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Saw Phantom last night!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:08 am
by Heart of Sword
I saw Phantom of the Opera last night, you know, the stage one. It was awesome! :wow!:

First, I was very happy because Erik (the Phantom) was totally favored over Raoul. Raoul was just plain mean. When Christine didn't want to go to Summer with him, he yelled at her! Then said "Little Lotte" all slyly after he yelled. I wanted to throw something at him.

But I couldn't stop laughing after Erik's demasking... When his mask got pulled off, he looked like he was having a seizure. He was flopping around face-first on the stage like a fish, then he started hauling himself around like a seal. He was wearing leather, so while he was hauling himself, the floor was going "squeeak". "squeeak". "squeeak". It was very...odd. I was cracking up, but not laughing out loud, so I was doubled over, shuddering horribly, so I probably looked like I was crying. ^^;;;

Christine was a wimp and kept squealing. =__=;;; But sometimes I was just getting irritated with her. When she found out that *someone* was the Phantom: "Eeeeeeeeeeeek!!" When she saw Raoul: "Eeeeeeek!" When he kissed her: "Eeek." When she saw the Phantom's face: the biggest "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK!" My poor ears.... I almost jumped out of my seat...I felt so bad for the Phantom, having to be right next to the Shrieking Wonder. Maybe that's why he had his hand over his face...he was really covering his ear! :lol:

Not only was Raoul mean, but he jock. He had a really stiff walk and was always sticking his chest out. X____x;;; Not to mention he had really freaky chest hair. It looked like in those cartoons when someone has swirlies drawn onto their chest. :lol:

The Phantom was also kinda whiny. Every time he cried, he'd whine. "ChristIiiIIIiIIiIiiIIiiiIIiiIIiIiiiIIIIiiine...!!!!!!" O___o;;; Which made me sad at first, until he kept doing it...

Piangi almost fell off the giant mechanical elephant during the scene of Hannibal. :sweat: I was a little worried about him...

Madame Giry was scary. She reminded me of a really mean nun, and she had this cane that she would bang on the floor when she was angry. She did good, though.

Meg looked like a boy, and had a really strange voice that made my ears bleed. :lol:

I will post more later.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:08 pm
by Maledicte
The Phantom in leather? Squealing Christine? Jock Raoul?

...did we see the same musical?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 4:10 pm
by Lynx
plays are so much better on stage then on dvd. i saw that play in boston.

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:49 pm
by Heart of Sword
The Phantom in leather? Squealing Christine? Jock Raoul?

...did we see the same musical?

Yes, I think so. :lol: He wasn't wearing all leather, but he was definitely wearing something leatherish, because he was squeaking around on the floor...

plays are so much better on stage then on dvd. i saw that play in boston.

I actually liked the movie. But the stage show was pretty cool!

PostPosted: Tue Mar 14, 2006 7:51 pm
by Heart of Sword
Here is Jock Raoul...sorry for the double post; I can't edit and then put an attachment. =__=


PostPosted: Wed Mar 15, 2006 10:21 pm
by Maledicte
O_o he DOES look like a jock. That's frightening. I'm glad I got to see a more sympathetic Raoul.

Who played the Phantom, by the way? I got to see Brad Little in the role.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 11:21 am
by Reba
i love POTO! its awsome!! ^^

PostPosted: Thu Mar 16, 2006 12:20 pm
by Heart of Sword
O_o he DOES look like a jock. That's frightening. I'm glad I got to see a more sympathetic Raoul.

I was okay with it because I...strongly dislike Raoul. I'm a Phantom/Erik "phan". ^^

Here is Gary Mauer (the Phantom) and Christine...I forget who played her:

PostPosted: Wed Mar 22, 2006 10:35 am
by Kisa
My parents saw the play in Sydney and loved it, I recently saw the movie and it was good, but my parents said the play WAY out does the movie, excpet for the relationships and other things are better understood in the movie, cause in the play there is no talking! LOl