling. . .

PostPosted: Tue Jul 17, 2007 7:29 am
by Kai Robin
what's this!?!?!



STOP IT CHILDREN!!! STOP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOUR BEING LED DOWN THE DARK PATH OF SATANISM AND WITCHCRAFT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REPENT OR YOUR VERY SOULS WILL BE CORRUPTED TO THE DARKSIDE AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




so how's everyone doin' today? :)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 19, 2007 1:31 pm
by jon_jinn
i saw this movie yesterday. it was so-so, and probably my least favorite of all the movies. they left out way too much...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 7:39 am
by Mangafanatic
jon_jinn wrote:i saw this movie yesterday. it was so-so, and probably my least favorite of all the movies. they left out way too much...

True, they did leave a lot out. However, if you'll remember, it's an 800 page book. Unless you wanted the movie to be 6 hours (which, granted I might not have minded, but I'm sure the 60% of the movie's viewing audience who has not read the book would have minded), things had to go. Personally, I think they did an excellent job of deciding what to cut. I don't know what I would have changed about the scripting, granted that they had to keep the movie at a reasonable time constraint.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:13 am
by jon_jinn
Mangafanatic wrote:True, they did leave a lot out. However, if you'll remember, it's an 800 page book. Unless you wanted the movie to be 6 hours (which, granted I might not have minded, but I'm sure the 60% of the movie's viewing audience who has not read the book would have minded), things had to go. Personally, I think they did an excellent job of deciding what to cut. I don't know what I would have changed about the scripting, granted that they had to keep the movie at a reasonable time constraint.

it seemed like that movie focused only on the parts of the book that aided in the progress of the plot. an extra 15-20 minutes, touching upon other aspects of the novel (like character relationship/development) wouldn't have hurt the movie at all.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 20, 2007 10:55 am
by Mister Frodo
I have yet to see the movie, though I want to now. I like all of the books (aside from the sixth one) and have enjoyed all of the movies.

My favorite films, in order:

Chamber of Secrets
Sorcerer's Stone
Goblet of Fire
Prisoner of Azkaban

I was somewhat disappointed in Prisoner of Azkaban because of all the stuff they cut, though when I watch it now I can enjoy it more. My newspaper's film critic gave Order of Phoenix two stars out of five, but that's also what they gave Chamber of Secrets, so I might end up enjoying it after all.

PostPosted: Mon Jul 23, 2007 6:44 pm
by Mangafanatic
Having just read the last Harry Potter book, I realize that the producers of this movie may have worked themselves into a bit of a corner by [spoiler=Deathly Hallows. Don't read if you haven't read the book!]cutting out the part of the flashback to Harry's Parents which included Snape calling Lily a mudblood. In light of the revelation that Snape is in love with Lily and that incident was something of a breaking point in their relationship, I don't really know what they're going to do to get around their having cut it from the movie. . .[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Sat Jul 28, 2007 7:46 pm
by bakura_fan
From a movie standpoint it was ok. How they are going to make the 7th book into a good movie...I have no clue. They left out a lot in my opinion. Such as
1. The mirror that sirius gave to harry. It is vital in the last book.
2. That Petunia knew about the dementors which connects to dudley liking harry in the last book and the connection between her, her sister, and snape.

That's all i can remember at the moment. I know there was more, but my brain is dead at the moment. =_=

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 3:51 pm
by Bobtheduck
Too short...

The scene with snape: Too short
The detention scene: Too short, not punchy enough...
The [spoiler]death of sirius[/spoiler] too short, and not explained well enough... No emotion whatsoever, unlike when [spoiler]cedric died... I cried in the theater when I saw THAT scene[/spoiler]
Maybe I need to watch it again, but why put kreacher in the movie if they're going to [spoiler]leave out his betrayale of sirius?[/spoiler]

Meh... GoF was the best one so far... this was definitely inferior. Not to say this movie was without its moments... It's just the moments didn't outweigh the things they took out... It should have been at least 3 hours, then they could have had a convincing adaptation.

Absolutely LOVED Luna, though... She was done PERFECTLY!

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:12 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
Bobtheduck wrote:The [spoiler]death of sirius[/spoiler] too short, and not explained well enough...

Well actually after just finish the book, [spoiler] that even in there the death wasn't well explained :/ He was just sort of pushed back into the mysterious veiled room, which gave no real explanation of what actually killed him in it... Then there was the comment Luna gave about her dad contacting her dead mom through there or something, but still there is a HUGE mystery to that room, and unless more is explained in Half Blood Prince or Deathly Hallows (which I still need to read), then I find it to have very little explanation whatsoever... [/spoiler]

PostPosted: Mon Jul 30, 2007 5:38 pm
by Mister Frodo
I finally saw this movie and... it was hard for me to describe my feelings for it. On one hand, I thought it was one of the most well-done of the HP films. Umbridge and Luna are perfect, at least, in my opinion. It also had a lot of moments that made me laugh.

Still, they left a lot out. Very, very little emphasis on the O.W.L.s, and perhaps a bit too much emphasis on Umbridge. I heard that the original cut of the film was three hours (no idea if that's true), but it ends up at 138 minutes. I felt they could have added about another 15 minutes and not made it overly long. I would have liked it if the beginning was fleshed out more.

Still, I liked it. Maybe more than Goblet of Fire (I've only seen that once, so I can't be completely sure). I thought it was worth the trip of the movie theater.

PostPosted: Wed Aug 01, 2007 9:46 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
Ok, NOW I finally got to see it and here are my own opinions on it... I'll just stick it all in one big spoiler box^^


(I'll start with pros first...)

To stick the biggest book of them all into such little time, they DID get most of the biggest keypoints of the story... just, with a different approach to it. I mean really, the whole qudditch/prefect thing wasn't really necessary... didn't really add a whole lot to the story.

The two best parts of the whole movie: Fred and George's grand exist was spectacular^^ I would've been SO mad if they didn't add that in! The crystal orbs shattering was pretty neat, but even moreso was the Dumbledore/Voldemort fight scene. That old wizard is awsome!

The characters were really well done too^^ I forgot how awsome Fred and George were, and Luna was amazing! As for Umbridge... I wanted to smack her just as hard as I felt like doing while reading the book >_< I HATE that bag!!!

Now for the cons...

Yeah, ok we ALL know bits of parts should've been added in. Although some parts are seemingly crucible to the plot, I'm sure they can pull it off in a different way in the next two movies. The ONE thing and the scene I wished they even placed in there for like 5 whole minutes, was the trip to St Mungos! I SO wanted to see their vision of the wizarding hospital and when I read it, I was thinking "Man, I can't wait to see this on the big screen..." THAT right there was my biggest gripe :/

As for the "didn't seen ___ enough" is Tonks, since she was portrayed awsomely, more centaurs since we ONLY get CGI footage of them at night, which isn't ever clear :/ Firenze teaching in the forested classroom with the stars in the sky would've been nice to see too^^ Oh, and more thestrals! I love those things!

Really, they should've taken Ginny out of the movie. Her role in the book itself is pretty tiny anyways, and yet she gets on the movie poster with only what, 3 2-word lines in the whole movie?! Makes no sense...

Overall, quite enjoyable, although feeling rushed and felt like I was there for 20 minutes (a good sign though, for some reason Goblet of Fire felt soooo long! But then again, maybe it's JUST because I finish The Order the other day so it was fresh in my mind...) [/spoiler]

PostPosted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:21 am
by Miso_Chan
ok, here's my take on the movie:

(i don't know how to do spoiler tags


I really liked how (in the beginning) when harry and other order members flew to grimmauld place. They flew low to the ground and it was very cinematic. Its not true to the book but I liked it none the less.

I liked how fred and george left even though(yet again) it wasn't true to the book.

I liked umbridges actress. She did an amazing job (especially with them he hems). The only bad thing about her was that she was too pretty to be umbridge(a compliment to her, (i must explain, she was pretty in the grandmotherly sort of way) she doesn't look like a toad)

I LOVED luna. her voice was amazing, so floaty and and dreamy like she really isn't paying attention.

like tenshi no ai said:MORE THESTRALS! they're so cool!

Not likes or dislikes:

Dude, what was the whole thing with nargles??????? and pudding?????? they mention nargles when they are in the room of requirement at christmas(when luna mentions that the mistle toe is full of nargles and right before harry kisses cho) I'm not mad about this, but I don't like it either. It really doesn't make a difference.

tonks was played WONDERFULLY but there wasn't enough of her(likes and dislikes)

I HATED that they didn't have the portable swamp, It would have added 2 minutes to the movie, and besides, thats my favorite part of the book!

like tenshi no ai said:MORE THESTRALS! they're so cool!

I didn't think there was enought bonding time between harry and sirius. other than the hugged at that one point(heh.....)

END SPOILERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

These are not all my comments, I'm temporarily having a lapse of what to say.

The movie is good overall, they did-mostly- a good job of editing it down.
