Is Adult Swim getting anti-Christian?

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Is Adult Swim getting anti-Christian?

Postby Momo-P » Thu May 10, 2007 12:26 pm

Usually I don't get too uppity about things, but this is something that's been bothering me for awhile.

Is it just me, or is Cartoon Network's prime time block, Adult Swim, becoming more and more anti-Christian with the years? Mind you people may start thinking about Family Guy or something, but is that my big beef? No. Granted I don't watch Family Guy anymore because they have started doing that a lot (among adding lots more sexual humor), but Family Guy definitely isn't what's bothering me right now. Instead...Moral Orel? That "funny" fighting game commerical with Jesus fighting Eve and other Biblical characters?

What on earth is this garbage? Normally I am not the type of person to get too worked up about things, in society today you can't or else you can't live...but this is inexcusable I think. My mom and I had to freaking mute the TV while watching Futurama the other night because of a "funny" little AS ad they had there.

Is anyone else with me on this? I mean, as bad as stuff like this is to begin with (South Park existing at all for example), at least most programs like this are on channels for much more mature audiences. Something about it being on CN, even if at a prime time hour, really has me bothered though. I can just see younger kids waking up at night and seeing some of this crap, not to mention you KNOW many young kids watch it to begin with because their parents don't care.

Sorry to sound like some overactive parent here, but like I said, it's been bothering me now. Anybody else agree?
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Postby Artist4Jesus89 » Thu May 10, 2007 12:32 pm

i do.. i ahvent seen adult swim in a while ... but that is why i stopped watching it... cause it just seemed messed up ............. i cant stand it now ... and now that i dont have satelite anymore its really a relief!
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Postby Nate » Thu May 10, 2007 12:38 pm

Momo-P wrote:Something about it being on CN, even if at a prime time hour, really has me bothered though. I can just see younger kids waking up at night and seeing some of this crap, not to mention you KNOW many young kids watch it to begin with because their parents don't care.


Wow. I guess I have a lot to learn. I had thought anime fans would be above the "cartoons are for children" thoughts. But this thread, and the other thread about this subject? Wow. This is crazy.

By the mentioned something about the other shows being on more "mature" channels. What does "AS" stand for?

Last I checked, it was "Adult Swim."

Catch that first word? ADULT.

Cartoon Network isn't a children's network. It's a cartoon network. ANY anime fan should know cartoon ≠ children. Cartoon Network is a cable network and is NOT subject to FCC regulations. Meaning they can show pretty much whatever they want. If you have a problem with that; tough. It's how the world works.

Besides, what keeps kids from waking up in the middle of the night and seeing something on Comedy Central? My parents had Cinemax when I was a kid, and I'm not proud to say it, but I saw a lot of stuff late at night that I shouldn't have. Being on a more "mature" channel (whatever that even MEANS) doesn't have any bearing because if a channel is available at your house, guess what? Kids can watch it simply by turning to that channel!

Yes, you do sound like an overprotective parent, and I'm sorry if this comes off as harsh, but overprotective parents bother me. I'm not saying it to be mean, but it seems so many parents want the television to raise their kids. Parents should be raising kids, not television. Parents should be actively involved in their children's lives instead of expecting the government to protect their children.

Parents shouldn't just say "You can't watch this," as a sort of commandment. They should sit down with their child and explain WHY they don't want their kid to watch something like that, and tell them that if they get older and still want to see it that it's their choice.

But don't complain because Cartoon Network has a programming block designed for older people, which is called ADULT Swim, late at night when most children are in bed. It's well within their rights, they're making it clear it isn't for kids, and cartoons aren't just for children anyway, I would think that's obvious given Cowboy Bebop, Ghost in the Shell, Kenshin, and many of the anime we like.

Again, sorry if this comes down hard, and I know you're only 17 so you're not a parent yet, and I wasn't trying to single you out as an overprotective parent. But honestly, they're not breaking laws, they're not trying to say it's for children, and using the excuse "Think of the children!" is old. WAY old.

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Postby Momo-P » Thu May 10, 2007 12:48 pm

Dude, most of the stuff I was having a fit about wasn't it being mature. It was more for the fact they're starting to get really anti-Christian. Although I can't say I'd probably let little kids watch Trigun or Cowboy Bebop, at least they aren't pretty much mocking God like some of this stuff AS is getting really into now.
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Postby IZ&Trigun4life » Thu May 10, 2007 12:50 pm

I just saw that last night and thought the same thing. People are really messed up.
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Postby Nate » Thu May 10, 2007 1:00 pm

Momo-P wrote:It was more for the fact they're starting to get really anti-Christian.

My point still stands. If you don't like it, don't watch it, explain to your kids why you don't want them to watch it.

Besides, would you be upset if they showed anti-Buddhist shows? Anti-scientology shows? Anti-Hindu shows? It's almost a sort of double standard; we want special treatment for our religion, but not anyone else's. I'm not saying that's true for you personally, but it certainly seems to be the general sentiment.

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Postby Hitokiri » Thu May 10, 2007 1:07 pm

I could really care less. I don't watch it so why should I be bothered by it? And some of that stuff can be funny even if it's not exactly mature. I mean if kids like it they will continue to put it up.

Some kids are mature. I let my sister watch Samurai X Trust and Betrayal when she was 9 or 10 and thats suggested 17 and up but I felt (and she was) mature enough.

Anyways, AS is known for edgy material for a reason. If they want to bash Jesus, go ahead. They are more then welcome. I just wont watch it.
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Postby Momo-P » Thu May 10, 2007 1:08 pm

My point still stands. If you don't like it, don't watch it, explain to your kids why you don't want them to watch it.

Besides, would you be upset if they showed anti-Buddhist shows? Anti-scientology shows? Anti-Hindu shows? It's almost a sort of double standard; we want special treatment for our religion, but not anyone else's. I'm not saying that's true for you personally, but it certainly seems to be the general sentiment.

But why is it just Christianity? I haven't seen them mock anyone else. That's my point. They seem to be going out of their way to make ads and junk focused toward us and us alone. If they are gonna leave everyone alone, they should respect us too.
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Postby Mangafanatic » Thu May 10, 2007 1:10 pm

Let's keep it civil here folks. I want to let you guys discuss this, because it's an interesting topic-- but if we can't avoid heated attacks on one another, I'll have to close like a jar of peanut butter with aliens growing in it.

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Postby Hitokiri » Thu May 10, 2007 1:15 pm

Bottom line is that AS isn't getting anti-christian. Society is becoming anti-christian.
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Postby Nate » Thu May 10, 2007 1:21 pm

Momo-P wrote:But why is it just Christianity? I haven't seen them mock anyone else. That's my point. They seem to be going out of their way to make ads and junk focused toward us and us alone. If they are gonna leave everyone alone, they should respect us too.

Christianity is the biggest religion in America, this is why. It's better to make fun of something that's popular.

Which would people laugh at more: a parody of Spider-Man 3 or a parody of The Mirror?

Probably the former; the latter is an obscure Russian movie that not many have heard of, and so parodying it would be very difficult to successfully pull of in this country. The same goes for Hinduism. There aren't many Hindus in this country, so parodying them wouldn't go over as well, because people aren't familiar with it.

But since Christianity is so well known, it's almost a sure-fire thing.

You also have to remember, who are the major figures in Christianity these days? Most of them aren't people that we want to be associated with, yet since they claim to be Christian that's who people associate with the religion. It's like seeing a redneck family from Georgia and saying "All Georgians are rednecks." Well, no, they aren''s just that you saw ONE family that happened to be so and made a generalization.

And it's a lot easier to make fun of generalizations.

What is popular will almost invariably be insulted or degraded by someone, and like I said, since this country is largely Christian, that's what you have to expect. And didn't Jesus say we'd be ridiculed for what we believe? So this isn't new.

Besides, a lot of times things like this are done purely to provoke a rise out of people. Complaining about this is playing into their hands, this is the reaction they want. If Christians shrugged and said, "Meh," they'd get bored of it and move on to someone else.

And honestly, we should shrug and say, "Meh." Their commercials don't make our religion any less true, and anyone whose faith IS swayed by cheap attempts at humor, didn't have a strong faith to begin with and it would've only been a matter of time before something else dragged them away anyway.

I hope this doesn't come off as a heated attack... *fears the mod*

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Postby Hitokiri » Thu May 10, 2007 1:25 pm

Also they know Christians wont demand a holy jihad when they do poke fun.
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Postby RedMage » Thu May 10, 2007 1:31 pm

Nate wrote:You also have to remember, who are the major figures in Christianity these days?

I don't know, who are the major figures in Christianity these days?

As for Adult Swim and their little "Bible Fight" game...

I'm increasingly coming to regard Adult Swim as a whole as being on pretty much the same level as a self-absorbed child acting out in hopes of getting attention.

"Look at us! We're wacky and edgy! We've come up with another new show which relies entirely upon the power of surrealism, discomfort humor, and the supposed irony that comes from being calculatedly awful in all respects for its theoretical appeal! We've clearly put about as much thought as is required to perform a basic bodily function into making them, and that's all that's required from the viewers as well! And we're really proud of it! And we openly mock sizable chunks of our viewer base! And most people don't understand our movie! Not wacky and edgy enough yet? Then check out our new online game where Bible characters fight each other! Woo-hoo, isn't that really provocative and controversial? Did we mention that we're wacky and edgy? And that we want you to look at us? Go see our movie!"
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Postby Nate » Thu May 10, 2007 1:36 pm

RedMage wrote:I don't know, who are the major figures in Christianity these days?

I'd rather not name them because chances are there's people here who support them, and I don't want to make anyone mad. :p Also the ones that all of us would agree are horrible would only stir up debate and "I hate that guy!" posts and we don't need that in this thread.
I'm increasingly coming to regard Adult Swim as a whole as being on pretty much the same level as a self-absorbed child acting out in hopes of getting attention.

It seems to be working pretty good for them. So why would they change it?

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Postby RedMage » Thu May 10, 2007 1:38 pm

Nate wrote:I'd rather not name them because chances are there's people here who support them, and I don't want to make anyone mad. :p Also the ones that all of us would agree are horrible would only stir up debate and "I hate that guy!" posts and we don't need that in this thread.

Yeah. It probably would have been wiser to not bring up "major figures in Christianity", then, since it's sort of meaningless this way. Just sayin'. Oh well.

It seems to be working pretty good for them. So why would they change it?


Think of Adult Swim as an internet troll, people. They die from lack of nourishment.
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Postby Nate » Thu May 10, 2007 1:43 pm

RedMage wrote:Yeah. It probably would have been wiser to not bring up "major figures in Christianity", then, since it's sort of meaningless this way. Just sayin'. Oh well.

Ah, okay. I should have said "Who does the general public consider major figures in Christianity?"

Because the people THEY consider at the forefront of Christianity aren't necessarily who we would. I doubt most people on the street have ever even heard of Ravi Zacharias for example.

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Postby Shinja » Thu May 10, 2007 1:46 pm

adult swim has become very anti-christian in the last 3 years as evidenced by the changes of thier programing to shows that not only envolve, but often revolve around the mocking of christian beliefs.
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Postby Fiore teh Duck » Thu May 10, 2007 2:21 pm

Momo-P wrote:But why is it just Christianity? I haven't seen them mock anyone else. That's my point. They seem to be going out of their way to make ads and junk focused toward us and us alone. If they are gonna leave everyone alone, they should respect us too.

Err... For the record, I would like to mention that there are other anti-religious themes in the media. Name one person you know who hasn't tuned into the TV show LOST. While it isn't quite passing the anti-buddhist theme catergory, it certianly knows how to bend and twist things in a way that many buddhists feel a bit queasy to the idea of watching the show. As having identified as Buddhist for a few years, I've looked into this :).

And I agree with what Nate said before. Adult Swim runs that little thing that says, "may not be acceptable for viewers under the age of lalala," ...and generally, that alone means that there's going to be some questionable content. It's an advisory for crying out loud. They wouldn't run them if there were purely good christian themes, and G rated content in the shows.

:sweat: Though this is just my two sense, and I really don't mean to cause any harm between us. :) I hope that I don't sound like I'm attacking you or anything.
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Postby ChristianKitsune » Thu May 10, 2007 2:30 pm

I agree,'s a bit sickening isn't it? and I hate to say it...but I kind of agree with Nate. Although I wonder if it could have been addressed a little nicer?

ANYWAY... It's really terrible what AS is doing...but you know, other networks have been doing the same thing for a few years. Even little kids' programming refuses to show anything Christian in fear that it will freak people out. But they show hanukah and Kwanza specials, and leave the Christmas part with Santa and his elves...

It's a sad world, and it's getting sadder. But Jesus DID predict that we wouldn't be treated like other people, and that's kind of a good thing.. because we ARE different than other people. We are called to more than just watching some stupid television channel and growing angry about what they show on it.

A few weeks ago, I started a thread about some movies that CN decided to show on it's Toonami block, and i got the exact same repies that you are getting here... It's a sad fact, but they are right...AS can show whatever the heck they want and not get in trouble.

the sad thing is that the reason why there is so much publicity of these shows is because people watch them. AS' viewers are it's lifeline, if no one watches the show it gets cancelled. Obviously people are watching, and the money is pouring in.

I agree with you, Morel Orel litterally makes me sick to my stomach... I can't even stand the commercials, and when it comes on I completely tune out. That just propaganda...and it's probably turning off non-christians. And that, is what makes me sick the most. Jesus can handle mockery...but I don't think he wants to handle the idea that some stupid show is turning off people's minds to the Truth.

Yeahh...there are my two cents.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Thu May 10, 2007 4:15 pm

I don't think the people that run Adult Swim are trying to undermine Christianity or destroy anybody's faith. They're just airing what brings in the viewers, and sadly this is what some people want to see. And not all Adult Swim programming makes fun of Christianity. One of the most popular shows, namely, Aqua Teen Hunger Force, once made jokes about how Jesus isn't socially acceptable anymore (Gee Whiz, anyone?) Also, Frylock is sometimes shown wanting to go to church (although he never really gets around to it).

So, I don't think the people at Adult Swim are Jesus-haters. Is it sad that they air these kinds of things to make a buck? Perhaps. Is it sad that people out there actually want to see those things? Definitely. But a lot of people that find those things funny were turned off from Christianity a long time ago. And anybody whose faith can be shaken by a stupid television show probably didn't truly have faith to begin with. Remember the parable about the seeds?

Also, to echo what some others have already said: If it offends you, change the channel. Simple as that.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Thu May 10, 2007 4:24 pm

I watched half an episode of Morel Orel before switching it off in disinterest. Not disgust, bad taste, offense, or purported blasphemy. Just a kind of "Meh, I know how this is gonna play out." Of course, I imagine to some people it would appear quite derogatory, and to those people I offer this earth-shattering advice: Watch something else.

Yeah, Adult Swim has content deemed unsuitable for minors. What else is new? It's Adult Swim. It's the parent's fault for not retaining responsibility for what their children watch.

Anyway, to me there remains a visible difference between poking fun at something and purposefully trying to offend. I'd guess Moral Orel falls under the former.
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Postby rocklobster » Thu May 10, 2007 4:36 pm

It's the popularity of South Park. They've encouraged others to imitate it.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Thu May 10, 2007 5:27 pm

Momo-P wrote:But why is it just Christianity? I haven't seen them mock anyone else. That's my point. They seem to be going out of their way to make ads and junk focused toward us and us alone. If they are gonna leave everyone alone, they should respect us too.

While I generally am in favor of Nate's side, I do strongly agree with you on this factor. The reason I see it is simply because Christianity is the largest religion in the United States, not to mention it also has a lot of people who seem to be "Against" Christianity. Why they have their own reasons and biases differ from each person of course; but many people -- while hating religion in general -- tend to be mostly Anti-Christian and Anti-Islam.

To be quite frank, people like making in fun of Jesus. Stuff like Raptor Jesus, or The Pope is Emperor Palpatine, and Jesus was Gay, etc. All that stuff. It's pretty rampant on places like the Internet.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Thu May 10, 2007 5:31 pm

It's not that surprising. Expected really. The world hates Christ. Not to mention that adult swim shouldn't exist. Why would you watch something that you wouldn't want your kids to see? Hiding something?
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Postby KhakiBlueSocks » Thu May 10, 2007 5:39 pm

Momo-P wrote:Is it just me, or is Cartoon Network's prime time block, Adult Swim, becoming more and more anti-Christian with the years?

Let me answer that question with a question: When has Adult Swim ever been PRO-Christian?
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Postby Nate » Thu May 10, 2007 5:42 pm

Shao Feng-Li wrote:Why would you watch something that you wouldn't want your kids to see? Hiding something?

I wouldn't want a six year old to watch Schindler's List, but it's a movie everyone should see.

The content of a movie does not determine its moral value.

Or should we not teach our kids the Bible because of all the rape, murder, and idolatry in it? Granted it is presented in a negative light, but there are plenty of movies with morally reprehensible behavior presented in a negative light.

So to say that a person who would watch something they wouldn't let their child watch is "hiding something" is a ridiculous notion.

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Postby Jih » Thu May 10, 2007 5:45 pm

I'm not sure that Conservatives Christian like the moajority of this site should be targeting two TV shows with neocon ideas being thrown around, South Park and Family Guy. But that isn't the point of this thread. What is the point of this thread is that religion in general gets beat up by a number of people, especially Christianity. Why is this? Because, we're a majority. That's it, anyone who goes after the smaller religions gets yelled at by the excessively PC press and becomes almost blacklisted in whatever world they belong to. I do notice that AS is becoming edgier which makes me wonder what's causing that to happen. Maybe they're trying to attract a larger fanbase or fans are beating up on them for not having enough shows with more "mature content". In the end, it comes down to viewers so that they can make a buttload of cash off of commercials because we live in America, the home of the free and "Liberty and justice for all" (except for Native Americans).
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Postby Doubleshadow » Thu May 10, 2007 6:18 pm

I don't think AS is getting anti-Christian. To me, that suggests they are targeting Christianity out of a malicious bias, and I don't think that is the case. I think they are making fun of Jesus because He makes a convenient target for their favored style of humor.
They'll make fun of anyone and everyone that will get ratings, and that usually entails either whomever is the current joke of the media or the most outrageous person or group they can find to mock. Its just a matter of shock value through political incorrectness and sheer audacity. Is anyone else familiar with the premise of Minoriteam?
Christians can expect to always be mocked. I don't see the programs or commercials on AS as being anymore Anti-Christian than what I have seen on Comedy Central, CNN, NBC, or any other network. This doesn't mean I agree with or codone anything that they do, or can even stomach it, it just means I do not think they are doing anything that different in spirit or intent from what any other network does.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Thu May 10, 2007 6:36 pm

Shao Feng-Li wrote:It's not that surprising. Expected really. The world hates Christ. Not to mention that adult swim shouldn't exist. Why would you watch something that you wouldn't want your kids to see? Hiding something?

Personally, I might not consider my children of the mental maturity to handle some of the things I watch.

And I doubt this is as malicious as some of you people are reading off. I've seen malicious attempts against Christianity, and Moral Orel is rather tame by comparison. The other major point here is are they making fun of Christianity, Christ, or Christians? Think carefully on that answer.
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Postby Shao Feng-Li » Thu May 10, 2007 6:40 pm

I was referring to things with profanity for the sake of it. Which seems to be almost everything on AS.
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