The Oscars

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The Oscars

Postby Phantasmagloria » Mon Feb 26, 2007 12:52 pm

so what do you think about the oscars last night? do you think the people who won should have? how was the host? and what about will smiths son?.....aaaawwwww!!!! tell me!
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Postby CatHCG11 » Mon Feb 26, 2007 1:33 pm

I enjoyed the Oscars last night!!
Ellen DeGeneres did a good job hosting. She's really funny!!
I'm sad that Cars didn't win anything, it's a great movie.
I agree, Will Smiths son is adorable. He may be one of my favorite things about the 2007 Oscars!!
the only thing that I wasn't happy about was how political it was at times. But overall, it was really fun to watch!!
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:28 pm

I was disappointed. It's all about political agenda these days; it's not about the movies anymore. Everyone wants to be politically correct, and by doing so, they end up having the movies with the agenda win, or the actor that's in the minority win. I don't feel like it's about talent anymore. I mean, the girl that sang the song for Al Gore's documentary won for best original song (and she wasn't very talented, as far as I'm concerned), while the cast of DreamGirls lost after belting it out on stage and really making a good performance.

Ellen DeGeneres did have some funny lines and sketches, but even she had an agenda to push. The highlight of the evening, though, was when Will Ferrell, Jack Black, and that third comedian (whose name escapes me) sang the song about how comedians never win or get nominated at the Oscars. XD That was pretty awesome. The rest of the night, though, was a letdown (though I can't say that I had high expectations in the first place XD; ). To top it off, The Prestige didn't win anything it was nominated for, so bah humbug, I say. XD
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Postby Tommy » Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:32 pm

It really comes done to what movie makes the most money, and I don't recall The Prestige doing that well. Not that that matters to me at all because it was an excellent movie no matter what award it earned.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:36 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:It really comes done to what movie makes the most money...

That's hardly true. Star Wars Ep. III broke records, and George Lucas has yet to win an Oscar for anything other than Special Effects or any other minor Oscars. Plenty of the movies that win Best Picture are shown in select theaters and art houses, and they don't make half the money of the summer blockbusters and the like, which rarely (if ever) show their faces in the Oscar Nominees.
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Postby Tommy » Mon Feb 26, 2007 2:38 pm

Well, what I really meant was mass popularity but money slipped out. *shrugs*
Maybe I should proofread my posts.

I am shocked by the George Lucas thing.
I heard rumors he's making an Episode VII-IX because he knows no matter how much it sucks everyone will see it.
He'll probably keep trying until he wins something.
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Postby ShiroiHikari » Mon Feb 26, 2007 3:40 pm

I don't bother watching the Oscars. It's boring and incredibly biased, and besides, why should I care what some stodgy old Academy members think?
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Postby Phantasmagloria » Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:29 pm

does anyone know how children of men was?
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Postby Fish and Chips » Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:41 pm

Radical Dreamer wrote:The highlight of the evening, though, was when Will Ferrell, Jack Black, and that third comedian (whose name escapes me) sang the song about how comedians never win or get nominated at the Oscars. XD That was pretty awesome.

If it's as good as, if not better than, the Boring song they did a few years back, I must find this thing.

Didn't watch it (no television), but I've since been "enlightened." Glad Scorsese finally won an Oscar, if only so his fans stop complaining about the conspiracy against him. And that An Inconvenient Truth won best documentary either says a lot about the Academy's agenda or a lot about the quality of other documentaries (it's basically a filmed power point presentation, isn't it? With Captain Planet?).

Best movie I saw all year was Casino Royale, which I knew probably wouldn't win anything. And from everything I've heard about it, Pan's Labyrinth (which I still need to see) got shafted in the Foreign Language category.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Feb 26, 2007 5:58 pm

It's not that Children of Men or The Prestige were bad movies... But it's that Pan's Labyrinth is just way better than all the other ones. XD
Tom Dincht wrote:It really comes done to what movie makes the most money, and I don't recall The Prestige doing that well. Not that that matters to me at all because it was an excellent movie no matter what award it earned.

That was a pretty stupid thing to say. To disprove your theory, Pan's Labyrinth made only 26 Million dollars. (The Prestige made 40 Million) And it won not one... not two... but THREE Oscars.

Or take Little Miss Sunshine, which won Best Original Screenplay. It only made EIGHT Million dollars. Pan's Labyrinth, Letters from Iwo jima, Babel, and The Queen all made much more in the Box Office than Little Miss Sunshine. So it's all about the money you say? Pft. You're dead wrong son.

So you fail. Pack your bags and do some research.
Tom Dincht wrote:Well, what I really meant was mass popularity but money slipped out. *shrugs*

You do realize thats an oxymoron.... right?

As for The Departed winning Best Picture. I fully support that. Infernal Affairs is an AMAZING movie. And The Departed is an amazing remake with an amazing director.
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Postby Tommy » Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:38 pm

Mr. SmartyPants wrote:That was a pretty stupid thing to say.

I have so many things to say in response, but I think I'll just leave that topic untouched because I don't want to disturb the peace.

To disprove your theory

It wasn't a theory, it was an observation and I didn't proofread it and my mind was somewhere else when I typed it.

You do realize thats an oxymoron.... right?

Heh, you're right.
I guess it doesn't matter how I said it then.
It wasn't a "stupid" thing to say.
It was an innaccurate observation. Chill out.
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Postby Mr. SmartyPants » Mon Feb 26, 2007 6:49 pm

Tom Dincht wrote:It was an innaccurate observation. Chill out.

We are glad you came to that conclusion.
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Postby Rocketshipper » Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:51 pm

I watched all of it last night and though it was great! I love the Oscars. Ellen was really funny, I liked tbe shadow dancers doing all the movie logos, the movie tribute segments were good, Seinfeld was the best presenter EVER (they should get him to host!), and Jennifer Hudson won!!!!! YAY!!!!! That was the best part of the night for me, yay for Hudson! Her performance with Beyonce of the Dreamgirls songs was showstopping too. I was really dissapointed about who won best song and best foreign film, but it wasn't enough to ruin my enjoyment.
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Postby Yojimbo » Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:53 pm

I was actually really looking forward to these Oscars because there were so many movies I really honestly cared about that were nominated, and most won.

Pan's Labyrinth one of the most amazing movies I've ever seen definitely deserved Best Foreign Film, but...I'm glad it got 3 Oscars even if they weren't the coup de grace ones. I'm very very happy that Forest Whitaker got Best Actor, Last King of Scotland was amazing and it was about time he got the recognition he deserves for the phenominal actor he is. The Departed rocked that's all there needs to be said. I love absolutely love Scrosese, Raging Bull and Goodfellas are some of my all time favorites and he deserved this.

I'm glad Children of Men, Flags of our Fathers, The Prestige, United 93, Curse of the Golden Flower, Blood Diamond, and Devil Wears Prada got at the very least nominations.

I was so happy that Clint got up there to give Ennio Morricone an honorary Oscar. I'm a huge western/Eastwood/Morricone fan and it was awesome to see him finally get recognized with the mother of awards.

The only award that I thought was not very well deserved was best original song I agree Dreamgirls should have won. Also Little Miss Sunshine's Alan Arkin winning best supporting actor... I've seen that movie three times and I still don't understand why some people love it so much. At least I definitely don't see what was so great about Arkin's performance he wasn't even in half the movie and the only that set him apart from the typical crotchety old man typecast was that he did coke.
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Postby bigsleepj » Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:55 pm

I recorded it. I'll watch it first chance I'll get.
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Postby Fish and Chips » Mon Feb 26, 2007 8:57 pm

The Last King of Scotland and Pan's Labyrinth.

Both movies I wanted to see.
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Postby meboeck » Tue Feb 27, 2007 7:41 am

Yojimbo wrote:Also Little Miss Sunshine's Alan Arkin winning best supporting actor... I've seen that movie three times and I still don't understand why some people love it so much. At least I definitely don't see what was so great about Arkin's performance he wasn't even in half the movie and the only that set him apart from the typical crotchety old man typecast was that he did coke.

Eddie Murphy was the favorite going into it, and he was only in half the movie too. It's a supporting actor role, so it doesn't really matter how much of the movie you're in.

EDIT: Random note: I have met most of the people in the dance troupe that was doing the movie logos. They're insanely amazing.
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Postby Phantasmagloria » Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:24 pm

[quote="Radical Dreamer"]
The highlight of the evening, though, was when Will Ferrell, Jack Black, and that third comedian (whose name escapes me) sang the song about how comedians never win or get nominated at the Oscars. XD That was pretty awesome. The rest of the night, though, was a letdown (though I can't say that I had high expectations in the first place XD]
watch it...^_^
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Tue Feb 27, 2007 6:37 pm

meboeck wrote:EDIT: Random note: I have met most of the people in the dance troupe that was doing the movie logos. They're insanely amazing.

Really? They seemed incredibly talented; it was another part of the show that I enjoyed. That's really cool that you met them! :D
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Postby Maledicte » Tue Feb 27, 2007 11:13 pm

I'm really glad that Forrest Whittaker got the Oscar for Best Actor, but dangit, Peter O'Toole needs to win that baby sometime.

Either that or he'll get a wishy-washy "Lifetime Achievement Oscar" like poor Ennio Morricone.
(I'm going to continue to complain about this until he gets one.)
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Postby mitsuki lover » Thu Mar 08, 2007 11:45 am

I never watch Award Shows.After awhile all the speeches sound alike and it's just an excuse for Hollywood to strut like peacocks.The only fun thing about the Oscars is Mr.Blackwell's list of fashion faux pas that comes out afterwards.
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Postby Radical Dreamer » Thu Mar 08, 2007 1:38 pm

mitsuki lover wrote:I never watch Award Shows.After awhile all the speeches sound alike and it's just an excuse for Hollywood to strut like peacocks.The only fun thing about the Oscars is Mr.Blackwell's list of fashion faux pas that comes out afterwards.

Actually, I really hate the fashion aspect. XD One year, I missed the Golden Globes, and so I looked in the paper the next day to see what won. I didn't find anything about award winners, though--just a pointless display of "who wore what". Pathetic, I say. XD
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