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Super Bowl XL

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 7:45 pm
by Yahshua
Super Bowl XL Seattle Seahawks VS Pittsburgh Steelers the game is set and who will win the Super Bowl XL.

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 8:34 pm
by glitch1501
i think that the seahawks are going to dominate :) hopefully....:) actually, its going to be a great game, pretty close i think...

PostPosted: Sun Jan 22, 2006 10:08 pm
by Stephen
I think the Steelers are gonna send Bettis home the right way. I like the Steelers in this game.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 9:01 am
by termyt
Super Bowl Extra Large - finally my game has come.

The Steelers have dominated the number 1, 2, and 3 seeds of the AFC. I think that makes them strongly favored in this game.

Unless they fall apart by themselves, they will win this game. I don't think Seattle can take it from them the way the Steelers took it from Indy and Denver.

I like the Steelers here.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:27 pm
by Tommy
Don`t care. Patriots aren`t there this year.

I like the title this year.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 12:41 pm
by Pent
I like the title and the city this year. As far as the teams go, you know these don't seem like "super" teams. (It is the "super" bowl). Most of the years that I remember (and that is very few) there was at least one "super" team who seemed to dominate. Last year it was both teams. This year it looks like a second round playoff game. But you know maybe it's just because I'm not used to the Seahawks, and the Steelers had to fight pretty hard to make the playoffs. The only teams that really seemed great this year are Indinapolis, (spelled wrong I know) and maybe Denver, but not really. O well. It's about the party anyways not the game.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 2:50 pm
by mitsuki lover
I think the Seahawks have surprised a lot of people this season,especially when they were supposed to fold in the playoffs.Mike Holmgren has been here before with the Pack and there are also five players on the Hawks who have been to the Big Game before with different teams.So it isn't like there aren't players who don't have the expierence playing in the Superbowl.Also like any other game it's the team who comes the hungriest that usually wins.After 30 years of never getting a shot the Seahawks are very hungry indeed.
btw:the only original Seahawk to be making it as part of the team to Superbow XL is Quarterbacks Coach Jim Zorn.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 5:53 pm
by Rambo
:thumb: ya the patriots are out I really don't like tom Brady ya they lost ya I hope Steelers win It don't matter I love green bay but Brett needs help soon.

PostPosted: Mon Jan 23, 2006 6:28 pm
by Peanut
Wow, I seriously need to start believing in my teams more. Anyway, this is the first time since I was very young in which I don't care who wins. But, since we are talking about predicting who's going to win, I would have to pick the Steelers because I think they are a little hungrier for this title then Seattle. It should be a good game... I hope...

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 2:53 pm
by mitsuki lover
There are the following factors involved:
*Can the Steelers shut down Shaun Alexander?
*Will the Seahawks shut down Bettis?
*Can the Steelers keep Hasselback from being on target to his wide outs and
other recievers?
*How will the Seahawk secondary react?
*Will the cost of peanuts affect the outcome?

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 3:09 pm
by Tommy
Superbowl Xtra Large!!!!!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 7:01 pm
by Scribs
Tom Dincht wrote:Don`t care. Patriots aren`t there this year.

I like the title this year.

My feelings precisely. Though for some reason I would rather the Stealers win. I am not sure why.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 24, 2006 8:11 pm
by Rachel
In games like this where a team I like isn't playing, I always go with the team closest to Texas.And if they're both pretty far away, I go with the team who has the cutest QB. I'm going for the Steelers.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:16 am
by termyt
There you have it. The most irrelevant (yet strangely logical) criterion is usually correct.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:03 am
by freerock1
I'm kind of torn over who to root for in this game. Being a Miami U. of Ohio grad, it's nice to see Big Ben where he's at, and I like Bettis. But being a Bengals fan, I kind of feel like the victory over Cincy came cheaply (not an indictment about the von Oelhoffen hit necessarily, but in the sense that they didn't beat a Cincy team that was operating at full strength), and I like Alexander (he's sort of a hometown boy, too).

Anyway, I'm looking forward to a good contest either way.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 2:09 pm
by mitsuki lover
Marcus Trufant is probably the only player on the Seahawks who has played his entire career both college and pro in Washington state.He was drafted out of Washington State University.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 7:54 pm
by termyt
That is truly an unfortunate but common part of the game. I'm sorry Palmer got injured, but Kitna had a good game in his place. I doubt it would have changed the outcome. Pittsburgh beat Cinci pretty soundly when they were at full strength earlier in the year. The second game, Big Ben wasn't healthy. The point is, that that is just the nature of the game these days. I'm pretty satisfied with the out come as long as it isn't the refs who decide it.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 8:29 pm
by Rachel
termyt wrote:There you have it. The most irrelevant (yet strangely logical) criterion is usually correct.

I've hardly ever been wrong using this method to pick the Super Bowl winner.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 9:51 pm
by freerock1
termyt wrote:That is truly an unfortunate but common part of the game. I'm sorry Palmer got injured, but Kitna had a good game in his place. I doubt it would have changed the outcome. Pittsburgh beat Cinci pretty soundly when they were at full strength earlier in the year. The second game, Big Ben wasn't healthy.

I'll have to respectfully disagree on some points, but I can come to a compromise overall with you on this one.

First on the Wild Card game... Kitna's a good backup, but he's no Palmer. Would Cincy have won? Who knows; I don't think they would have lost by 14. But alas, close doesn't count in the playoffs, and like you said, it's the nature of the game.

I will agree that the win in Pittsburgh didn't come against a 100% Steelers team. The fact that the Steelers have gone from looking like they wouldn't even make the playoffs during that stretch, to where they are now, speaks of the team's resilience.

PostPosted: Wed Jan 25, 2006 10:40 pm
by Stephen
Heh. And coaching. Cower deserves this to shut up the critics.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 4:54 pm
by Pent
That is truly an unfortunate but common part of the game. I'm sorry Palmer got injured, but Kitna had a good game in his place. I doubt it would have changed the outcome. Pittsburgh beat Cinci pretty soundly when they were at full strength earlier in the year. The second game, Big Ben wasn't healthy.

I have to disagree here. The Cincy offense this year operating at full strength is like the Colts offense last year, unstoppable. The only real team that beat Cincy this year when there offense was going strong was the Colts. Of course you can argue that Pit would have been able to shut them down, but look at Palmers only pass of the game. A preview of what might have happened throughought the rest of the game had he stayed in. And Pit has trouble once there behind. You can argue they are passing more now so they would be fine, but they are only passing to get the earlier lead. Then they are sitting on the ball. So it all comes down to the question, would Pit's defense been able to stop Cincys offense going strong (didn't look like it on the first play).

Anyways I'm glad Bettis got to the Super Bowl in was is probably his last season. And I'm glad his last play wasn't a fumble to lose the game. Funny how the guy on the Colts team who picked up the ball just happened to be the guy who had gotten injured in his leg earlier in the game. If that wasn't the case would rothlesberger been able to trip him up? And Vanderjact misses his only home miss of the season right then.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 7:41 pm
by Stephen
LOL one lucky play, and people question the outcome? The Steelers would have stomped Cinn regardless of QB. Indy was so heads and shoulders above Cinn, and look what Pitt did. Please folks, don't let blind hate let you think teams are a certain way. And be honost. I am an Oakland fan, and I can admit they stink right now. Pitt is the best team in the AFC regardless if people want to admit it or not.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 8:28 pm
by Puguni
I'm going for Steelers...mainly for the pride. The Seahawks killed the Redskins, so I'm not favoring the Seahawks. XD I know Redskins aren't that great as a whole, and it showed when they played Florida...but stiiilll. >.>

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:06 pm
by freerock1
Ark wrote:LOL one lucky play, and people question the outcome? The Steelers would have stomped Cinn regardless of QB. Indy was so heads and shoulders above Cinn, and look what Pitt did. Please folks, don't let blind hate let you think teams are a certain way.

I don't really think we're looking at this blindly. It's very arguable that Indy wasn't operating to their fullest ability either; their starters hadn't played a full game for nearly a month, and probably they were a little too overconfident going in. Honestly, I wasn't too sold on Pittsburgh's legitimacy until the Denver game. (And remember, I have reason to root for the Steelers. So I don't think I'm looking at this blindly. Perhaps with a slight rose tint, but not blindly.)

I will agree with you about Cowher. I'm not quite sure why some folks have said he's a fraud. Just because his teams haven't made it past conference title games? If I'm not mistaken, there was another coach who only won one conference title in his career... a guy you may have heard of named John Madden.

PostPosted: Thu Jan 26, 2006 11:33 pm
by Stephen
Heh. I am a Madden fan of course. I just hate hearing, "so and so could have beat so and so IF" If's don't matter in the NFL. Indy is a good example of that. Great team, chokes under pressure. Its part of the game. Being the best team, does not mean only winning in your home field...during the regular season. History in the NFL, really only remembers the Superbowl champ teams. Who cares about the Raiders season when they lost to Tampa Bay in the Superbowl? Nobody. Its just the cold side to football. I was really pulling for Cinn this year, because I have never seen the Bengals do good...and I wanted to see them go far. However, if there team was based only on one player, there fools. Its not a team, if the whole thing rides on one guy. Many players try to carry the team...but fail. Ask Peyton Manning about that. (This year he at least had a bit of a team behind him) Facts are, there is only one winner at the end of the year. And debate till were blue in the face, but there still the best team of that year. There are so many parts to having a great football team, one of the biggest roster depth. As I said, if your team is based on one will not win very many big games. Players get hurt, dealing with injuries is part of the game.

My point in my last post was to say, that I felt Indy was a superior team to Cinn...and Pitt leveled them as well. Fact is, Pitts best thing in this Postseason, has been slapping teams in the face from the get go...and never letting teams get there pace. They did it to Cinn, to Indy, and Denver. And if all goes well for Pitt fans...they will do the same thing to Seattle.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 2:35 pm
by mitsuki lover
The thing about any game is that you can never be certain as to what will happen.
For a team that has never made it to the Superbowl(although got to the AFC Championship game once)in the past 30 years just being IN the Superbowl has been a victory for the Seahawks.
FYI:For those outside the Northwest the only football championship in Seattle in the past was won by the University of Washington Huskies in college ball.Also this isn't the first time a Seattle pro sports team has made it to the championship title.Both the Sonics in the NBA and Storm in the WNBA have won their leagues championship.Yeah,we're not New York where you trip over Championships just walking down the street,but we've been there and done that.
This is the first time the Seahawks have had a chance to win the NFL title.
P.S.If Seattle plays the way they did in the two playoff games this will be an interesting game.

PostPosted: Fri Jan 27, 2006 7:17 pm
by pillar_anime7
In the game between the Steelers and the Seahawks, I pick the Steelers in a close game. I've missed my Super Bowl picks for the last 6 years, but I'm not worried. The Seahawks are a good team with a good MVP and a good coach, no denying that, but the Steelers will find a way to win and I hope we'll see Jerome Bettis become the game's MVP, even though it may or may not be likely, it would be nice to see.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:02 pm
by agasfas
I'm so torn....

I want the Seahawks to win because they are in the NFC, but I've always liked Bill Cower; he's has so much charisma and he's earn this oppurtunity for a ring. I always thought he was one of the best coaches around the league. Not many at the start of the playoffs picked the steelers to win 3 road trips, put I somewhat felt it was going to happen (for a few reasons).

Both Seatle and the Steelers are strong teams. Personally I think the Steelers will win, but I'm pulling for the Seahawk.

I'm hoping for a great game; I'm sure it'll be.
Go Seahawks!

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 3:25 pm
by termyt
Pent wrote:I have to disagree here. The Cincy offense this year operating at full strength is like the Colts offense last year, unstoppable.

There's no such thing as an "unstoppable" offense unless you define "operating at full strength" to mean only the games they played against a team who couldn't stop them. The only team that comes close to meeting a true definition of unstoppable are the '72 Dolphins who went undefeated. Every other team in NFL history has been stopped at one point or another. The Bengals were really good this year, but they were very stoppable. They will get better, though.

If you can't bring it every week, then you are going to loose a few.

Either the Steelers or the Seahawks can give this game away by playing poorly, but if both bring their A-games, who wins?

I don't think Cincy, Indy, or Denver threw their games away. None of them made stupid mistakes. The Steelers took those games by out-playing their opponents. The Seahawks did much the same albeit in a less flashy way since they were favored in their games. Even so, if both teams bring their A-games, I think the Steelers win pretty much like they did in their three playoff games.

PostPosted: Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:43 pm
by Doubleshadow
My beloved Broncos blew it! Gah. And neither Pats nor Colts in the Super Bowl. Well, huh. I'm thinking Seahawks this year, but I'm hoping Jerome Bettis has a pleasantly memorable game. I'm happy I can be glad if either team wins this year, that way I can enjoy the game free of anxious anticipation. We have a Super Bowl party every year in the Christian center, and it's a blast, except the males always get bored before the first quarter is even over and go into the fellowship hall to play ping pong. Why am I the hardcore game watcher?