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Pirates of the Carribbean: Dead Man's Chest

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:31 pm
by Radical Dreamer
So! Who's excited about seeing this one tomorrow (or whenever you get the chance)? I'm hoping it'll be as good as the first one (if not better), but you never know with sequels...Anyways! Discuss! :thumb:

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:36 pm
by Tarnish
Nuh uh. It's not a's a trilogy, now. :P *flawed logic*

Anyway, I'll be seeing this late tonight (or is it early tomorrow morning?...). ^^
I'm *really* looking forward to this.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 3:54 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Oh, cool! I wish they were doing a midnight show in my town (actually, they may be...I just never check in with the theater often enough..XD; ). Anyways, have fun! And you're right, it is a trilogy now...awesome! Anyways, I'm hoping to go see it tomorrow with some friends. I'm excited! :D

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:04 pm
by Bunny
I previewed the movie last night. It was most excellent. :)

In my opinion, Dead Man's Chest has a totally different feel to it than the first movie. It's still clever and quirky but the plot is growing a little more dark and serious.

You'll see the same faces again along with a few new ones. Some of you may be disappointed with one of the main characters.

A notable thing about DMC is the references to Christianity that'll make you laugh and warm your heart.

The ending is a cliffhanger that'll be sure to have diehard fans clawing at the screen for more. ;)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 6:11 pm
by jon_jinn
you saw it yesterday?! no fair. i'm going to watch the first showing of it (in my area) tonight at midnight! i can't believe my mom actually said i could go!

check out this review:

PostPosted: Thu Jul 06, 2006 9:15 pm
by Scarecrow
Yea I'm going tonight at midnight as well. I've been anxiously awaiting this for months so I hope its good. I'm not to afraid of being disappointed cause I don't see how this could. The reviews sound solid and the trailers were awesome so yea...

Sucks about the cliffhanger... I hate it when they do that. Cant wait a whole year to find out what happens. Its not like LOTR where you could just check out the books to see what happened next.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:40 am
by Tarnish
Well, I saw it. And it was SPECTACULAR. Honestly, I enjoyed it a lot more than I did Superman Returns...and I loved Superman Returns.
If I were going to complain about *anything*, it would be that Davey Jones looked even moreso like LeChuck than Barbossa, if that's possible. XD Not to mention the cliffhanger, but I got used to cliffhangers with LOTR. -__-;;

I can definitely see how people could hate it, but I think my ten bucks was well spent. :D

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:45 am
by Radical Dreamer
Kyaaa, I need to see it soooooon. XD I don't have any money though, and that's a problem. XD Maybe my brother can get me in for free (he used to work at the theater)? I sure hope so! XD;

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:03 am
by Angel37
I'm seeing it today!!!! YAY FOR OPENING DAY!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:16 am
by jon_jinn
well, i saw it yesterday night (or this morning) and i didn't enjoy too much. some of the characters disappointed me and it kept going on, and on, and on. there were practically two or three endings and the way they ended the movie sets it up for a definite Pirates three. though, some of the actions sequences were pretty amusing, the overall story and the way it came out wasn't all that great. at least, i my opinion.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:45 am
by Tarnish
Hmm...I never felt that it dragged. Every scene served a purpose, at least. It sets up for a "Pirates 3" because if they had finished the whole thing in just this movie, it would have gone on for a good 5 hours and still felt rushed. XD
But, eh, to each their own.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 11:58 am
by mechana2015
seeing it at 3 today... we're even dressing up

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:13 pm
by mastersquirrel
Seeing it in 45 minutes.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:32 pm
by Sakura15
im seeing it sunday ^-^

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 12:48 pm
by Tenshi no Ai
Seeing it... probably when it comes to my singule-ghetto theatre (which'll be a few weeks since it only plays like 2 movies every week -_-). If not, I'll rent...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 2:44 pm
by mitsuki lover
Anyone interested the History Channel will run a program called True Pirates Of The Caribbean on Sunday at 8 p.m. Eastern & Pacific.Also National Geographic Channel has already done a movie on the life of Edward 'Black Beard' Teach.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:11 pm
by Alice
Teach is a stupid last name for a pirate. It's funny. (And I've always thought so!)

My brothers and I will probably see the new Pirates movie this summer.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 3:16 pm
by Ashley
I just got back from seeing 2. I dunno, it was hardly the WORST sequel I've ever seen, but to me it lacked a little something from the first. Mostly in the case of Elizabeth and Jack--Elizabeth I was severely disappointed in, and Jack felt like he could have made a few better jokes. But, I was thoroughly amused and did enjoy it quite a bit.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 4:53 pm
by Cognitive Gear
I went and saw this at the midnight showing at a nearby theater last night. It really lost the magic and fun of the original, IMHO. It also seemed to drag on much longer than it should have.

On the positive side, they definately spent time developing characters other than Jack Sparrow in this movie. This was a nice change from the first.

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 5:29 pm
by Scarecrow
I agree with most about the movie. It was fun I thought but it was way to choppy, drug on waaay to long and I hated that ending!!! (Lol)

Not nearly as good as the first IMO but still a fun movie and I don't think the average Pirate fan is gonna care much. Everyone I went with left praising it so it just depends. Love it or hate it though, I don't see anyone skipping the third. Even if you hate this one you KNOW you are gonna be back to see how it ends after the second one ended like that!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 5:40 pm
by Scarecrow
Ashley wrote:I just got back from seeing 2. I dunno, it was hardly the WORST sequel I've ever seen, but to me it lacked a little something from the first. Mostly in the case of Elizabeth and Jack--Elizabeth I was severely disappointed in, and Jack felt like he could have made a few better jokes. But, I was thoroughly amused and did enjoy it quite a bit.

What did you find wrong with Elizabeth actually? I actually enjoyed her here better than in the last one though I'm not exactly sure why. She seemed more immature and baby-ish or something maybe and I dunno I just found that funny :P Especially when she was yelling at the guys and started throwing rocks, missing them by a mile, I was ROFL.

EDIT: Did anyone see the scene after the credits rolled? I forgot to stay and watch for that. Could someone post what the scene was thanks :D

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:04 pm
by Seppuku
^^;; hoping to see it by the end of next week. O.O;; mabey tomarrow if i can round up the Seppu crew!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 6:06 pm
by Ranchluva
Scarecrow wrote:What did you find wrong with Elizabeth actually? I actually enjoyed her here better than in the last one though I'm not exactly sure why. She seemed more immature and baby-ish or something maybe and I dunno I just found that funny :P Especially when she was yelling at the guys and started throwing rocks, missing them by a mile, I was ROFL.

EDIT: Did anyone see the scene after the credits rolled? I forgot to stay and watch for that. Could someone post what the scene was thanks :D

SPOIL!!!: You know the whole indian wild tribe know how they took the dog?? well it just shows the dog all painted up like the cheif and a giant bone in its mouth...thats all -_- it was really lame.

I thought the movie was excelent!!!

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:24 pm
by Ashley
Scarecrow wrote:What did you find wrong with Elizabeth actually?

[spoiler] The whole Jack x Elizabeth really bugged me. I mean, poor Will is risking life and limb (and soul!) to save her, and it's like she doesn't really care. I know it was a good plot element, but I already have a hard time trusting most female roles in movies, and this one just made me sick. I lost a ton of respect for her afterwards. [/spoiler]

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 7:51 pm
by Radical Dreamer
I'm going to see it on Sunday with my brother, as of now. I'm excited! :)

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 9:40 pm
by SorasOathkeeper
Saw it today. I aggree, Elizabeth was just blah...<.< But it was good.^^

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:02 pm
by oro!
Eh...I don't think I'll bring myself to watch it. It seems too dark for me, like what King Kong was. I just really don't trust the American movie industry anymore. It seems that if it isn't a kid's film, then it's automatically all the way at the other end. One can't enjoy the movie through all of the (excuse me) crap that gets in your way. Like tonight. Trying to watch Psych, and then there's this filth in the first two minutes. It seemed like a funny idea, but was messed up by the worldly people who made it...

PostPosted: Fri Jul 07, 2006 10:06 pm
by Rachel
I really, really liked it. Yeah, it was a bit darker than the first but it worked for it I think. And that whole Elizabeth and Jack thing was a nice touch. I seriously wanted to jump up and pump my fists in the air, I had been waiting for that since the first one.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 3:53 am
by Kawaiikneko
Oh man, I loved it! It helped that I read every bad review of it that I could find beforehand so that my expectations would be low. Many of the things they said were true. The script wasn't as good as the first one -- it lacked the wit that made me love the first movie. The opening was somewhat abrupt and jumped straight in. It could have been shortened considerably (especially the island at the beginning). Even though they brought back a bunch of the old characters it kinda worked. I would have liked to see a little more conflict about having those two pirates on the crew (oh dear, I'm too lazy to look up their names...). Elizabeth didn't give much more than a second glance and Jack didn't seem to care at all. There seemed to be alot of fighting and then going back to working with each other as if nothing had happened so the feelings of the characters felt a little disjointed. I didn't think Johnny was as good as he was last time -- Captain Jack lacked a little of his swagger, but considering that he was preoccupied by his impending doom the entire movie it's understandable that he wasn't his normal self. All over it had a different feel than the first movie, but that isn't a bad thing.

All that being said, I still LOVED the movie. The action was fun, it was entertaining, and I got to see all the characters again. It is worth saying that I liked Will better this time around. I absolutely HATED Will in the first movie, so that's saying something. Elizabeth was good also ("Oh, the heat!"). I'm glad she was able to play a more active role in this movie. Her kiss with Jack was great, and the Jack/Elizabeth element was something I liked (although the uptake on it was a little abrupt... but hey, its Jack).
Some of my favorite scenes were:
[spoiler]- Jack shooting the bird off the coffin.
- "Where's that monkey? I need to shoot something"
- The payment of one undead monkey.
- The signups for the Black Pearl's crew.
- The fight between Jack, Will, and James.
- Jack coming back to the Pearl in the Kraken fight.
- Jack and Elizabeth's kiss, how she chained him to the mast, and when he called her a pirate and grinned.[/spoiler]
And then there was a cliffhanger. At least we only have to wait til May 2007 (I think).

Did anyone else notice [spoiler] When the black priestess lady let the monkey out of its cage it ran into that little room and was sniffing at someone's boots? That was Barbossa. Incidentally I'm not upset that they brought him back, as long as they explain it well in the next one. He would seem to be necessary, if he's been "to the ends of the earth and beyond".[/spoiler]

Oh and for all of you who didn't know already, the POTC 2 and 3 were written and filmed at the same time. 2 is more of a transition for 3. A trilogy was planned from the beginning if the first movie did well, or so I've heard.

My friends said they were really confused by the movie, but I thought it made plenty of sense (discluding the things that will be explained in the third movie). Did anyone else have this problem?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 08, 2006 8:38 am
by Puritan
Well, I saw the movie last night with a friend, and I feel similarly to how jon_jinn and Ashley do. The movie wasn't bad by any means, it was just lacking something from the original. Much of the first portion seemed to be overly self-referential and written hastily or by a committee, it was somewhat jerky and seemed to simply be trying to prove that this was the second "Pirates..." movie. The movie as a whole had some really amusing parts, but the plot as a whole seemed a bit stilted, dragged on a bit at the end, and some of the characters were very dissapointing. Although, having played Monkey Island I was really amused when

[spoiler]The Voodoo Lady appeared! Alright, she had lost some weight and had a new name, but she was practically identical to the one in the game: wierd house, interesting decor and clothing style, heavy accent, strange and mystical form of speaking. Just no Guybrush Threepwood[/spoiler]

As for the romance Kawaiinekko and Ashley mentioned I second Ashley's comments. The whole situation just didn't sit well with me...

[spoiler] and neither did Elizabeth's actions at the end of the movie, leaving Captain Jack to be devoured by the Kraken (which, by the way, had me saying the line "Unleash the Kraken!" from the corny B-movie "Clash of the Titans" periodically for the rest of the night)[/spoiler]

Overall, a decent movie, and I can't say I regret paying to see it, but I don't think it lived up to the quality of its predecessor.