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Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children

PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 10:42 am
by Michael
This looks amazing. You can see the trailer at


This looks really good, my only qaulm(s) is that it might not have much story since it's only 50 minutes. That and they're using it to spark up interest in FF7.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 12:07 pm
by Mr. Rogers
cool! they have barret too!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 12:10 pm
by Razgriz
Looks good!

BTW, Michael, awesome avatar.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 20, 2003 3:08 pm
by Michael
Aw, shucks Sangoku.

PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 10:30 pm
by Fsiphskilm
Why would you want to respark interest in FF7, It's Long Gone and over with...

unless...the're making A REMAKE!!! YAY...

PostPosted: Mon Dec 22, 2003 10:36 pm
by inkhana
I saw that trailer for the first time yesterday, and frankly...

I couldn't care if FF7 were FIFTY years old! I'd STILL want to see this movie! (I guess I'm just one of those people for whom a game's age has no bearing...LOL)

Besides, it has to be better than Spirits Within...right...? ^^

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 9:39 am
by Michael
<Why would you want to respark interest in FF7, It's Long Gone and over with...>

They're talking about a sequel or prequel.

Right back at ya Ink, it was truly a masterpiece. Anything would be better than SW, okay, maybe not, but you have to admit it wasn't to great.

Some dude took the pic with Vincent and enlarged it until you could see his eye. Maybe I'll get the url someday.....

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 2:54 pm
by madphilb
inkhana wrote:Besides, it has to be better than Spirits Within...right...?

Everyone always rags on this movie... I didn't think it was all that bad.

I will have to admit that the only real connection with the Final Fantasy series was the whole "save the living planet" thing that seems to be core to many of the stories.

The mistake Square made with that movie was to try to go too mainstream with it. The "new ageish" story was a little too "eastern" for the mainstream american action/sci-fi audience, and the lack of most of what makes a Final Fanatsy universe and storyline seems to have soured the FF fans.

My Final Fantasy game is burried... which one is FF7 again? Was that the game with the Chibi looking characters on the pre-rendered backgrounds? Never did finish it... will have to restart or something... I squeaked past most of the story-line with my collection of characters, but no-one ever leveled up enough to make it toward the end of the game. I need to go back and run around on the beach or something and try to beef everyone up.

Back-OT.... I'll have to try to remember to check the trailers and such tomorrow when I'm at my Mom's.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 3:49 pm
by Fsiphskilm
I agree, I love the movie, I have the special edition dvd and I watch it every now and then...I just replace Gaia with God and the new age thing is gone, I wouldn't call it that new age, seeing how the whole earth's spirit was apparent in the very begining of the Final Fantasy series way back in the 1990's I think...

I love FF7, I'm just saying it isn't logical to just advertise for a game that old, Of course I'm not complaining.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 7:36 pm
by Kisa
First of all LOVE the game FF7 (Aeris rocks!)
Next,is FF7: Advent Childeren a movie or a game with lots of cinematics in it?! If it is a movie then that is soooo awesome! If it is a game, is it a remake or a continuation?
I am sooo confused . . . .

PostPosted: Tue Dec 23, 2003 8:23 pm
by Michael
<Next,is FF7: Advent Childeren a movie or a game with lots of cinematics in it?! If it is a movie then that is soooo awesome! If it is a game, is it a remake or a continuation?
I am sooo confused . . . .>

It's a movie. See the links at the top of the page.

Yuffie and Cid

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 9:32 am
by Solid Ronin
I hope Yuffie and Cid are in it

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 11:30 am
by Fsiphskilm
grrrr...I hate Yuffie!!! Making me chase her all around the freaken world and stealing my spheres.
Hey, seriously Some freinds and I were talking about petitioning Squaresoft to remake FF7 and put it on the GameCube. I think it's a wonderful idea, It'll never probably happen but hey.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 2:53 pm
by Destroyer2000
Sony and Playstation wouldn't be what it is if Nintendo hadn't sold them the rights to FF early on with the ones for the NES. That's the only reason playstation is as big as it is, and when people say it's better because it has sold more, well, it's been out a year longer than the cube and the xbox.

PostPosted: Wed Dec 24, 2003 6:18 pm
by *Hope*
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! I can't wait for this movie to come out!!! Finally, something worthy of portraying Cloud's mind boggling good looks!!! (i'm sorry, i have the flu and my mind is DEFINITELY not working right) *embarrassed smiley*

PostPosted: Fri Dec 26, 2003 11:44 pm
by Fsiphskilm
Destroyer2000 wrote:Sony and Playstation wouldn't be what it is if Nintendo hadn't sold them the rights to FF early on with the ones for the NES. That's the only reason playstation is as big as it is, and when people say it's better because it has sold more, well, it's been out a year longer than the cube and the xbox.

-Yawn-...sorry, It's not you, It's my buddy Erica, she says the same thing over and over every day. I know you're a Nintendo fan But. Realisticly "no". Nintendo 64 is no where near capable of Handling the Final Fantasy Series...

So that we don't start an arguement, These are all facts, Not my opinion exept for the last one, #4

  • 1) N64 couldn't handle the amount of polys that the FF games 7 -9 use.(see tech specs on N64 and Compare them to Playstation). One misconseption is that N64 is 64 bit while Playstation is 32...False. Both consoles are the same, One has higher quality rendering (N64, resulting in a smooth picture) and the other supports more Polygons (PS1, resulting in games that are well rounded and less blocky)
  • 2) Final Fantasy games are a good 3-4 CDs ...thats a good 2gb+, do you really think they can fit all that on a cartridge? Instead lets ask ourselves the question "How Many cartidges would it take to hold FF7, FF8 or FF9?"
  • 3) So if it weren't for FF playstation would be in the trash can? Final Fantasy isn't the ONLY Game on the planet ya know :thumb: Playstation's popularity is NOT based off of the result of ONE single game series. The Highly popular Resident Evil was made a Game Cube exclusive but that didn't exactly make everyone throw out their PS2 and buy a NGC.
  • 4) Don't worry though, I'm not trying to diss on Nintendo. I love nintendo. While the other Console makers are busy working on Graphics this and High tech that. the Cell and all, They all forgot about the fans. Thats where nintendo has never chanaged. Any week now I'll run out and get a NGC with Resident Evil and Billy Hatcher and a trench coat full of other high-quality games.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 3:21 am
by Bobtheduck
Volt wrote:I agree, I love the movie, I have the special edition dvd and I watch it every now and then...I just replace Gaia with God and the new age thing is gone.

All the recent FF games are based in some way on a religious story... It's just the TSW is based on an athestic religious story (IE the Gaia theory, which many people believe in... It helps keep them from having to admit there is a God.)

The movie had a big name and didn't live up to it... That's why so many fans despise it.

On the other end, I'm one of the VERY FEW people who like the "Super Mario Brothers" movie.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 3:33 am
by Bobtheduck
Volt wrote:-Yawn-...sorry, It's not you, It's my buddy Erica, she says the same thing over and over every day. I know you're a Nintendo fan But. Realisticly "no". Nintendo 64 is no where near capable of Handling the Final Fantasy Series...

So that we don't start an arguement, These are all facts, Not my opinion exept for the last one, #4

  • 1) N64 couldn't handle the amount of polys that the FF games 7 -9 use.(see tech specs on N64 and Compare them to Playstation). One misconseption is that N64 is 64 bit while Playstation is 32...False. Both consoles are the same, One has higher quality rendering (N64, resulting in a smooth picture) and the other supports more Polygons (PS1, resulting in games that are well rounded and less blocky)
  • 2) Final Fantasy games are a good 3-4 CDs ...thats a good 2gb+, do you really think they can fit all that on a cartridge? Instead lets ask ourselves the question "How Many cartidges would it take to hold FF7, FF8 or FF9?"
  • 3) So if it weren't for FF playstation would be in the trash can? Final Fantasy isn't the ONLY Game on the planet ya know :thumb: Playstation's popularity is NOT based off of the result of ONE single game series. The Highly popular Resident Evil was made a Game Cube exclusive but that didn't exactly make everyone throw out their PS2 and buy a NGC.
  • 4) Don't worry though, I'm not trying to diss on Nintendo. I love nintendo. While the other Console makers are busy working on Graphics this and High tech that. the Cell and all, They all forgot about the fans. Thats where nintendo has never chanaged. Any week now I'll run out and get a NGC with Resident Evil and Billy Hatcher and a trench coat full of other high-quality games.

Wow... No one said anything about any of that... At least not in the quote you put there...

PS2 isn't a "better system" it just has the best games (though I will probably get a GC too, because of some GC exclusives) and, in my opinion, the best controler as well... I hate both the GC and the XB controllers... The PS2 controller is just a slightly modified version of the super nintendo controller, so anyone who grew up on SNES will probably love the PS controller, and thankfully they didn't change it for PS2... I hope it stays the Dual shock for PS3.

It's all about the games... I don't give jack crap about the "power" of the X-box which is really only mildly above the PS2. It's not as drastic as some people make it out to be, and graphics have more to do with skill of graphics designers than it does with power of the system... Don't believe me? I'll show you Silent Hill 3 on PS2 and then show you MOST of the X-box games... Yeah, no aliasing and a couple special effects, but the animation and the models themselves aren't as good in most of those games... So, it's not the system but the game. With the little bit of difference between PS2 and X-box, the power of the system makes little difference. (ooh, bump mapping... One whole technique that most people MISUSE to begin with!)

Personally, I love my old NES and I love NES games, and even more I love some good SNES games, such as Seiken Densetsu 2 and 3, as well as Final Fantasy 6.

wow... that was all way off topic...

Does everyone have the translated preview for AC yet? It's great! Apparently, though, there's one that I still don't have... I can't wait until it comes out... Hopefully they'll treat it with a bit more respect, but they don't exactly have a good track record (Legend of the Crystals, Spirits within, and in my opinion FFU as well)

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 9:27 am
by Michael
I'm with you on the PS2 thing; It just has the best games. The controllers nice as well. Check the links at the top of the page and search around to see the translated version.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 11:27 am
by MasterDias
One of the reasons I didn't really like The Spirits Within was:
[spoiler="The Spirits Within"]They killed off most of the characters. I normally don't mind character deaths up to a certain extent but they seemed to kill them off for no good reason at all.[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 12:05 pm
by inkhana
Yeah, that bugged me too, MasterDias...:shady: And it just...I just seemed like there was so much room for improvement and the characters just weren't especially memorable to me.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 12:29 pm
by Razgriz

PostPosted: Sat Dec 27, 2003 3:15 pm
by Michael
I think the three silver-haired men are hybrids of Sephiroth and Areis.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 9:37 am
by Solid Ronin
Volt wrote:grrrr...I hate Yuffie!!! Making me chase her all around the freaken world and stealing my spheres.
Hey, seriously Some freinds and I were talking about petitioning Squaresoft to remake FF7 and put it on the GameCube. I think it's a wonderful idea, It'll never probably happen but hey.


PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 11:22 am
by Michael
Even if that was a joke, it was rude, say you're sorry.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 1:19 pm
by inkhana
Indeed it was, Ronin. Cut it out.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 1:34 pm
by Gypsy

Aww, poor Yuffie getting such a bad rap! Oh well, I was mad with her the first time, but then it became cute.

And everyone easy on the FFVII spoilers - not everyone has played the game yet. :thumb:

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 6:59 pm
by Michael

Aww, poor Yuffie getting such a bad rap! Oh well, I was mad with her the first time, but then it became cute.>

Yeah, you either hate her or love her. I think people who like Sephiroth's raw portrail of a villan are put off by her spunky-ness.

Woops, here's my theory:

[spoiler='You won't read this HA! You just did!]Sephiroth and Aeris are fused, and they give birth (Like Jenova) to these Seph clones. You notice each has a characteristic of Seph, yet are feiminine at the same time.[/spoiler]

PostPosted: Tue Dec 30, 2003 7:57 pm
by shooraijin
> Aww, poor Yuffie getting such a bad rap! Oh well, I was mad with her the first time, but then it became cute.

It *is* pretty obvious you've gotten over that. :)

PostPosted: Thu Jan 01, 2004 9:38 am
by Solid Ronin
Michael wrote:Even if that was a joke, it was rude, say you're sorry.

First of it was altought I dont see how it was rude then again I say that to my friends and they to me I do see your point Micheal and Therefore Volt im very sorry