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Star Trek Polls Part V: Enterprise

PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 5:55 am
by rocklobster
Ok, I know Enterprise didn't turn out to be as good as the hype, but I figured I might as well poll this one too. I remember actually thinking this would rock. I mean, Scott Bakula was in it? How could it suck? He was what made Quantum Leap so cool! But then the Borg came in...

PostPosted: Fri Dec 15, 2006 1:22 pm
by mitsuki lover
I would have gone for Sato except the fact that T'Pol is a Scots-Irish Vulcan!
Besides everyone knows that it wasn't really Captain Archer in command,it was really Dr.Sam Beckett who had quantum leapt into the life of Captain Archer who was really his ggg grandnephew or something like.I mean the evidence was when they had Al on that one ep.!

PostPosted: Sat Dec 16, 2006 9:19 pm
by Rachel
I didn't like this one much because I despise Scott Bakula's acting. I watched it every once in a while because I thought the dude who played Trip had a really nice accent.

PostPosted: Sun Dec 17, 2006 1:25 pm
by mitsuki lover
Actually I thought it could have been better.I really think the 'continuity nuts'torpedoed any chance there was of making it into a good series by nixing any
mention of any previous Species like the Borg.I mean give me a break it took place 100 years before the original and 200 years before Next Gen.,DS9 and Voyager.Given the time between the series isn't it likely that they COULD have had
some contact with some of the species mentioned in the earlier series but that the information could have been lost or classified as Top Secret.I think that the later could explain why the Enterprise D is OFFICIALLY credited with making first contact with both the Borg and Ferengi.I.e.the fact that the Enterprise NX 01 may have originally made contact with the Ferengi may have been classified Top Secret and the later conflict with the Borg would also have been labeled as such.But also note the Ferengi are not named as such in the episode where they appear.In fact I don't believe they were named at all.
As far as the Borg went,it was just a logical conclusion to the First Contact movie.
Which btw creates a bit of a interesting cunundrum:When the Borg begin to exist?

PostPosted: Mon Dec 18, 2006 9:25 pm
by Rachel
mitsuki lover wrote:Actually I thought it could have been better.I really think the 'continuity nuts'torpedoed any chance there was of making it into a good series by nixing any
mention of any previous Species like the Borg.I mean give me a break it took place 100 years before the original and 200 years before Next Gen.,DS9 and Voyager.Given the time between the series isn't it likely that they COULD have had
some contact with some of the species mentioned in the earlier series but that the information could have been lost or classified as Top Secret.I think that the later could explain why the Enterprise D is OFFICIALLY credited with making first contact with both the Borg and Ferengi.I.e.the fact that the Enterprise NX 01 may have originally made contact with the Ferengi may have been classified Top Secret and the later conflict with the Borg would also have been labeled as such.But also note the Ferengi are not named as such in the episode where they appear.In fact I don't believe they were named at all.
As far as the Borg went,it was just a logical conclusion to the First Contact movie.
Which btw creates a bit of a interesting cunundrum:When the Borg begin to exist?

Oh I agree, it definitely could have been better. When I say I watched it every once in a while I mean that I watched like every other week. And it was good, could have been wayy better though, I just don't like Scott Bakula. The way he played Captain Archer was just not good.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 9:35 am
by termyt
I think they torpedoed themselves when they started changing their own timeline. Time travel is a suspect plot device in any show, but when a show re-writes its own episodes, well, that makes it really hard to stay interested.

PostPosted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 2:36 pm
by mitsuki lover
Did they ever reveal who that mystery man was that was shown in the shadows in the earlier episodes?

PostPosted: Wed Dec 20, 2006 5:01 pm
by Alice
I never watched it. \o.o/

*wonders if she should have* xD...

PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:58 pm
by mitsuki lover
It was so/so in the end.Though the ending did have Riker and Troi from Next Gen. in it.

PostPosted: Thu Dec 21, 2006 7:52 pm
by Rachel
mitsuki lover wrote:It was so/so in the end.Though the ending did have Riker and Troi from Next Gen. in it.

which made zero sense.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:02 pm
by mitsuki lover
Actually it did.This was because in the series finale it was more of a Next Gen. episode in which Riker and Troi use the holodeck to recreate an important moment in the Enterprise NX 01's history.It was also the death of Trip episode.
I believe the episode actually happens during the Next Gen.episode 'Pegasus'
when Riker is trying to figure out how he's going to tell Picard about the Federation's experimental cloaking device that he was part of testing.

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 1:25 pm
by HisaishiFan
My friend's brother had a recurring role as a security officer. He finally got a few lines and a SAG card and the series got cancelled . . . sigh. Here's his web site, though: ImageDuncan K. Fraser

PostPosted: Fri Dec 29, 2006 3:11 pm
by mitsuki lover
Yeah,it didn't reach the 7 season peak that STNG,DS9 and VOY did.I thought in the end what killed it was that it ended up being stereotypical Star Trek,when in the beginning they said it was going to be totally different from the other series.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 11:55 am
by mechana2015
None. Every time I started liking someone on this show the writers destroyed whatever was cool about them in the next episode.

Especially the last episode.

PostPosted: Sat Dec 30, 2006 12:07 pm
by mitsuki lover
Well I rewatched Regeneration yesterday on the Borg collection DVD set and it wasn't as bad as I remembered it.I got to thinking that I probably would have liked Enterprise better if it weren't for the internet.
In any case I still think it could have been improved if a certain ex-drone could have made a guest appearance from the future..ah well..stuff of fanfic...