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PostPosted: Tue Aug 30, 2005 9:17 pm
by Rocketshipper
Has anyone here besides me ever seen the movie "O". I just rented it this weekend. It's a modern day version of the Shakespeare (sp?) play "Othello" and I thought it was really good. It stayed pretty close to the original play, closer than some other movies I've seen, and had excellent performances from all the actors. My favorite character was Roger, played by Elden Henson, based on the Rodrigo character from the play. Even though he helped out the main villian, Iago/Hugo, I still felt sorry for him and could understand his motivations, since I've expiernced similar situations in my life. The only thing that bugged me about the movie was all the swearing. I wonder why so many modern movies have to have ten million swear words >_<. Anyway, it was a good movie ^_^.

P.S. today (August 30th) is Elden Henson's birthday ^^. He's 28. It's weird that I ended up renting two movies with him in them on this past weekend.