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Spiderman 3?

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 3:02 pm
by The Liar XIII
Anyone looking forward to Spiderman 3?
There are Three Villains in the movie: Green Goblin V 2.0, Sandman, and Venom.
And yes, Spidey does go Symbiote.

The Villain I am looking forward to see is Venom.
These are the 3 Villain designs.


So, What do you guys think about the new Spiderman movie?
(Its coming out May 4th)

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 4:59 pm
by jon_jinn
i'm REALLY looking forward to this movie. the previews make it look pretty crazy. if the producers play it out right, it could turn out to be a huge success, and a very well-done movie (like the first two). However, if things go wrong, it could end up being horrible. What I mean is, there are going to be three villains and I’m sure many subplots will come about (like X-men 3). How the producers handle this will be interesting, and it will determine a great deal regarding the movie’s quality.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 5:14 pm
by Tommy
I thought they called Harry the Hob Goblin in this movie, which isn't how it went down in the comics.

What a surprise.

Movies always bend the comics.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:03 pm
by The Liar XIII
Yeah. I know.. He also uses his fathers equipment.. Maybe later he may become the Hob Goblin.

I also found out Spiderman 4 may be released 2009 or 2010. Hopefully.
I also heard Carnage may appear in part 4. :cool:

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:13 pm
by Sheol777
Venom is one of my top villians of all time from comics. So was Juggernaut - I wasn't a fan of how he was handled (a mutant?!?!).

Anyhow I think Raimi is doing a fantastic job so far, and I trust him for this movie.

Rumor has it that none of the main cast (Maguire, Dunst, etc.) will NOT return for the next movie...bummer.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:20 pm
by Tommy
All I know is that 3 wraps up 1 and 2 so I don't get how they'll keep it going after that.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:33 pm
by uc pseudonym
Given it comes into theaters after this semester's finals end, there is a high probability I will see this soon after it comes out. To be honest I haven't thought the trailers so far seemed indicative of a good movie, but because I thought the first two were solid I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 6:40 pm
by Fish and Chips
Sheol777 wrote:Rumor has it that none of the main cast (Maguire, Dunst, etc.) will NOT return for the next movie...bummer.

I find it rather unbelievable they would think of continuing having to replace the entire cast. :eyeroll:

I enjoyed the first two films, but I'm a little wary of the whole "No, THIS is the man who REALLY killed Uncle Ben" subplot. Here's hoping it's all just some big misunderstanding.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 7:22 pm
by Tommy
Yeah, because it ruins the whole moral concept of the first.
If that was true, Peter couldn't have prevented Uncle Ben's death.

PostPosted: Tue Apr 17, 2007 8:15 pm
by jon_jinn
i think that the third one should focus mainly on the Hob Goblin, and the fourth one can be more about Venom and Carnage.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 6:19 am
by termyt
I felt the second movie was a bit too dark (the Doc Oc scene in the hospital was so intense, it reminded me of the opening scene in House on Haunted Hill) and I'm afraid the third will be darker still. That may or may not detract from the series over all, though - it all depends on how they wrap things up.

The Doc Oc hospital scene really bothered me when I saw it – it ruined the movie for me. It’s not that I got nightmares from it or anything, but I could help but think of the masses of small children who were watching that movie. To be honest, I'm a little miffed about the PG-13 ratings the movies are carrying. I believe that is very irresponsible on the part of the film’s producers to make a movie that has mass appeal to children in such a way that it has a rating inappropriate to children. It’s like they know the kids will come anyway, so give the 20-something’s what they are looking for, too.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:35 pm
by mitsuki lover
I thought that the design for Green Goblin II looked remarkably a bit like the Hal Jordan Green Lantern.At least from the angle it was shown.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 12:54 pm
by Cognitive Gear
termyt wrote:I'm a little miffed about the PG-13 ratings the movies are carrying. I believe that is very irresponsible on the part of the film’s producers to make a movie that has mass appeal to children in such a way that it has a rating inappropriate to children. It’s like they know the kids will come anyway, so give the 20-something’s what they are looking for, too.

The thing is that comics aren't for children anymore. Thusly, the super-heroes contained therein aren't either. I don't understand why people have this misconception. Spider-man was for children 50 years ago, but not now. I see nothing wrong with keeping the themes and mood of the source comic. It's up to parents to determine what their children can and cannot watch, not the movie makers.

This makes me wonder what people will think when the Watchmen film comes out. It's a "superhero" movie, but it will be rated R.

Anyways: OT:

I am definitely looking forward to this movie. Venom is one of my favorite villains, and I always look forward to seeing a new incarnation of him. Here's hoping that the "This guy REALLY killed your Uncle" is

[spoiler= Potential plot spoiler]

The story that Eddie Brock fabricates and that Peter Parker/Spider-man exposes. [/spoiler]

I think that would work out well as a plot point.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 2:21 pm
by ilikegir33
I AM SOOOOOOOO PSYCHED 4 THIS MOVIE! I will be there that Thursday at midnight seeing it. Hopefully I won't be disappointed.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 4:26 pm
by Sheol777
ikimasu wrote:The thing is that comics aren't for children anymore. Thusly, the super-heroes contained therein aren't either. I don't understand why people have this misconception. Spider-man was for children 50 years ago, but not now. I see nothing wrong with keeping the themes and mood of the source comic. It's up to parents to determine what their children can and cannot watch, not the movie makers.

Yes to this whole paragraph. I have been a Spiderman fan since the early 90's. I really like what they did to the character for the movie. Hope the same goes for Venom.

As far as the Watchmen movie goes......dude, start the thread, it deserves its own. I will post to it.

You deserve the honor, considering your avatar.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:09 pm
by uc pseudonym
Fish and Chips wrote:I enjoyed the first two films, but I'm a little wary of the whole "No, THIS is the man who REALLY killed Uncle Ben" subplot. Here's hoping it's all just some big misunderstanding.

I would hope as well. You wouldn't think they would put a major revelation in so many trailers, so its presence indicates to me this will be a premise that will be disposed of in the actual movie.

ikimasu wrote:This makes me wonder what people will think when the Watchmen film comes out. It's a "superhero" movie, but it will be rated R.

There will be a Watchmen film? To avoid a tangent, PM me your response (or just make a thread as suggested and I'll find it).

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 5:24 pm
by Roy Mustang
ikimasu wrote:The thing is that comics aren't for children anymore. Thusly, the super-heroes contained therein aren't either. I don't understand why people have this misconception. Spider-man was for children 50 years ago, but not now. I see nothing wrong with keeping the themes and mood of the source comic. It's up to parents to determine what their children can and cannot watch, not the movie makers.

This is true. People have this hang up that comics are for kids as they think old cartoons are for kids.

I guess they never saw any of the comics or cartoons in WWII.

Spider-man and Xmen have all had some dark tones in their comics before.

I really feel, if they want to stay true to the comic and the comic has a dark tone to it, then make the story dark.

Col. Roy Mustang

PostPosted: Wed Apr 18, 2007 8:10 pm
by Ashley
Actually, from what I read of it, the latest rewrites to the series (ala the Ultimate series) were fairly dark. I don't see how this is a major departure from the comics.

Still, it is a good point to realize this isn't a movie to take your little sister to. But that should be a given for ANY movie--parents always need to check it out first. That's just (un)common good sense.

Anyway, I'm a HUGE Spidey fan and I can't wait for 3! I sincerely hope they stop after 3 though...I can't imagine it would be good if Spiderman went the way of The Land Before Time....

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 7:36 am
by WrestlingOtaku
Spider-man 8: The real Green Goblin comes back to life for a third time!! >.>
(Seriously, how many times has he died and been brought back to life in the comics??? o.o)

Anyways, I'm really looking forward to this movie and I'm totally excited to see Venom, my favorite Spidey villain, in it. What ikimasu said in his spoiler alert area makes a lot of sense, and I personally hope that's what it'll be....

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:05 am
by Tommy
ikimasu wrote:
I am definitely looking forward to this movie. Venom is one of my favorite villains, and I always look forward to seeing a new incarnation of him. Here's hoping that the "This guy REALLY killed your Uncle" is

[spoiler= Potential plot spoiler]

The story that Eddie Brock fabricates and that Peter Parker/Spider-man exposes. [/spoiler]

I think that would work out well as a plot point.

Ah, well thought out.
I agree.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:47 am
by samuraidragon
I'm wondering if all these villains and subplots are going to fit in one film. I wonder if it will turn out like Hero.

I sorta have the feeling I'll be leaving the theater a little underwhelmed.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:02 pm
by Sheol777
WrestlingOtaku wrote:Spider-man 8: The real Green Goblin comes back to life for a third time!! >.>
(Seriously, how many times has he died and been brought back to life in the comics??? o.o) much time do you have?

Norman Osborn GG 1
Harry Osborn GG 2
Bart Hamilton GG 3

Roderick Kingsley Hobgoblin
- Jason Macendale Jack 'o Lantern
- Demogoblin

Phil Urich GG 4 (hero)
Norman Osborn GG 1 (back from the dead?) - clone saga boo!!

This list isn't even complete. I could go on.
Yeah...the Green Goblin and his spawn are severely overused in the comic over the years. When Harry discovered the secret lair in Spiderman 2, I groaned.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:17 pm
by Ratrace
That's what you get for wanting it to be close to the comic. If something's in there a lot it has to show up. It could still be done well.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 3:32 pm
by The Liar XIII
I just found this article on another forum I am a part of.

Sam Raimi Confirms Spidey 4, 5 and 6!
Source: Heather Newgen
April 20, 2007

At the Los Angeles press junket today, Spider-Man 3 director Sam Raimi confirmed that Sony Pictures is doing a 4th, 5th and 6th installment of the popular franchise.

We'll have his exact words shortly, but Raimi said that he hasn't had time to think of any involvement and he doesn't want to presume Sony would want him to direct.

He said there has to be a good story to tell and that "it'd be very hard to say goodbye to 'Spider Man.'"

Spider-Man 3 opens in conventional theaters and IMAX on May 4.

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2007 4:29 pm
by mitsuki lover
I saw one ad where they showed Spidey punching Sandman in the chest that looked rather cool.

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 6:46 pm
by Radical Dreamer
I'm so excited. XD I'm going to see it at the midnight show tonight. Venom still has me totally stoked, and I've heard a lot of good things about the movie. I can't wait! :D

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 7:11 pm
by Fish and Chips
Another midnight showing down here too. My dorm's flocking to the theater en masse.

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 8:45 pm
by Rocketshipper
I have advance tickets for Saturday. I can't go tomorow, because I've got school and anime club.

PostPosted: Thu May 03, 2007 9:41 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
I'll probably be going tomorrow. Wait, is it supposed to open everywhere tomorrow? Does that actually mean my local povo single-movie theatre actually got a movie on opening time?! We ALWAYS get movies to the absolute CLOSEST a week after the opening night...

PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2007 12:13 am
by Radical Dreamer
Um, so yeah. It was amazing. XD

[SPOILER]I LOVED it. Venom made me very, very happy. Even if I did jump like, EVERY time he showed up from out of nowhere. XD I do wish he had gotten more character development and screen time, but I honestly don't think he's dead. XD Something tells me he'll be back, if a fourth movie comes along.

The whole thing with Sandman being Ben's killer, while I was surprised it wasn't a symbiote thing like I had thought originally, actually worked pretty well for the movie. The scene where Peter forgives Marko was AMAZING, and I loved the themes presented (the whole "you have a choice" bit). I was on the verge of tears a number of times near the end of the film. XD I felt like Sandman's story was a little unresolved (we never did get to find out what happened to his daughter), but maybe that's just because it wasn't meant to be a main focal point.

And Harry. Harry was SO COOL in the last 30 minutes. XD Seeing him fight alongside Peter was just AMAZING. And when he took the blow for Peter when Venom stabbed him (the SAME way his father died, almost), man. It was so excellently done. XD [/SPOILER]