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Books to Movies.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:02 am
by Linksquest
There are many books that have become movies. Some of them are great, some of them are terrible!

A few things to consider:

1) Are there any movies you though were better than the book?

2) Are there any movies that are sooo terrible in comparison to the book, they should have NEVER been made?

3) Are there any books that you can't understand why they haven't been made into a movie yet?

4) What were some good movies that were based on their books?

and anything else on the topic of books and their movie counterparts.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:04 am
by Kisa
I can't think of any offhand, but most of the books I have read that have turned into movies are terribly distoreted from the origional.
btw... should this thread be in entertainment?

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 6:18 pm
by soul alive
some books transfer over okay into movies, taking into consideration that some things will have to be left out for times sake and other considerations. LotR did a fairly good job of staying faithful, sure there were some things left out and switched, but overall, they kept pretty faithful. and i'm hoping that Lion, Witch and Wardrobe will be as faithful to the book as i've been hearing it's supposed to be.

but some movies are so twisted from the original book that it's almost not even the same story - take any Tarzan movie/cartoon out there, or 101 Dalmations. i know there are lots of others out there, those were just the first that came to mind. some movies made from books you just have to ignore that you ever read the book(s) and just enjoy the movie as a movie, or just not watch it at all.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 8:27 pm
by Maledicte
Hmm, it depends. There are 3 things books-based-on-movies can be--better than the book, worse than the book, or a separate entity. Most fall into the second category, I'm afraid.

In the "better-than-book" category, which houses very few, one can find L.A. Confidential. I haven't read the book, but my dad has, and he says the movie cuts out a lot--but that's because the book started to chase rabbits anyway. It's quick and terse, and is a great movie on its own. Also in this category I'd put Bram Stoker's Dracula--while the book itself is excellent, the movie expands on it so much more (in a romantic sense, and it's just wonderful to actually see it onscreen) that it IMPROVES the book. Better-than-books are few and far between, but usually when they're good, they're really good.

Worse-than-books: I may get flamed here, but I'd put the latest Count of Monte Cristo in the category. There was just too much in the book to trim into a 2 and a half hour movie, and while they did it they added a whole bunch of Hollywood cliches. the Phantom of the Opera goes in the category too, the fact that it was based off of the musical notwithstanding.

Stand-alones: Here, I'd have to include the latest Time Machine--while the movie has its faults, it did add many refreshing differences (i.e., why he was time travelling in the first place, the hologram guide, etc). It wasn't the best, but it was worth the watch, at least for me. Also, the Three Musketeers. there are two versions--the 1970's 2-part version (awesome. Go watch it) and the 1993 Disney version, which just about has nothing to do with the original book whatever, but has a lively charm all its own.

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:16 pm
by Rocketshipper
1. The only movie I can think of that I think was better than the book was the LOTR trilogy. I think the books moved too slow. It was actully difficult for me to finish, because it seemed like it went on and on. OH yeah, and the TV mini-series for the book "The Beast" was waaay better than the book. I read the book after seeing the movie and it felt really boring and anti-climactic, there was barely any action like the movie

2. Terrible book movies? The only one I can think of is Stanley Kubrik's The Shining. I don't know why so many pople like it, they changed so much from the book.

3. Books they should make into movies?? "Max the Mighty"!!! I want to see the sequal to "The Mighty" become a movie, it would be awesome (but they probably couldn't get Eldon-kun back, he'd be too old) Also, "The Library Policeman" by Stephen King, "The Taking" by Dean Koontz. It woul also be cool if they made movies out of "A Time For Andrew"and "The Great Brain" (Am I the only person who hs read those books ^^?)

4. Good book movies?? "The Mighty"!!!! Actully I havn't read the book (yet. I have it though) but that movie was so awesome that even if it's really different from the book I'm sure I'll still love it. The Jurassic Park movies; even though they changed a lot they were still awesome (well, the first one at least ^^)! The Shining TV mini series was good. "Secret Window" was good. Ella Enchanted as good, and Mary Poppins is a classic (Yes, it is based on a book ^^, isn't every disney movie?).

PostPosted: Sat Sep 17, 2005 10:21 pm
by Kaori
Linksquest wrote:4) What were some good movies that were based on their books?

Howl's Moving Castle is based on a book by Diana Wynne Jones. Both are good, but in different ways, so I suppose they could fall under SirThinks2Much's category of stand-alones.

While the LOTR trilogy was good, my preference is still for the books.

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2005 6:11 am
by Sage_Al-Kahira
I have to agree with books being better than the movies. For instance the Harry Potter movies are very accurate but they cut out half of the book (and i don't like to hear "Well they had to make it a reasonable watching time" many people these days have nothing better to do than watch a very long movie, Like The Lord of the Rings Trilogy).

The books that have been turned into movies that I have read and are most accurate to me were Probably:

1-Yes the Lord of the Rings movies (Im glad that they actually followed all the storyline)
2- Dracula (Very much in agree with Sirthinks2much)
3-Interview With the Vampire (Anne Rice book. I still love the book better than the movie though)

Im not really the movie person when it comes to movies based on books, because I know the producers try, but I can't stand to watch a beautiful work of art turned into something that i'll probably regret seeing.