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PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:30 pm
by silverSky
Are any you really interesting in seeing a movie that is true to the heart of Christmas.

I'm watching a bit of the making of it on TBN, it looks likes its going to be beautiful movie. ^_^


PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:22 pm
by Shinja
nope no desire to see hollywood screw with the word of God

PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:15 pm
by Azier the Swordsman
Shinja wrote:nope no desire to see hollywood screw with the word of God

Interesting outlook.


PostPosted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 10:30 pm
by Cognitive Gear
It actually looked fairly accurate to me. Mary was young, Josef had to face ridicule for taking her as his wife, etc.

The only thing I saw in the trailer that looked inaccurate was that the wise men seem to be present at birth in the film.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 11:11 am
by Shinja
doesnt matter, ive lived long enough to see hollywoods portails of the bible and Jesus over and over again, and no matter how acurate they portend to be they all fall quickly to falsehoods and distortions, either for entertainment purposes or for ones personal to the author/creators. any which of these does nothing but give the devil a foothold into a christians life, we're suposed to find biblical truth through the bible (the word of God) and the bible alone not through the entertainments of this world. its dangerous and speaks poorly of us each time one of these movies comes out christians flock to theaters and rave about how great they are without any concern over the biblical truth. i would ask if you do plan to see it dont check your bible in at the door, and decern from it the truth and not allow any false doctrine to influance you.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 12:20 pm
by Peanut
Shinja wrote:doesnt matter, ive lived long enough to see hollywoods portails of the bible and Jesus over and over again, and no matter how acurate they portend to be they all fall quickly to falsehoods and distortions, either for entertainment purposes or for ones personal to the author/creators. any which of these does nothing but give the devil a foothold into a christians life, we're suposed to find biblical truth through the bible (the word of God) and the bible alone not through the entertainments of this world. its dangerous and speaks poorly of us each time one of these movies comes out christians flock to theaters and rave about how great they are without any concern over the biblical truth. i would ask if you do plan to see it dont check your bible in at the door, and decern from it the truth and not allow any false doctrine to influance you.

Wow...kind of harsh...I see where your coming from though but I must ask you how changing one seemingly insignificant thing will lead to giving the devil a foothold in anyone's life? I don't think it will unless the person watching it didn't already has a weaker faith to begin with and then takes one aspect of the movie way to far. Mel Gibson's the Passion of the Christ is a good example of what I mean. Anyone who has seen it and is familiar with the Gospels knows that he added in some things that weren't recorded in the Gospel accounts. But they seemed to be added in for more harmless artistic/symbolic reasons. Also some of them, such as Satan tempting Jesus in the garden, could be inferred from scriptures (I'm not familiar with any verse that says Satan left Jesus alone after he tempted him in the wilderness). I do agree with you tremendously about not checking your bible at the door. You shouldn't have to rely solely on a movie to hear the Christmas story but we shouldn't condemn things like this which might be an honest effort to get this story out to people who won't (for whatever reasons) read it in the bible. This is actually why I am interested in this movie, I want to see how well it follows scripture and I want to see if they did a decent job with it.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 2:58 pm
by Shinja
well i do not in any respect mean to be or sound harsh, but it somthing that has shown itself to be a concern to the church these days, i have seen with my own eyes the problems that come from entertainment masqerading as biblical truth especilly when these movies are talked up by many "evangelical leaders" as being biblicaly true. and if its not true to the word then it is a lie a product of the devil. remeber a little yeast works through the whole batch! the apostles most notibly paul called for sound doctrine. somthing any hollywood production will undoubltly lack. and finally i think the biggest reason not to see this film is becuase it is entertainment, and as such i donot feel the word of God should be handled as anything more as sacred truth. i say these things not to put anyone down but as a christian brother to warn that these are not somthing we should be suporting. i certinly would not sugest anyone go see it for these very reasons. and that is all i will say about this. i certinly did not want this to turn into anything more tha my original post.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 3:35 pm
by K. Ayato
I hear what you're saying about using a box office smash as an evangelical tool, Shinja.

Personally, I would like to see The Nativity Story, if only to see the (near) historical accuracy of that time. Most movies made that retell the birth of Jesus fail to take into account the shame and ridicule Mary and Joseph would have to face once they found out Mary was carrying a child but without a husband.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 5:09 pm
by Joshua Christopher
Well, I could go out to the movies and pay $9 to see this, or I could stay home and pay no money, and watch Oldboy on DVD...

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 8:19 pm
by silverSky
Hmm I like movies based on christian priniciples or bible themes or narratives. I agree with you Shinja a movie can never and will never replace the Word of God. Because the Word of God is God, His Son, and His Holy Spirit, and movie can't replace that. We find truth in his Word, in him, his Son, his Spirit.

However a movie done right and with the right attention is no different from a song, a poem, a painting, a play or a dance used as an artistic tool to glorify God. God gives us gifts, talents to be used for his honor and glory, to fufil his purposes and his ministry. (Hey even Jesus used parables,stories as a ministring tool ^_^)

I will agree I have seen biblical truths sorely messed up in movies, but I will never say that all the christian movies were bad or are bad. There are some really good ones out there and I usually enjoy watching them because of the message they were conveying and the holy scriptures they were bringing to life.

All said and done you have to let God, his Word be you guide, he is the the lamp to our feet and light unto my path. His Spirit will always speak to your spirit enlighten it when something is not right.


PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:17 pm
by Bobtheduck
silverSky wrote:Hmm I like movies based on christian priniciples or bible themes or narratives. I agree with you Shinja a movie can never and will never replace the Word of God. Because the Word of God is God, His Son, and His Holy Spirit, and movie can't replace that. We find truth in his Word, in him, his Son, his Spirit.

However a movie done right and with the right attention is no different from a song, a poem, a painting, a play or a dance used as an artistic tool to glorify God. God gives us gifts, talents to be used for his honor and glory, to fufil his purposes and his ministry. (Hey even Jesus used parables,stories as a ministring tool ^_^)

I will agree I have seen biblical truths sorely messed up in movies, but I will never say that all the christian movies were bad or are bad. There are some really good ones out there and I usually enjoy watching them because of the message they were conveying and the holy scriptures they were bringing to life.

All said and done you have to let God, his Word be you guide, he is the the lamp to our feet and light unto my path. His Spirit will always speak to your spirit enlighten it when something is not right.


I agree about the song, play, and dance thing. It's not God's word, but it can lead people to God's word, a worth endeavor if I do say so, and YES they often DO lead people to God's word, even if that number is small, it's worth it. We're talking souls not profits.

I'm more in favor of movies based on things OTHER than the bible that portray Biblical principles and the gospel, rather than something directly based on a story in the Bible... That way you're not risking offending Christians and you won't be doing something that's been done 100 billion times before. Of course, it is worth saying, having been on this board for a long time, Shinja is against using media to portray a Christian message... He's against many alternative evangelism techniques. So, this is a fruitless exercise to try to convince him of the worth of a movie like this.

We haven't seen it yet (I don't think so, anyhow, it's not out yet, is it?) so no one here can make an honest gauge of how on target it is, and I personally don't care as long as the central message isn't lost. The oft quoted adding and subtracting verse was referring specifically to the book of Revelations and not to the whole Bible, and if the Gospel is being presented, there is nothing wrong with theatrical and artistic elements. They just shouldn't distract from the central message, which is Jesus came to earth, he was God and man, he died, he rose again, he conquered sin and we should come to him... etc... If it accurately portrays the portion of that message that was a part of the nativity story, it's a worthy endeavor.

PostPosted: Sun Nov 26, 2006 10:23 pm
by Nate
I think silverSky hit the nail on the head, I was going to say the exact same thing about the parables. They were used to illustrate biblical truth, and were also entertaining at the same time.

A movie is no different than a webcomic or a children's cartoon when it comes to spreading the Word of God. Are there times when God's word gets perverted? Yes, of course, look at Jack Chick's tracts for an example of that...and he's not trying to pervert God's word. It goes to show just because someone wants to spread the truth, doesn't mean he's going to get it right, and just because someone makes a movie, doesn't mean they're going to get it wrong.

I'll watch this movie and make my own decisions about it rather than jumping to unfounded conclusions.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 7:39 am
by K. Ayato
kaemmerite wrote:I'll watch this movie and make my own decisions about it rather than jumping to unfounded conclusions.

Here, here!

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 1:03 pm
by mitsuki lover
To be accurate at all we need to get away from all of the popular trappings that have settled around Christmas and do a lot of research into the customs and culture of the Palestinian Jews of the First Century.There is still a lot of misconceptions about the whole Christmas Story,even from the Christian standpoint there are plenty of errors.
For one thing Mary would have been probably no older than 14 or 15 at the time.
For another Joseph may have actually have been considerably older than her.
Probably around 35.He may or may not have been a widower,the Bible doesn't say.
Perhaps it was his first marriage as well.
The entire idea that St.Luke is trying very hard to express and that we don't get is that when he has the angels tell the sheperds about the birth of Christ he is trying to show that the Jews' idea about what the Redeemer was going to be like was
absolutely wrong.
In essence Christ's birth was no different than any of a hundred or thousand different Jewish births that happened on the same time.What is important is the life he lived.

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:19 pm
by dyzzispell
mitsuki lover wrote:There is still a lot of misconceptions about the whole Christmas Story,even from the Christian standpoint there are plenty of errors.
For one thing Mary would have been probably no older than 14 or 15 at the time.
For another Joseph may have actually have been considerably older than her.
Probably around 35.He may or may not have been a widower,the Bible doesn't say.
Perhaps it was his first marriage as well.

I already had the understanding that those were the approximate ages of those two. You mean a lot of Christians don't know that? I guess maybe I've taken it for granted. XD
Another thing you can add to the list is the December 25 birthdate. No one knows for sure if that is it. I read a rather convincing piece that said it was likely late September that he was born, based on the group of priests Zacharias was a part of - the course of Abijah. Historically this can be traced to a particular time of year that he was serving in the temple. From this time, to the time that Mary was told she would have Jesus, was six months. Another nine months later, would put Jesus' birth in September.
Not that it really matters all that much. Just saying that there are doubts about the time frame. I don't know what this movie portrays as the time frame of his birth, but commercials make it look like it certainly wasn't winter.
I'm curious about the movie, to see how closely they do follow biblical accounts, and how much "artistic license" they take. And I have to agree with Bobtheduck about not wanting to see things that are direct stories from the bible, especially those dealing with the one and only Son of God. I don't personally like seeing another person portray Jesus in a film. Maybe that's overreacting, but either way, it's my opinion. I don't know if I will see it in theaters, probably not. I might Netflix it though. I probably go see maybe 3 movies in the theater in a year, I just wait for everything on DVD cause it's so much cheaper. (Plus, I can pause them for a bathroom break. ^_^)
If you couldn't tell, I really wasn't thrilled with the Passion either. For many reasons, which I wouldn't go into here, as this thread is not the place for it. XD

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:50 pm
by silverSky
Interesting and intellectual ideas and thoughts put forth here. I'm starting like this board even more. ^_^

I knew about the approx ages of Mary and Joseph and no one certainly knows Jesus birth on this earth, although he is the alpha and omega, the beginging and the end, so he is much pretty beyound time. But thats a whole another conversation. However Christmas is just a special time of year to honor Christ birth into this world. But I think every day we should honor Christ birth and resurrection with our lives.
I want to see the Nativity movie, and One Night with the King. I probably end up seeing it on video or at the cheaper dollar movies. I can never really afford movies tickets.


PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:06 pm
by Nate
dyzzispell wrote:Another thing you can add to the list is the December 25 birthdate. No one knows for sure if that is it.

I was under the impression everyone was aware December 25 was most assuredly not the date Christ was born, for the reasons you stated, as well as some others (staying in a manger in the dead of winter being quite unlikely is another).

The only reason Christmas is on December 25 is, as I said in the other thread, because the Catholic Church placed the celebration of the birth of Christ on the pagan holiday of Yuletide to ease the transition of pagans to Christianity.
I don't personally like seeing another person portray Jesus in a film. Maybe that's overreacting, but either way, it's my opinion.

Nah, it's fine, I understand how you feel.

*remembers Stewie from Family Guy*

"Good evening. I am playing the role of Jesus. A man once portrayed on the big screen by Jeffrey Hunter. You may remember him as the actor who was replaced by William Shatner on Star Trek. Apparently Mr. Hunter was good enough to die for our sins but not quite up to the task of seducing green women."

PostPosted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 11:21 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
Shinja, then why the crap do you have the internet, tv, radio etc. Don't be such a hypocrite, please!
Ofcourse Christians should discern but God can work through secular media to point to his truth. Don't limit God. By the way several Christians are heavily involved in making this movie. Another thing: Mary doesn't even love Jesus at first (that's Biblical). She is around 15 or 16 and Joseph is about 30 years old.
Don't judge it without seeing it, or at the very least researching it. Don't demonise everything you see.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 11:35 am
by Shinja
we are all hypocrites, i know from experiance i make my self one every day. but i would rather be acused of one than to promote somthing i believe to be wrong, i made my statement and you can take it or leave it. this isnt the place for bickering or attcking others

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:46 pm
by mechana2015
My main concern for this movie, after watching a making of isn't really the story, though it will beinteresting to see how it turns out, but how the general quality of the movie is. With the exception of (very) few films of religeous origen, most of them are... shall we say... lacking in cinemagraphic quality. (A lot of them seem to have been shot on handy cams or hired F list actors or something). I have some hope for the acting quality of this, as they seem to have a pretty good cast to work with, and did some impressive work to get a somewhat accurate roman era look to the movie. I do have one MAJOR concern, and that has to do with effects. No preview that I have seen has shown either the angel(s) appearing to the shephards and Mary or the star. I'm not quite sure HOW these scenes should be done right, but I'm concerned about them resulting in unintentional humor or bizarre appearances that subvert the rest of the movie.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 1:51 pm
by DaughterOfZion
a Nativity preview was shown at a christian confrence so id think it would be accurate.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:00 pm
by Nate
I agree with mech that the only fear I have about this movie is it looking like a low budget production. Most of the Christian movies I've seen aside from The Passion have been...well, sub-par.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 2:47 pm
by Warrior 4 Jesus
All I know is that the movie cost around $40 US million to make. So it's not low-budget. Yes, I hope they get it right still.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 4:33 pm
by mechana2015
DaughterOfZion wrote:a Nativity preview was shown at a christian confrence so id think it would be accurate.

As were the Left Behind Films, which are most definately NOT the paragon of biblical accuracy.

Warrior 4 Jesus wrote:All I know is that the movie cost around $40 US million to make. So it's not low-budget. Yes, I hope they get it right still.

Considering all the traveling they did in foreign countries thats actually a pretty low budget for a film, especially with some of the upper level actors probably sucking up some seroius dough. >.>;;

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:06 pm
by CreatureArt
Kaemmerite wrote:I agree with mech that the only fear I have about this movie is it looking like a low budget production. Most of the Christian movies I've seen aside from The Passion have been...well, sub-par.

-_-" I've got to agree with that. Unfortunately a lot of things branded 'Christian' are low-quality. Not EVERYTHING, but quite a lot of the things I've seen. To me it seems like there's a Christian 'market' - if you label something as 'Christian' perhaps you can get away with making a profit despite the product being low-quality. (Christian books and videos, especially children's ones I've seen, and Christian music that I've seen have been examples of lower quality. As I said before, there are exceptions though).

But if this is a decent film I wouldn't mind seeing it, even if there are some innaccuracies. I'd prefer it to be biblically accurate, but as long as the film doesn't claim to have the same authority as the Bible then I'm cool with it.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:18 pm
by silverSky
Christian music that I've seen have been examples of lower quality. As I said before, there are exceptions though).

What christain movies being low quality when it comes to the big movie dough, yes.
But not CHRISTIAN MUSIC. Christian Music is beautiful, now yes they are exceptions on that, there are some christmian songs I rather not here twice but that all goes back to preferences.
But really What Christian Music are you listening to?
I love DC talk, Kirk Franklin, Yolanda Adams, Big Tent, Eli, Superchick, Zoey girls, Donnie Mclurkin, Third Day, Newsboys, Mary Mary, Karen Weaton need I go on. I love Christian music from rock to hip hop, to gospel to hymnals to psalms. Not to mention it has a wonderful message and point besides sex, drugs, pimps, bling, thug out cars, morbidity, acid, insanity, death, and decay! ^_^

sorry I'm just shock to see someone say Christian Music is of low quality.


PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:35 pm
by CreatureArt
Hey Silversky.

I agree, there are a lot of Christian artists out there that I enjoy - DCTalk, Switchfoot, Kutless, Toby Mac....etc. In New Zealand we have local Christian musicians I enjoy, too. I also enjoy the fact that when I listen to Christian radio I don't have to worry about dodgy themes and lyrics so much. So I enjoy Christian music and there are some excellent bands out there.

But I also find a lot of uninteresting music on Christian radio. Not so much bad music as bland music that doesn't grab my attention. I love to be able to hear Christian music with real passion and heart behind it, but not all the songs are like that.

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:17 pm
by silverSky
Creature, Understood. Yes I have heard some bland songs out there but how does the saying goes one person trash is another person treasure. ^_^


PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:26 pm
by CreatureArt
True ^_^.

Does anyone have more info on Nativity? What I gathered from the one incredibly brief preview on television was that its the story of Mary and Joseph going to the manger where Jesus was born. So... the nativity story, I guess. ^^" Any big name actors in it or extra elements?

PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 9:07 pm
by K. Ayato
I believe the girl playing Mary is the same one from Whale Rider. The IMDB should have more info on the cast and all. So, correct me if I'm wrong.