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PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:40 pm
by jayquam
Anyone out there like wrestling? I love me some TNA!

PostPosted: Fri Feb 17, 2006 3:56 pm
by Stephen
The UFC killed my love of "pro wrestling" I still watch Monday Night Raw...but thats about all. My days of being a loyal wrestling junkie are gone. Mixed Martial Art fighting just killed my love of fake fighting. But, I still do love The Undertaker.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 18, 2006 7:56 pm
by freerock1
I'll fess up to watching 'rasslin.

Don't get to watch RAW that much; usually I will watch Smachdown Fridays when I'm home. (From what I read it sounds like SD's the better WWE show these days, except for the Rey/Orton storyline they've got going on right now.)

I like TNA, it's just on at kind of a bad time. I'm glad they're set to get a PT slot in a couple months, though.

It's also great to see so many Christian wrestlers stepping out and being vocal about their faith as of late.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 6:23 am
by jayquam
Well in know for sure Aj Styles is saved. And you can't forget the late " Latino Heat".

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:08 am
by freerock1
Some other folks as well...

- Shawn Michaels
- Sting
- Chavo Guerrero - Eddie's nephew
- Vince Russo - not a wrestler per se, but he was the writer largely responsible for the WWE's path into more "adult" content. He has become a Christian, and has started up a new Christian wrestling organization called Ring of Glory, with some fairly big names. I'm not sure if everyone on the roster is a Christian, but I know AJ is on board.
- Nora Greenwald - she wrestled as Molly Holly, and was often pretty outspoken about her faith. She's taken some time away from wrestling since she was released from WWE (I'd love to see her sign up with TNA), but she is apparently on board with Russo's outfit.
- the Million Dollar Man - a retired wrestler, but he is still in the industry. I think he's doing some scouting for WWE, and in that role he can probably serve as a mentor to some of the younger guys.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:13 am
by Kawaiikneko
*raises hand* I do stats for REAL wrestling. The WWE is a joke. Its a total show and its not really wrestling.

Which is soooo sad because these guys put so much work into this sport that has no real "major league" that's covered on tv or anything.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:47 pm
by jayquam
Oh yeah, I forgot about Sting. There is one other christain wrestling org. other than Ring of Glory. The only problem is that people wouldn't want to watch any of the wrestlers. I know Styles did a little work there but other than that, the biggest name there was Glacier ( a really OLD midcard).

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 3:53 pm
by jayquam
Oh Kawaiikneko, the problem is you watch WWE. TNA is were it is at. Vince doesn't allow wrestlers to do certain moves and what not. Plus their wrestlers aren't stiff. Guys like Samoa Joe will eat them alive (TNA,RoH).

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:50 pm
by freerock1
jayquam wrote:There is one other christain wrestling org. other than Ring of Glory. The only problem is that people wouldn't want to watch any of the wrestlers. I know Styles did a little work there but other than that, the biggest name there was Glacier ( a really OLD midcard).

I assume you're talking about the Christian Wrestling Federation (I think that's what it's called)? Yeah, for the most part those people are relative unknowns]*raises hand* I do stats for REAL wrestling. The WWE is a joke. Its a total show and its not really wrestling.[/QUOTE]
There was a program that ran for a little while on FSN and PAX (now the "i" network) called Real Pro Wrestling. As far as I know it's not still on the air. And that's too bad; although I'm admittedly a sucker for the scripted stuff, I'd like the real stuff to get a chance.

Even in the "pros," though, most wrestlers do come from some sort of amateur background. I see WWE-type pro wrestling as sort of like cheerleading: I wouldn't consider it a sport, but the participants definitely have to be athletic and in shape to do it. ;)

PostPosted: Mon Feb 20, 2006 10:00 pm
by Stephen
TNA is poorly presented though. It reminds me of the cruddy WCW days. That, and most the wrestlers are rip-offs of WWE acts. And some are just lame all together. (AJ Styles is the most overhyped wrestler since Goldberg) TNA just feels very amaturish to me...and not in a good way.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:05 am
by Roy Mustang
I watch it. I watch both WWE and TNA.

This is what I feel about both of the shows.

PPV- TNA is better then WWE

On TV- WWE is better then TNA

Right now, Smackdown is a little better then Raw.

I just hate that Shawn Michaels will retire soon.

Oh about christian wrestlers, Tully Blanchard is preacher and has a prison ministry where he preaches the Christian gospel to inmates.

Superstar Billy Graham is another born again christian after he left wrestling.

Nikita Koloff is a christian.

Animal and the late Hawk become christians about five years ago.

There is a very good story about them from WSBTV in Atlanta.

Professor Wrestling: Legion Of One


PostPosted: Tue Feb 21, 2006 10:25 am
by Scepth
I watch WWE. :sweat: and I know its fake.. but I don't really care coz Im only in it for the entertainment. =)

Eddie Guerrero is going to be inducted to the WWE Hall of Fame! I'm so happy for him.. ;__; He's one of my fav wrestlers of all time.

I miss him..

RIP Holmes. ;__;

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 5:59 am
by righteous_slave
I used to love wrestling, but the whole "attitude" era, WCW's fall apart, WWE buying all thier competition, and the official outing of wrestling as scripted and staged (yes we knew it, they didn't have to throw it in our faces and use the revelation to push stories to ridiculous extremes) really soured me on it all. I do see a little Raw on occasion and have caught a couple of TNA shows, but beyond that, I would be content to get a hold of some classic WWF and WCW shows.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 12:20 pm
by jayquam
Ark wrote:TNA is poorly presented though. It reminds me of the cruddy WCW days. That, and most the wrestlers are rip-offs of WWE acts. And some are just lame all together. (AJ Styles is the most overhyped wrestler since Goldberg) TNA just feels very amaturish to me...and not in a good way.

Most of TNA's stars are home grown.Most are not rip offs.A lot of people think PRIMETIME Elix Skipper is a rip of Benjien, but Elix came first.The only other two are Matt Bently(shwan micheals cuzin, he has all of his moves), and maybe Aybss.

PostPosted: Thu Feb 23, 2006 6:27 pm
by Stephen
They have totaly ripped off everything they can from WWE. From has-been wrestlers, to gimics. That, and the storylines are worse then WWEs right now...and those are horrible as it is. TNA just smells of all the failed adventures of WCW. I just don't see TNA lasting very long.

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 8:35 am
by freerock1
For your consideration: TNA recently announced they'd be doing their first non-televised house show in Detroit on Friday, March 17. The very same week, the WWE announced that the return of Saturday Night's Main Event would be filmed on Saturday, March 18... in Detroit.

Personally, I think we could be closer to seeing TNA as a legitimate competition than most people realize. Obviously they're not there yet, and Vince McMahon still has more resources to work with at this point, but it seems the WWE sees TNA as more of a threat than they'd admit, perhaps not right now but down the road. (I admit I can't take full credit for this; a promoter working with TNA pointed this out in a SLAM! article. But still, it's the kind of thing that would make you say hmm.)

Anyway that's my $.02 on the topic...

PostPosted: Fri Feb 24, 2006 10:06 am
by Stephen
Vince is paranoid. Have you noticed the amount of mixed martial art moves being used in WWE now? (though the same could be said for the rear naked choke that Samoa Joe uses I guess) But from Taker using a triangle on Kurt others. WWE fears anything that could possibly become competetion. Unless TNA hires some storyline guys...that can actually write...and not spit out the junk they have been...they will never be a threat...and eventually...Vince will buy them the chaff...and use the few good talent wrong. Vince burys the talent he does not create.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 10:03 am
by freerock1
Oh yeah, I totally agree with you that TNA needs to do more with the storylines if they want to truly go mainstream. I think the catch-22 for TNA is that since they want to promote themselves as the outfit that focuses more on wrestling than BS, and since they only have one hour of new programming a week (vs. the WWE's 4), it's going to be hard for them to do both. A 2-hour show (and obviously a strong writing staff) would greatly help them with that dilemma.

PostPosted: Sat Feb 25, 2006 8:31 pm
by Stephen
We all know wrestling is fake. I have no issue with crazy storylines...if there fun. Its when they try to play it up like its real...that I get annoyed. I watch the UFC for real fighting.

PostPosted: Mon Feb 27, 2006 11:06 am
by freerock1
I don't think TNA is really meaning to pass off the wrestling as real. What I think TNA is meaning about focusing more on the wrestling instead of the BS is that so much of the WWE stuff isn't fun, doesn't grab the target audience, and isn't really even relevant to the main storylines--at least in their perception. One example is the much-reviled Diva Search. Another (which Christian briefly mentioned in his first TNA promo) was the RAW skit from a few weeks back where Vince played a doctor pulling various things out of Jim Ross' butt, eventually removing a J.R. mannequin head, so that J.R. would no longer have head up his ---. I think TNA means they want to skip that kind of junk to give more time to action in the ring (because guys like to watch people with grudges beat each other up, even if it is fake). And when they do cut to storyline segments they want it to actually be pertinent to the storyline, not filler and not juvenile like the head/butt segment.

At least that's how I perceive it.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:04 pm
by GrubbTheFragger
man i used to watch wrestling but i just suddenly stopped. My favirote wrestler was Jeff Hardy just cuz his TLC matchs with his brother ruled to no extent

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 6:42 pm
by MPX42
*sigh*I adimt I used to like WWE,but I lost respect for it a long time ago.I don't know why.I just don't like it anymore.

PostPosted: Tue Feb 28, 2006 7:43 pm
by Stephen
I don't think TNA is really meaning to pass off the wrestling as real. What I think TNA is meaning about focusing more on the wrestling instead of the BS is that so much of the WWE stuff isn't fun, doesn't grab the target audience, and isn't really even relevant to the main storylines--at least in their perception. One example is the much-reviled Diva Search. Another (which Christian briefly mentioned in his first TNA promo) was the RAW skit from a few weeks back where Vince played a doctor pulling various things out of Jim Ross' butt, eventually removing a J.R. mannequin head, so that J.R. would no longer have head up his ---. I think TNA means they want to skip that kind of junk to give more time to action in the ring (because guys like to watch people with grudges beat each other up, even if it is fake). And when they do cut to storyline segments they want it to actually be pertinent to the storyline, not filler and not juvenile like the head/butt segment.

At least that's how I perceive it.

So instead we have storylines about Jeff Jarret having a sex tape or somthing of Jackie Gayda. Better yet, a camera guy following Sting around? No no. How bout Christian slapping Monty Brown in the junk? LOL I like TNA just fine. I watch it whenever I can...but don't think there so far above lame storylines...or questionable subject matter.